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posted by australia-101
How To Beat Carnival Games

Rope Ladder:
The trick to climbing carnival rope ladders is to completely ignore the "rungs" and only use the outside ropes to climb on.

While applying equal pressure with your right foot and left arm, move your left foot and right arm uat the same time. Then do the same thing with the opposite limbs -- shimmying yourself up the ladder.

Do not move both hands or both feet at the same time - you will lose your balance.

Ring Toss Game:
Snap your wrist as you throw the ring to achieve the most spin possible, this will stabilize the ring making it easier to land cleanly on your target.

Balloon Dart Throw:
The balloons are under-inflated, and the dart tips are dull. Forget accuracy and throw the dart as hard as you can. Most people aim for the middle, so the game operators will often hide the "good prize" tags behind balloons on the outside edges.

Shoot out the Star:
In this skill game you need to completely remove the red star using a BB gun.

Very hard to beat, even for a good marksman. The trick is to shoot around the star, rather than trying to shoot out the star itself.

Complete the circle and the center of the paper will fall away taking the red star with it.

Also note that the barrels are often bent, and their marks not accurate. Within the first few shots it's important to gauge just how far off the mark the gun shoots and adjust your aim accordingly.

Basket Toss:
Lean over to get as close to the basket as you are allowed. Toss the ball gently using some backspin. Aim for the inside upper lip of the basket.

Guess your weight, age or birth month:
Unless you very over-weight or really don't look your age, it's best to go with the birth month. Some carnies still use an old scam for guessing your birth month.

If the carny uses this trick (not all do) they will scribble down something like the image on the right. Does it say Jun, Jul, or Jan? The guesser could claim it be whichever one is closest to your birth month. That wide spread allows the carny to be within 2 months of any month, except one: October.

So if you think you are dealing with a shady operator, always say "October" is your birth month.

Coin Toss Game:
The object is to toss a coin onto a plate without the coin bouncing off. There are a few tricks to increasing the odds of winning this game:

1. Use a very high arc, with as little spin as possible when tossing the coin. You can even try tossing the coin right up into the hanging stuffed animals above.

2. Covertly cover the coin with spit before tossing it.

3. Some people recommend purposely bouncing the coin off one plate in order to make a second bounce land on a plate safely.

Stand the bottle:
You are given a fishing pole with a small ring attached to the end of the line. Your goal is make a soda bottle (laying on its side) stand using this contraption.

The trick is to PUSH the bottle up rather than pull it up.

Milk Bottle Throw:
The bottles used in this carnival game are often made with leaded glasses making them very heavy.

The secret to winning the milk bottle throw is to aim at the base of the bottom two containers rather then at the intersection of all three bottles.

Test Your Strength:
The goal is to whack the base of this game with a mallet causing a weight shoot up and ring a bell. The trick is all in accuracy and technique rather than strength. A few tips:

1. Accuracy is the key, be sure to hit the center of base.

2. Hold the mallet as far down the handle as possible while still achieving a firm grip.

3. Hold the mallet over your head, arms completely extended, arch your body backwards. Give a few slow motion test swings to judge how far you should stand away from the target to hit it dead-center. Using this method you will achieve the most momentum and still accurately hit the target.

BasketBall Free-Throw:
You have a lot going against you in this game. The ball is over-inflated, the hoop is smaller than regulation size and often an oval shape rather than circular. The backboard is plywood making it extra bouncy. So forget about throwing a normal free-throw shot.

The key is to use a high arc. Do not try to rebound the shot off the backboard -- the ball will always bounce too much. To win this game you must make a perfect swish, no backboard.
posted by iamagagamonster
~ In my opinion! alright! You can think what ever you can think about the heros on here ~

5. Batman: The majority of people love batman, I go for Superman. Batman dosn't even have super powers he only has gadjets [spelling?] and gizmos. One day he's gona be in deep danger and then he won't be able to reach his "special" button. Without the help of his sidekick, which brings me to my next hero

4. Robin: Robin is a superhero named after a migratory songbird that you can find in your backyard and feed bird seed to. Can someone tell me why they would name Batman’s sidekick after a songbird? What...
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How to Tell if a Guy likes You
How to Know that a Guy Likes You

Here are the 500 ways to tell if a guy likes You....

01. He smiles at you a lot.

02. He likes talking to you.

03. He compliments you a lot.

04. He always agrees with you.

05. He asks if you are single.

06. He asks you out for lunch.

07. He asks you out on a date.

08. He knows your zodiac sign.

09. He never burps around you.

10. He really cares about you.

11. He treats you like a lady.

12. He walks you to your door.

13. He wants to see you often.

14. He always wants to hug you.

15. He tells you he likes you.

16. His friends know...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ok, so I'm a redhead. I have freckles and light skin. So I'm considered ginger. Until a few weeks ago, I didn't even know what that term meant.
 I learned what it meant when I was on the bus and this guy took something from me. He said he wouldn't give it back until I admitted I was a ginger. So I said "I'm a ginger...?", and he yelled "You have no soooouuul!"
 That got me mad, sad, and confused.
 Seriously guys. Really? Just because some (and I do mean some) redheads have attitudes and act bitchy, that does NOT give you the right to make a stereotype out of the rest of us redheads.
 I'm not...
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10. When being pulled over by a cop and he or she says, "Sir(/)Ma'am, you have been caught speeding, how much do you think you were going?" Don't say, "Well you must've gone AT LEAST 90 to catch up with me."

9. When your teacher asks where your homework is when you haven't handed it in don't say, "My dog ate my homework." That's the oldest excuse in the book. Plus, nobody ever buys it unless they are a complete moron or born yesterday.

8. When your older sister is having her period or PMS-ing don't say, "Hey sis, have you been putting on a little weight?" It's a bitch slap waiting to happen.

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posted by greenstergirl
1. I asked God for a bike. But I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

2. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down and beat you with experience.

3. Going to church doesn't make you Christian even more then standing in a garage makes you a car.

4. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. Its still on the list though.

5. war does not determine who is right- only who is left.

6. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, please notify....." I put DOCTOR.

7.Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home even if...
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posted by JoannaVonDoom
Im sorry if this has been posted before
If not, do not give me credit

1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

5. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.

6. Amuse yourself for endless hours by hooking a camcorder to your TV and then pointing it at the screen.

7. Speak only in a "robot" voice.

8. Push all the flat...
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Intro :

yea mmhm i know these have been posted alot but i am both insane and depressed and i can help depending on your personality or sumthin like tht. But anyways, just read on. I hope you like!!! This was written by me! Not taken off anyone else. Thanks for your time reading my into ;) ~~ XxemolovexX (prefer not to say my real name)

How to cure boredom :

If you're an artist :
Draw! drawing will always help you feel better. And who knows, over time you might be able to draw amazingly.

If you're an author :
Free write! Its always fun to. Write something according to your taste in books.

If you love...
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posted by rayban00
This link is made of very simple,The lens is dark yellow, the color is predominant. And retro-style frame has a bright spot in the whole spectacle. General wear this retro style link, more or less a link with the United States. If you look carefully, there is a small screw, so rayban sunglasses more firmly. Ray Ban prices affordable, cheap.

It seems that Hollywood stars are always so charming?, They not only well dressed but never appear without makeup or sweat the makeup to stains.All dressed themseves perfect even without the light.

Cheap rayban Sunglasses are their common decration,because...
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posted by TVD_rocks
from the internet :)

(1) Tell him that he looked better bald.
(2) Put purple dye in his shampoo.
(3) When he goes to get his hair trimed, tell the barber that he would get 100 dollars to cut all his hair off.
(4) Ask what it was like to have Ke$ha babysit him.
(5) Tell him he reminds you of the Ken doll.
(6) Ask if Selena is his Barbie girl.
(7) Change his ringtone to 'Whip my Hair'.
(8) Call him while he's doing a talk show.
(9) Ask why he keeps making songs about relationships.
(10) Ask if he wants to dump Selena because he keeps making those songs.
(11) Give his fangirls his home adress
(12) Finally, ask why he goes for older women instead of 16-year olds. When he answers he thinks they're cute tell him that your telling Selena that she's too young for him
posted by TeamSongz4eva
**again i got this from the internet**

These are from by-gone days when we actually had little computer machines that would answer the telephone for us. They were called "answering machines," intuitively enough. Roughly akin to voice mail today, but when they came out, they were quite novel. Thus, the were the source of much amusement.


"If you are a burglar, then we're probably at home cleaning our weapons
right now and can't come to the phone. Otherwise, we probably aren't home
and it's safe to leave us a message."...
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posted by EllentheStrange
I am anti emo,because I don't the idea of them

mutilating themselves for no reason.I mean

sure,you have bullies at school and your mom

hates you,but I have those same problems.But I

don't cut,or dink,or do drugs.Emo Kids are just

pissing their life away cutting and killing

themselves over their little problems.You live in

a small town,nobody feels sorry for you.get a

haircut.There's no point to get

yourself.Everybody has problems.Deal with

them,but don't cut.Write or draw.Listen to music.

Do something else besides cut.And the posers are

even worst so I dislike them even more.They think

it will...
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1.Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.

2.Blow your nose and offer to show the contents of your kleenex to other passengers.

3.Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!

4.Whistle the first seven notes of It's a Small World incessantly.

5.Sell Girl Scout cookies.

6.On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.


8.Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: Got enough air in there?

9.Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.

10.Stand silent...
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Hello! Gabriella here. :D I will tell you all these: What dates & Why You don't want your birthday on these days.

1- New Year's Day
You don't know what your celebrating. Your birthday or the new year.

2-Groundhog's Day
I think this is an American thing but, you know how if you see the shadow, this happens, if not, that happens? Yeah, why you ask? Groundhog. People complaining about the outcome.
2-Valentine's Day
Your loved a bit too much.
2-Leap Year
This day, only comes, once every four years. Why would you want to celebrate it today?

4-April Fool's Day
You get pranked on your own birthday. What...
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posted by snusnu13
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The light breeze was making the leaves of the trees rustle lightly and the birds were chirping their afternoon songs. In a small yard there lay a dog on the soft, green grass. This dog was brown and white patched, and had light green eyes. She had no ears, as they were cut off when she was a puppy, but her ear canal remained, so she could still hear.

As the dog chewed on her bone, a teenage girl stepped into the backyard. The dog looked up and saw her 14 year old owner, Sally. Sally had tanned skin, with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail, a triangular...
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1. You fall down the stairs.

2. A tree falls down on you.

3. A llama spits in your face.

4. You eat i poisioned cookie.

5. A roccon with rabies jumps in your face and bites your face.

6. You are making out with a person and then you trow up in their mouth
7. A crystle light thing falls on your head.

8. Your pillow gets a face and bites you head off.

9. Your dog stands up and says I hate you and then runs away.

10. Your eating pankakes, their is a rotten egg in to, you get slmonila, go to the hospital, the doctors say that you are going to die, then you die.

11. When you are dieing your crush says that...
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1. read
2. go outside
3. do ur homework
4. go around the house saying random things until u cry laughing
5. continue reading this
6. Walk up to siblings and say random things until they hit u and then say u r cracking them up
7. play cards
8. dance
9. play checkers
10.read about canadian dudes
11. hit ur siblings, run 2 mommy and say, They hit me!!!!!
12. go on utube
13.talk on phone 4 hrs.
14. go on another fanclub
15. try 2 find me on facebook and figure out im not on, i dnt have an account
16. go on google look up jay leno, find 15 jokes and have a 13 round comedy c ontest with ur bff
17. write on ur wall
18. write on other peoples walls
19. add random people as ur fans
20. read another forum.
Are you addicted? Are you a super fan? Are you just a person who likes being enthusiastic about things? Are you on Fanpop too much?

1. You see something you like, and think Oh, I want to fan that club!

2. You start shipping people you know or see.

3. You hear something awesome and immediately look for the Best Answer button.

4. You hear something awesome and immediately want to go on Fanpop and change your motto.

5. You hear something and you want to comment on it.

6. You have great ideas of something you should post on Fanpop at completely random times of day.

7. You get a new favorite and HAVE to...
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posted by kitkat709477
"I can't find it," REALLY MEANS, "It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so I'm completely clueless."
"That's women's work," REALLY MEANS, "It's dirty, difficult and thankless."
"Will you marry me?" REALLY MEANS, "Both my room mates have moved out, I can't find the washer, and there is no more peanut butter."
"It's a guy thing," REALLY MEANS, "There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you have no chance at all of making it logical."
"Can I help with dinner?" REALLY MEANS, "Why isn't it already on the table?"
"It would take too long to explain, "REALLY MEANS, "I have no idea...
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okay, on my 5 completely random things to do...

5) sing the alphabet backwards in german while painting a picture of yourself riding a tandem bike
4) clip out something from the newspaper and tape it to your shirt
3) try to do the chicken dance as long as you can
2) walk into walmart and ask where the nearest walmart is and directions to it
1) scream "where did i put my flaming green octopus?" as loud as you can in a public place (ie. school, mall...bathroom)

i recommend you try these. 2 and 1 are my faves.
posted by 3nala
3nala said:
"Yo whazzup mah homiehs?"

{screams something incoherent about peanut butter}

"I like waffles with peanut butter."

{is bored}


{screams something incoherent about dynamite and bananas}

"Oh well..."

{screams something completely incoherent}

"Ooh look at teh pretty birdses..."


{starts humming to the tune of 'U Can't Touch This'}

{Stares down a digital picture of GIR, then screams something incoherent about tacos}

"How did pig tracks get on the ceiling?"

{sings 'Spider-Pig'}

{Screams something incoherent about exploding squirrels}

"I told the man I was innocent, but the gun in my...
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