Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Note: This is a Skilene fanfiction. This is also the first fanfiction I've done completely in first person, so I hope it turns out alright. :D


I opened my eyes at the sound of the morning alarm resounding at precisely 0600. Already, I was wide awake. My webbed feet found the concrete floor of HQ and I made my way to the coffee pot; I can't start my day without it. After I filled my mug and added a fish, I realized that my team hadn't woken up yet.

"Rise and shine, boys!" I ordered flipping the light switch. Kowalski, Rico, and Private groaned and turned away or covered their face with a pillow in response. I rolled my eyes. "I told you boys that if you didn't turn off the television and hit the sack, you'd be too tired to wake up this morning. But did you listen to me?"

"Sorry, Skipper," Private replied sitting up and rubbing his eyes, "we thought seven hours would be enough."

Kowalski finally worked up the strength to pull himself into a sitting position. He must have forgotten that he was on the top bunk, because when he swung his legs over, he fell straight to the floor with a thud. "Ouch..." He said as he pushed himself to his feet.

I waited for Rico to force himself up as well, but he simply pulled himself into a tight ball with a moan and continued to sleep.

"C'mon soldier. Front and center." I ordered.

"No!" Rico disobeyed.

"Rico, front and center, or no weapons testing for a month," I threatened. It certainly did the trick; he sat up so fast his head hit the bottom of the bunk above him.

"What?!" He protested rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry, Rico. But I warned you this would happen. Maybe next time, you'll listen to me," I told him before taking another sip of coffee.

With another groan, Rico dropped to the floor from the second bunk and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"That's better. And I know just what will wake you three right up. I want thirty laps around the pond, stat!" I could tell that they were about to protest, but they were able to hold themselves back from their immediate reaction and saluted my command.

"Sir, yes, sir," they said simultaneously, though I could sense a touch of irritation being choked back down. I dismissed it. If they want to waste their energy on being mad at me, so be it. As I told them, I had warned them about being tired, and now they have to face the consequences whether their happy with them or not. They'll just have to get over it.

I don't like having my team upset with me. Their more than a team; their my brothers, my family. But, unfortunately, leading this unit has its downsides. I've got to keep order, and I have to be sure that whatever needs to be done, gets done. If that means finding ways to discipline them for their actions, then it's just something they—and myself—just have to live with.

I watched them as they swam by me for the fourth time. I could tell that they're already woken up some; their eyes were wide and alert and I was pretty sure they were moving faster. I glanced up at the horizon where the sun was a growing semi-circle, with orange, red, yellow, and blue accompanying its ascent. It's about 0645 now. I gulped down the last of my coffee and set my mug next to the hatch.

It took about another hour for my team to reach thirty laps, which meant that it's almost opening time. Luckily, it's Saturday, so closing time is at 1200 sharp. My team emerged from the water, dripping, panting, and exhausted. The sun was now fully visible in the sky and warmed up the new day.

"Alright, now that that's over with, the zoo is opening in about ten minutes. How do you three feel?" I asked.

"A little sore, but otherwise, right as rain, sir," Kowalski answered twisting back and forth to crack his back.

"Awake and ready for duty, sir," Private responded with a salute.

"Fish!" Rico exclaimed. By educated guess, I'd say he was hungry.

I nodded. "Very well. And I'm sure Alice will be bringing us some breakfast soon," I said on behalf of Rico's empty stomach.

"Fish!" Rico replied happily to my assurance.

Sure enough, about 6.4 minutes after the discussion, Alice tossed some fish into our habitat. Alice, Central Park's head zookeeper. The dame is thorough for the most part, but doesn't care much about anything. If I had a nickle—no, a penny—for every time I've heard her say 'whatever' to a situation that obviously needed looking into, I'd probably be a millionaire. With a neck of a Roman wrestler and cankles to match, her only true known weaknesses are Private's hypercute and free vacations. The team and I have had some close calls with getting caught by Alice, but we've always pulled through and found ways to keep her completely oblivious to our covert operation.

The next thing we knew, it was opening time. We watched as visitors began flooding in and filled the empty spaces between the habitats. Kowalski and Rico were doing a swimming routine for them, Private did a little dance for them, and I simply smiled and waved—doing a few belly slides here and there.

I glanced through the crowd of humans into the habitat across from ours—the otter habitat. Marlene was doing her own swimming routine. Though she was quite a distance away, I could see the sun glinting off of her soft, chestnut-colored fur.

Marlene is a level-headed female Asian otter, and she can be extremely resourceful for my team and I. She's helped us on more missions than I can remember. As this unit's C.O., I have to constantly make split second decisions on who to trust, where to go, what our next plan will be. And, since I've met and gotten to know Marlene, she's usually the one I decide to go to for help whenever it is needed. If there's anyone else that I'd entrust my life with besides my team, it's her.


My head jerks around at my name until my eyes find Private. I hadn't realized that I was staring.

"Sorry, young Private. Did you say something?" I asked, feeling a little awkward. I hope he didn't notice what—or rather, who—my attention had previously been focused on.

"No, I just noticed that you seemed to be deep in thought. Is everything alright, then?" He asked me. I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Negative, Private. I was just thinking is all," I assured him slapping on a smile.

"Are you sure? You looked a little dazed. You know if there's anything wrong, you can always tell me," Private told me. He's always had a good heart and never any bad intentions. Sometimes his tender heart makes me sick to my stomach, but he just wouldn't be Private without it.

I nodded. "I'm just fine, Private. No need to worry about me. Now go entertain our guests before they get cute deprived," I joked. Private smiled and did as told.

To keep my head from returning to the clouds, I continued my antics on the side of our habitat opposite Marlene's position. Across the isle now, is the chimp habitat.

Phil and Mason. The second most resourceful mammals I know. They haven't helped on nearly as many missions as Marlene has, but they are always an option when it comes to needing help in areas that require reading—a skill my team and I lack—or for internet searches.

My attention shifted when I heard music thumping to my right. That royal pain just turned up the volume on his—as he calls it—boomy box. That ringtailed lemur really gets on my nerves. Of course, the Central Park Zoo had to be designed so the so-called 'King' Julien and his 'royal' subjects would be my neighbors. Not that it mattered, you could probably hear his music—no, noise—across the zoo and farther. I corkscrew-dive into the water with hopes of muffling out the hullabaloo.

Luckily, it does help some. It's not that I hated the guy, but I absolutely cannot stand him. Sometimes I think that the late night parties and midnight refrigerator raids were only for the soul purpose of annoying me to my wits end. He's actually lead me to literally screaming at the top of my lungs before I did something I regret. But though he gets on my nerves and seems to only care about himself, I still have to admit to myself that there is a small part of him that has concern for others—a small part.

I executed a few underwater techniques for the pleasure of the humans. They're so easily amused. So far, I haven't known a single human that you can truly trust. I still believe that the government is trying to control the weak-minded through pop music ringtones. I may be paranoid, but at least that's what keeps me sharp.

I resurfaced just as Kowalski, Rico, and Private were getting ready to do a four-penguin antic.

"Come on, Skipper! We're about to try that new technique we made up yesterday!" Private called. I smiled and swam in his direction.

As we practiced it, I positioned my foot in Kowalski's cupped flippers under the water as Rico did the same with Private across from us a few feet away.

"Ready, and...execute!" On my command, Kowalski and Private tossed us into the air and we somersaulted past each other and high fived just before we dove into the water between Kowalski and Private. We then swam right under them and lifted them out of the water. The humans cheered with delight. Like I said: Easily amused.

In reverse, we repeated the action. Kowalski and Private then took to the sky, but instead of lifting us out of the water, we each followed a series of dives. Basically, each of us dove in and out of the water simultaneously and weaved between each other and high fived each time we passed each other.

Next came the big finish. Each of us hopped onto our island one by one—first Kowalski, then Private, then me, and finally Rico—and we belly slid to the center and took a bow. Once again, the humans erupted in applaud and cheered us on. As reward for being cute and cuddly, the humans tossed us fish after fish. Rico took the opportunity to catch some in his beak.

I've always found that kind of arbitrary—they only toss us fish if we put on a little act? What are we, dogs?

I never really understood the concept of "zoos". I find it a little inhumane to cage up innocent animals for the soul purpose of human entertainment. I mean, the humans have heard of Animal Planet, right? Or even wildlife preserve tours for those who want to see animals in person?

On the bright side, the selfishness of the humans at least provided us with an HQ, close friends, and easy access to internet and other tools in storage whenever we needed them.

In the long run, I guess it's safe to say that not all humans are bad. But I still wouldn't trust them with my life, or the ones that I care about.


Closing time. The bing...bong's of the clock tower echoed through Central Park and its zoo. The visitors began filing out of the zoo with the assistance of Alice showing them toward the exit—well, more like rushing them to the exit. The boys and I waved goodbye to our guests and soon after the zoo was empty.

"Good work today, boys. That was good mackerel," I said.

♪"Fish!"♪ Rico exclaimed satisfactorily in his surprisingly concrete opera singing voice. Who knew that someone who can barely speak would have a singing voice like that?

Interrupting our after-closing discussion, Alice's assistant's voice came through her radio as she passed our habitat.

"Hey, yo, Alice! That doctor says he needs to see the chimps for a checkup."

Alice—stopping with a hand on her hip—answered him back. "Checkup? They're not due for a checkup for another two months, though. Is something wrong with them?"

"Eh, he said he was gonna do a whole zoo checkup over the course of this week," her assistant replied.

" if I didn't have enough to do today," Alice muttered to herself. She pressed the button on her walkie talkie to reply. "Alright, I'm on it."

I eyed Alice skeptically as she continued past our habitat headed toward the simians. "Kowalski, analysis."

"I don't know what to make of it, Skipper. Perhaps the doctor just wants to be thorough to make sure none of the zoo's inhabitants has contracted any contagions," my lieutenant suggested.

I pondered the idea. That could very well be what he was doing, but my gut was telling me otherwise. I watched as Mason and Phil were put into a cage and Alice carried them off. "I dunno, Kowalski. I just have this feeling..."

"Skipper, what reason could the veterinarian possibly have to bring any harm to any of us?" Private asked.

"That's the problem, Private. I don't know. I just have this sneaking suspicion that we should keep an eye on this," I answered.

"Would it make you feel better if we supervised the checkup?" Kowalski asked me.

"Actually, yes. It would. Commence Operation: Checkup Checkout!" I ordered. On command, my team and I leapt into action and made our way to the veterinarian's office.

I remember that deranged needle-sticking demand. I went through hell trying to avoid getting a shot in my tail end. Eventually, I had to give in to ensure that he wouldn't stick one of my team again thinking they were me, which would have put their life at risk. I've tried to get over this stupid needle fear...but I just can't seem to shake it for some reason. I just don't understand why I can run blindly into danger without a single fear, yet I break down at the sight of thin pointy objects. One day I will conquer this fear...One day!

We made it just as Alice and Dr. Deranged walked into the examination room and set the cage on the counter. My team and I hid behind a nearby trashcan as we eavesdropped.

"Thank you, Alice. I appreciate you helping me with this," the doctor told her.

"Whatever...But I still don't understand why you want to do a checkup on all of the animals," Alice replied.

"I just want to be sure nothing needs any immediate attention. Also, a new vaccination needs to be distributed to each animal. New York's Health Department is requiring it," he explained. I couldn't help but feel that there was his tone. It seemed a lot calmer than I remembered it...kind of...robotic, even. Then again, I haven't seen the guy in months. It could just be me. But I just don't know...

Alice sighed. "Alright...just let me know when you're done and when to bring the next one. But I'm getting off at four 'o' clock today, so you're gonna have to find someone else to help you after that."

"That is just fine, Alice. I'm getting off shortly after you. I wouldn't want to keep you, anyway," the doctor assured her.

Alice showed no interest or content. "Yeah, whatever." Another penny for yours truly. She glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's my lunch break. Don't bug me for half an hour." With that, she was gone.

Our attention focused on the doctor and the chimps, who acted completely normal. They didn't seem confused, or worried, or anything. I suppose they bought the doc's story. Well, I still think something's going on here that we don't know about...yet.

"Don't worry, little fellas. This won't hurt at all," he told the chimps. Liar! That's exactly what he told me before he stuck my rear with a ten gauge hypodermic needle!

As if on cue, the doctor pulled a needle out of a case and sterilized it before he started opening the cage. I started to move forward to go knock his lights out, but my team held me back.

"Skipper, don't! He's gonna get a shot in them whether it's now or later!" Kowalski whispered in my ear-hole. Realizing he was right, I stood down.

I watched him clean the injection site of Mason, but had to look away as he brought the needle closer to his flesh. Gah! I'm such a nancycat! I can't even bring myself to watch someone being injected!? I want to slap myself so badly right now.

Unfortunately, I felt a bit of my dignity jump into the garbage can sitting next to me when Private tapped my shoulder and whispered, "He's done with both of them, now."

I looked to the sympathetic Private and shifted my weight to my other leg uncomfortably as I nodded awkwardly and averted my attention back to the doctor and the chimps.

"There you go, little fellas," the doctor said. "I'll be right back." The doctor then rounded the counter and left the room.

My team and I rushed to the counter and climbed atop it. "Kowalski, analysis!" I commanded pointing at the silver case laying on the counter.

My lieutenant did as authorized and approached the case. Upon opening it, the top and bottom sections had a row of 10 needles each, though the first and second slots were empty in the bottom section. A shiver goes up my spine at the sight of so many needles; I hope nobody noticed.

I turned to the chimps. "Do you two feel okay?"

Phil nodded as Mason said, "I feel fine. The shot was a bit uncomfortable, but I'm otherwise unharmed. Why? How long have you four been here?"

"Classified," I replied turning back to Kowalski. "What do you make of it, Kowalski?"

Kowalski picked up a document that was sitting next to the case. "I think this might help with some explaining."

I once again turned to the chimps. "Can you read that for us?"

"Of course," Mason replied. Kowalski handed the note over and Mason translated what Phil signed:

"To Whom It May Concern:

"The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) would like to inform the Central Park Zoo that it is time for animal checkup and vaccinations. The provided vaccination wards off the following diseases: small pox, rabies, and polio. It is required for all of your inhabitants to receive this vaccination. Failure to do so may endanger and expose your inhabitants and will result in loss of occupation for failure to comply with these instructions.
Signed, Larry S. Urms."

I turned to Kowalski as Mason handed back the letter. "Is it legit, Kowalski?"

Kowalski looked over the letter, examined the signature, then turned his attention to me. "Seems so. I really don't think there's anything you have to worry about, here."

I thought it over for a moment. There was an epidemic a few years ago while my team and I were stranded in Madagascar. Luckily, it didn't make it to any of the zoo's inhabitants, but a vaccination was given to ensure the good health of the animals. I sighed. "Alright. I guess I'm wrong on this one. Let's get back to HQ before someone misses us," I said finally.

And so, we left the Zoo Hospital and returned to HQ. Maybe it was my bad case of paranoia getting to me again, or maybe it was something more. Either way, I still knew that something was about to happen. One can only imagine what it might be.
posted by Penguinator
This is my Holloween fanfic for this year called "Vampire Epidemic".
Vampire Epidemic
Chapter 1

It was a crystal clear and cold late October night and Pat was up late, doing some stargazing. ‘Man, it is cold! I’m glad that I grabbed my sweater.’ Pat thought. Someone was spying on him. “Pat, you’re going to become a vampire if my name isn’t Clemson! You foiled my last plan to take out Julien and become king of the Central Park Zoo! So, I will turn you into a vampire so you can start my vampire army!” Clemson said with an evil grin on his face. “Wow, what a beautiful night!”...
continue reading...
Hey, guys! So this is one of the short chapters I was talking about. I spaced it out to give it more "length". Part of the reason it is short is to create more suspense.

Pictures laid scattered throughout the droor. There was one of Kowalski and one of Rico. Obviously, that meant there was probably one of Private too. With one shaky flipper he scanned the picture of Kowalski. Underneath it was one of Rico. A ring was drawn around Kowalski in red marker. Through that circle was a giant x.

In the left-flipper corner, was a date. Private pondered the date. What could that mean? Ths was extremely...
continue reading...
posted by Skiparah
As I said before, me and those two knuckleheads surprisingly enough became a well-oiled, working machine and even as much as a unit. To them I was their leader and friend. To me, they were closer than family. Manfriedi was the cute one. He had this sort of tantalizing charisma..or a sleazy humor. I don't know what you'd call it. Then there was Johnson. He was heavily built with a towering structure and a deep-voiced laugh. The two weren't the brightest lights on the end of the string, but they were valuable all the same. Then came that dreadful night. We were travelling through New York after...
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posted by peacebaby7
1837 hours

    Skipper clamped his eyes shut, waiting for death. But death did not come. He slowly opened his eyes to see Elizabeth towering over him. The blade of the dagger was just an inch from his throat. He could see the hesitation in her eyes and the whites of her knuckles as she clenched the dagger tightly. He slowly brought his hand closer to hers, and saw her eyes dart to it. He halted. He once again looked into her eyes. They were welling up with tears; a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead. He saw her grip slightly loosen on the dagger.

continue reading...
The next scroll is revealed

Later that night, Private sneaked out. He went back to Alice's office for the mystery. "It's time to check the floors."he said. His first guess was the floor where the stool's first wheel is. He pushed the stool away, lifted the floor and found a secret basement. "Whoa!"he exclaimed. Just then, Phoebe came in. "Whatcha' doin' dude?"she asked. "Oh! I've just seen a secret basement from my ascendant Henry."he said. "Wow! Let me join you."Phoebe exclaimed. Soon, Private and Phoebe came in and walked dowwn the 100 steps of the spiral staircase. After that, they saw a...
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posted by peacebaby7
NYC, New York
May 17, 2012 1610 hours

    Throughout the past eight years, Hans hadn’t found Elizabeth. Or her son. Elizabeth never remarried, nor had she heard anything of Hans’s whereabouts. She kept her eye on arrested criminals in Denmark, but nothing ever showed up. She just assumed Hans had left Denmark too. She had no worries though. Chances were one in a million that Hans went into hiding in New York City. Or so she thought.

    Now she and her son, Ryan, were walking back to their apartment. Elizabeth had just gotten Ryan from what was his last...
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Skipper kept a close eye on them. after about seven laps, he had begun to cool off. After he had some time to think about it, he started to feel like he was a little harsh on his men. He decided that once they passed him, he'd stop them to apologize. He never would have guessed he wouldn't get the chance.


She woke slowly, she realized she was somewhere inside, she couldn't feel the cold winter crisp on her cheeks. It was warmer here. At least she was warm until ice cold water landed in her face. She shook her head ans spat out water, then realized...
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posted by SuperRico
Can I have some cake?
Can I have some cake?
A look into their world

Skipper: *looks up from his bunk and sees the other penguins up* Wha? *falls out of his bunk where he is greeted by Julien* Ringtail!

Julien: Oh, hi Skipper. I just came by here to borrow some cake.

Skipper: Get out of our habitat!

Julien: After I get the cake?

Skipper: *pushes Julien out*

Julien: Can I still get the cake?

Skipper: *closes door in Julien's face*

Julien: Alright, fine.

Skipper: What are you all doing up?

Private: You slept really late. It's already eleven thirty.

Skipper: Eleven what?!

Private: Eleven thirty.

Skipper: Where's Kowalski? 

Private: Inventing something....
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User: Uh... Hello.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Why do you need to know, robot?

Cleverbot: Because I'm curious.

User: I don't trust any man-made hunk of metal.

Cleverbot: When did you trust me before?

User: What's your game robot?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Don't know? A little suspicious. Don't you think?

Cleverbot: No, I am a green bunny named Pablo!!!!!!!!!!!

User: Cheese and crackers man! Get a grip on yourself!

Cleverbot: I hear that a lot about myself to.

User: *fish slaps your metal face*.

Cleverbot: Sorry?

User: You didn't see anything.

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: *face-flipper*.

Cleverbot: Hardly :).

User: Would you like me to get Rico?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ugh you're worse than Ringtail.

Cleverbot: I have no tail... 

User: *bangs head on wall* 

Cleverbot: Would you like a marshmallow? 
posted by peacebaby7
Alex & Maurice...

Alex & Maurice had been walking for about an hour now. So far there was no trace of Mort. They called his name several times without an answer. "Oh man. Where is he? This is bad....he's probably out there all alone. Cold. Scared. This is all my fault..." Maurice said worriedly. Alex put his paw on his shoulder & turned him around to face him. "Look Maurice. I'm sure Mort's fine. And it's not your fault. You couldn't of known." Maurice considered for a moment. "I suppose you're right..." Alex put on a sad smile. "Yeah. C'mon. He's gotta be around here somewhere."...
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posted by peacebaby7

*penguins pass a secluded pond*

Rico: "FISH!"

Skipper: "Exactamundo! Rico!"

*Rico & Kowalski dive in*

Skipper: "Don't worry Private, I'll bring up a second round for you."

Private: "Thanks."

Skipper: *salutes & dives in*

Private: Not much further now...just a little more...

Kowalski: *jumps out of water*

Rico: *jumps out after*

Skipper: *jumps out with fish in hand* "Here you go, young Private."

Private: "Oh, thanks." *begins eating*

Skipper: *goes & sits at the waters edge*

Private: *whispering* "Kowalski, what's his deal?"

Kowalski: "Oh. He does that sometimes. He goes to think about...
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posted by peacebaby7

Skipper: *waddling along a long way behind the rest of the migrating penguins (however they can be seen on the horizon)*

Why did this have to happen? It's all my fault. If I hadn't passed out there may have been some hope for them. Why'd they have to go & save my life. It should've been me. Why, oh, why wasn't it me...

*frustrated & angry he sits down in the snow...just thinking...& starts weeping again*

(????): "What's the matter, cupcake?"

Skipper: *looks up at the penguin standing over him* "Who are you?"

(????): "My name is Buck Rockgut. What seems to be the problem?"

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posted by BrightLight92
Dear Doris,
You know I like you already. And I know you said you didn't like me all that much. We both know this already. So this letter is so you know how I felt in the aftermath.
When you gave me your answer, I felt relieved that I got it over and done with. But slowly, the realization started to sink in and I grew sad and mad and confused. I realized that I spent a good 5 years completely head over heels for you and now, nothing. I don't have you in the way I hoped. I've been having weird surges of sadness and anger ever since because I just can't contain myself anymore.
I tried getting over...
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posted by burdockburr
By the way, my character in the story is female. It doesn't say that previously...

I silently slapped myself against the shadow of the brick wall as Kowalski and Blowhole passed. I knew Kowalski had been forced to join Blowhole, no matter what he said. It wouldn’t make sense for Kowalski to join forces with the evil dolphin for no reason.
Before anyone could notice me, I slid on my belly toward the HQ. The sounds of Skipper, Private, and Rico fighting the lobsters started to fade as I made it into the penguin habitat and flew through the opening under the fish bowl. I knew the other three...
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posted by legendary7
Rico was through with letting Private breathe a single breath and wanted to end it. His flipper grasped Private's trachea and backed him up against the wall. The pressure of the pushing flippers on Private's neck allowed him to breathe a small bit and whisper.
P: "Rico, please don't do this! I change my mind. When Skipper rescues us, if you killed me, what would he think?"
R: "What?"
From out of nowhere Kowalski kicked Rico in the head knocking him out. Kowalski rushed to Private terrifiedly staring at Rico on the ground unconscience.
K: "Don't you ever do that again! Why!? Why would you do that,...
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this is part 4 of how i met Skipper and his team. the next day.

little me: (wakes up) (yawns) (crawls to the teddy bear then hugs it) (giggles) (crawls to the milk bottle) (drinks from the milk bottle) (burps) (giggles)

Skipper: (wakes up) well i see someone must be up already (picks me up)

little me: (being carried by Skipper) (giggles) (starts shivering)

Skipper: (holding me) my my my, you must be cold (wraps the blanket around me) there this blanket should keep you warm.

little me: (still being carried by Skipper) (feels warmth from the blanket same thing with Skipper) (sighs happily)

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*This beginning is basically the same as the previous beginning, so I'm not going to bother with typing it again. And also this is more of a short story that branches from the original story, so you don't actually have to read it.*
S: Up so early again Melody?
Me: Yup.
S: And may I ask why?
Me: I'm used to waking up early.
S: Then what did you do while we were asleep?
Me: I went fishing.
S: But you don't have a fishing rod!
Me: Fishing rods are for humans. Penguins fish by swimming and catching the fish in their mouths and swallowing them on the spot. Or have you been stuck in a zoo for too long and...
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Chapter 10: a plan is hatched
‘Oh, god, what have I done?’ Pat thought to himself. ‘I have to wake everyone up.’ Five minutes later, Pat and Sly had woken up all the captives. “I hope you can forgive me. I have some very bad news. Blowhole and The Striga are planning to slaughter everyone at the central park zoo. This includes your son, Erik, Mumble.” “What?! Nooooooooooooo!” Then Mumble screamed in extreme madness. “Why should we believe anything that you say?” Bentley asked, angrily. “We are the only chance for the Central Park Zoo. We are the only ones who can save...
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posted by legendary7
He remembered his dad's words along with Private's "I will send a sign to trigger a plan in your mind," and "I thought you were dead". Images appeared in his mind. How unsuspecting the dog was when he attacked after his plan before. The whole ignorant staff of this place was the dog. All he had to do to defeat them was putting together a fake death. By that they'd throw his "corpse" in the trash. From the dump truck he'd jump out and make his way to the zoo. There he would rally up all the animals to save his boys and the other penguins. From there they would all escape even the girl. All the...
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posted by legendary7
NOTE: This is pretty short, but I wanted to have a cliffhanger before the probably last chapter.

They headed forward and circled the building. A window got the penguins' attention. Marlene stood watching them through it. Private waved joyously. "Hi, Marlene!" He called. Rico hacked up a grabbling gun and shot it at the window. Under the pressure of the hook the window shattered. They all grabbed on and were hoisted up. They landed on their feet in "ready-postion". Before anything else happened, Marlene grasped Skipper's flipper uncomfortably tight.

"Marlene, don't worry we're going to resc-"...
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