Powerpuff Girls Club
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well we all know the posion puffs, the power punks,and all the other puff versions.But nobody has ever met the Brainy Puffs!

About a year ago .....the Proffesor realized the power puffs were growing up and he was soon going to lose them.Not willing to have an empty house and be by himself all over again,he began preping his supplies of sugar,spice,and everything nice.It took fifteen trys to get it right but finally, he suceeded!

The first few days were great with his three new girls.He had not seemed to be able to name them yet,but he loved them all the same.But,around the second week,He realized he could'nt take care of three five year-olds again.He was to old, and needed to retire.So...after much thought,he decided to get rid of them.First,he went to Mojo jojo.He may have been a evil genius simian,but he was still a genius. "I can barely handle my four sixteen year old boys already!I cannot except three ruffiant girls to add to my evil headaches!" Mojo said rubbing his large cranium.

"So Mojo's out of the question"the Proffesor said. "It's ok Proffesor! you'll find us new homes! there is no logical data against it!" one of the puffs said. "I guess you're right"the Proffesor said glumly.Next he tried to get Mandark to take them,due to the fact that he took the posion puffs."WHAT! ARE YOU CRAZY!?I CAN BARELY TAKE CARE OF THESE THREE ANNOYANCES THAT YOU DROPPED ON ME!"Mandark yelled, slaming the door in the Proffesor and the puffs faces. "WHAT A JERK! I'M GLAD HE DID'NT TAKE US!" on of the other puffs said.The Proffesor began to lose hope.He tried Dexi, and she was about to take them until the one who yelled started to fight with her,thus causing yet another door slamming in their faces.He was so desperate that he even asked people who were'nt geniuses if they would take the girls,but still no takers.

Finally,after giving up all hope of trying to find new homes for the girls,he took them home. "PROFFESOR!" the powerpuff girls yelled running to hug their dad. "We invited Dexter over for dinner.Is that ok?"Blossom asked blushing shyly. "Why sure Blossom!that would be lovely!"the Proffesor said happily hugging the three girls."So....How did it go with finding new homes for our little sisters?"Bubbles asked after letting go. "Unfortunatley....Not to well..."the Proffesor said.the three new puffs peeked through the front door shyly. "You can come in girls"he said as the girls began to creep back.Dexter walked in hearing all the commotion."Dexter?Blossom I thought you said you only invited him.not that he was here already!"the Proffesor said looking angrily at her.

"It's not her fault Proffesor!I came uninvited.I need to speak with you"Dexter said looking at the Proffesor sternly as if it was important."Ok?I guess if it wasn't Blossom's fault,what is it you need to talk about?"The Proffesor said following dexter into the next room. "well.. First off I need you're daughters here with us,you're new daughters if you would please.This is about them!" Dexter said,sitting down on the couch."Alright then,But why?"Proffesor asked, staring at Dexter inquisitivly.Dexter paused a moment,as if he was thinking how to word what he wanted to say, keeping his eyes on the Proffesor. "Well...I don't exactly know how to say this..."Dexter said looking shrill.

"Well get on with it!"Proffesor said.

"I Should'nt even be asking it was dumb for me to come over"

"Just say it already!"

"Well...I want to.....Adopt you're three new daughters"

"WHAT!!???"The Proffesor said looking at Dexter like he was just plain crazy. "YOU SAID YOU WERE TO BUSY!"."That was when you made the posion puffs! Now I think I have time to take care of them!"Dexter said looking angered and blushing nervously at the same time,like he knew he shouldn't have said anything at all."YO!WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON IN HERE!"one of the new puffs said. " ummmm well....everything is fine I guess.."Proffesor said still looking at dexter suprised. " To tell the truth girls..I was asking you're father if I could be the one to take care of you.Is that alright?"Dexter said looking at the girls with a smile."well....Why exactly do you want the girls anyway?"Proffesor asked.Dexter figited for a second,thought about it, for a few moments,and finally after ten minutes of thinking spoke."Well in truth....I see a bit of myself in these girls."Dexter said.

"SAY WHAT!?"the puffs and the proffesor said looking shocked."well,it's nothing personal.It's just from what I can tell....all three of them are geniuses!"Dexter said looking as if he had just stated an obvious fact."Now that is simply ilogical!How that is even probable to a mind as exquisted as yours is simply idiotic!" The third puff.Dexter just looks up at the Proffesor with an "I told ya so!" look on his face.The Proffesor looked at the girls mournfully.He had really grown fond of the girls,but he knew he could'nt take care of them. "I just don't know,I mean Dexter is so far the only person to actually offer,but then again he's only sixteen."The Proffesor thought. "though, Mandark was only twelve to thirteen when he took the posion puffs....Hmmmmmm"

"Please Proffesor......I promise i'll take good care of them."Dexter pleaded. "I still don't know" Proffesor said. "PLEASE!"the three puffs said together. "Wait...you actually want him to be you're father?!"the Proffesor said inquisitivly. "Ya,he's awesome!"the first puff said. "He's smart!" said the third puff."He's fun!...I guess"the second puff said.

"hmmmmm alright Dexter,you can take them" Proffesor said."OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU PROFFESOR!"Dexter said, running to hug the him.
"Ummmmm Dexter, please let go!"Proffessor said. "oops sorry!"Dexter said letting go of the proffesor.

Later,at Dexter's house.....

"Sooooo do you three have names yet?"Dexter asked."NO!"the three said together."OK then...I guess before you go to bed then I should name you!"Dexter said.Dexter looked over at the first puff.

The first puff had a labcoat, a purple skirt, black glasses,and red hair with light purple eyes.

"You seem like the real Brainiac to me."Dexter said."Well guilty as charged!I am a power puff Scientist!"she said looking at Dexter happily."Wait...I GOT IT!we'll name you Brainiac!He said. "YA!Ithink..."Brainiac said.Dexter looked at the second puff.

The second puff had blue hair that stuck up all weird near the top in different directions while the rest in was long and wavy.she had purple markings on both of her eyes.Her iris's were seafoam green to match her green skirt and unlike the other puffs , had purple and green striped socks(or whatever their called i don't remember)

"Sheesh you look like you just rolled outta bed!"Dexter said."Ya well I like this hairstyle so deal!"She said."My sis's call me Bedhead even though I didn't have a name!".
Dexter thought for a moment,and just like with Brainiac he had it."Well then why not let that be you're name"He said. "Hmmmmmmmm....Meh at least it's not stupid like Brainiac!"Bedhead said. "You know I have super hearing right?!"Brainiac said looking away from Bedhead angrily. "Hmmmmmm know all that's left is you"Dexter said looking at the last puff.

The last puff reminded him alot of blossom,Long wavy red hair,though unlike most puffs,her eyes were pitch black,no iris's.She had a black bow in her hair with red in the middle of it along with a Black and pink skirt.She wore a light pink vest with a white short-sleeved polo under it.She at the time was holding a book in her hands,and was wearing her reading glasses.

As Dexter came closer to get a better look at her she began to back away shyly. "hmmmm you seem to really to be into books there"Dexter said."Ummmmm well ya,I always have ummmmm been into books"She said,Looking shyly away from Dexter."You know you remind me of me when I was you're age,always afraid to say I liked something,Never really able to tell people I was into science.I was always just trying to fit in and do what everybody expected of me"Dexter said,Looking down at his new daughter."Really?you don't seem to do that now..."She said."Well after a little while I began to realize it did'nt matter what everyone esle wanted me to be it mattered what I wanted to be,and that was a scientist!"Dexter said. "Now let me ask you this,is there maybe anything you want to be named?to help show you and what you are?"

"Well....I know this sounds weird but.....I kinda wanted to be named Bookworm."She said.Brainiac and Bedhead just stared at their sister,then started to giggle and finally just burst out laughing,tears runing down their faces olding themselves and falling on the floor."STOP IT RIGHT NOW!BRAINIAC AND BEDHEAD!"Dexter yelled.He had never had to show such a decible of anger in order to get someone to stop,Not even Mandark and Dexi.Brainac and Bedhead stopped, looked up at Dexter .His jaw clenched,fists balled,Red in the face.They then realized they had upset their new father."I swear I have'nt been this angry since Dee!"Dexter stopped short. He had almost said is older sisters name, DeeDee, Who died to save Dexter from Mandark."Since who Daddy?Uhh I mean Dexter!?"Bookworm said looking at him sadly.Dexter began to tear up,the mere thought of that night literaly made him cry sometimes."Just go to bed girls....I need some time to think"Dexter said covering his eyes so to secretly hide the tears."But!"The three puffs began to complain."I SAID GO TO BED NOW!" Dexter yelled.The puffs looked up at him tears in their eyes, as if they were sorry for making him so angry."Oh,No girls it's not you're fault!" Dexter said as the girls floated up the stairs quietly sobbing to themselves.

"Ahhhhhhhh it's never easy being a parent,is it Dexter?" Dexter said to himself Looking in the slightly cracked mirror over the bathroom sink.A small figure appeared in the left corner."Dexter?"The figure said.The shadow stepped out into the light.It was Brainiac,In her Purple night gown with white fringe,her hair tied back in a bun,her eyes tinged with a look of a so far sleeples night.Dexter looked over at the clock on his night stand. "It's almost midnight...what are you still doing awake?"Dexter said yawning."I just wanted to say I was sorry for making you so mad" Brainiac said."And I really am,I have'nt been able to sleep,knowing that it might be the reason for you to take us back to the proffesor."
"Know why on earth would you think I would do that?"Dexter said looking at Brainiac. "I would never do that!".Dexter walked over to Brainiac, got down on the floor,so as to be at her level of sight. "you mean you're not gonna get rid of us like the Proffesor?"Brainiac said."What?that would be crazy!now listen,I promised I would take care of you three and that's what i'll do,just because I get a little snippy once does'nt mean that i'll just dump you off on a street corner!so quit worrying!It's gonna take a lot more than that for me to get tired of you three!"Dexter said,smiling at Brainiac.Brainiac looked up at Dexter.So far he was'nt the Proffesor but he actually made a pretty good dad,sure he had a short temper,hated kids,and techniqchaly(I KNOW I SPELLED IT WRONG!)was in love with Braniacs older sister but he still seemed like a loving caring dad. "Now come on let's get you to bed!it's late enough after my bed time as it is! but you should have been asleep hours ago!"Dexter said leading Brainiac back toward her room.

The next day Dexter tried to make up for being so mad by taking the girls to the park near the lake,which on saturdays was full of children the girls age.He knew this might help the three fit in better,or at least, find a friend.Though little did Dexter know that all last night Mandark and Mojo had been busy at work.Even though they said they could'nt take care of the puffs, they decided later to make new puffs of their own!

Mojo created three new rowdy ruffs. Behemoth, Bludgeon,and Blake.Behemoth was smart and had blond hair with a Navy Blue vest,a red and blue tie,a long sleeved whit polo,and black pants.He had Pale Blue eyes more so like bubbles,than that of a rowdy ruff boy. Bludgeon like Bedhead had really weird hair,which hid under a green baseball cap.He also wore a vest,though his was a very deep grass green,compared to that of her gray. He had a black short sleeved polo and a silver and green tie,along with grey pants.Blake,Looked like Brick sort of,red hair with a black baseball cap, the brim colored red.Like bookworm he had completely black iris's.He wore a maroon vest with a long sleeved white polo,a completly red tie,and Black pants.

Mandark,also created three new puffs,three girls.Blastonia,Bloody,and Blow away.Blastonia, looked like an evil version of Brainiac,With dark purple eyes,and purple eye patch over her left one,with picture of a skull and crossbones with a purple bow on it and red gemstones on the eyes.She also wore a labcoat,it had tears on the arms along with fresh cuts on her arms,black braclet's with purple spikes on them on both arms.A ragged puple skirt and fish nets on her legs instead of stockings and purple maryjanes instead of black.Bloody,had red markings on her face,like bedheads purple ones,though Bloody's looked like they were cut with a knife to look like that.Her hair stuck up in millions of directions,even more than Bedheads,and was all tied back in a pony tail.Her eyes were Dark Green,though you could only see one. due to the fact that the other was covered by hair.I suspect that she also had a eye patch on her eye as well.And last,Blow away,a evil lookalike of Bookworm she's to scary to even to describe!

But i'm getting WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to far into the story!so i'm gonna cut off here! the rest of it shall be placed in part two! see ya soon!
Sure hope Dexter knows what he's gettin into!
Sure hope Dexter knows what he's gettin into!
posted by ppgFireball
Butch: where the f*ck are we?
Brick: i don't know. hey! let's go rob that bank over there!
Boomer: yay!
-they rob the bank-
Rowdyright Boys: -punch them-
Boomer: ow! my head.
Butch: who hit us?
Brick: -opens his eyes- WHAT THE FUCK???!!!
Blake: hmph, haven't seen you around here. must be new to crime.
Butch: hey! who the hell are you guys?
Blake: we're the Rowdyright Boys!
Rowdyruff Boys: -ROFL-
Brick: WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?! -laughs-
Bash: stop laughing! our name is not funny!
Breaker: can we hit them already?
Boomer: you're name sucks!
Brick: we're the Rowdyruff Boys and we kick ass!
Blake: yeah, right....
continue reading...
posted by aldrine2016
Buttercup refused to hesitate as she started to beat the living crap out of her boyfriend Ace's partners. She had just found out his despicable secret plan: to destroy her sisters and take over Townsville. Now knowing that he's been caught in the act, Ace tried to deny it.

Ace: I'm innocent! The boys, they put me up to it! Honest!

However, Buttercup saw through those lies, having exposed her "crush" as a bad guy. Without thinking twice, she gave him the beating of a lifetime, and it's painful as hell! As Ace got his just desserts, his shades fell in front of Buttercup and her sisters, who were...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by bearnaked15
Source: Bear
added by australia-101
added by purplevampire
added by powerpuffluvr8
Source: me duhhhhhh
added by cookie12333
added by PowerpuffsRULE
added by tomboi
added by cynti19
Source: mobygames
added by CameronRolu
Source: Whoever is responsible for these delightful images
added by cassiefan264
added by qeti11
added by tato-blossom
posted by ppgFireball
Berserk: More power....than I can ever imagine!!!
Berserk: More power....than I can ever imagine!!!
Blossom: ow! -turns around- YOU!!!
Berserk: don't forget your counterparts.
Buttercup: hey! we got rid of you!
Momoko: you see, they decided to help us destroy you.
Brat: and this is a perfect way to get revenge on you.
Buttercup: THAT'S IT!!! NO MORE PARTY-POOPERS!!!! -flies up to them-
Brute: -punches Buttercup-
Buttercup: -falls down-
Kaoru: well someone met her match.
Bubbles: why are you teaming up with anime us? they're bad.
Berserk: oh look, the baby speaks. they're evil like us.
Blossom: they tried to takeover our world!
Berserk: and that's just what we're gonna do. you ready girls and girls Z?...
continue reading...
posted by qeti11
(The City of Townsville and Powerpuff Girls are hangin' out and eating candy, Buttercup was holding the money Professor gave, Blossom was looking around and Bubbles was on Buttercup's back eating lollypop)

Blossom: So what shell we do now, girls?

Buttercup: Let's buy some toys in that new toy store

Bubbles: Oh yeah! I saw there a stuffed piggie and I liked it so much!

Blossom: Okay, let's go

(The girls went to a toy store, Bubbles bought some stuffed animals, Blossom bought some games and math stuff, and Buttercup bought a new punching bag and boxing gloves. They went out and flew back to home)...
continue reading...
posted by BouncingBunny
flowers ^^
flowers ^^
me:yaaaaayyyyzzzz new chappieeee ^^
bc:bunny seriously chappie?
me:what is there a problem?
bubbs:bc she is younger than us
me:hey only by one yearrrrrrr -.-
blossy:uhh seriously why do u always put up our conversations?
me: cl: blosssssyyyy-chhhaaaaannnn please can we not get in a argument nowwwww
me:rrbz disclaim time ^^
rrbz: bouncingbunny dosent own the ppg characters,rrb are 16 ppg are 15 and bunny is 14
me: story time ^^
[u]Boomer P.O.V[u/]

so we finally got into the girls house it was maybe around idk 6:00 pm when we finally got into there...
continue reading...
posted by BouncingBunny
me:yay chap 3 upppppp
bc:um queston why did u update so early
me:well i left at a cliff-hanger and i am bored
me:rrb disclaim
rrb:bouncingbunny dosent own any ppg characters the rrb are 16, ppg are 15 and rrb are ROCK STARZZZZZZZ
me and girls:(sweat drops) ok on with the story
Boomers P.O.V
"oh my god boomer has an idea ITS THE END OF THEY EARTH!!!!"butch teased slapping both hands on his face for a dramatic affect
"SHA-DUP" brick screatched "whats ur idea boomer?"
"ok listen to what i say"i said cockily
"ok then" brick said"butch do what...
continue reading...