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posted by TakTheFox
Yeah it took a while for me to think up something to whine about X{D, but here’s one. FIGHTING IN ROLEPLAYS. NO, this isn’t going to be me complaining about “VIOLENCE IS BAD! NERRRRRRRRR!” I mean
 yeah Violence is BAD, but th- okay right, off topic, sorry.

Anyway, Fighting in Roleplays is usually
 one of the most annoying things ever. If someone is fighting someone else in a roleplay, it is can be at times what I like to call “Stubborn-one-sided” where both side will act like no matter what, they are the ones in control, and the superior. Now I originally was going to say that it was almost ALWAYS that way, but there’s both GOOD things and many other BAD things that aren’t this.

So what leads to issues in Fighting Roleplays? And what’s wrong with losing? Well a number of things. A LOT of roleplayers will have generally balanced characters with abilities and such (Give or take, while the characters may be balanced, the average you’ll find one that is generally balanced is not balanced
 yeah I’m confused too.) and they want to go have fun some, so they’ll end up in a fight in an rp. They’re having a good time, but then they notice, “Hey! This guy is blocking, deflecting, not getting affected, by EVERYTHING I do! That’s not fair!” Now when this happens to me, I go flat out “Hey, I doubt you’re character knows how to block something he’s NEVER SEEN BEFORE, please cut me some slack.” But a lot of people take an alternate route, and really
 I don’t really blame them that much.

So what is this alternate route? Well that would be them doing the exact same thing the other person does. This is so they can get their own hits in, in attempt to make the character opposing them look like a wimp or fool, or because they don’t want to risk the rp ending by complaining. And
 it almost never works. If you choose to play along, and fight fire with fire, it isn’t going to extinguish, it’ll just build up heat, and eventually you’ll run into the “GARY-STU-ATTACK!!!!!!” (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!) These can range to *rips off character’s arm* to *Kills you*, because they want their way, and either feel cheated, or/and are afraid to lose. And then it gets BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Cussing, hate, saying they’ll never rp again, this CAN and HAS happened, sadly immature but true.

So let’s go over what attributes of the character got us here.
1.    He is INDESTRUCTABLE!!!!! Answer me this, how can you fight a character, if you can’t actually do something to them? It’s no fun. It’s like hitting a punching bag out of anger at someone, only the punching bag IS the person, and they’re mocking you the whole time. Someone might call me out on something here so I’ll address it now. My character, Dimension 4, CANNOT be harmed physically. At least not by something that ISN’T core energy. However he needs air, and food, which opens up weaknesses. So
 DROWN THE CHARACTER, and if the person tries to drown your character people, don’t do something to instantly counter it, actually have them struggle.
2.    The character is all-powerful. Used this topic to death, so in short; either make your weak with about five abilities max (or medium with five abilities max), or make them SUPER POWERFUL
 with ONE ability, not TWO, ONE.
3.    The user is One-sided. This isn’t the same as Stubborn-one-sided (There’s a word for that I know, I just like feeling original X{D). This is where the user harnesses the power of the plot and/or the MORALITY of the roleplay. This isn’t actually only something that can be attributed to just fighting, but arguments as well.
Example: Your character is arguing with another character, and they make the plot agree with them, be it in narration “Despite how much Trim argued with Elmo, he could not convince his friend that he was right, and he was of course right.”, or in actions like *The people around stare angrily at person*. This is the point where the user thinks that they are completely right, and become very hard to convince otherwise, and usually will end the argument in some way that it won’t need to pop up again, and even treat the person they argued with like dirt or a villain in the future, to emphasize “I WAS RIGHT, YOU WERE WRONG!!!”


Remember that people disagree, and what you call right might be called wrong by someone else. And while you’re free to “NERRRRR” all about how “right” you are in ACTUAL arguments, rps are for fictional characters, in a fictional world. It’s for enjoyment, so don’t try to prove a point like that IN an rp, AT LEAST not so much that it leads to DICTATORSHIP!

Now I know this didn’t really go into actual violence, so I’ll give an example of that now.

If your character is getting beat, unless you have a cannon Deus Ex Machina with your character that’s commonly known (Like a bracelet that gives them extra health that didn’t JUST NOW get written in, but was actually in there at the beginning, can be seen in a picture.), you are NEVER to pull things out of thin air. You CAN’T gain extra strength from sheer will-power (Certain person might hate me for that comment there, I assure you I mean no offense), you CAN’T have them suddenly get something special from the SUDDENLY CHANGING WEATHER, and you SHOULD NEVER get a sudden revival of some sort that lets them go SUPER SAND EPIC GIRL GOLDEN HAIR MODE!
4.    (Wow that took a while) Boredom in fighting. Not as bad as the others, but still annoying. This is where both people, or just one, is 
 SHELTERING of their character in a way. This can be from giving vague attacks, stretching things out, going *Running away* ten comments later *still running away*, or just ignoring the fighting all-together, which leads to Any of the topics above.

Okay so here’s what you CAN do.
~Give your characters easy to use weaknesses. DON’T give them something that is extremely rare and no one would know about/where to find/how to use.
~Write up everything your character is able to do, and what you are willing for him/her to be able to do in an rp, then send THAT to the person you roleplay with, and have them do the same. That way no one has the upper hand unless It’s ACTUAL skill. If you have too many things to list, just write up SOME of them, and use only those. It won’t be the end of the world if you can’t use your *Summon toad* ability (Not a shout out X{D).
~EXPRESS any displeased feelings you’re having about how the rp is going WITHOUT insulting, yelling, or acting offended. People will usually listen, and they’ll probably change the circumstances if you’re not enjoying it, especially if THEY made the rp, because after all, the rp is like a house, and you’re the guest, so their goal is to make the guest HAPPY.

One last addition that didn’t really fit in anywhere else is that ALL of these points should always be considered, but they should be the most considered in Fighting Rps. And by that I obviously mean rps where the whole point is to fight and see who wins. You can’t use your Deus Ex Machina’s, and you can’t suddenly get power by sheer will UNLESS all you have is THE POWER OF SHEER WILL (By brightest day, by blackest ni- *Shot*)! These rps are to test skills, they aren’t meant for plots, they’re meant for strategy. How do you have strategy against someone who starts gaining “SOME MYSTICAL POWER FROM NOWHERE!” ? You don’t.

So any opinions you’d like to share, huzzah, feel free, but please don’t overdo it. Anything to add, again feel free.


This little part here isn’t related to the actual article, but it’s something I wanted to point out about rps that needs to be addressed. I would’ve put it in a separate article, but I thought it was too short.

When roleplaying, don’t assume that the person that’s using the character IS that character. That is to say, if someone’s character is being obnoxious, don’t get mad at the user, it’s how the CHARACTER acts.
An example I ran into was when *Nameless-user* and their characters were arguing with my character, and then she/he got mad at me saying that I was being annoying. But the thing is I’m not my character. I’m not as hyper as Rin, or as temperamental, so don’t assume that I’m saying those things, I’m having the CHARACTER say those things.

If my character is angry at your character, that doesn’t mean I will be angry, which can be said for anyone. So don’t assume so.

And people, try NOT to show how much you disagree THROUGH your characters. If you have a problem, address it, and I don’t mean by saying “Stop being annoying.” If you NEED to make sure of your story just ask “Um is that what you really think?” and even that should be avoided unless you are TRULY FULLY bothered by something.

Alright, that’s pretty much it. PIE!

Eat Pie and Prosper
posted by TakTheFox
Loner Days

Supreta was named after the group called The Pretas. It was composed of three travelling nations which formed on the brink of extinction. The first group, and largest, was known as The Pers’es of a country we think to be translated as Pers’al. This group was strong, but outgoing. The second were the Irnd’as, from what we translate as Indesya. These were somewhat smaller than the Pers’es, but still large, and believed in taking all from others, and accepting no others into their group. The third were the Scats- Do NOT laugh at that! 
 as I was saying, the Scats...
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posted by LorMel
Simy: Um...i...just...want to say...that...although we've not known each other that long, i've really grown to love you dearly. I love you so much, with all my heart...and i want it to stay that way for a long time, question is...*takes the box out of his pocket, and goes on 1 knee, opens the box, to reveal a gold ring, with a diamond in it*....Princess Emerald...will you marry me?
>Emerald: *she covers her mouth with her hands, blushing hard, tears forming into her eyes* Simy...*she removes her hands slowly* Yes, with all my heart yes!
*people: Awwwwwwww!"*
Simy: *smiles, tears up, and gently takes her left hand, and puts the ring on her ring finger*
Emerald: *she bends down & hugs him tightly* ^//////^ Simy: !~ *hugs back tight, and stands up, both of them standing and hugging* ^/////^
Emerald: *softly crying, still hugging him*
Simy: *crying to, looks in her eyes, and kisses her*
posted by BusterTheBunny
" What happened.....the whole story of your......bloody life?" The officer said,sitting in the chair as I sat in mine. " all started like this..."


I was walking through town with my friend Darwin. We was drunk....doing stuff every young adult does in their early lives. We was walking,tipsy,back to Darwin's house until a yellow car came up. A Emerald green-like Hawk get's out the car with two orange hedgehogs. "Well....Well....Well....drunk eh?....Why don't I take ya home...." He said,I could even understand what I was doing but the next and Darwin was in the...
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added by FGthehedg3
Source: none
posted by NoctusLynx
Once school commenced, she wasn't accepted with the absolution of her parents' crimes, if I should dare call such actions as such. She was beaten by the teachers more oftenly than the others, harrassed more relentlessly by the students, and has had to live through experiences that no child should have to experience.

Those whom would dare say she had a childhood would have minds as twisted as the leaders of these two tribes. Her childhood was taken from her before it even began.

Even though she had to endure all this, she kept going with a belief that her own parents still loved her for her uniqueness....
continue reading...
posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Dyllon McKinley Colt
Reason or meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Dyl
Reason for nickname: It's cute, and adorable
Birth date: 12/24/1999
Powers: Psychic (He can see the future, past and even view some thing that are happening LIVE, in the present
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 14
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 49 pounds
Height: 3ft 6in
Body build: Slim
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Light-blue
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair: Thick
Voice: Deep, with a Hedenese accent,...
continue reading...
posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Charity Grace Higawatta
Reason or meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Char-bear
Reason for nickname: It's cute!
Birth date: 2/2/2002
Power: Air (this power has no corrupted mode)
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 11 (13 when she meets Shock in his series)
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 43 pounds
Height: 3ft 3in
Body build: Slim
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Blue
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (her hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair: Thin
Hairstyle: 3 quills on the back of her head and 3 bangs over her face
continue reading... mean anything 2 u? Yeah, me neither...but apparently I'm decended from the head of the clan...tribe...thing...and I'm the 1st in generations 2 actually show it. He was apparently my great (to the power of 8) grandfather. Apparently he had only 1 child, a daughter...who somehow was not born with any abilities exept being extreamly agile, if that counts. Since then no1 had been born with the abilities of fire (much less lightning which I also learned) 2 the family until me. How strange...and unfortunate for me. Fire is brings only pain 2 those with the ability...
continue reading...
posted by zutaradragon
Let's start with saying this...I was told that I was made using part of the DNA of another hedgehog 1 of Father's family members made...some1 named Shadow is geneticly my brother...a guy named Robotnic. I guess that makes Robotnic my grandpa. Knowing this, he also said that he made me so I would b different...better....supposedly. But I...I'm a monster...just like the others...only un-like them...well...they have 3 different forms, rite? Regular, demon, and were form...I have not only my own soul but 2 other, evil souls that inhabbit me. They try 2 take over and it shows in my 2 other...“forms”....
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added by CrescentHedgie
Source: AkaiDalia
added by RawrMonster123
Source: I drew it but the FC ain't mine
added by musiclover2015
Source: by *Sakura123Cha
added by Solar_Soul
Source: ME
posted by PrinceTwo
Hello friends. Recently a friend has asked me to write a critique for a character named Rynk in this club. I spent 2 hours on this only to find out that the person who asked for the critique in the first place didn't read past the first 2 paragraphs. Then proceeded to create a large amount of drama over it that resulted in hurting my friends emotionally.. Now being the evil mother fucker I am, of course I decided to make this critique public for everyone! Because hey, if the person who it was intended for didn't read it someone else should. Plus giving someone a taste of their own medicine...
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Many times I see people complaining about either A) not being able to afford photoshop or B) saying that their art program is shitty and that's why the have 'bad art.'

I have always hated people saying these things because they are really shitty excuses. Your art program is not that fucking bad if you actually know how to use it, for one, and for the other?


So here is a list and quick review of any free art programs I can find. (Let me know if I'm missing any- I want as many on this list as possible.) (Also if any of the links don't work let me know and I can try to help...
continue reading...
Note; This is an opinion, do not take this as anything offensive or insulting. This is to help you avoid having an overpowered or overangsty character.

It is very fun to make your own character, or fan character, yes? ^^ I agree. But, sometimes, people don't go through character development the correct way, having their character or fan character result in being overpowered and/or undefeatable.

Sometimes, they do follow the right steps, but instead create a much more angsty, annoying, depressed character.

I will start off with the much more common character; Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus.

They are characters...
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added by breezethecat
Source: Breezethecat and FlockDraw
added by EvaTheHedgehog
Source: ME
added by xwolf19
Source: Me
posted by AceRider
Normal Vemon
Normal Vemon
Vemons are imps that live in a far away kingdom called Vemoria. Most vemons are hospitable such as red, blue, green, and white vemons. Some are considered hostile and evil such as the violet, black, and gray vemons. Other vemons of different colors are neutral, and live their lives like
normal beings.

The main villain has an army of violet vemons that vary.
Macho Vemon
Macho Vemon
Vemon Drone
Vemon Drone
Nega Vemon
Nega Vemon
Grand Vemon
Grand Vemon