the atasunta family Club
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November 12, 19o5
Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. With that realization i know i will be thrown into my year walk. I wish i had longer to review my options but i don't .I am to poor to opt-out there for i must complete this deathly dance with the spirits of Hell and the living dead. Nothing can or will prepare me for the Hell i will be put through. My chances are slim to none. the probability i will die a horrible gruesome early death is about 98%. The chance of my survival is only a mere 2%. I will most likely die. i am glad i have never loved another so passionatly. if i did it would be harder to do this. My vow tutor says so. He has not been helpful at all. The up side to this is if i do fall i will be able to meet with my sister,tabatha, once more in heaven.I weigh my options as i write this. Should someone find this in the future, long after i have in-tombed this diary in a wooden box locked by combonation, i wish for him/her to note these points provided the year walk trial has not ceased...
1. save your money and opt-out.if you cant soon as possible.before you turn 18.
2.DO NOT FALL IN LOVE!!!! it will only make your year walk more of a hell.
and finally number 3
Roam carefully. you have many an enemy in year woods rangeing from the raven of our folklore to the living dead.

provided this hell has ceased by time human hands touch this once again, tell my story and prevent this trail from raiseing again. i beg of you.
sincere wishes
When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and then I saw zukisaru “sis! You’re awake! How are you feeling?!” she asked me dozens of questions and I answered them gleefully, then our father and uncle came in “baba? Uncle? What’s wrong?” I asked “did you get a glimpse of the attacker?” father asked, I feel silent “no I did not” I said lying, I still loved krad I could not let him die and he was not the attacker I know it he would never hurt me he promised me, “okay………MY ANGEL! WHOEVER DID THIS TO YOU I WILL RIP OFF THE FLEASH AND SELL IT FOR GONZOKARO GRAIN!!!! YOU WAIT...
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nothing was really going on today....captain hitsuguya was fiddleing with his phone rangiku was reading a comic book and i was writeing in my journal.

"dear journal,
today there isnt anything going on really.thing are going smoothly as hollow attacks or anything.after we broght sora home to the soul society the hollow attack have decresed but....i wanna know what happend to sora."

i wrote. then i felt someone breathing down my neck. i lookd over and rangiku was reading my diary!! "LUTENAIANT!!!!!!!!" i yelled slaming my book shut. "you miss your sister dont you zuki?" she said with...
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It was in the afternoon when I got a message to go to the world of the living so automaticly I did "onee-San?" my sister Isabella said "u look tired!" she said "yea i kinda am" I said "well you can go tomorrow! You need rest!" she said "imoto-chan! Dijoubu!" I said "I need to go today! It's inportent! Remeber idani wants me to be home by six!" I said "okay but i'm worried" she said "okay then I'm off!" I said as I opened the senkaimond and left. When I got there a huge ugly hollow "okey doke!" before I could draw midori no chou someone or somthing sliced my side "ah!" I screamed and fell to the ground the last thing I saw was blonde hair the color I knew so well "k-krad....why?" I said as I passed out. 
posted by haremaster99
I had to leave sky kingdom for a bit to deal with some stupid law that did not pass in the northern fire kingdom. My cell phone started ringing "hai!" I said "onee-San! Were r u now?" she asked me, it was my third sister kallen "I'm on pakululu moutain a little bit past the southern earth kingdom!" I said smileing "yay that means your almost there right?" she aske me "no little angel" I said "so what's the law 'bout?" I made a face "now kallen you know I don't want you involved with the laws! Your to young!" I said "okay onee-San! I'm sorry!" she said "it's okay oh! Also can you keep an eye...
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"zuki i just got home and theres need for you to be so formal with me...i am your brother after all."
"zuki i just got home and theres need for you to be so formal with me...i am your brother after all."
it was dark in the woods.i was running...but i didnt know from what. i was just heart pounded against my chest as the forest seemd to consume me in darkness.i couldnt look back i was to scared.then i was lost in the darkness.

i sat up screaming but stopd when i saw colonal mustang.
"huh?! colonel?" i asked.
"i heard you moaning ok?" colonel mustang said as he sat at the end of my bed.
"yes colonel im sorry if i woke you up."
"zuki i just got home and theres need for you to be so formal with me...i am your brother after all." mustang said.
"oh sorry...." i apoligized
"dont be...
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the garden seemd to be the only place where i was allowed to was hot in the summer sun and the fact my summer kimono with the thinest silk had yet to arrive was makeing it worse.
"oh time i get my summer kimono in winter." i moaned.
"what are you complaining about amezuki?" rurichiyo said comeing up behind me.
"IM DIEING RURICHIYO DYING!!!!" i repeated over and over again until i noticed the kimono in her arms.
"w-w-where did you---?!"
"it just came....are you still dying?" the young blond asked.
i swiped the light pink kimono from her and tore off the one i had on replaceing it with the new breath-able felt like heaven as i slid my arms through the sleeves and fastened the obi.
"HEAVEN!!!!!!" i exclaimed.
"you exagerate an awful lot amezuki..." rurichiyo said.
"uh-huh.....anyways kenryu and enryu have breakfast ready....we should go."
"o-oh right ok!!" i said following the girl into the house.
spring kimono (to hot!!!)
spring kimono (to hot!!!)
the kimono sent from god!!!
the kimono sent from god!!!
posted by Zexal-Power121
dont fight hiei you'll get hurt
dont fight hiei you'll get hurt
during lunch in training today i snuggled against hiei who was leaning against a tree.the shade was nice but everytime i would open my eyes kuwabara (yusuke's friend who hiei and i both despise with a proud passion) would snicker and yusuke would make a face somehow taunting hiei and makeing fun of me.kurama sighed as he continued eating.while still stareing at yusuke i said
"do you think yusuke's inability to realize the normal behavior of couples is what makes him seem so immature?" i asked.
"no unfortunaltly it is because he has the mental matureity of a pre-schooler" hiei said...
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I wanted to just explode when I heard WHO hurt Onii. "GOD!!" Tyki and I were alone in the hall "Sora, don't worry, Zuki she ca-" "NO SHE CANT!!! She's expecting a child!!!! If we loose Yuu, I will just Die!!!" I was on the brink of sobbing "I must go! I will put a curse upon him so he will never be able to resurrect!" Tyki stared at me sadly "Sora...." He hugged me tightly "I must go Tyki. For  the sake of my family, for our future, for my kingdom." I said pulling away from him " careful....I will stall them" he said as he kissed my forehead "thank you" I said as I left for my search.
(What I currently look like.)
(What I currently look like.)
Okay, I think I've held this off long enough. Assassin and I got a divorce. There are many reasons behind this, but its not because I hate him now or anything. No, it was all fine and he agreed after hearing I wanted to split. I will be keeping full custody of our children, Alice, Abyss, and Shana, and Assassin will take Etsuko on an alternating schedule, though I have mostly full custody.

I believe you all remember my sexuality problems? Well, yeah, I think it might not be sexuality. I think...Maybe I'm straight, but....Not a girl? I think I'm trans*, honestly. My moirail got me thinking about it, and I think I'm a guy.

I know you talk about strictly being the Atasunta sisters, but I was hoping so much that you could please accept me as your brother.

By now I've told Sora I would like to be referred to as Marshall, and I would appreciate if the other Atasuntas did so as well. Thank you.
posted by Zexal-Power121
rupert with his mapo king (dino medal)
rupert with his mapo king (dino medal)
"GO DIMETRO!!ATTACK THE ATTACK ZONE RAJA!!!" i ordered my dimetro.
the surpent red dimetro charged at the earth colored raja at full forse sending it back to his fossil fighter rupert.
with only one dino left to pound into it's dino medal this battle was going to be an easy win.but first it was rupert's turn to attack.
"grrr....MAPO KING ATTACK THE ATTACK ZONE DIMETRO!!!" rupert commanded.
dimetro smoothly dodge'd the assult and counterd useing his signture attach dimetro whirl.and with that the mapo king was returnd to his fossil medal and i had won the match.

afterward's i went to the lobby and...
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posted by haremaster99

When I stepped out of the Closet I was in dead center of a food fight "Kami!" automatically I raised a shield "oh.....Sora" Lelouch and Esfahan had gotten into ANOTHER fight "you....." I was exploding with rage, I screamed and cursed aloud for a long time at them because I have told them countless times to not use food to fight "we're so so SO sorry!!" they cried as I kept yelling "Sora honey calm down....the Baby-" I glared at Sisyphus "Alone knows when to not interrupt" I said as I choked Lelouch "do this AGAIN an ill kill you!!" I said "A-a-all h-h-hail B-Brittania!!" I snapped. "SCREW!...
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yuu was due in 7 months and i knew i couldnt at all wait that was time i went to see an old friend i met in the world of the liveing.

i walked through the woods on a well made path to her house,which wasnt far from squad 10's barrack's.the warm spring breeze calmed my sprit and yuu's kicking.
"thank you yuu" i thought as a 2 story log house came into view.
i smiled and picked up my pace.
"Miss ishida!" i called as i came to the poarch.
from the window i saw a avrage hight 12 year old girl with silky long black hair.she wore a judo gi for those in the advance class.and her shealth for her...
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sora kallen isabella akane sayo and i went out in the hall while captain unohana was knocking some scence into toshiro.
i sighed
"that boy's a stubborn 1...."
"you said it zuki...back with aizen you'd be punished for being so stubborn" sayo said.
"well toshiro is more or less dad's stubbornness..." isabella said.
we all nodded in agreement.
"well i guess it cant be helpd..." kallen said.
"exactly" akane agreed.
i looked down the hall and my expression was quite entence.
"sojiro...kusaka....!" i growled quietly.
"hey zuki!" sora yelled.
"you ok...? you seem upset." sora asked.
"ugh...yeah!im fine...
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after i got ready for heaven knows what sora lead me to the 1st divison's holding we passed each divion i though of a special we passed the ninth though i rememberd the abuse.

"COME ON STAND UP!!" tosen ordered.
i was huddled in a cornor crying and bleeding.tosen whiped at me again and i screamed.
"PLEASE STOP!!!! AGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"
tosen kept whiping at me for hours. he left me in a coronor bleeding.
~end flash back~

i stared at the barracks moveing by slowly.i snapped out of my daze and followed colse behind sora.
after a little while we got to the 1st divison barracks....
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When I got home, the first thing I did was call Mother. "Oka-San?" I asked "yes my dear? What is it?" her sweet delicate voice said, talking to her alway's made me "Zukisaru, she is......" "I know. But you need to get her outta there" she said "they are going to execute her." she said, my heart sank, I felt like I was soulless, I was going to loose another sister, "what?" I said as I fell to the floor and basked my eyes out, I cried and cried, since I was a child, they alway's said, 'you cry because your weak' but that isn't true. I hung up the phone and grabbed Zuki's Katana...
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Broken Heart

I yelled at Shirou-nii for a hour because of Zuki being in those cell's God did I hate seeing her in those things "How dare you!" I yelled as tears rolled down my cheeks "Sora it's my dut-" "Screw your duty! Who is more important?!!! Your Sister, or your job?!" such rage I had, I gripped Bloody Rose as hard as I could, " have a point" he said "your damn right I do! I don't know if I can trust you any more Shirou-nii" I said coldly "what?!" I looked at him "you release your sister this instance!" he hesitated "DO IT!" I screamed "What's going on?!" said Asmita who had arrived...
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"time to meet with him..." i thought walking into a clearing.
i saw a boy on a rock ledge.white hair.
he jumped down from the ledge and walked over to me.
"its good to see you again..." tokoma said.

"i still have the katana you gave me,i still have kyotoamaru." i said slipping a dagger from a sheath.
tokoma smiled.i knew that smile,it was a smile only we one ever knew it but i was like toshiro from the start. stubborn,quite,sereious. i changed because tokoma he helped me change.
"your quite again.i though you'd have lost your past in your futre...." tokoma said.
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i ran knowing very well the SKIA was right on my tail as was squad 10.
"toshiro you just couldnt leave well enough alone could you?" i thought panting.
i continued to run pushing my-self through thick thorns and vines.

"HEY OVER THERE I heard SOMETHING MOVEING!!" a soul reaper exclaimed.
i looked back surpried they caught up to me so fast.
"shoot!! how could they have found me so--"
"bakudo 62 hiropurankia!!"
light purple rods shot from the sky and i managed to dodge them.
"WHOS THERE!?" i demanded
"found you....zuki please stand dont..." momo hinamori said.
i realized i was surroned.toshiro falsh-stepped...
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back ground
in ancient times a group of rouge soul reapers known as the slayers developed a deadly technique known as the Shoji no jōtai or possion state. the possion state was a very dark and deadly attack that was only passed from person to person by relation or exposer to the attack.
i dangled my feet over the cliff on sokyoku hill. these so called 'slayers' really worried not only me but sora and toshiro also all the soul reaper captains.i was alone in the seireitei beside my 2 guards,who were mere members of squad 10.
"miss atasunta are you sure...
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