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posted by ShadowFan100
(This is a lil...inspirational/moral speech about what a Human truly is. And don't get offended when it mentions "God"--it's my right to believe in Him)

I'm sure there's a lot of people who often wonder what it means to be human--what a human IS exactly. Some might say we're unimportant, not special, not amazing. And even possibly (dare I say) nothing more than just a of bunch mutated wild beast that came from the animal kingdom, who are only capable of destroying themselves beyond any hope of being redeemed of our dark side.

Well, that's not true--and IDC HOW many of your so-called "facts" tell me otherwise, it's all a lie. Human's have both Good and Evil in them, and it wasn't always like this. When God made Human's, we were never meant to know Evil. We weren't destined for destruction, anger, greed, hatred, bitterness, or even Death.

You see, we may have a dark side but that alone isn't all Human's are. We were destined for much more than this. As Human's, we are made to love others and to BE loved. But because of Adam, Eve and Satan, we have Sin to get in the way of our Truth reasons to be made Human. Though we may be living such an Evil world, that doesn't matter. That doesn't mean we should give up, give in and be Evil like the rest--all Human's have a responsibility to fight AGAINST the Darkness, The Evil...Satan himself.

Oh, don't worry, we are NOT alone. With Jesus and God, we always have the power to fight against him. Don't you get it? We are more than a "sh*t species" with a Dark side. More than what some people say about us. We as Human's have the power to be more than our Sin nature limits us to be. More than what science says were are.

We are a race in desperate need to be redeemed of our Sins--to do what we can to resist our Evil side. Because if we DON'T....then we truly will be wild beasts after all.

It's our choice--either give in to the Darkness, or stand up and fight it with our last breath.
added by kitmolly123
Source: Google
added by azkaban
added by FutureDancer
Source: Me, Google, Photoscape
added by alismouha
added by StarWarsFan7
Source: idk
added by UnKnownSpy
Source: The Sign
added by LizaIsARunner
added by Twilight_Dream
Bob: Hello there!
Joe: Oh! How do you do!
Bob: Now then... who are you?
Joe: Well they call me Psycho Joe.
Bob: Why do they call you that?
Joe: I don't know now lay off the sassy back talk!
Bob: Ok! Ok!
(Silence for a while)
Bob: Who's....(looks around and whispers)...they...
Joe: I SAID STOP!!!!!!!
Bob: Oh yea... sorry.
(More silence)
Bob: Who are you again?

In dedication to Bob B. Bob... R.I.P.
Bet you can't guess HER middle name!!!
posted by orangeturnip
things that make you...

being ugly is a state of mind

think yourself ugly ... slowly you become ugly
having a lack of confindence...you soon become ugly
being obsesed with the way you look
being obsesed with being what "men/women" want
putting peaple down
being a bitch
saying ewwwww or not accepting peaples diffreces
all signs of ugliness...add up the signs how ugly have you become?

im ugly how do i change....

be natral and true
one random act of kindness everyday

look at someone for who they are not what they look like - everyones idea of beauty is diffrent yet we are subliminialy told its the same

look for your truth not the worlds

love yourself
love the world
spread some joy

love peace ..... not fighting

stand tall and proud and confident in who you are.
dont let the world change you

thank you for taking the time to read ... this came from my heart and i hope it will help someone out there <3 <3
added by 050801090907
added by afewseconds
The thing no one knew they needed XD This is adequate as fuck
added by CokeTheUmbreon
added by MeiMisty
added by SilentForce
added by andy10B
nct dream
added by wantadog
Kiiinda can't wait till I get to watch the anime after I read the manga.
added by GDragon612