the atasunta family Club
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November 12, 19o5
Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. With that realization i know i will be thrown into my year walk. I wish i had longer to review my options but i don't .I am to poor to opt-out there for i must complete this deathly dance with the spirits of Hell and the living dead. Nothing can or will prepare me for the Hell i will be put through. My chances are slim to none. the probability i will die a horrible gruesome early death is about 98%. The chance of my survival is only a mere 2%. I will most likely die. i am glad i have never loved another so passionatly. if i did it would be harder to do this. My vow tutor says so. He has not been helpful at all. The up side to this is if i do fall i will be able to meet with my sister,tabatha, once more in heaven.I weigh my options as i write this. Should someone find this in the future, long after i have in-tombed this diary in a wooden box locked by combonation, i wish for him/her to note these points provided the year walk trial has not ceased...
1. save your money and opt-out.if you cant soon as possible.before you turn 18.
2.DO NOT FALL IN LOVE!!!! it will only make your year walk more of a hell.
and finally number 3
Roam carefully. you have many an enemy in year woods rangeing from the raven of our folklore to the living dead.

provided this hell has ceased by time human hands touch this once again, tell my story and prevent this trail from raiseing again. i beg of you.
sincere wishes
it was years after the framing incident and the atasunta family had grown considerable. i was now an atasunta along with 5 others.isabella kallen akane sayo and haru were the girls who were brought into the family after me. isabella and kallen,i would probly rate as almost twins the way the act and get along.akane was a bubly kid with alot of power behind her punches. sayo was just someone who would rather keep to herself even though she lookd totally care free.haru is a very bright and sparkely young thing with alot of spunk.they were my family and i loved them...but they could be very....challangeing...
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posted by tammav5
i was warm and comfortable sleeping on a very cozy futon. the pillow cover's and even my cloths felt like silk.
"uhh...soft..." i whispered."so soft..."
i had begun to wake up when i saw a girl with a neddle.(if you know me well...i hate nddles)
"hiya miss A.! my names yon jin!"
yon jin giggled.
"oh well...noin want's you as his so time for this to go in your arm miss A.!"yon jin said."dont worry after this you'll be noin's wifey."
yon jin shoved that frickin neddle in my arm and i got this...felling. i forgot everyone but was a felling of love.
"huh! not bad if i do say so my-slef!...
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posted by tammav5
some random H.Q.
"is this the girl were going after...this atasunta girl,lord kero?"
"heh heh...yes....its is...zukisaru amezuki atasunta.the girl who nearly killd 100 hollows in 1 strike."
"sir,may i ask why you persue her so rentlessly?"
"y-yes sir!"

sora was takeing a bath lancer was with alone regulus and the kids were asleep and the girls were playing in sayo's room,while i was out side.i happily sighed as the wind blow my pony-tail over my shouled.
"man--what a nice day!" i said troughing...
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it will be a few chapters before i go into hueco mundo so until chapter what ever its about what i do almost daily....hope you like it.

at the archey range i hit just about every target with absolute persision and accuerisy (i hit a bulls-eye alot). of course the range langth was only 100 ft. i fired my last arrow from this range.
"hey numane! dont you have the 300 ft range set up yet?! im getting board with just intermideat steps!" i called to numane,the range owner.
"so sorry miss atasunta were still working on the 300 - 800 feet ranges."
i tilted my head and smiled.
"its alright! i--"
all the...
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with toshiro asleep tyki and sora off training sayo kallen isabella and akane at school i was left watching toshiro with regulus.i had a feeling regulus wanted something.
"it's quiet isnt zuki." regulus said.
"we're alone arnt we zuki...?"

their was a slight pause then regulus pounced on me.
before regulus got me to the floor i got him where boys hate being hit (his....part).
regulus groaned and/or screamd in pain and that woke toshiro up.
toshiro sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"uhh...dang it...." toshiro sighed.
regulus and i both looked at him like we couldnt believe he really...
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posted by tammav5
i knew by the way she looked shyly at everyone else she was thought of as a monster of some sort.i didnt dare speak of it because it must have hurt her to talk about it...but her red eyes had a story to tell...

the bell had just rang to signal spring break was here.i looked over at the new girl,achimitori nosaru or achi for short.she was picking up her books and what not and seemd to be in quite hurry.then i saw some other kids (the "popular ones") walk over and knock her books out of her hands.
"tsk! low-life..." one of the kids said.
"uh..." achi sighed.
she ignored them and started to pick...
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i lay awake while regulus ran his fingers threw my hair.i had a felling sora was going to go and have a "nice-friendly-chat" with squad 9 captain.
"i dont think that tea sora gave me worked much..." i said rubbing my side.
regulus allowed himself to laugh.
"whats so funny about your wifes pain?your not drunk again are you?" i asked.
regulus laughed again.
"no im not its just funny to think you the all mighty zukisaru amezuki atasunta is grmising over a little pain! the medicin sora gave you wont completely heal you gashs will still heal on their own" regulus said.
"yeah i realize...
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after soras visit i finally realized how MAJORLY hungry i was.
"man i'd kill for for some sashimi." i moaned.
i saw toshiro come in and i glared at him.
"Get Out..." i said angrily gritting my teeth.
toshiro looked at me sadly.
"im sorry zuki but.....the head captain has....." he paused.
"the head captain has what?" i asked still enraged.
"im sorry but zukisaru amezuki 25 days from now you will be exacuted at sokyoku hill..." toshiro said.
"AND YOU DIDNT TELL SORA!?!" i yelled.
"I COULDNT THE ORDER JUST CAME!! the order is not only to be carried out no matter what but it came from central...
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"n-now zuki! dont do anything brash! sure im a reminder to your past--so what!!" tokoma said.
"tokoma...your the one who caused all the pain and suffering i've felt....your just like noin cause my friends all my other friends to kill them-selves and i wont let the happen again!!!" i screamed pointing isakamaru at him.
i charged him but seeing as how he was my teacher he was able to cut me numorious times in what seemed like 1 stroke.
"im never gonna be sorry forthis.yell:onemorau!!"
as soon as he actavatied his blad i did mine.
"i wont allow this!! HISS:ISAKAMARU"
flames erupted from the...
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Asrial gripped his blades tightly I could see he was a bit afraid "Asrial," I said looking at him "Go, get your rose!" he said as he leaped to attack Noin "run Sora!" Gabriel said as he opened the grave, that was actually a stair case leading to the hall of sealed weapons, I ran down the stairs with Gabriel right behind me "Mastam!" I yelled as a small flame appeared "look" I said as my Katana, Bloody Rose, laid on a holder, I walked slowly to it "all my sacred power is in this Katana." I said as I lifted Bloody Rose up, I burned the seal and unsheathed it "Sora....your hair" my hair had...
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Dohko-nii and Shion
Dohko-nii and Shion

As I walked into Yuzuriha's hut, I felt Shirou-Nii's energy waver, "Sora-Sama! Your-" I silenced her with my finger "I need to go, Zuki isn't here, Where is Shion?" I asked as small tears fell down my face "Shion-Sama is training with your brother Dohko-Sama" I smiled and flashed to the training grounds. When i got there Shion and Dohko-nii was quite shocked "Sora," Shion began "Why would Zuki betray you? And on top of it hurt Toshirou!" I held myself together as well as I could "I-I.....have no clue, she has always loved and taken care of us, but why is she acting like this?" then I heard...
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posted by tammav5
the castle

"WHAT!?!?! You cant accuse her of stealing the ouin! your her brother!!!" sora yelled.
"IM not accuseing HER of anythng sora! the other CAPTAINS are!!"toshiro said.
it was really late so kallen isabella akane and sayo were asleep.
"i know the evidence suggest that zuki's isakamaru did it but...." sora said.
lancer steped up leaveing regulus by the stairs.
"calm down sora i promise no matter what im gonna bring zukisaru home in one peice." lancer ssaid.
toshiro looked at him.
"no dont you stay here and protect my sisters.ill go find zuki."toshiro said.
sora was really upset by this
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hisako yumina
hisako yumina
my name is hisako yumina, I lived in the church near district 7, I had become good friends with two bishops named castor and ladrador, my mother had for some unknown reason made a contract with one of the 7 ghosts then disappeared before the bishops could help her, my father had gone looking for her and never come back, a year later he was found dead, I cried and people tried to comfort me but I just needed to get away, I left the church and began living in district 7, after another year I was feeling better again and I opened up to people more often, my clothes were old and worn out so I started...
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When we got to Calburn, Gilgamesh was there waiting "Sora-chan," he began "your Great Great Grandfather told me to take Zukisaru Isabella Kallen and Akane back, you are going to vouch for Zukisaru" he said bowing "fine, Girls" I said as my sisters gathered around me "be careful" I said a I kissed each of their foreheads "I love you girls, now go!" I said as Gilgamesh helped them get up "protect them with your life Gilgamesh" I said "yes ma'am" he said as they left, Zukisaru looked back at me and smiled, I mouthed 'bai bai' to her and then she was out of sight I turned back to were my brothers...
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the high master (A.K.A. high master shukuma)
the high master (A.K.A. high master shukuma)
i woke up in a pale pink room dressed only in a white robe reaching down to my knees.there was a sliding door that from behind it a soft light came.
"dang it...." i whispered."i hope the girls are ok all alone....i bet soras back." i thought. then some girl came in and threw a letter at me.
"here.your only aloud to write when your playing princess here." she said then left.
"p-playing princess?" i said softly.
i put that aside and immideatly started writeing.

Dear family,
its only me zukisaru. i wanted to tell you im fine and dont worry about me.everything'll be ok i swear. im curious so im gonna...
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posted by haremaster99
me playing the violin
me playing the violin
girls (i found the lyrics of the net so yea....)this is my favorite song and though i should post the lyrics HERE WE GO! inochi wa toki no naka wo
nagare nagarete
tokoshie no kiroku wo
futae no rasen ni tsumugi yuku

Life cuts across time
And while becoming calm,
Cuts eternity's records
Into two overlapping spirals and dies

watashi wa kono uta wo
utai katarite
setsuna no kioku wo
hito no kokoro ni kizami yuku

I'll recite
This song
And carve a moment's memory
Into people's hearts

al a re laye
al a re layo
al a re laya
al a reya...

al a re laye
al a re layo
al a re laya
al a reya...

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me fighting
me fighting
It was a long day for Zukisaru and I. we had to go to the human world and take care of a wild hollow. Of course automatically we left for the human’s world and began our search. “Onee, we have been searching for FIVE HOURS NOW! CAN WE PLEASE HAVE LUNCH?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!” I rolled my purple eyes “okay fine lets have lunch” and low and behold the hollow showed up “Zuki, prepare for battle” I said as my eyes narrowed “Hai Onee-sama” Zukisaru unsheathed her Katanna and ran towards the hollow “Zuki! Wait! You’re going in blind!” then the hollow hit Zukisaru so hard she started...
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something i havent done in a while....iv been waiting for sora to write her version of chapter 3 but i guess i can start this one...enjoy.
i raised my sword and pointed it at the grand fisher."why did you have to interupt my meal?its not everyday i get to eat a captain's soul..." the grand fisher said."yeah well its not everyday i get to kill a low-life such as your-self." i shot back.the grand fisher laughed."you truely believe you can kill me little girl. your one of the sorriest excuses of a soul reaper iv ever seen!"i stepped back and looked...
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posted by tammav5
wanna keep writeing!!!!!! this on is actual a story!!

i threw my school bag on the kitchen table as my 3 younger sisters ran past me to get their ice- the winter the pond behind our house was a skateing rink. i went in my room. i lookd around the light blue room. my bed was acrost from my closet,my pianio was on the far wall. "sora...dont worry were all fine". i thought un-buttoning my uniform and takeing off my skirt to revile a small belly spagetti stap belly-shirt and super short-shorts. i started reading a book but then isabella came in. "zuki...will...will sora ever come home?"...
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"SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" kallen yelled. i lookd up and saw my 3 youngest sisters kallen isabella and akane runing over to us. "w-what are you all doing here...?" rangiku said. "well this morning we went to cheek on sora but...." isabella started."but she wasnt there so we desided to..." akane said "we desided to come to this world to look for her!" kallen finshed. "well we were about to go looking for captain hitsu--" matsumoto started to say but then we heard captain hitsuguya scream." w-was that the captain!?" i yelled. matsumoto shivered in fear then said "yes....y-yes it was....CAPTAIN HITSUGUYA...
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