TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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posted by igwen1
Trent turned around and walked down the stairs. "I'm going to murder him."
Trent returned to his home after leaving Gwen's OLD house and CVS, where he bought some pain medicine to help her sleep better that night. He saw that she was sound asleep on the couch, where he left her, and noticed how thin she'd gotten since the last time he saw her before all this happened. It didn't surprise him too much though, considering the conditions she's been living under for months.
As Trent went to the kitchen to make some soup for the both of them, he stayed quiet to his thoughts. Why? Why? I hadn't seen her in over a month, so I should've KNOWN something was going on! Dammit, why didn't I pay attention? Now she's been bruised and broken, and I could've stopped it! I can't let her go back to him, but what else can I do here? The police will never believe us! Not with Duncan so close to the chief of police! Cops around here are full of crap and crooked. They'll hide and cover anything and anyone. Trent poured the soup into bowls and put spoons in them, taking them to the coffee table in the living room. It doesn't matter though…she's never going to be hurt by him again as long as I'm alive.
Trent gently shook Gwen awake. "Hey." She stretched a bit, but winced in pain after doing so.
Trent frowned. "Yeah, you're going to be sore for a while." He handed her a glass of water with two tablets of Ibuprofen. "So you'll sleep better tonight."
Gwen sighed after taking them. "Trent, I don't know what I'm going to do."
"I'll tell you what you're going to do." Trent said in a firm voice, sitting next to her. "Tomorrow, we're going to get your stuff and you're moving in here with me."
"Trent, I can't-"
"Don't argue with me, Gwen." Trent told her. "Over my dead body will I let you go back to him…and I don't plan on dying anytime soon."
Gwen smiled. "I missed you."
Trent kissed her head. "I missed you too." Once he released her, he showed her the soup. "I thought you should eat something with those pills."
Gwen giggled. "Aw, you're so sweet."
After eating, Trent set her up in the guest bedroom of his house, while he slept in his room. It wasn't a peaceful sleep, considering he didn't know what his next move was. He was glad he had the next two days off from work, so he could wrap his head around everything, get Gwen's things from her OLD home, and move her in and get her comfortable.
Trent slapped his face with both his hands and groaned. "I need sleep." He whispered.
Trent sat straight up in his bed and threw the covers off his body as he ran to his bedroom door. He hoped Gwen wasn't planning on sneaking out to go back to Duncan or was confused of where she was; the last one wouldn't surprise him.
He opened his door quietly, so he wouldn't startle her, and walked to her bedroom door, which was open, but he gasped when he saw her fast asleep in a cute curled up position, with an innocent expression on her face, in the bed and safe under the covers. If she's asleep…then who…
You're hearing things, Trent. He shook his head in frustration as he shut Gwen's door, went back to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him, and went back into his bed. He closed his eyes, trying to sleep.
Suddenly, he heard a glass shatter from downstairs. Again, Trent raced out of his room, not bothering to be too quiet this time, and he saw Gwen's door wide open, and her bed empty and messy, but her purse and suitcase she had brought was still in the room. "Dammit!" He growled as he ran down the stairs, hoping to make it in time. As he passed a corner, he saw one of his cheap glass vases in sharp pieces on the ground.
"Hurry up, SweetHeart." A deep, raspy voice whispered.
Trent ran towards the front door, and saw a hand over Gwen's mouth as the larger figure practically dragged her to the door. She was still in her Black flannel PJ shorts, with her Midnightblue t-shirt, and tall black and white socks, but had a terrified expression.
"Don't even think about it!" Trent snarled as he punched the man square in the face, making him release Gwen, who ran to the staircase, but didn't go upstairs. Trent walked back a bit, and stood in front of Gwen.
The tall man, who happened to be taller than Trent, stood up and grinned at him. "Nice to see you again, Trent." He chuckled out.
Trent could already smell the alcohol on Duncan's breath. "Get the hell out of my house." Trent said in a threatening voice.
"I'll leave, as soon as my stupid girlfriend gets her ass in my car!" Duncan snapped, making Gwen shudder.
Gwen shook her head, slowly sitting down on the steps. "No…" She whimpered.
"She's not going ANYWHERE with you, so get out and don't EVER try to come back here!" Trent yelled.
"Oh, you think so, do you?" Duncan taunted. "Fine, I'll leave, but I'll come back for her. I'll bring my buddies next time."
"I'll call the cops!" Trent threatened.
"Did I mention my buddies ARE cops?" Duncan snickered, making Trent freeze up. "Yup, you're life is now over. I'll make them arrest you for kidnapping my mentally unstable girlfriend and making her believe that I beat the hell out of her, when it was really you who did it."
"NO!" Gwen stood up. "Leave him out of this!"
"I'm not afraid of your threats, Duncan." Trent growled out. "You're not getting Gwen. You can't have her."
"We'll see about that." Duncan said as he walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
Trent immediately locked it once again, and looked out the window, seeing Duncan get into his 2011 black Avalanche truck and speed off down the street. Trent turned around and saw Gwen leaning onto the staircase, crying.