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So Marc Ecko, fashion designer, entrepreneur and a lot of other things that I do not know. I am not familiar with this man, and I’ve never seen any of his works. But I am familiar with his one time video game directorial debut. Wanting to create a game all about hip hop and graffiti, Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Content’s Under Pressure was born. The game was published by Atari, the kings of the bargain bin, and developed by The Collective, responsible for creating a lot of licensed games before merging with Shiny Entertainment to become Double Helix Games, which would later go on to be bought by Amazon and turned into Amazon Games Studio, stuck in a horrible state nowadays. Marc Ecko’s Getting Up did not sell too well and was hit with harsh criticism on release day. And Marc Ecko took it well. So well that he insulted game reviewers and gamers in general, calling them suckers and nerds and then blaming the hardware of the PS2 because you can’t have a graffiti game and picture perfect climbing and combat… Jet Set Radio, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Any of the 3D beat em ups released at the time. Clearly, Marc Ecko was just being a bit salty, but maybe he was right. Maybe the reviewers were being harsh. Some reviewers on the back of the box have described this game as the Tony Hawk of graffiti. Maybe we can find something good here.

Despite the title, this is not a game about a man trying to “get it up” in the bedroom, but is actually about a young graffiti artist named Trane as he goes on a rebellious journey across the city ruled by the corrupt politician Mayor Sung and his attack unit known as the CCK by writing graffiti of anti-political propaganda, and also getting into fights that may or may not end with thugs getting set on fire and being thrown off edges to their deaths. But it was all in self-defense, you know. Along the way, you’ll meet other characters who will say things to each other that I am just far too white to understand. Despite that, I can appreciate a good style when I see one, and this game does have it. I love these big urban settings with the hard graffiti all over the place which can contrast hard with the pure white buildings that the CCK occupy. And climbing up these buildings and subways to do stuff like this is pretty intense. Made more crazy when you do research and find that real graffiti artists do this kind of stuff. Stuff that my vertigo ridden ass could never attempt. I can barely look down the stairs in my own house without feeling the urge to vomit. It’s pretty fun… in concept. While it is satisfying at times to climb up buildings, a problem I’ve noticed is a combination of the controls and the camera. The controls sometimes feel delayed. Trane just won’t go down to the next pipe at times, so you gotta hit down or circle a few times before he finally does it. Adding the stubborn camera that is fine on foot but once you’re climbing up buildings or across pipes, it just refuses to listen to you and you’re left to your own. It makes actually getting a perfect on doing graffitis difficult. You have a usual score of doing the graffiti quickly without getting caught, without adding too many spots onto the graffiti and not dripping paint. But because there are times where the camera angle is aimed at different directions, it’s almost impossible to see what you’re doing, so you could end up getting drips without warning.
But the platforming and graffiti lures you in. At first, it’s pretty off, but not bad. But once you gotta start adding spotlights and enemies, along with traps, it becomes a massive pain. These controls do not allow you for fast movement and precise jumping, so once you start adding enemies to the mix, it’s all over. Try getting a perfect on your graffiti while a spotlight is moving toward you and shooting at you. How can this city be calling Trane a terrorist for his graffiti, yet no one bats an eye at the constant gunfire in the streets. And this isn’t a one time thing. Almost every big building after this with spotlights will have them shooting at you, and they don’t just stop. They keep firing at you until you leave the building completely or you die. And then there’s the insat-kill situations. One room has a bottomless pit that kills you and you gotta get onto moving platforms. If you topple over, Trane will catch the pipe, but a moving device will come and knock him off instantly, just giving you hope only to take it away. Or how you have to jump onto a pipe to avoid a moving train. And the possibility of you missing completely and falling to your death is still there, so you know… that’s fun. And add that with levels that go on for way too long. You will be tasked with tagging signs on a building, then beating up some vandals, then going down to another courtyard to beat up more and tagging their graffiti, then going to a small park and then climbing up buildings to graffiti them. And that’s just before the checkpoint! After that, tag three more signs by climbing across buildings, really high, all while sneaking around cops that are far too tough for you now, then climb up a completely different building to talk to an NPC, all so you can tag a building while a spotlight is moving around it. These levels go on for so long and you’re just left exhausted by the end of it. Doesn’t help that some levels can be done in a few seconds. Levels like tagging the train, or fighting in a graffiti battle across a highway. Those short levels are fun. These long ones… no.
But hey, the game isn’t all about graffiti and bad platforming. No, it’s also about combat. And just like the platforming, it lures you in. At first, it’s got so much that you’d think, “Yeah, this isn’t so bad”. And then it all falls apart. I can pinpoint the exact moment it stopped being fun too. It was around the fight with the character Dip who had his belt buckle as a weapon and he would knock you down and then proceed to start beating you on the floor with no chance of you getting up until you finally got up. You just gotta hope you survive before you die. And it’s a shame, because there’s a lot to the fighting. Combos, stuns, guard breakers, blocks, grabs, able to grab weapons, using the environment to kill your enemies (Trane would never kill). But once the CCK comes in… fuck it. Just fuck it. It’s not even remotely fun anymore. They just swarm you, they can block your attacks, and then immediately follow up with a knock down. And if you’re on the floor, good luck. It can either be one hit on you, or they all hit you with nightsticks, do a Bruce Lee stomp, do a grapple move and then decide to lift you up, before knocking you down again. And that’s assuming they don’t stun lock you and then arrest you, which is an immediate game over. And that’s just the first CCK soldiers. Then you get the ones that can shoot you with guns, which is just a massive pain in the ass. Kill them first, otherwise you will die. Thankfully, at the point they get introduced, the game starts handing out checkpoints like it’s Halloween candy. They knew it was a pain in the ass, but the game was gonna ship that month, so they could only program in checkpoints… At least, that’s my headcanon. Also, there seems to be a problem where if you do a combo and knock them into a wall, since they weren’t knocked down, they’ll just get back on their feet immediately and start kicking your ass immediately. And remember, unless it’s bosses, it’s never one on one. Shit, one of them is a two on one, with you having the partner, and it’s still a massive pain in the ass. The fight with the fat cop lady can stun lock you with fire that still hurts you until you die, and that’s assuming you can survive the pain in the ass of the first fight to get there. The fight with (SPOILERS) Gabe is a pain because you have to throw him near the edge to continue the fight… and then do it again because Trane just pulls him up. And then there’s the fight with the police chief voiced by Adam West. Yes, Adam West is a voice in this game, and look, I love Adam West as much as anyone else, but his voice does not fit that of a serious police chief. I just hear the campy joking voice of Adam West. And despite wanting to hear his voice the most, he was in… like three cutscenes before he’s out of the game forever. Can I… Can I enjoy one thing in this game? Just one.
Oh yeah, and glitches. Glitches a plenty in this game. And no, it’s never just a few bad textures, because of course not. Stuff like Trane falling within cutscenes, enemies able to fucking kill you in cutscenes (Can’t tell you how many times I had that happen to me), the level becomes harder because you can’t use your compass or obective finder to find the objective, an enemy gets stuck in the ground making it impossible to hit him (But don’t worry, he can still kick your ass), and my personal favorite, just moving along a tram got me stuck within the wall and I wasn’t able to escape. I had to sit there for ten minutes because I refused to restart the entire level since I already got the checkpoint and had to wait for the CCK with guns and spotlights to slowly kill me. I believe it was the second to last chapter of the game where I just decided “Fuck it” and put in an infinite health cheat code. And boy am I glad I did it right then and there, because the hardest enemies in the game were abundant. Gun wielding CCK, spotlights aplenty, and new Agent enemies that can dodge your attacks and had a fuck ton of health. I did not care anymore about the game. I just wanted it to end. The constant stream of annoyances, glitches, and how the game felt like it was trying to leave you at a disadvantage every step of the way, not for the sake of a challenge but for the sake of just getting in your way, I decided that the game wasn’t going to play fair, so neither was I. So, I don’t care if I had to cheat. This game sucks and so do I. And I haven’t even told you about the story. It’s average. The cinematography is great, the visuals are spectacular. I love the urban setting a lot, the graffiti is really stylish, and the music, despite me not being a big rap and hip hop enthusiast, is bumping and definitely something I can get behind. The game even has a few real graffiti artists doing voices. You can tell it’s them because they sound super awkward when they voice themselves, like real celebrities that have never voice acted in their lives. There’s a stilted charm to it. It’s a shame. I love everything about this game except the gameplay. If this game was more of a comic book or, I dunno, the fashion that Marc Ecko is known for, I think it would be more admired. But the thing is I hate this game. This is probably the worst game on PS2 Cents. Yes, more so than The Bouncer. The Bouncer was frustrating and terrible, but at least it was an hour long and done. Marc Ecko’s Getting Up is a slow burn. It puts roadblock after roadblock in front of you preventing you from getting to the fun part of the game, and it all ends with a boss fight between some random woman added in at the last minute and an ending with no credits. Because all you had to know was Marc Ecko made this game and it had the RZA in it. Programmers? Who’s that? Testers? … Ha ha ha, who am I kidding? No one tested this game.
Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. Yeah, despite having Getting Up in the title, I have to say, I’m pretty soft. This game was way too stressful. Man, I just wanted a fun game, get away from the stress of reality, like all the shit on the news, bills to pay, rent to pay, child support to pay, and I just wanted a fun graffiti game. But no, Marc Ecko’s Getting Up is just a slow burn of constant stress, glitches, unfair gameplay, and is only a fun game to look at. I’ve heard that Marc Ecko is making a brand new game, Marc Ecko’s Unlimited… yeah, no thanks. I’ll stick to Jet Set Radio. So yeah, award time. It’s Bottom of the Bin, no contest. Am I just a nerd who got wedgies in school like Marc Ecko says? Yes, absolutely, but that changes nothing. Fuck this game.
posted by TheRealSexyKate
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posted by BloodyMascara_
Yes, this is from Tumblr.

Everyone: What emo shit are you listening to?

Linkin park: When life leaves us blind, Love keeps us kind

Of Mice & Men: I've held my tongue for far too long, the silence kills me

My Chemical Romance: You only live forever in the lights you make. When we were young we used to say, that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break.

Green Day: So make the best of this test and don't ask why. It's not a question but a lesson learned in time. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you have the time of your life.

Black Veil Brides: Never...
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It's all the same
Only the names will change
It seems we're wastin' away

Another place
Where the faces are so cold
I drive all night
Just to get back home

I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or alive
Dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep
Sometimes it's not for days
The people I meet
Always go their separate ways

Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when you're alone
When all you do is think

I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or alive
Dead or alive

Ohh alright

Oh I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or...
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The weekend comes to this town
Seven days too soon
For the ones who have to make up
What we break up of their rules

Well I saw Captain Kidd on Sunset
Tell his boys they're in command
While Chino danced a tango
With a broomstick in his hand
He said, it's alright (Alright) if you have a good time
It's alright (alright) if you want to cross that line
Break on through to the other side

Let it rock (Let it rock), let it go (Let it go)
You can't stop a fire burning out of control
Let it rock (Let it rock), let it go (Let it go)
With the night we’re on the loose, huh
Got to let it rock

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Riding high, then shot down
I load my guns to fire another round
I look deep into her eyes
And can't run there's nowhere left to hide
Don't stop, no it's much too late
When the night comes I can't wait
Oh I live, love to lose control
It makes me crazy I want to let you know

Oh, no, I don't want to fall
Oh, oh, can't you hear me call
All night long in my secret dreams
You tell me I'm the one
When I'm next to you, next to you
All I want in my secret dreams
Is you here with me
I got to get to you, get to you, get to you

There's a thrill, in the chase
We won't lose when we meet face to lace
Love, games a means without...
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The clock strikes ten
Out on the streets again
I been looking for something to please me since I don't know when
Out on the dark side of town
Another rumble's gone down
And life on the high side isn't what this boy’s about

She's got something I want man, it's something I need
It takes more than a night to satisfy me

I stand accused
I can always run to you
Any road that you choose
I can always run to you
I stand accused
I can always run to you
I run to you
Baby, I can always run

To a heart of chrome
And a soul of steel
We've done more white lines than you'll know any one we could steal
And when I give her the...
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In the heat of the street of the city
A young boy hides the pain
And he walks so tall, trying to hang on
But he knows he's going down again
I know he's going down

Darkness fades he's the prince of his city
In a place where they all know your name
You can see in their eyes life so paralyzed
You’re just a pawn in a losing game
You lose at life it ain't no game

Hear their cries (Hear their cries)
The hardest part is the night
(In the night, hear their cries, in the night)
Stay alive (Stay alive)
The hardest part is the night
(In the night, in the night)

All alone in a place where the lonely
They all have to...
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Listen people can't you hear the voices that are crying out
There's a hunger burning in the heart of their souls
Maybe now that I got you let me tell you what I'm talking 'bout
Stand up and shout tonight we'll lose control

(Oh, no)
I been down and mistreated
(Oh no, let’s go)
Now we're standing undefeated

I'm (I’m) the king of the mountain
I'm (I’m) the king of the hill
I'm (I’m) the king of the mountain
I'm (I’m) the king of the hill

You spend your life working 9 to 5 it's like doing time
Boss man says "Hey boy, you'll never be no good"
With the night there's a magic in the air makes us...
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Shot through the heart
It's all part of the game that we call love

Would you be content to see me crying
After all those little games you put me through
After all I've done for you you're lying
Wouldn't it be nice to tell the truth

Didn't somebody somewhere say
You're gonna take a fall
I gave you everything
Now here's the curtain call

Am I’m
Shot through the heart as I lay there alone
In the dark through the heart
It's all part of the game that we call love

Now you've come back here to say you're sorry, ha
I don't know who you're talking to
It could be the man I used to be, girl
I've grown up and now I'm...
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I was writing this, and I want to know if it is any good before I contnue! Can I have your opinions and suggestions?
Chapter 2 isn't finished, so no comment on the incompletion, please, it is a work in progress!


In the battle against two myths, two High School sweethearts must face the ultimate challenge; either put everything at risk to be together, or put their love at risk to stay alive.

Chapter 1


Well, let’s just say that my life is not normal. In fact, it’s probably at the most least normal level as it could possibly get. I had never even heard of this myth until it had...
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(Crank it up, oh)
I like that, ah

Th-th-this beat is hypnotic
I wanna ride like a shofa
Sound of sonic’s
Controlling me just like a robot
I go bionic so D-D-DJ put it on
I’m losing logic and cruising deeper in the zone

(It’s so cinematic
G-got me froze up)
G-got me froze up
(This psychopathic
Beat it something
I need a dose of)
I need a dose of
(I’m systematically
Moving every single bone)
Moving every single bone
(There’s no mechanic
That can understand what I’m on)

Let’s crank it up (Crank it up)
Till the walls cave in
Just crank it up (Crank it up)
Put that record on spin...
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I’m a mess when it comes to you
I got no inhibitions whatsoever it’s true
I’m not the kind of girl who runs around like this
Caught up in a kiss
Best friends or benefits, no

But you’re so racy, you’re my favorite guy
So unruly, so uncivilized
Cupid got me right between my eyes
You know you got it real bad
Doing things that you never did

Oh oh whoa oh, oh oh whoa oh
You wake up in your bra and your make up
Oh oh whoa oh, oh oh whoa oh
Your car’s in the driveway parked sideways
Yeah I know this is killing me
I’m leaving every piece of my conscience behind
Oh oh whoa oh, oh oh whoa oh
I’m such...
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I’m not alone
Even when we’re apart
I feel you in the air, yeah
I’m not afraid
I know what you’re thinking
I can hear you everywhere
Some people say it’ll never happen
And we’re just wasting time
But good things come when u least expect them
So I don’t really mind
We’ll be together
Come whatever
I’m not just staring at the stars
Just remember
That no one else can tell us who we are
We’ll be together
So don’t ever stop listening to your heart
‘Cause I can’t turn mine off, whoa, whoa… oh
I can’t pretend
This is a rehearsal for the real thing
Because it’s not, and
I know we’re young...
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Every day it’s getting worse
Do the same things and it hurts
I don’t know if I should cry
All I know is that I’m trying
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in you
But you make it so hard to do
What’s the point of making plans
You break all the ones we have
I don’t know where we went wrong
‘Cause we used to be so strong
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in you
So why can’t you be
Be good to me
I don’t ask for much, all I want is love
Someone to see, that’s all I need
Somebody to be, (Somebody to be) somebody to be
Good to me, good to me, can you be good to me
Good to me, please
I used...
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Harry Potter author JK Rowling, admitted that Dumbledore is gay. He was in love with a wizard named Grindelwald whom he later defeated in a duel.

"I had always seen Dumbledore as gay, but in a sense that's not a big deal. The book wasn't about Dumbledore being gay. It was just that from the outset obviously I knew that he had this big, hidden secret and that he flirted with the idea of exactly what Voldemort goes on to do, he flirted with the idea of racial domination, that he was going to subjugate Muggles. So that was Dumbledore's big secret.

He's an innately good man, what would make him...
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posted by E-Scope90
The mind is typically defined as the organized totality or system of all mental processes or psychic activities of an individual.c
Many philosophers hold that the brain is a detector of the mind and that the mind is an inner, subjective state of consciousness.h
Philosophers have used a variety of metaphors to describe the mind, including a blank sheet, a hydraulic device with different forces operating in it, or a television switchboard.h
Attempts to understand the mind go back at least to the ancient Greeks. Plato, for example, believed that the mind acquired knowledge through virtue, independently...
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posted by selenagomezfan7
found this on the net:

50 Fun Things To Do At Wal-Mart

1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

2. Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store.

3. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals throughout the day.

4. Start playing Calvinball; see how many people you can get to join in.

5. Contaminate the entire auto department by sampling all the spray air fresheners.

6. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

7. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters.

8. Re-dress the mannequins...
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OK, this article is going to be in the point of view of many different characters. Before it begins in their point of view it will have their names.
Edward wasn't a school today, too sunny, I'm guessing. The Cullens are probably out hunting. Charlie had said that where the Cullens "hike" is filled with bears. I'm pretty sure that they are hunting somewhere else today, so I would like to see how it looks up there. I pulled on some hiking boots and got in my truck.
Eventually I reached the place. I was standing on the side of a small cliff. I found a few bear prints, and started to wander...
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posted by lupichkata
Sorry, if it's too short, but that's all i could think of.
1. Go to him and say "I know what you did last summer and i'll tell Ron." and see what his reaction is.
2. Poke him with a wand or a stick and when he turns around, pretend it wasn't you.
3. Tell him he has his mother's eyes and his father's package.
4. Laugh hysterically every time he walks in front of you and when he asks why whisper "I've read your diary." then run away. Still laughing hysterically.
5. Ask him how his parents are.
6. Ask him if Dumbledore has proposed yet.
7. Write an erotic story about Snape and Harry's mom and read it...
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posted by percylover19
Percylover19 3

(this whole story is in Kerry's POV)
Chapter 1
     I picked up the phone and called Sam. Sam has been my best friend since third grade. He has dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He also lives right up my street. "Hello?" he answered.
     "Hey it's me, Kerry. Has the new kids moved in yet?"
     "I have seen the moving van a couple of times but no sign of our new neighbors."
     "I really hope one of them is a girl. No offense but I really want somebody I can talk to about girly stuff, that's not my mom."
     "None taken. I don't want to know about your girl troubles...
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