TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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Courtney's P.O.V.
Wow, what a blast we had at Bridgette's house. We ate, we all went swimming, and had lot's of fun, until we got tired. Gwen was the first to get out, then Bridgette and I followed. After we got out and dried ourselves off, we laid back and relaxed in the long chairs. I put on my sunglasses to get some sun' As for Bridgette and Gwen, they were busy talking about how bad things went For Gwen when she faced Duncan. I said,"It couldn't be as bad as my first date with Trent."But Gwen just wouldn't believe me. She said,"Look Courtney, you don't know what kind of person he can really be like until you've faced him." I told her "Gwen, you've just got to get tougher than he is."But she said,"Well that's just it Courtney, you're you and I'm me. And I doubt that I'll ever have the courage to handle aggressive men like that."Naturally, I tried to assure her that Duncan couldn't have been all that bad but Gwen and Bridgette disagreed with me. Well I was curious about how bad Duncan treated Gwen. And I could see how curious the girls were about how bad my date went with Trent. So we agreed to tell our stories about how bad things went. And talk it out with each other. Of coarse, when Gwen told me how much of a control freak, and a total d!@%&#@d he was, I became shocked. He never once, treated me that way. I said"Aww Gwen, you've just got to know how to handle men like him. Some, like Trent, can be very sweet, caring, and gentle. While others, like Duncan, need to be handled by a leash and a crack whip."

Gwen's P.O.V.
A crack whip, A CRACK WHIP!? After Courtney said that to the both of us, Bridgette and I cracked up laughing. I said"Well-l(snort)if you want him back, you can have him. Like I told you, it's over between us both. And I'm not going back to Duncan."Naturally, Courtney said,"Thanks but I'll just wait until he cools off. Besides Gwen, to tell you the truth, I've been stalking the both of you ever since we came back home from Hawaii. I said,"Why am I not surprised."She even told me how many girlfriends Duncan had."So, you met his sisters too?"I asked."Yes,"she said,and let me tell you. They're a lot more nicer than he ever was." So anyways, Courtney continued on about her first date with Trent. And how things went really good, until they got to the mall. She told us about how many fans Trent had, including girl fans. She even described 6 of his fans at the mall, that kinda surrounded them. I wonder if Courtney was talking about my cousin? From the way she described the girls made me wonder about that. She said that one of them had long brown hair. While the other two had short hair cuts. One had pixie blond hair, while the other had colored hair, like mine.

"And if it weren't for those fans surrounding us,"said Courtney,"we would've had a better time together, alone."
"You know what Courtney,"said Gwen>"one of those fans you described sounds just like my cousin Nikki. I wonder if she's in town?"
"I don't know Gwen but tell me, does your cousion have purple hair?"Courtney asked.
Yeah she does and it's as short as mine."said Gwen.
"Oh wow Gwen, it's hard to believe how much your cousin and her friends are fan crazy over Trent.!"She said,"Have you ever met her friends before?"
"Well no, I haven't really."said Gwen."But I have heard her tell us stories about her friends Wyatt, Jude, Jennifer, and Caitlin. Oh, and especially about her boyfriend, Jonsey. She used to describe him as mr. hot shot. What a pig he was."
"Yep, that sounds just like them."said Courtney."We had to lose them just to get some time alone. It might have worked out if it weren't for one thing that we both had."
"What's that?"Bridgette asked.
"The fact that we were both still hung up on our x's."Courtney said sadly."So we talked it over and decided to just be good friends. So we kissed one last time and hugged each other. Afterwards we said good-bye and went our separate ways. It was sad but it was our choice we made, for the time being."
"Oh Courtney, did you really want to do that?"Gwen asked.
"Well, yeah,"she said,"I mean let's face it. Trent still loves you and he still thinks about you Gwen. As for me, I still can't help but to think about that dumb b&$!@%d Duncan."
"Well Courtney,"said Gwen,"I don't blame you one bit for calling him that."
Courtney giggled, as well as Bridgette did. Then she said,"Cute Gwen, really cute. So yell me something o.k.?"
"What Courtney?"Gwen asked.
"Now that you have Trent's cell phone number,"she asked,"what are you going to do?"
"I don't know Courtney?"Gwen pondered."I'm a little bit scared to call him right now. I mean, what if he's still mad at me for what happened during the world tour?"
Courtney touched Gwen on her shoulder for assurance. Then said,"Trust me Gwen. Like I said, he still loves you.!"
"Trust her Gwen,said Bridgette,"she knows what she's talking about."
"I know Bridge, I know."said Gwen.
"So Gwen, there's just one thing that I, or should I say, we should know about."Said Courtney."Just what the heck were you and Trent doing out in the parking lot? That got you crying over him? Other than the fact that he left us."
"Yeah Gwen, you've got to tell us about that!"said Bridgette."I've just got to know, pleeease?"
"Alright, alright Bridge.(sigh)"said Gwen with a smile on her face."If it will make you two happy, I'll tell ya."
After hearing that they all gathered next to Gwen to hear her story. They stared at Gwen and waited for her to tell them about what happened that friday. She had one last drink of her cherry coke then she was ready to speak.
"Well Gwen, what happened?"asked Courtney,"What did he do to you that go you so upset? Did he slap you or something?"
"Of coarse not Courtney, jeez.!"said Gwen while she was laughing."What made you think of that! I mean, come on, he's not that cruel.!"
"I know Gwen, I know, it just popped in my head that's all."She said, with a smile on her face. "So what did happen then?"
"Well I'll tell you."Said Gwen,"As soon as Trent was about to leave the studio parking lot, I did everything to stop him. When he refused to speak to me about anything, I threw myself at him and begged him not to go. Next thing that happened was that he turned around to face me. Took off his goggles and helmet and picked me up. Then he embraced me and kissed me. We kinda made out in the parking lot but it was oh so romantic.!"
"Is that all??"Bridgette asked.
"Well yeah Bridge.!"she said."I mean it felt like it was the first time we ever kissed in our life."
"I know but the way that you were crying and all that. I or should I say, we'd thought that he did something really mean to you.?"said Bridgette, with a little snicker in it.
"Oh come on Bridgette,"said Courtney,"I think that's so romantic.!"
"Well, I still don't get it? What's so big about Trent's kiss?"she asked.
Gwen glared at Bridgette for the moment. Then said,"What's so big about it, Bridgette, are you serious?! Courtney, answer me this, when you kissed Trent, did you feel like a stick of butter that melted in his hands?"
"Well uh, yeah Gwen,I guess I did."She said as she blushed.
"And when he kissed you a second time, Didn't you feel like holding on to him and never letting him go?"Gwen asked.
"Well yeah, but what's that got to do with his kiss?"Courtney pondered.
"Everything, Because that's exactly how I felt when he kissed me."she said. Then she turned to Bridgette and asked;"Now do you understand what I'm saying Bridgette? Even when Courtney explained it to you.?""Oh wow Gwen!"said Bridgette."I never knew how much of a lover Trent really was. I wonder if I could get him to take me out on a date? Maybe even get him to give me some sugar, ehh?"
"Not on your life Bridgette!"they shouted."So don't even think about it!!"

Bridgette's P.O.V.
"Well I was just kidding.!"I said to Courtney and Gwen. Although they didn't really believe me, I really meant it. Even if I did get a chance to kiss Trent, there's no way I'd trade my love for Geoff for someone else. After all, I already did that when Geoff was out and Alejandro stepped in. I couldn't help myself because he was so smooth and sincere, I didn't realize how much of a dirty scumbag he really was. Until it was too late. And even when I apologized to Geoff about it, he wouldn't let me forget about it for quite some time. But at least we're back together again. So now that the fun time was over with, Courtney and Gwen changed back into their clothes, and went home. But before we split up, we made a vow of sisterhood friendship. No matter what happens, we we promised that we'd remain b.f.f.l. I wonder if LaShawna would be interested in joining us?

Gwen's P.O.V.
So after we all got dressed, we made a strong friendship vow. It seemed a whole lot better than the vow we made on board the plane. And yet, I kinda wondered if it really would last forever.? After all, who knows how our lives would turn out. But one thing's for certain, we are definitly going to be b.f.f.l.. Now, as far as it goes for Trent's phone #, I still don't know what to do with it. Although I am grateful for Courtney giving it to me, I just don't know what to say to him anymore. How do you talk to someone you've broken up with to tell him how you really feel? And how do you express yourself on how much you want that person back? I have no idea? But one thing is for certain, I'm not going to give up until I have Trenton back. And that is a promise.

As days became weeks, Gwen found it difficult to summon up the courage to give Trent a call. But when she did, his cell phone was busy. However, she was determined to talk to him, so she never gave up. So she kept on calling Trent until he finally answered his cell phone. Unfortunately for Gwen, she'd loose the courage to talk to him and hang up on him. Why, because every time Trent would answer his phone and say something, she'd freeze. And then she'd foolishly hang up. It soon came to the point to where Trent became annoyed by the person who kept calling him and not saying anything. Now Trent was angry and wanted to know who was behind all of this.
One day, while Trent was home doing nothing, a phone call came in on his cell phone. Noow it was true that Trent was sick and tired of getting calls and no one answering him. But he had to see who it was this time. So he answered his phone with much reluctance. What he didn't know was that it was he beat friend Geoffrey calling.
"Listen you, who ever you are,"said Trent, angrily,"if you're not going to talk to me after you call me after you call me.! Then do me a favor and stop calling me o.k.!"
"Woe-woe-woe-woe Trent, slow down,"said Geoff,"it's me chum! What's going on dude?!"
"Oh Geoff, is that you?"Trent asked."Oh thank God, I thought it was some stalker calling me.."
"What are you talking about Trent?"Geoff wondered. So Trent explained to him the whole story about a stranger that kept calling him. And every time he'd get the call no one would talk to him or leave him a message on his cell phone.So Geoff asked"Do you still have that strangers phone number?"
"Yeah Geoff, I'll send it to you if you still want to take a look at it?"said Trent.
"That's exactly what i was thinking!"said Geoff.
After they hung up he found the phone number from the unknown caller. He then memorized it and sent it to Geoffrey's cell phone by text. After Geoff took on e look at the number trent sent him, he soon gave Trent a call back to talk to him.
"Hello?"Trent answered.
"Hey Trent, is that you?"Geoff asked.
"Well of coarse it's me."He said,"Did you figure out who's number that is?"
"No,"said Geoff,"but it does seem familiar to me. Let me call you back in a little while, o.k. buddy?"
"O.K. Geoff, he said,"call me back when you get some more info. on this stuff."
"You got it pal."said Geoff. And he hung up his cell phone.

Geoff's P.O.V.
There's Something awfully familiar about that telephone number Trent gave me. Could it be possible that Gwen now has Trent's cell phone number? And if it does, did Bridgette give it to her as a gift? Even after I told her not to.! Well I'm going over to Bridgette's house to find out for myself, once and for all. I can seroiusly state, that I am totally unhappy about this.

So when he finally got to Bridgette's, he knocked on her door as fast as he could. Bridgette was surprised to see Geoff when she opened the door. She had no idea that Geoff was coming over to visit.
"Hi honey, what are you doing here?"she asked.
"Bridgette,"said Geoff,"we need to talk."And with that, he walked into her house.They both headed into the living room, where they sat on the couch to talk.
"Is this really important Geoff?"she asked.
He said,"Yes it is Bridge, very important. You see sweetheart, apparently, Trent has been getting some strange phone calls from his cell phone. Yet everytime he answers his phone, he been getting no response."
"Really,"she asked,"who'd do something like that?"
"I don't know Bridge?"He said as he pulled out his cell phone."But the number looks awfully familiar.! You wouldn't happen to know who's number this is, would you?"
When Bridgette heard that and saw the number that Geoff was talking about, she froze for the moment. She knew that it was Gwendolin's but she couldn't tell him the truth about it. So she tried to lie about the whole thing.
"Well umm, I don't know what you're talking about Geoff."said Bridgette."I have no idea who's number that belongs to.?"
"Are3 you sure?"He asked.
"Yes I'm sure.!"she said, stubbornly.
Now Geoff knew that she was lying, because he knew that it was Gwen's Cell phone number. And even though she denied it, he also knew something was wrong. So he was determined to make her tell the truth. Even if he had to interrogate her all day.
"Bridgette, don't lie to me.!"He said angrily. As he spoke to her, he gave her the lazy eye."Now come on, out with it. You'd better tell me the truth, or else."
"Or else what.?"Bridgette asked, a little startled.
"Or,Or els-s-se I'll never go out with you again. And to think, I had these two tickets to see Genesis live in concert.!"
"But Geoff!?"cried Bridgette.
"Bridgette, tell the truth!"Geoff said, angrily.
Now she knew that he was being serious about the whole thing. So she said,"Alright Geoff, alright, you don't have to get into a fit about it, I'll talk. And might I say that you're as bad as Gwen is when it comes to interrogating people.!"
"Aw-w Bridgette,said Geoff.I thought I told you not to get involved! I can't believe that you, my girlfriend, would even give her Trent's phone number."
"But Geoff, you just don't understand. I never gave her Trent's number, Courtney did it.!"she explained.
"No way.."he said.
"yes she did.!"she replied.
"How?"Geoff asked.
"Well, if you'd let me explain,"said Bridgette, Frustrated,"I'll tell you the whole thing.!"
"Alright Bridgette, explain yourself."Geoff said as he laid back on the couch.
So she told him everything that happened weeks ago. How Gwen was pining over Trent so much after he left the parking lot. How upset she got after she watched the video he dedicated for her. How, after she found out how much of a jerk Duncan was, she broke up with him. And especially how her and Courtney got into a fight over Trent and nearly killed each other. Also that she was the one who put a stop to it before they destroyed her room. And even though Gwen and Courtney talked it out and rekindled their friendship. Even though Courtney did tell about her short relationship with Trent. She still gave Gwen Trent's cell phone number and ended the hatred between them.
"And didn't you do anything to stop it?"Geoff asked.
"Well I did tell Courtney about the promise I made to you.!"she said.
"And?"he asked.
"She said, and I quote,(You made the promise, I didn't!"). Then she gave Gwen his cell phone number."Bridgette finished.
"Oh-ho-ho no.!"Geoff groaned.
"Well I'm sorry Geoff but like I said, Gwen is my best friend."said Bridgette."And I'd do just about anything to help her out. Would you do he same thing for Trent?"
"Well to be honest with you Bridge,"he sighed,"I've been trying to do so for over the last few weeks. But it looks like you've beat me to it."
Bridgette smiled and asked;"So now what are we going to do about it?"
"you just leave it up to me, I've got a call to make."said Geoff."And one more thing, please don't get into any more trouble like this, o.k.?"
"You've got it darling.(smooch)"she said, with a kiss.
So after Geoff headed for home, he started to call Trent. He didn't know exactly how to explain it to him but he knew this ws something that he needed to know about. Yet he also knew that Trent was going to be shocked when he'd discover that the mystery caller was Gwen. As Trent's cell phone rang, he was glad it was Geoff.
"Hey Trent, how's it going?"Geoff asked.
"Alright I guess."said Trent."So did you find out who the mystery caller was?"
"Well yeah but tell me something Trent?"Geoff asked."Would you like to hear the good news or the bad news first?"
"Uhh, the good news?"he pondered.
"Well the good news is, you don't have to worry about who the mystery caller is."said Geoff.
"Really, who is it?"Trent asked.
"That's the bad news Trent."he explained."Gwen the one who's been the mystery caller, thanks to Courtney. And she's been pining over you ever since you left the parking lot during the talk show."
"Bu-bu-but why?"Trent asked in shock." I thought she'd be happier with Duncan instead of me?"
"I thought so to but well-l, it's a long story. I think that Gwen should tell you."said Geoff."So now what are you going to do chum?"
"The only thing I can do Geoff."said Trent."Sit back and just hope that she calls me again. Eeven though i know she will."
"Me too pal, me too."said Geoff.

Gwen's Matthias p.o.v

I was walking to the park,to sketch the landscape.
I fell over in a puddle."Are you alright"Said this Guy.He grabbed my hand and helped me up.
"Um,...thanks"I blushed.I stood up and saw his face.
WOW!He looked Good.
"You look Good", uh oh I quickly clapped my hand over my mouth."What was that"He said
"Nothing,um what is your name"I said to cover myself up."Trent Smiths and yours is......"
"Gwendolyn Matthias, but people call me Gwen, so thanks for helping me"I said while getting the Mud of my pants."No problem, people...
continue reading...
Author's note: Please read the first one before reading this one! Thanks. ^^ Sorry for taking so long.. Working on a new article. :D

Gwen's pov!
Gaston's guards were harshly still slamming the tree trunk into the castle doors causing them to start to break in half,statues and other things among the castle walls falling off and shattering onto the ground. I looked up at Trenton's window and he was just standing there with his blank,somewhat upset expression staring at the guards with his glimmering emerald green eyes as they tore down the two tall castle doors not realizing it was me who was covered...
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posted by igwen1
"Hi! This is Gwen's Voicemail, If I No You Leave a Messages! I'll Call You Back!" BEEP…
"Gwen, you cannot call a guy 3 times and not answer one of my calls when I call back!" 23 year old Trent snapped into the phone, pressing the "END" button while he was at it. He threw the phone into the passenger seat next to him as he pulled into his suburban home's driveway. He checked his phone once more, but his short Teal and Black-head friend hadn't called him back yet. "Dammit, Gwen." He muttered as he opened his car door with force, taking his phone with him. He took...
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Day Five __________________________________________________
Trent's P.O.V.
Yes!Heather will be in for a surprise.Sure we had to postpone our date yesterday,but today's date will be even better.As I held a cab while looking to make sure fangirls weren't going to pummel me I thought about how Heather became my girlfriend.
-Five Months Ago-
I was walking in the cold,hard rain alone and miserable.My day had became wonderful and pleasant to total shit storm.It was my day to perform at a famous bar called 'Delights'.First I forgot my lucky guitar pick because I was up late the night before tightening...
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Gwen's pov!
Warmth surrounded me. this is how everyday should be. safe and secure with the love of my life. but,no,we had to face reality. i opened my sealed eyes and saw that the sun was barely shining outside. i looked over at the clock and it read 5Am. i yawned and lied back down on Trent's bare chest. more than his chest was exposed,his whole body was and so was mine. okay,so we had a little 'fun' last night..with a condom that didn't break. Alice couldn't stay in here to listen to Trent and i...exciting each other. i snuggled in to him closer and breathed into his ear. he began to stir...
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Trent's pov!
I stood there tied to the fallen down tree with my mouth wide open as i just witnessed my wife being taken into the underworld. i ran over to where i last saw her and pounded my fists on the ground. "NO! NO! NO!"how am i supposed to go into the underworld! i`m not gonna die and then go to the place,that's retarded! i fell onto my back and stared at the clouds passing by. i felt tears flow down my cheeks as i thought of Gwen and my daughter. what am i supposed to do now? "i think i can help you."came an old voice from behind me. i turned around and saw a pale looking old man. "how...
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gwen's p.o.v.
hey i am about to got to college and my mom said i am getting married in 5 months. WHO THE HECK ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM OR WHO EVER THIS PERSON I! she said his name is brandon he is from england has dirty blond hair blue eyes and on priceing my mom says he is a great guy for me. WELL I DON'T EVEN FRIKEN KNOW HIM me and my mom are TOTAL opposites on everything you cold think of.
no ones p.o.v.
mom:gwen come on your taxi is here
gwen:i'm coming!
mom:ok sense you are an adlut now you never get the right to use that tone at me
gwen: sorry
mom: now gwen your futur husbend will be waiting for...
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Trent's pov!
i got married to Gwen last year on Halloween,and had 5 kids over the past few years. i had to go to work today,so i got into my car and drove off to the motorcycle repair place. i still had to fix that red motorcycle,but the engine just wont cut on. after dealing with this junk for 9 hours,it was time for me to go home. i got into my car and drove home,but a wild lighting storm was happening. there were trees,houses,lights,even cars were flying and blowing up everywhere,i hope Gwen and the kids are alright. but as i was dodging even more and more stuff,a huge truck fell down on...
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posted by tdiCat
Gwen: why haven't you bought the boarding pass to our honeymoon .Trent:I want to wait until the baby is born. Gwen: I hope it is today..... Halloween !! Trent: awesome. *kisses her*
Gwen: we should make breakfast *gets out of bed* Trent: wow we are still naked from last night. Gwen: did you use a condom. Trent: of course I did. Gwen: awesome. Trent: one question can we make breakfast naked?? Gwen: as long as you close the curtains it is fine with me. Trent: just put on you apron. Gwen: *goes downstairs and puts on this apron with a shape of a striper suit* Trent: yes you put on the good apron....
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posted by trentgwenfan1
Gwen: trent how are we going to find him
trent:i don't know will find him don't worry
gwen: trent i found something this morening*hands him a note thats say*
&i god you WORTHLESSS KID DON'T TRY TO FIND HIM CUASE YOU NEVER WILL IF YOU WANT YOUR KID BACK YOU HAVE TO KILL YOUR HUSBEND GWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gwen: how dose this person know my name?!?!?
trent: i don't know but he or she wants me dead
Trent's p.o.v.
i thought it was Gwen's mom but i couldn't tell her that she would probably freak out sence her mom...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
trent *sleeping*
gwen trent r u awake
trent gwen *waks up* GWEN*hugs gwen* i'm happy that your alive
gwen trent i luv u
trent gwen i luv u 2
trent i was scread 2 death y did u make yourslef get shot
gwen i didn't want 2 c u get hurt
trent it's ok
gwen weres payton
trent he got arested
gwen y
trent i told the police that he shot u
gwen oh
trent i'm just really happy u r alive

the cractwers r trent gwen payton and courtney and duncan
i might make a sconde book u can coomet some idieas
posted by cooleeo
Author's Note: Hey, guys! I'm only making a part two to this story because apparently I hit the limit for how many words you can type into one article. (Ha!) Anyways, I've been trying to do a Halloween themed article (At least near the holiday) for about two years now and I've finally been able to achieve it! I hope you enjoy part two of Abandoned. (:

Gwen's pov!

"Gwen, get down here right now!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs. I grumbled and slammed my pillow on my head before hearing her repeat the same annoying line again. I threw my pillow across the room and stumbled my way downstairs...
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added by gwendiamond
This is not mine. THis is a video i found on youtube. It describes that Trent and Gwen need a miracle that miracle is that they get together. In our Hearts that miracle still lives
Also a song I will use soon in one of my articles..x3 Oh and ignore the blury sound in the video. /=
added by iDxG101
Source: DarylT
added by trentandgwenfan
Source: me
added by FanCourtney100
added by hottiel10
posted by cooleeo
Gwen's pov!

"Have a great day, Gwen."My 2nd grade teacher smiled, handing me by backpack and waved as I walked off towards home. I might be young and all, but who's parents make you walk home when you're only 7 old? One of the meanest kids in school bumped into me on purpose and I landed in a puddle of water. "Smooth move, stupid girl."He had a tug of war with me for my backpack and he won roaring in laughter at his achievement and my loss. "Later looser."He rode off on his bike splattering water all over my face as he did so. I stood up out of the puddle and continued my walk home, hearing...
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Bridgette's P.O.V.

Woe, what a trip that was when we left Duncan's house! I can't believe how much of a jerk he was. But when Gwen told me the whole story about how the discussion became a fight, I could see that she was really serious. Poor Gwen, the only thing that saved her was the fact that his door was open and his siblings were home. I mean, dang it, God was really on her side.!

"I just can't believe how much of a jerk Duncan really is."Bridgette said,"And to think, you actually wanted to be his beau."
"And I thought that he would be a little sincere and trustworthy,"Said Gwen,"I guess...
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