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posted by cute20k
1. Dial a random number and confuse the person who answers by saying things like;
"Why did you call me?", "How's Billy Bob?", "Thank's for last night! (make kissy noises in phone", "I'm sorry to hear about your loss (hang up immediately)", "What happened to your mother is horrible! I'm so sorry she had to leave us on that note!", etc.

2. Look up random statements in foreign languages and recite the statements to those who speak the language.

3. Post a random article like this.

4. At walmart or somewhere similar, go up to an obese woman, or a man for extra affect, and wish them good luck with their upcoming child while staring at their stomach in a serious tone.

5. Go sit in your front yard and wave to the people walking bye. Greet them with something like, "Hey Sally, how's the kids?"

6. Text everyone you know something like, "Happy international talk-like-a-viking-day!"

7. Write a comic book including yourself staring as a superhero along with your friends as your sidekick or other superheros and make your arch nemisis some one you deeply despise.

8. Flirt with perverts on the web. (Best times are around 9-11 am in my time, in the south eastern area of the united states, sorry I don't know time zones!)

9. (girls, or cross-dressers....) Blind fold your friends and yourself and give each other blind makeovers. (results may vary)

10. (girls or cross dressers..) First you'll need a half full/half empty or completely empty perfume or body mist bottle. Add smelly things and strange liquids while trying to maintain a believeable color and offer the original fragrance to either a friend as a joke or to an enemy.
1. Change the lyrics to a popular song to hilarious random lyrics.

12. Find a poster of a celeb. you hate or a picture of an enemy and use markers/cheap makeup to paint them into your point of view towards them.

13. Drive a riding lawnmower down the street casually.

14. Carry a couch down the street and see how long it takes until someone calls the police.

15. Try some of the candy in the medicine cabinet.

16. Tell everyone how much you love them, including strangers.

17. (aimed at guys) Undress and meet me in the back with the jack at the juke box ;) (jk)

18. Take your pants off and run around your neighborhood screaming "MY PANTS ARE ON FIRE!"

19. Chat with strangers on the internet! That seems to be what most of us do.

20. Try a stage slide in shorts.

21. Complain to random strangers about a bruise on your buttox.

22. Give your mother a heart attack and tell her your pregnant. (especially affective for guys but aimed at girls)

23. Shake up a soda can (while the hobos not looking) and politely offer the cold drink to a hobo seemingly obliviously.

24. Try to make your own soda. (ex. For orange soda add orange food coloring or orange juice to sprite) Now offer your creation to someone.
25. (girls... or cross-dressers) Hang upside down from a tree and give your friend a makeover.

26.Go streaking through town.

27. Go skinny dipping.

28. Write cuss words on the side walk with chalk in a neighborhood with small children.

29. Try playing baseball with tomatoes.

30. Go around town getting random people to sign your t-shirt.

31. Have a free hug day.

32. Have a cake/pie fight.

33. Ask for band name suggestions at a gay bar.(I've done this before. Hilarious outcomes.) *

34. Play midnight subway cart game (run from subway cart to subway cart before the doors close.)

35. Throw a themed party (ex. football bros and cheerleading hoes)

36. Water gun drive by.

37. Have a picnic on a roof!
38. Flour Bombing- it's really cheap and easy...
Buy a load of cheap tissues and flour.
Open a tissue up and put about a handful of flour inside.
Then screw the top of the tissue up so that it is sealed, but not too tight.
Make as many of these as you like and split them out evenly between your friends.
Find a large field or garden, put on some old clothes and go crazy throwing them at eachother (it's even better at night!)
Same rules apply as in paintballing!

39. Racing in shopping carts is major fun.

40. Push your friend in a baby stroller (let go) down the steepest hill in your neighborhood (A 1st aid kit might come in handy.)

41.Take ketchup packets from McDonalds and leave them under car tires in a parking lot.

45. Do the same with eggs and rotten tomatoes.

46. Sit your younger brother/sister/cousin/something (If you don't have these subsitutions may include a close friend who's good at being annoying) on a stool in you front yard and try to auction them off.

47. Leave a hamburger on top of someone's car and wait in a car nearby and watch their reaction..

48. Tell some little kids your having an Easter Egg Hunt or something ( But don't hide anything!!) And watch as they look and look.

49.Jump Trucking (jump on the back of a truck/van and see where it takes you)
50. WalMart or Super Store Frogging(basically means you plan to sneak a sleepover, they stay open for 24 hours so hide and wait til everyones gone)

51. T-P someone's house

52. Cow tipping!!

53. Wait until its dark and when a neighbor or family comes home. Hide in the bushes and as they walk by, spray them with something like silly string or washable spray paint.

54. Go Food Sampling (like trick or treating, instead of door to door you go store to store and collect random food samples--the mall food court is a good place to start. At the end of the day, dump all your collectibles on a plate and have lunch/dinner together)

55. Mute Dialogue a Movie or a TV show (bring down the sound or mute it and make up what they're saying lol)

56. Night time Glow PaintBall shooting/Water Balloon Fighting (fill guns with glow in the dark paint or fill water balloons and make a game of it at night...Remember the more you get hit the easier it is to find you and target you again. Play til you run out)

57. Ride Railing of an escalator (run up a down escalator, run down an up escalator...Warning: the inexperienced WILL get hurt---or thrown out lol)

58. Next time you go eat fast food go thru the drive thru without a car and demand service!

59. Fast Food Hopping. Grab Mcdonalds fries, Burger King Whoppers, Wendy's Frosty, Arby's Mozzarella Sticks, KFC nuggets, Subway drink (or switch it around, then sit down outside a fancy restaurant and have a nice but cheap meal and do some people watching especially as they come out of the restaurant with empty wallets)
60. Do some karaoke with friends or better yet go caroling hot hits door to door (if they complain say you're observing a religious holiday, it's even funnier to say after you finished singing Baby Got Back. Make sure to ask for any requests and try to beatbox even if you're terrible at it)

61. When the phone rings and its a sells call, say you're not buying but then try to sell them the competitors product.

62. Call a pizza place. Tell them you're new and town and your neighbors asked you to order pizza for a party but since you're new round here you're not really sure what this pizza thing is and ask them to explain it to you. When they say "Bread with meat and cheese on it." Ask them something like "What kind of bread? Like a sandwich? With meat? Well, what kind of meat? Couldn't I just put some turkey & cheese on a sandwich?" For best outcomes, call a place where it is against the rules for an employee to hang up on a customer who calls. (In my town there's a place called "Hungry Howie's where these rules apply. My brother's friend is expert at this kind of stuff and did this --He made the call last almost an hour!

62. Eat something that is bad for you, then bathe in pepto-bismal.

63. Tie yourself to the back of a car then jump off while its moving and have someone videotape you getting extremely bad road-rash at the speeds of 50 to 70mph...

64. Run around town and lick every shops window .

65. Bring a wireless microphone into town and sing beside someone playing a guitar etc.

66. Sit on your roof and throw water baloons at pedestrians.

67. Follow random people around and pretend you know them by trying to make conversation.

68. Run around in your underwear with a wand and a harry potter outfit and yell spells at people.
69. Go to Wal-Mart and when the announcer comes on Say this Its those voices again!!! Scream that in an isle!!

70. Go into a random store with a lot of people and screamI WON THE LOTTERY!!!

71.When you are in class lightly bob your head to a light tune and then think of a really heavy metal tune and just whip out the air guitar and everything! Thrash your head around too!!!

72. Get whipped cream in a bottle and spray randoms!!

73. Have a hugging contest!

74. Try on old people clothes clothes at the mall and upload them onto your fanpop/myspace/facebook or another account!

75. Knock and run on peoples houses(teaches, mates, old people)

76. Put peanut butter on the handle of random cars

77. follow a random car home to mess with them

78. fast food football (have someone run through and grab your bag of food as the people are handing it to you;; you get another bag of food free)

79. dress up as the oppostie sex and go into public.

80. hide behind things at the mall and throw eggs/water balloons at people walking by

81. Get a whole basket of food, wait till its all checked out, and say you forgot your wallet

82. drive through the mcdonalds drive-thru backwards

83. Get kicked out of wal-mart84. Rent golfcarts and race your friends on them

85. Honk going through a neighborhood early in the morning or late at night and wake people up.

86. show up at the wrong house, pretend its your friends house (that you've never been to) and just go right in and pretend everythings normal.

87. Rearrange your entire house before your parents come home

88.get a bald cap, go to school and pretend like you shaved your head.

89. Walk in public with your pants off casually

90. Climb a tree and drop eggs on cars.

91. Mess with the scale at a doctor's office so everyone thinks they're really fat.

93. Video yourself doing a silly dance to a song then watch it after and laugh.

94. Text every contact saying your pregnant/getting married/diagnosed with autism/etc.

95. Black mail your teacher.

96.Pile up all your stuffed toys in the middle of a room then jump in them.

97. Open your window and yell out of it, "You'll never take me alive coppers!"

98. Type in 'Things to do when you're bored' on youtube.
99. On the computer, make a fake advertisement for a Gardener and put it out in the porch. Later, find out if your parents think it is real!

100. Put a sign up outside your house saying 'Brother/siter for sale'

101. Draw a banana.

102. Slap yourself until you get hurt.

103. Pretend to look around your room as if it has just turned into Narnia.

104. try to balance as many spoons on your face as you can.

105. Pretend you are running away from yourself.

106. Try to break a CD (one that you don't use anymore).

107. Make a mixture of all the liquids in your bathroom then put it in a bottle and name it (your name)'s secret bath lotion.

108. Post a video onto youtube of you doing the most random things ever.

109. Walk around your room without walking on the floor.

110. Make a sale of the most random things ever outside your house.

111. List all the swear words you know and mail the note to a random adress.

112. Make up a video called,''What to do when you're bored
113.You grab a stuff animal(has to be small) and you run up and the side walk yelling pussy come back. You get some crazy looks and its really funny.

114. Go do something that would make the world a little bit better- Protest for chickens who like to cross the road's questioned authorities.

115. Sit on your roof with your friends, and if someone gives you a weird look from the street, yell "We are waiting to board the mothership!"
116. Play Sweet & Sour with some friends. Stand on a street corner and wave at every car that passes. If they wave back or smile, yell "Sweet." If they ignore you or give you a dirty look, yell "SOUR!" and chase them as long as you would like.

117. Go to Wal-Mart and just sit in the middle of an isle with your friends. See how long it takes for someone to make you move.

118. Go to a store like target and play phone tag (if you have a picture cell phone) --- like walk through the store and the game is to try to get pics of your friends w/o them seeing you and w/o them taking pictures of you!

119. Go teepeeing go through a drive thru and order random **** and mess with the pe

120. Stay a couple nights in a hotle with about 20 people in the same room (got kicked out.

121. Go to a store and pretend your blind.

123. Dress up like Santa & go to walmart & wish people a merry Christmas! (no matter if it's christmas or not!)

124. Run really fast and slide on a carpet then count how many rug burns you get
125. Find a number you like (preferably 47) and become obsessed with it.
Don’t worry; I’ve listed some interesting examples of ‘obsessive behaviour’ to start you off:
Buy all the t-shirts and items of clothing you can with that number on it, or, if that fails, go to a t-shirt printers and get some made. If you prefer, there is always the option of buying an age badge of your number from any good card/gift shop. If they have sold out of your number, make your badge out of paper plates and cocktail sticks.
Every time you spot your number (whether on your own or in public) point to it and scream “Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” as loud as you can.
When you go out nightclubbing, steal a girl friend’s eyeliner pencil and draw that number on your forehead. (Don’t use your own pencil, if you have one – such extensive use will shorten the life of you eye-liner for sure.) People may stare at you – don’t be alarmed if this happens. They are simply amazed by how cool you look.
Get the DJs of any pubs you visit (don’t bother with club DJs – they won’t take you seriously) to announce your preferred number over the PA system as often as you can. Don’t be disheartened if continuous harassment of the DJ gets you thrown out of your local – remember the power of your number, and have faith that the pub landlord will come round eventually.
Make an occasion of Halloween. Get a pumpkin, carve out the shape of your sacred number, and take it with you when you go out. Remember, you can’t throw away the carved out pumpkin number! Best keep it in your freezer for all eternity so it’s always there to protect you from evil.
Sometimes a nonsensical word, for instance ‘Toyspens’, can be used in conjunction with your chosen number for added effect. However, be very careful when deciding on your word or you may end up accidentally summoning the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse again.
If someone asks you “Why??” laugh hysterically and then ignore them for a few days. They’ll soon realise their mistake.

126. Get a group of friends and climb into the window in a store and pretend to be manicans by standing as still as possible and posing. See how many people you can fool.

127. Hang out on someone's roof and talk.

128. CLIFF JUMPING! YOU ALWAYS WALK AWAY WITH A CUT OR SOMETHING! ITS A GREAT TIME BRING A VIDEO CAMERA129. Throw on some Mexican wrestling masks and sit in the trees drinking scotch...and scare the hell out of early morning joggers.

130. well, you know those people who get their deer heads mounted? Anyway, take it & ride around in the car with it. Occasionally stick it's head out the window sometimes.

131. Go around during an election season collecting the signs for one candidate and making note of what house we took it from, then go and switch those signs with people who were promoting the other candidate.

132. Try slamming a revolving door.
added by zanhar1
added by JBDisneyDemi
added by soraroxasxion
added by emmett
As a journalist, I decided to go to the animal, and interview some of the "inmates". I wanted to know what it was like in there from their perspective. What follows is not for the faint of heart.

I entered the building, and one of the workers accompanied me to the holding area. This is where dogs are kept before they are allowed up for adoption. IF they are allowed up for adoption. If the dogs are found to be aggressive in any way, euthanasia is employed. Fortunately, if "fortunately" is the word to be used here. In this establishment, and they use lethal injection, not a gas chamber.

The shelter...
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posted by hetaliaitaly
If your someone that hates being alone or just feels they dont fit in then maybe you will understand what i mean.

Lots of peope think they would love to change lots of things about there life but really what would you change? i would change how people treat me and this why ok! if you have ever been depressed you will understand what i mean people think just because you have one happy day with a friend means your back to normal.

But really one happy day with a friend wont make all your problems go away being alone hurts alot more than it sounds infact being alone is the one feeling some people...
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Taylor's POV:
The next night I had a bad dream,I did all week,But Friday's scared me most:
I dreamed I stood in the kitchen,The lights were kinda blueish blackish.I heard a guy say:
Guy:Hello Taylor.
The guy was my dad
Taylor:DAD?*Turns around*What?
Dad:STOP!If you step any closer,Lizzy...DIES!
Dad:Taylor,Since the police saw that there was my finger prints.I will be going to prison tomorrow!So I wanna make this last!One way to keep your friend ALIVE,Is to walk outside...Barefoot...And stay all night!GOOD BYE!*Disappears*
I woke up,Opened the door,Walked down the hall,outside.Gulping,I stepped out.It was very cold!It was snow!I couldn't do it!But I had to!
*morning at recess*Nobody's POV
*Shakes*Taylor!WAKE UP!!Whats this?*Sees a scratch*AMY!!MRS AMY!!
posted by kassilove
When I was “CLEANING OUT MY CLOSET, I found an old CD of Eminem aka “THE REAL SLIM SHADY”. I started listening to it and “SANG FOR THE MOMENT". I have always been a “STAN” of Eminem and WITHOUT HIM(ME) I think I might LOSE MYSELF(YOURSELF). And, “TILL I COLLAPSE” I want to fly like a “MOCKING BIRD” or even better as “SUPERMAN, because “WHEN IM GONE” I want to let everyone know that my life was “BEAUTIFUL”. I am “NOT AFRAID” to hit “ROCK BOTTOM” because I was born “LIKE A TOYSOLDEIR
posted by reb1009
The "Rick Roll" Hotline: 772-257-4501

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Total Comments: (13)
Have your friends call 772-257-4501 for a special message from a certain 80's musician...
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April Fools Day Assistance Hotline: 413-497-0033

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Total Comments: (1)
Celebrate our favorite holiday (or any day for that matter) with the April Fool's Day Assistance Hotline: 413-497-0033. Perfect for pranks!
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Prankster's Assistant Hotline: 781-452-0842

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Total Comments: (5)
Use the Prankster's Assistant Hotline for your pranks! 781-452-0842.
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The Urgent Message Hotline: 240-258-4005

(i had to add that extra gunk) XD
posted by Cantwait4book5
Why Can't I Own a Canadian?

October 2002

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share...
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posted by xSiVePux
I wait...

for 2 years long to reach my happiness, an unaswered question has been solved out by the miracle of its own.

I never feel so happy unlike when I was 12-13 years old, those number is a crack of my flaw and the sorrow of my life but in return...
I always got stabbed in the back by those foolish mortals.

Those things were all just my past, those hurtful memories begun to fade away from my scene but the scar on my heart still marked its pain.
When will it heal for sure? when will this agony vanish forever?

well the answer was this,

More pain I got when I broke my eyes, unfortunately it has happened...
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posted by demon_wolf
noun, verb, loved, lov·ing.
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
sexual passion or desire.
a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
sexual intercourse; copulation.
( initial capital letter ) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.
affectionate concern for the...
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I know some questions about canada that non-canadians ask about Canada, i'm going to tell you the answers

first, you can NOT see polar bears in the street and we don't ride the them either we use CARS.

second, we live in houses, not igloos we would probably freeze after awhile

Thats all i know but know you won't think canadians live in igloos and if Miley cyrus is reading this and did say canada sucks,WELL IT DOESEN'T SUCK!!!!
IT ROCKS!!! i'm proud to live in Canada.

posted by InvaderStorm
He leaned against the wall, heart thumping and out of breath. He’d managed it, what everyone told him was impossible. He’d escaped them for what must have been the millionth time. He had told the world about it, but of course, nobody believed him, as nobody ever escapes them.
    They had unimaginable power, with forces and numbers greater then anything you have ever seen. They wanted him dead. Not the ‘you stole my soda and I am going to kill you’ dead, they didn’t stand childish antics like that. No, they wanted him 6 feet under dead. But he escaped every time....
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added by PrettyGirl_Rock
added by Crazedsitcomfan
#1: LUCY:
I haven't actually seen this movie, but somebody told me how stupid the ending is.
Lucy reaches 100% of her cerebral capacity and disappears within the spacetime continuum, where she explains that everything is connected and existence is only proven through time. Only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind.
And she herself suddenly disappears into thin air.
leaving only a text, saying, "I AM EVERYWHERE!".
It's bad enough Hellsing pulled that line..

I loved this show, but it become less and less popular after Charlie left. And the producer, espically...
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Razilee and Elijah Part 3 Unconfirmed Poster
Razilee and Elijah Part 3 Unconfirmed Poster
The new and secretively hidden Razilee and Elijah Part 3 film hasn't made any impact or any appearances during November 2020 Kindness Day Project, Or at YT Winter Fest 2020, unlike the second film, Razilee and Elijah: Part 2's first announcement in December 2019.

With that said, an unusual release date was announced for a November 2021 release at the third Razilee and Elijah film. Nothing of the film has surfaced, storyline, plot, new project and effects prepared for the third film has been announced. In other words, the third film is as secretive as a film could get. The release date of November...
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added by KanonKyu
Source: Sweet photography fan art by me - KanonKyu