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posted by justinfangrrl
Hello, and Welcome to my article; in this article I will tell you about the environment, what's happening now, what will happen VERY soon if we continue to pollute the earth and what we can do to stop it.

I will also tell you about the Idle no more movement and the First Nations who are leading it; it's trying to save the environment, like me.

So read and enjoy; perhaps I shall educate you in a good way.

Everything in this article is true and based on Scientific, religious and environmental research and up to date facts.


Remember when the whole 2012 thing happened? Yeah, that was funny... Here we are, not dead. It's a great day to be alive, isn't it? :)

Well, what's not funny is that the Aztecs may have been onto something; in fact, many first nations and Indigenous peoples believe that the world will one day come to a close because of human pollution. What's scary is that Scientists are saying that if we keep polluting as this rate, the world has only got 5-11 years before something incredibly drastic happens.

I don't mean to scare you, but it's true. Now we can change the future.

Governmental actions: Who trusts the government? In almost ALL cases, all the government cronies are about is money and don't care what they have to do to get it. They don't mind killing animals, or the planet, or anything. But the thing is, we need to support the planet, because if we don't then it'll stop supporting US.

In Canada at this moment, PM Stephen Hitle- I mean Harper... Is creating pipelines to get oil around, making oil sands to get more oil, denying First Nations their basic right to live while they are in absolute third-world conditions and ignoring every moral in the book for money. Lemme fill you in;

Pipelines are popping out thousands of barrels and are doing more bad than good. In fact, five pipelines broke just last week... in ONE WEEK. The government says that it'll create more jobs- what they DIDN'T mention were the type of jobs they had in mind. We'll all be cleaning up after the spill. Did I mention that the oil spills are giving animals DISEASES and making them mutant? Deer are getting these terrible growths upon their bodies that eventually kill them, fish are getting cancer, and marine animals like ducks of course are dying. This is also affection US by making us sick...

Oil sands THESE things are the earth's pimples. They are giant holes in the earth that are made to get oil; they are destroying the land by great amounts. There are one too many located in Canada... (Canada isn't as perfect as people like to think.) DON'T SUPPORT THE OIL SANDS. In fact, Alberta Canada [Canada's leading oil-making province] makes more money from Casino's than the entire state of Nevada... and it makes more money FROM those Casinos than the actual oil industry. We are raping the land for nothing.

Bill C-45 and First Nations: words cannot describe the intense hate that I feel for this bill and Stephen Harper for creating it. This is an omnibus bill with various acts that give the government the permission to rape the land, discriminate against First Nations, and do pretty much any damn thing they want.

One article states that the government can take water from anywhere (other than the only 82 protected lakes) and use it to get oil through fracking and whatever else. It takes two honking barrels of water to get ONE barrel of oil, and once that water is used then it is DONE. It's no good at all and shall never again be able to be used.

They can also take water from Farmers if they want to. But farmers NEED that water for their crops and animals, right? No more dairy and meat products. No more crops either.

This bill was created without the consultation of first nations, which according to the UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples. is ILLEGAL on SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many articles. And Canada is sign onto that declaration, but the government is saying that it should only be thrived for. But we're signed on... we MUST follow this declaration! They just don't want to treat FN with respect and dignity. It doesn't sound like you're striving very hard.

The government WILL NOT STOP. There are a few good eggs in the government, though. If we push hard enough, this bill can be stopped. There is still hope because bills have been killed before.

Native Prophecies: I happen to be a First Nation myself; I am a Plains Cree of Canada, Tan'si Kiya. :)

My people (and even other tribes) have a prophecy. It goes, Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught... Only then will you realize that we cannot eat money.
Another prophecy we have; stated by a wiseman 700 years ago.
Another prophecy we have; stated by a wiseman 700 years ago.

The Aztecs Back to the 2012 thing; what the Aztecs ACTUALLY believed was a bit different... They fortold that the world was not going to necessarily end, but be reborn into a new era... Through earthquakes over a period of time. (Notice how many earthquakes we've been recently? Haiti, Turkey, Japan.... ) This also relates to the Cree prophesy of "the great shake."

The 8th fire: This is a prophecy foretold by the Anishnaabe people; the 7 fires were teachings and previous prophecies that they were given. One of them predicted the arrival of the Europeans; the 8th fire says that NOW is the time for all of the four races to be connected, understanding and united... For our own good.

Being brought up through Spirituality of my culture, it's only natural for me to care about the earth. I greatly respect environmentalists, animal activists and tree-huggers that I see out there. :) I'm glad to know some people still care about the earth. Bottom line, We NEED to take care of our earth or something bad will happen... Indigenous prophecies demonstrating that.

Scientific speculation: I can't say too much about this, because I don't have the exact source of where the information came from- but please trust me when I say it is true, because it is. My mom is a social studies teacher, and I hear most of these facts from her; but I don't know where she gets them.

Scientists think it might be too late- but David Suzuki ( Come on, you MUST know who this guy is. ) believes that we still may have a chance... Environmentalists and scientists are URGING governments around the world to slow down on production and to take action to protect this precious earth. But of course, they are being ignored.

I can't say much more... I apologize. Please, do trust me on this one. But, here's some pictures to explain what I cannot.

Idle no more: You may or may not have heard of this movement, but it's being led by THOUSANDS of first Nations. It is us trying to protect the land and kill Bill C-45. This movement is made up of protests, hunger strikes, rallies, flash mobs, and posts through the internet such as twitter. These have taken place all over the world.

So far, 14 Countries ( 16 counting Canada and USA ) have done rallies and flashmobs for Idle no more. God bless those people <3

A few famous people who support Idle no more are David Suzuki, Justin Bieber (dear lord... at least he's on OUR side.), and Nelly Furtado. :) Nelly even went so far as to publically ANNOUNCE her support during a concert! THANK YOU miss Nelly! <3

Yeah... But the thing is, this movement is being hated on by ignorant, racist bigots. :( A few of the racist things I have heard with my very own ears:

"What are those dumb Indians trying to prove?"
"It makes me SICK."
"Get your heads out of the clouds!"

.___. WELL, then... People think that this movement is about Natives wanting MONEY. Which isn't true; this comes from the stereotype that all First Nations are drunks, drug heads who get handouts. But we're not like that.
a common misconception that Natives don't pay taxes... we do.
a common misconception that Natives don't pay taxes... we do.

If you want to support Idle no more, become part of our army! :) This doesn't mean sign up for some armed forces or anything... It just means educate people you know about this movement as I am doing with you. If you are in a passionate mood, you may be able to find a flashmob or rally in which you can attend to nearby your town/city. Many have taken place ALL over North America and are still going on. If you're a techy, video-making kind of person you can make a video which shows your support... But only if you want to. :) If we have enough supporters, we just might be able to kill Bill C-45 and be THAT much closer to saving the earth! Or at least slow down the process of it's complete destruction.

Small things you can do that mean a lot: Here's some ideas...

-Recycle plastic bags from the grocery store so you can reuse them after shopping and not have to pay for more.

-Collect cans and bag them; then bring them to a recycling place so you can trade them in for money. You are saving the planet while earning a reward for yourself. :)

-shut off lights when you're not using them.. EVERYONE knows this one.

-when you use a public bathroom, use the air dyer instead of the paper towels- it's a little better for the earth.

-Buy more products that show they are recycled

-be artsy and creative! :) [ex:...]

I think I have covered everything... I did my best to teach you, and I hope you enjoyed this article or at least learned something from it.

Idle no more is also on Tumblr; you'll find lots of interesting things there. Let's try to save the earth, shall we? Because if we don't we are SO f~cked. We have 5-11 years at this rate. If we're lucky, more... the race is on.

If you want to know more about anything I have just said, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you, and may creator smile upon you always.
added by ace2000
posted by Canada24
Critic: So our story begins when they spot two children who, you guessed it, stopped caring.
Friend Bear: Hi. I'm Friend Bear, and this is Secret Bear. We're Care Bears. (both stand up and pose)
Jason: (in disgusted tone) What do you want?
Friend Bear: Only to be your friends.
NC (vo): Actually, I always wondered what counted as quote/unquote "Caring." I mean, if I'm ordering a pizza with a friend, is it like...
[Cuts to skit with two NCs talking to each other]
NC 1: Hey, what kind of toppings you want?
NC 2: Eh, I don't care. (In panicked tone) No, no, wait! I didn't mea- (sparkling effects sound...
continue reading...
added by ace2000
Welcome to my complete character index! Basically, over the years I've made up a lot of either my own characters, or added existing ones from shows and whatnot for the sake of entertainment and imagination.

And in this one, you'll see all of them from A-Z, as well as their history. So without further ado, let's get this night off right!


First Appearance: A Day In The Life Of A Fanpop User

(The character above is Konata Izumi from Lucky Star)

A character I made in one of my skit articles, and I do plan on using her in more articles, as long as the context fits well.

Personality is...
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added by 0YouCanFly0
1-Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.
(Robert Frost)

2-The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.

3-Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the future. (Nelson Mandela)

4-Education is not learning of facts , but the training of minds to think. (Albert Einstein)

5-Education is not preparation for life, Education is life
itself (John Dewey)

6-Education is the movement from darkness to light.
(Allan Bloom)

7-The highest result of education is tolerance.
(Helen Keller)
When a guy flirts with other women.while out with his girl, it. may be he is just trying to be funny and charming or seem polite. Or he may secretly be feeling insecure. Maybe he fears his gal is still.into her ex, or worries she may be seeing simeone else besides him. He wont come out and say his fears, so rather he tries to appear more of a stud flirting with ladies. What he may not realize is this drives a gal away and makes her feel unimportant. How would a guy like it if a gal behaved that way toward him? Does anyone have any suggestions how to deal with this obnoxious male behavior? Does a gal call him out on it? Or simply walk away, as I did from a guy I loved a lot, and not call him out on it, just simply tell him, "You hurt me."?
posted by deathding
Let's do this.
Let's do this.
-When I go off to a restaurant/store and the lines are longer than the Amazon River

-When I'm hungry/thirsty but am too lazy to do anything about it

-Doing the same chores every day of the week

-Waking up when I'm REALLY tired

-40% of the current generation for being senseless jerks with little to no knowledge of courtesy or grammar

-When someone spoils a movie I wanted to see

-When I bite my tongue/lip

-Random black-outs that interrupt EVERYTHING

-When I go somewhere just to find out that it's been closed for an hour

-Being forced to go somewhere when I REALLY don't want to

-School Days, both the anime...
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
#10: LUCY:
I haven't actually seen this movie, but somebody told me how stupid the ending is.
Lucy reaches 100% of her cerebral capacity and disappears within the spacetime continuum, where she explains that everything is connected and existence is only proven through time. Only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind.
And she herself suddenly disappears into thin air.
leaving only a text, saying, "I AM EVERYWHERE!".
It's bad enough Hellsing Ultmate pulled that line..

I love this show, but it become less and less popular after Charlie left. And the producers...
continue reading...
I wanted to include some of my favorite disturbing events in history. This is only a brief overview of the events, I encourage you to go research them yourselves. I intentionally included a lot of the lesser known events in history.

0, Ant-walking alligator people of Hiroshima
I know this is an old article that probably no one goes to anymore, but I have something I need to take off my mind. I am a little hard to disturb when it comes to military history, but this... I've been struggling with it all morning. I'll just say this, don't look it up, don't look for the pictures, save yourself the...
continue reading...
posted by chrystea
you will need an object(you can carry),a yellow or white candle and pure honey(essencial).
note:this spell can be casted any time,any day.
okay,step one;light the candle and hold it in your left hand.
step2;put a little honey in your mouth(don't swallow)get a pitch of honey on the object,hold the object in your right hand,close your eyes and chant"i call upon the the dark god of magick to protect me from all negative energies and forces that may come my way,may this be my magic wand to make my wish come true so mote it be.
open your eyes,put the wand in the candle fire, let it burn for a minute then after that use the honey to quench fire,BING BANG BOOM! it's done!have fun.
added by 3xZ
1: Step Brothers:
The comedic duo of Will Farrell And John C. Riely, take you on a ride as they protray two dimwits who still act like their 14..

2: Dumb and Dumber:
It's amazing to think Jeff Danials is usually a serious actor.
He and Carrey make a perfect pair.
As Jeff dose his best to match with Carrey's, almost childlike, slapstick comedy he became famish for.
Though. Sadly this series ALSO proves how WRONG it is, to have different actors, it only succeeds in "ruining everything"..

3: Anchorman:
Will and Carol are both at their prime in this movie.
And you often find yourself repeating EVERY line...
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added by blackpanther666
Source: Google Images
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
(From Shovel Knight)



Plague Knight: Explosions and toxin, boom hehehe!
I'm about to kick your ass, as you can see
I make potions and poison, and I spread the plague
You can't touch this b**ch, turn now and walk away

I live in solitude, my soul dismantled
Your something I'd find on the discovery channel
I don't have much armor, but I'm faster than you, big chest!
And I take special hits so well, it's like I'm wearing an assault vest!

Treasure Knight: Who the hell sent me this pathetic blob?
You should...
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posted by dayoo
Well, kami tidak akan berpanjang lebar berkata-kata yang tiada bermakna. Kita langsung saja ke inti pembicaraan kita pada pagi ini yakni berbicara tentang Bapak link dan strategi jitu yang diperkenalkan oleh beliau yaitu cara jitu untuk membeli banyak roperti tanpa harus keluar uang banyak, tanpa harus menggunakan uang anda sendiri dan tanpa harus berhutang kesana kemari yang ujung-ujungnya bisa dikejar-kejar hutang disepanjang hidup anda. Bagaimana caranya? Apakah ini benar atau justru sebuah gurauan belaka? Mungkin ada banyak pertanyaan yang menumpuk di isi kepala anda. Memang tidak heran...
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posted by macedoialveu
Tose Proeski was born in Prilep[3] and grew up in Kruševo[3] as the son of an Aromanian family.[4][5] After his musical talent was discovered at the age of 12, he was chosen to perform at the popular children's song festival Zlatno Slavejče (eng.: Golden Nightingale) in Skopje, performing the song "Јаs i mојоt dеdо" in Aromanian language.[6][7][8] This was his first public music performance; however, his successful career began in 1996 when he participated in the teenage music festival Melfest in Prilep.

Following this public exposure, he was awarded for his strong vocal capabilities....
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posted by BlondLionEzel

This movie is a masterpiece. It's a million country miles better than Frozen, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and a lot others. It's a breath of a fresh air.

The story starts with Hiro Hamada and his big brother Tadashi. Hiro decides to join Tadashi's college, with Tadashi's friends GoGo Tamago, Wasabi no Ginger, Fred, and Honey Lemon. Hiro enters a contest for entry, and he invents these awesome nanobots.

Then, on the night before Hrio goes to college, Tadashi dies by sacrificing himself to save a professor named Callaghan....
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