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So for a long while now I've been into travel and wanderlust. For even longer, I have been obsessed with fictional characters. One day I got to thinking about where my favorites might go if they lived in our world/time period.

Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)

For Regina I had a few thoughts. I think that she'd go somewhere romantic like France or Italy or possibly even Spain. In the end she strikes me as more of an Italy type of woman. I feel like France would be too softly romantic for her if that makes sense. Personally I associate Italy with a more passionately romantic vibe. I can see her really enjoying Venice in particular; a nice sunset gonadal ride with her lover--if she ever gets one. A glass of some expensive wine on a roof in Positano. I think Italy just fits with her elegant personality.

Azula (Avatar The Last Airbender)

Believe it or not I actually had a difficult time thinking of one for her. I considered Norway, Germany, and Korea as well. But I don't know if any of those really fit her. In the end I decided on Romania. It has this dark, mysterious, alluring sort of beauty and elegance to it. I can imagine Azula being fascinated with the history of places like the Bran castle. In general Azula and castles are just so right for each other, and Romania is full of them. The general atmosphere of Romanian cities (based on images I've seen) give off a more solemn air that I feel is right for Azula.

Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)

My friend and I have this running joke that she'd like to go to Germany because you know...Death Eaters are basically wizard Nazis. But I think she'd be down for somewhere spooky like Salem, New Orleans, Chernobyl or believe it or not, France, for the catacombs. In the end I actually chose Mexico! Why? Because Mexico has that creepy Island of Dolls. Bellatrix is so bizarrely childish (in the movies) but at the same time commits murder. So I think the Island of Dolls in Mexico is a perfect fit. Plus I recall watching a documentary that showed an eerie witchcraft market in Mexico that I think she'd really dig.

Icy (Winx Club)

Obviously this woman is down for a sunny trip to the Caribbean! But for real there were lots of places I thought of for her; Russia, Alaska, Iceland, and Switzerland being being the top contenders. In the end I have to go with the obvious choice; Iceland. It's such a frigidly beautiful place. I think she'd enjoy the Northern Lights display. But more than that I think she'd love the glaciers and the Skaftafell Ice Cave. In Iceland she would literally be right in her element.

Nerissa (W.i.t.c.h.)

For some reason I can see her going to Greece. Italy and London are two other places I thought of for her. Overall though I think that my headcanons for her just evolved to see her in Greece. She strikes me as the type to appreciate art, music, and crafty architecture. I think a trip to Greece would fulfill that. I can also see her liking a trip to the beach as well and Greece has so many striking beaches. Plus her name has a Greek origin so that helps with the visual.

Isabella Gisborn (BBC's Robin Hood)

Many places come to mind when I think of Isabella too. Mostly places such as Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Russia, and Switzerland. Places that just seem to have a lot of folklore and/or pagan roots. In the end I went with Norway. I sort of see Isabella as the type of woman who would be more earthy/boho. She kind of gives me elven vibes. I can picture Isabella enjoying the mountainous regions and the fjords. In one episode, she mentions that she'd like to live on a farm so I can imagine that she'd like Innerdal.

Lust (Full Metal Alchemist)

For Lust most of my ideas centered around beaches; the Maldives, Jamaica, Tahit, etc. I also considered Puerto Rico. But in the end I had to chose Brazil, mostly because of Carnival. I think she'd fit right in and really enjoy part taking in the celebration. I mean you have some gorgeous women in fabulous costumes. I feel like she'd enjoy Brazilian beaches as well. In general I think Lust would just fit right into the Brazilian party scene.

Kuvira (Legend Of Korra)

Poland and Germany were the two things that came to my mind for Kuvira. Once again I ended up taking the obvious choice; Germany. I think that she would take a time to learning about its history and war machines considering that her own canon conquests and inventions were heavily influenced by it. I think that Kuvira would be into more of the historical aspects of Germany rather than the scenery or things like Oktoberfest. But who knows, she might fancy a quick stop to look at the landscape.

Ming Hua (Legend Of Korra)

Ming comes off to me as the kind of person who would be down for anything. Hence why I can see her liking more whimsical, wilder adventures like Kenya, Australia, or New Zealand. I decided on Kenya for her because, why not? I feel like Ming would be into a more exotic and adventurous vacation. I think that she would take a liking to the savanna and the wildlife it has.

Asami Sato (Legend Of Korra)

I think Asami would like a place like Turkey, Paris, or Korea. Of the three, I think she'd like South Korea. I feel like kpop is something Asami could get into. In general I think that she'd like the Korean culture and style. I can see her admiring the Korean country side with its soft pastels and vivid greens. It has a kind of soft beauty like Asami herself.

Beatrice (Uminkeo)

For Beatrice I've also imagined Italy. Italy and England. But for her I went with England. For some reason her personality says England. Like she has this kind of Victorian thing going on. I feel like she'd have fun in London, doing things like seeing the Big Ben and what have you.

Jadis (Narnia)

For Jadis I have really similar destinations in mind as I did for Icy. I mean they're both ice oriented characters. But I can see Jadis in more of a Russian setting. She has a more war like and fierce personality that I think goes well with Russia. I hear Russian winters are pretty harsh which is totally right up Jadis' alley. Lake Baikal in particular looks like a winter wonderland fantasy and I can imagine that she'd be into that. Plus the music there is awesome and I can totally see her in a pagan metal band.

Nehelenia (Sailor Moon)

For Nehelenia I was having trouble coming up with a place. I was thinking of somewhere like Turkey, Chile, or India. Chile is the place I chose for her though, mostly because of the Easter Island Heads that are often associated with outer space and aliens. But when looking more into the country I came across the otherworldly looking marble caves and let me tell you, I think she'd find those fascinating. To me they look like vortexes into other dimensions and totally give of a spacey vibe. Also two words; Atacama desert.

Nellie Lovett (Sweeney Todd)

To be honest I don't see Lovett as much of a traveler. But she did say that she wanted to get a house with Sweeney so my initial thought was Jamaica or Cali. But after some thinking, I can see her in Maine. Maine adheres more to the general aesthetic from her song, 'By The Sea'. Plus according to Stephen King, creepy things happen in Maine. Lovett can be one of the creepy things. She and Maine just seem so right for each other.

Morgause (BBC's Merlin)

For her I was going between Scotland and Ireland. On one hand the Isle of Skye just screams Morgause to me. On the other Ireland's Celtic lore gives me Morgause vibes too. I think that in the end though, she'd go to Scotland for the Isle of Skye. I think that it would help her get in touch with the old religion and her magic. Scotland's countryside has the air of alluring mystery; the same kind that Morgause herself has.

Annie Leonhardt (Attack On Titan)

Believe it or not I can actually see Annie enjoying a beach. *Pounds fists on table* Give me my beach Titan episode. I'd say Anguilla or Puerto Rico or the Bahamas. I say this because, after going thorough all that she has she'd probably be down for just kicking back and relaxing on the beach. Doing absolutely nothing and not having to fear for her life. Annie just seems like a chill person...titan...thing. So I like to picture her chillin' under a palm tree on a lawn chair with a pineapple drink in one hand and a book in the other.

Acxa (Voltron)

For Acxa I almost immediately thought of Morocco. I also thought briefly of Belarus and Tokyo Japan. In the end I stuck with Morocco. Like Nehelenia I choose Morocco for it's other worldly vibe. Plus it seems like there's a lot to do. Acxa is pretty stoic and I think a place like Morocco can alleviate that for a bit. Chefchaouen is peculiarly spectacular. It's a very blue city with pops of vibrant color and that's why it gives me an other realm like vibe. It's good for sight seeing and I feel like Acxa would travel as more of a sight seer. Marrakesh would be another good place for this it has blown glass stores and a ton of really neat architecture that Acxa would probably enjoy.

Haggar (Voltron)

Like Acxa I had an immediate thought as to where she should go; Japan. They're practically known for their technology and Haggar would love that. Haggar has her own lab and I think she would find Japan's technological scene intriguing.

West (Emerald City)

The Netherlands. Because one of my faves has to go with me dammit! Okay...that and she's the Wicked Witch so tornado and all. But in all seriousness I think that the windmills would remind her of her sister and help her feel closer to the woman. And for that I'd say a trip to the Netherlands would do her well. That and it has a serene vibe that I think she could use.

Sawyer (Lost)

Texas, Oklahoma, or Wyoming, Missouri, something like that lol. I mean look at his name. Look at his personality. He is a cowboy bro. In the end I chose Missouri because, for one I feel like he has probably already been to Texas. And for seconds he reminds me of Kid Rock and for some reason Kid Rock reminds me of Missouri (even though he clearly talks about Northern Michigan in his All Summer Long song). Sawyer = Kid Rock, Kid Rock = Missouri. Enjoy Missouri Sawyer.

Yeah this article started off serious but then I lost focus a lil' and so I had to spice it up to finish the article without getting side-tracked. Anyways thanks for reading, I'd love to hear where you think these characters would go...or where some of your faves would go.
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1) Follow complete strangers around for 10 minutes, then speak into your collar and say, "Harrold, we have a situation. Subject 367 is unresponsive. Code 163!"

2) When you get onto the elevator, laugh hysterically for 5 seconds, then glare at the other passengers as if they are crazy.

3)Run up the "down" escalators, shrieking hysterically, and when you reach the top, fall silent and glare at other shoppers as if they are crazy.

4) Approach a stranger in any Wal-Mart and hand them a spatula and say, with authority, "The future of the Earth depends on it." Abruptly turn around and walk away....
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