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posted by juicyjossy9
Hide in your shell, because the world is out to bleed you for a ride
What will you gain making your life a little longer?
Heaven or hell, was the journey cold that gave your eyes of steel?
Shelter behind, painting your mind and playing joker

Too frightening to listen to a stranger, too beautiful to put your pride in danger
You’re waiting for someone to understand you

But you’ve got demons in your closet and you’re screaming out to stop it
Saying life’s begun to cheat you, friends are out to beat you, grab on to what you scramble for

Don’t let the tears linger on inside now, cause it’s sure time you gained control
If I can help you, if I can help you, If I can help you, just let me know

Well, let me show you the nearest signpost, to get your heart back on the road
If I can help you, if I can help you, if I can help you, just let me know

All through the night as you lie awake and hold yourself so tight
What do you need, a second-hand-movie-star to tend you?

I, as a boy, I believed the saying the cure for pain was love
How would it be if you could see the world through my eyes?

Too frightening - the fires are getting colder,
Too beautiful - to think you’re getting older

You’re looking for someone to give an answer
But what you see is just illusion, you’re surrounded by confusion
Saying life has begun to cheat you, friends are out to beat you

Grab on to what you can scramble for, don’t let the tears linger on inside now
Cause it’s sure time you gained control!

If I can help you, if I can help you, if I can help you, just let me know
Well, let me show you the nearest signpost, to get your heart back on the road
If I can help you, if I can help you, if I can help you, just let me know

Cause you know I wanna know you! I wanna know you! Well let me know you!
Please let me know you, please let me know you
I wanna feel you, I wanna touch you, please let me near you
Can you hear what I’m saying?
Well I’m hoping, I’m dreaming, I’m praying,
I know what you’re thinking, see what you’re seeing, never ever let yourself go

Hold yourself down, hold yourself down, why do you hold yourself down ?
Why don’t you listen, you can trust me,
There’s a place I know the way to a place
There is need to feel you, feel that you’re alone
Can you hear me, I know exactly what you’re feeling
Cause all your troubles are within you
So begin to see that I’m just bleeding too

Love me, love you, loving is the way to help me, help you
Why must we be so cool, oh so cool?
Oh, we’re such damn fools...

(Supertramp / Crime of the Century)
The Grave said to the Rose,
"What of the dews of dawn,
Love's flower, what end is theirs ?"
"And what of spirits flown,
The souls whereon doth close
The tomb's mouth unawares ?"
The Rose said to the Grave.

The Rose said, "In the shade
From the dawn's tears is made
A perfume faint and strange,
Amber and honey sweet."
"And all the spirits fleet
Do suffer a sky-change,
More strangely than the dew,
To God's own angels new,"
The Grave said to the Rose.



La tombe dit à la rose :
"Des pleurs dont l'aube t'arrose
Que fais-tu, fleur des amours ?"
La rose dit à la tombe :
"Que fais-tu de ce qui tombe
Dans ton gouffre ouvert toujours ?"

La rose dit : "Tombeau sombre,
De ces pleurs je fais dans l'ombre
Un parfum d'ambre et de miel."
La tombe dit : " Fleur plaintive,
De chaque âme qui m'arrive
Je fais un ange du ciel !"
posted by Lovetreehill
Be quiet and more discreet, O my Grief.
You cried out for the Evening; even now it falls:
A gloomy atmosphere envelops the city,
Bringing peace to some, anxiety to others.

While the vulgar herd of mortals, under the scourge
Of Pleasure, that merciless torturer,
Goes to gather remorse in the servile festival,
My Grief, give me your hand; come this way

Far from them. See the dead years in old-fashioned gowns
Lean over the balconies of heaven;
Smiling Regret rise from the depths of the waters;

The dying Sun fall asleep beneath an arch, and
Listen, darling, to the soft footfalls of the Night
That traits off...
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By Nicole Levy

The lyrical stylings of nationally acclaimed poet Kevin Brian Wright of Glendale have romanced even British Queen Elizabeth II herself. The poem Wright composed for the queen in 2008, entitled “O’ Blessed Nightingale,” is today displayed as a personal keepsake of her majesty in Balmoral Castle. Reading the lyric, I imagined that Elizabeth had cast her regal person as that blessed nightingale for whom “the thunder…trembles, / When she beat her majestic wings in flight / Composing that choral symphony that softly serenades / The tranquil night, with that melodious...
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added by Lovetreehill
added by Lovetreehill
added by Lovetreehill
posted by Lovetreehill
Votive Offering in the Spanish Style

I want to build for you, Madonna, my mistress,
An underground altar in the depths of my grief
And carve out in the darkest corner of my heart,
Far from worldly desires and mocking looks,
A niche, all enameled with azure and with gold,
Where you shall stand, amazed Statue,
With my polished Verses as a trellis of pure metal
Studded cunningly with rhymes of crystal,
I shall make for your head an immense Crown,
And from my Jealousy, O mortal Madonna,
I shall know how to cut a cloak in a fashion,
Barbaric, heavy, and stiff, lined with suspicion,
Which, like a sentry-box,...
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added by Lovetreehill
posted by Lovetreehill
They say to me, your eyes, clear as crystal:
"For you, bizarre lover, what is my merit then ?"
— Be charming and be still! My heart, which all things irk,
Except the candor of the animals of old,

Does not wish to reveal its black secret to you,
Whose lulling hands invite me to long sleep,
Nor its somber legend written with flame.
I hate passion; intelligence makes me suffer !

Let us love each other sweetly. Tenebrous Love,
Ambushed in his shelter, stretches his fatal bow.
I know all the weapons of his old arsenal :

Crime, horror, and madness! — pale marguerite !
Are you not, like me, an autumnal sun,...
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added by moodystuff449
Source: i wrote it.....
added by moodystuff449
Source: I wrote this....Hope you like it!
added by stickymonkey
Source: photobucket
posted by Lovetreehill
One time, once only, sweet, amiable woman,
On my arm your smooth arm
Rested (on the tenebrous background of my soul
That memory is not faded);

It was late; like a newly struck medal
The full moon spread its rays,
And the solemnity of the night streamed
Like a river over sleeping Paris.

And along the houses, under the porte-cocheres,
Cats passed by furtively,
With ears pricked up, or else, like beloved shades,
Slowly escorted us.

Suddenly, in the midst of that frank intimacy
Born in the pale moonlight,
From you, sonorous, rich instrument which vibrates
Only with radiant gaiety,

From you, clear and joyful as...
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posted by Lovetreehill

Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll ! a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river,
And, Guy de Vere, hast thou no tear ? Weep now or nevermore!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore !
Come ! let the burial rite be read- the funeral song be sung !
An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young
A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young.

"Wretches ! ye loved her for her wealth and hated her for her pride,
And when she fell in feeble health, ye blessed her- that she died!
How shall the ritual, then, be read ? The...
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added by stickymonkey
Source: photobucket
posted by Lovetreehill
I would, to compose my eclogues chastely,
Lie down close to the sky like an astrologer,
And, near the church towers, listen while I dream
To their solemn anthems borne to me by the wind.
My chin cupped in both hands, high up in my garret
I shall see the workshops where they chatter and sing,
The chimneys, the belfries, those masts of the city,
And the skies that make one dream of eternity.

It is sweet, through the mist, to see the stars
Appear in the heavens, the lamps in the windows,
The streams of smoke rise in the firmament
And the moon spread out her pale enchantment.
I shall see the springtimes, the...
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added by Lovetreehill
added by breebree446
added by kevinbwright
added by Lovetreehill
Source: artslink.files.wordpress.com