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posted by Kat-chan
HEY PJO FANS!!!! So, it’s that special time of the year, you all know what I mean. What you don’t? Well then I’ll tell you. It’s all of our favourite author’s B-day!!! ...Or at least it was when I started writing this...HAPPY BILATED BIRTHDAY RICK!!! So in his honour, I decided to post a fanfic after so many years. That’s why I’m currently sitting in front of computer in a CH-B T-shirt, jeans and sneakers drinking blue lemonade (Go food colouring ^.^). This story (hopefully only this chapter) is co-authored with my friend skinneyjeans112. Please read her stories! Anyways, ENJOY!!!!!

DISCLAIMER: I unfortunately own nothing...

Ever’s POV
    I should have seen it coming. I had always known that I was a strange child. I did everything differently from everyone else. For starters, no matter how much I smiled sweetly, I always hated everyone. Also I had the strangest love of baseball bats even though I had never even seen a baseball game. And of course there was the fact that my mother always rushes me by saying, ‘Hurry up, or the big, bad monster’ll get ya!’ and I always take it seriously, even now, at thirteen years. It was obvious that something like this would happen.
You’re probably wondering by now, ‘what happened!?!’ Well, I’ll tell you.
It was July 23, summer holiday. I was at home being my usual weird self; sleeping, watching videos, doodling demented creatures on a chalk board, etc. My balcony door was open, as always. The entire balcony was covered by a grill anyways, so I never really thought about it. It was too late in the day to sleep, but I felt too lazy to do so much as get up to get my laptop. Instead, I just lay in bed, enjoying the feeling of the cool air blowing in from outside.
I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to block out the world. The world didn’t like that idea.
Just as I had gotten comfortable, there was a knock at the door. I decided to ignore it and let someone else get it. After a second round of knocking, I remembered that I was the only person home. My younger brother was at a friend’s house and my mother was at work. I stood with a groan and headed down the stairs in time to hear a third knock.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I muttered, although I knew that I was the only person who could hear. I walked to the door and stared through the windows in it to look at two complete strangers.
There was a boy and a girl. The boy was fairly tall and older than me, about fifteen/sixteen. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, and was dressed in a purple t-shirt and jeans.
The girl, surprisingly, looked a lot like me. We had the same tan skin, the same athletic body type, the same brown hair. Well, hers was longer than mine, just past her shoulders while mine was only mid-neck. Other than that, the only differences were that she lacked my freckles and her eyes were hazel while mine were brown. She wore an orange t-shirt which read ‘camp half-blood’ and jeans.
I opened the door a crack. “Can I help you?” I asked.
“Yeah,” said the impatient looking girl. “You can grab the nearest kitchen knife and come with us.”
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Any sensible person would lock the door, call the police, and hide until they were gone. It’s the safest and most obvious thing to do.
I did the exact opposite.
No, I’m not retarded, and no, I do not have a death wish. There was just something about these people that made me want to trust them. And if I was wrong, I would have a knife, and they would be unarmed, at least as far as I could tell.
I grabbed the sharpest looking knife in the kitchen and pulled on a pair of converse. After a moment of thought, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, scribbled down ‘I’m going out’ and left it on the table. Then I headed outside and left the door unlocked behind me.
“...I didn’t think that would work.” The girl muttered. “I thought she would have had the common sense to at least try to resist us...”
“Don’t mind her,” the guy told me. “She’s just upset because she never got the fight she wanted.”
“Am not!” the girl argued.
“Anyways,” the boy continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted, “please just come with us without resisting. We promise that everything will be explained soon enough.”
I followed them to the most amazing thing I’d ever seen. It was an actual Greek chariot, pulled by horses. Only, when I looked closer, I realised they couldn’t just be regular horses, because they had wings.
“Pegasi...” I breathed in awe as the others climbed into the chariot. The boy took the reins and looked at me expectantly.
“Are you getting in or not?” the girl asked irritably. I quickly got into the chariot and, with a flick of the wrist from the boy, we went airborne.
We sat there in awkward silence as we flew. Eventually, the girl muttered, “Leann.”
“Excuse me?” I asked, confused.
“That’s my name,” she said, “And the blondie at the pegasi is Jason.”
“I’m Ever.” I told her. “Where are you guys taking me anyways?”
“Camp Half-Blood,” Leann said, “a camp for people who aren’t entirely mortal.”
Jason sighed. “Leann, we went over this on the way here. Didn’t I tell you that you couldn’t just say it like that?”
“Yeah, but it’s just faster this way,” she replied, earning a glare from Jason. “Keep your eyes on the sky when you’re flying, Jason.”
“What do you mean by that?” I interrupted. “The non-mortal thing, I mean.”
“I mean,” Leann replied, “that one of your parents is a regular mortal, and the other one is an Olympian god. This makes you stronger than most regular mortals. It also means that a bunch of monsters are going to try to kill and/or eat you.”
“Leann!” Jason cried in protest.
“So you’re telling me that I’m only half human?” I asked in shock. “And I’ll probably be killed or eaten alive?”
“Most likely.” Leann said emotionlessly. “But that’s what camp’s for. You’ll be trained so that when you’re attacked, you’ll be able to kill monsters before they kill you.”
“But not all gods are Greek.” Jason cut in.
“I was getting to that.” Leann replied grumpily. “We recently found out that there is also a Roman camp for Roman demigods. That’s where Jason is from. He’s the son of Jupiter, the Roman equivalent of Zeus.”
“Who’s your godly parent then?” I asked her.
“Ares.” She replied. “Greek god of war.”
That would explain her personality, I thought. “Who’s mine?”
“Undetermined.” Jason informed me. “You haven’t been claimed yet, and we won’t know until then.”
“So my dad’s a god, huh?” I muttered. We travelled in silence for the rest of the trip.
.        .        .
At first glance, the camp didn’t look like much. Just a hill topped with a tree, a big blue farmhouse, and a strawberry field. Nothing special. Then we flew past the top of the hill and I realised how wrong I was. The first thing that caught my attention was that there was a dragon curled around the base of the tree. It seemed to be guarding some kind of magical wool or something. Also, the camp had a collection of strange things, including a vibrating rock climbing wall, an arena, an open-roof mess hall, and the most bizarre collection of cabins I’d ever seen.
We landed in front of the big farm house and got out of the chariot. Jason began undoing the harnesses while Leann led me towards the farm house.
“I’m going to introduce you to Chiron. Try to be polite,” she told me.
We entered the farm house and were greeted by the sight of two men. One guy was middle aged and in a wheelchair. The other was fat and grumpy looking. They appeared to be in the middle of some kind of card game.
“Good afternoon Chiron, good afternoon Mr. D.” Leann said politely, acknowledging the two men.
“Yes, yes, hello Leon.” The fat guy, Mr. D, grumbled.
“Leann.” She muttered. “I thought I should introduce the new camper.” She nudged me.
“I’m Ever Cabot,” I introduced myself. “Pleased to meet you.”
Chiron smiled. “Welcome, child. I hope your journey wasn’t too troublesome?”
“Not at all,” I said politely.
“Leann, why don’t you show Ever around and tell her all about camp,” Chiron said with a stern look in his eyes.
“Sure, Chiron,” Leann agreed, leading me out of the farm house.
On our way to the arena, where Leann wanted to start, we ran into a girl. She was perfectly tanned, with long, brown hair, and golden-brown eyes. She was average height for a fourteen year old. She was dressed in an orange camp half-blood t-shirt, knotted at the bottom for a better fit, and blue Hollister shorts, with black boots.
“Oh, hey Meg,” Leann said, smiling secretively. “I was just looking for you.”
“Oh, what for?” the girl asked. Her voice was soft and sweet, and when she looked at me, I felt the urge to fall on my knees and scream, ‘I’M NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!!’
“Chiron wanted you to show this girl around camp. He asked for you specifically.”
“No he didn’t,” I cut in. Leann quickly covered my mouth.
“Sorry about that,” she said. “She doesn’t know what she’s saying. The shock of this place, you know?”
She raised an eyebrow and smiled with perfect white teeth in suspicion. “Is that so? What did he ask you to do?”
“Oh, he asked me to take a nap. You know, fighting monsters and stuff is hard work and...bye.” She headed off towards the cabins.
Little miss perfect laughed and turned her attention to me. “I’m Megan Hale, but everyone calls me Meg. What’s your name?”
“I’m Ever Cabot,” I told her, trying hard to resist adding, ‘you’re highness’. "So umm, why am I here?" I asked hoping I didn’t sound stupid. Meg's face expression became more serious and less cheery.
"We'll we are all demigods and this camp is like our only safe place basically," she spoke as if it was common knowledge.
"What's a demigod?" I was almost positive she believed I was stupid. I always seemed to have that affect on all my teachers back at MK Academy, the school for mental unstable children. She took a small breath and let out a sigh.
"Didn't Leann explain this to you?" I recalled her talking to me about being half mortal but it had sounded so absurd that I had zoned out.
"I just don't really believe the whole ‘demigod’ thing.” I stated and looked down at my converse.
"Then why are you here?" I looked up and found her staring into my eyes intensely. I sub-consciously shuffled from one foot to the next and began to examine the area around me. There were strawberry fields everywhere. The strawberries where lush and dark red; looking at them made my stomach hurt. I wanted to grab hand full’s of them and stuff them down my throat as if my life depended on it.
"It sounded like fun," I said and tried to give her a reassuring smile.
She chuckled for a moment, before suddenly becoming serious. Had I said something wrong? I began to worry as the stifling silence seemed to deafen me.
We were interrupted by a boy who looked about 15. He had intense black eyes, shaggy black hair and pale, olive-like skin. He was wearing a black shirt with a white skull on it and denim black pants with matching black Nike sneakers. He smiled at Meg and didn’t even acknowledge my existence.
He walked over to us and began to have a very ‘interesting’ conversation with Meg about the time he had almost died from eating poisonous berries. “Um, hello?” I finally blurted out, interrupting them.
“Oh, sorry,” Meg said guiltily. “This is Nico di-Angelo, son of Hades. Nico, this is Ever.”
I looked him up and down. “You seem-“
But before I could finish by saying, ‘emo’, he interrupted me, saying, “Yes, I know, I’m gorgeous.” He immediately went back to talking to Meg. I automatically hated him, but I had to admit that he was cute, though I would never in my right mind let him know I thought that. I rolled my eyes and tapped Meg, who was laughing and twirling her hair, on the shoulder. She looked at me for a moment confused then seemed to remember what she had been doing just before emo boy showed up.
“Oh sorry Nico we’ll have to chat later. I’m showing Ever around the camp, she’s new.” Meg stated and turned away. Nico gave me and deadly glare. I smiled mockingly just to annoy him. When we were walking away Nico stood there for a few moments and I took the opportunity to stick my tongue out at him and continued.
Just as we reached the arena a boy with blonde hair and green eyes ran in front of us. His face was serious and nervous looking.
“The oracle has requested to see Ever.”

That’s all for chapter one! Please make sure to review and you think. Encouragement = New chapters soon. ^^ REVIEW!
added by NicoDiAngelo4
Source: google
posted by Spikegilfer1997
(Derived from a youtube comment I made on CassjayTuck's HoH review.

Jason: Disliked
Piper: Disliked
Leo: Liked
Jason dealing with amnesia seemed to just be a way of saying Rick needed to iron out the character concept. Piper did not feel heroic in the slightest and her MacGuffin power did not help.

Percy: Liked
Frank: Borderline
Hazel: Borderline
How I felt about Frank and Hazel at the time, although looking back both are super badass, fighting giants and willing to die for the greater good respectively.

Percy: Disliked
Jason: Liked
Annabeth: Disliked
Piper: Disliked
Frank: Liked
Leo: Liked
continue reading...
posted by abrown7297
I was reading Percy Jackson, like always, and a sudden inspiration hit me. I wondered...what if there are people in the U.S. right now that have these names in the story? I have started out with the Seven from the prophecy, and am going to add more later. Add this to your bucket list: try to meet one of these people before you die! Enjoy!

There are 4 people in the U.S. with the name Perseus Jackson.

There are 113 people with the name Frank Zhang.

There is 1 person with the name Piper McLean.

There are 10 people with the name Hazel Levesque.

There are 103 people with the name Jason Grace.

There are 61 people with the name Leo Valdez.

There is 1 person with the name Annabeth Chase.
So if you havent read the other chapters you wont uderstand whats happening unless you have someone explane it to you. And if you do have some one to explane it to you I will give them some time starting now!....................... Ok times up. Hope you like this!

No! I cant be dead! What about Annabeth? What will she do when someone finds my dead body? Oh gods no. No! I promised I wouldnt let Athena kill me. This cant be right! I'm dead? No! I cant be! What am I going to do?

"No. Who killed me? It was Athena wasnt it?" I say

"Yes, sadly." Death says

continue reading...
I'll try my best on making the story good!


Sitting at the back of the Argo II wasn't as fun as it sounds, especially if you've got butterflies in your stomach. "What if he doesn't remember me, what if he's got another girlfriend?" annabeth asked worriedly. "calm down, he will remember you don't worry." soothed Piper. Piper became one of Annabeth's best friends. She was the daughter of Aphrodite and had the Gift of a charmspeaker.

Leo, the builder of the great ship saw Annabeth's look of worry and said "Don't look...
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posted by darange
hay so your probable new in camp i will give you a tour but first let me introduce my self i am summer westly and i have been at camp half bood for 6 years i was 10 when i first came here so can you guess my age? i got to camp by a satire named maple dence you will probably see her around. have you figuered out who your parent is yet? my parent is aphroditie, also a wierd thing abought me is every 24 hours my hair will change color and style so ya you can say it i'm wiered. i have my dads green eyes thogh, ok there is a problem at camp one of our main campers has dissapeared his name...
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posted by abrown7297
Piper wakes up one morning at Camp Half-Blood, ready for a normal day at her favorite place on earth. But that day wasn't what she expected. Her world is flipped upside-down when she notices differences in the world around her. For one thing, her friends don't seem the same as they were, and since when was her mother the goddess of hatred? Piper doesn't know if this is all a prank, or it's really happening. Can she find out how to get things back to normal? 

I hope you like this:) It's not going to be a full-out story, maybe 20 or so chapters. I haven't decided yet. 
posted by Alex13126
Rating: YA? Yeah, let's go with that...

Disclaimer: RR owns most of the characters besides Anna and Alex. Sorry, we're two teenage girls not RR.

A/N: Me and Leah both co-writed this. Thank you have Leah for agreeing to this ^_^

(SilverMoon56 logging on)

(Rockfanatic13 logging on)

Rockfanatic13: Am I late? Again?

SilverMoon56: Maybe… by like 10 minutes this time. New record!

Rockfanatic13: Conner set my iPod on fire this time! I BLAME HIM.

SilverMoon56: (eyeroll) Sure. Blame it on the ex.

(COUGH longstory COUGH)

Rockfanatic13: He did! I swear!

(JustineBiebsL0ver Logging on)

Rockfanatic13: WHO THE HADES...
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posted by Joak-24
the story is placed while percy, frank and hazel still are in mission, they are now returning, at the time jason make little groups to find percy and the roman camp. COMMENT, PLEASE!!!

1 – Annabeth POV

-Surely this is the entrance to the camp.
-Come on: there is no time to lose- I said to Jay
Jay was ledding the 5 th expedition of the 8 groups of demigods who were looking for Percy. In the group we were Jay, Nico and me. Not finished yet understanding why Jason chose him as leader of the expedition. Jay was a skilled in combat, but he took things in a too happy way and, perhaps, lightness. I...
continue reading...
The information I got was that...

earlier one person posted a article of what was said..

Chapter 28

This information was dragged from me, but was also mentioned one day ago in New York. Though I have collected thus and spread it to you, from Los Angeles....


A man Phineas is part of this...that is why I saw the guy Phineas from Phineas and Ferb. Vincent.


~Percy will not die
~Frank and Hazel are definitely the main three...
~six people of the prophecy are revealed
~Annabeth is may be part of the seven
~the seventh character will be shone in this book...
continue reading...
posted by PJBRS14
As I said, just guesses. Also, this is my first article so go easy on me.
My guesses for Hazels godly parent are as follows:
1. Pluto
2. Ceres
3. Neptune
Pluto because she can manipulate dirt, so she can probably learn to manipulate rock ( LIke Nico) Also, she would be related to Nico. Lastly, Arion, her horse, eats precious materials, something Hades/Pluto is also a god of. Con: She likes the sun.

Ceres because Arion is an off spring of Demeter and Poseidon. Also, Dirt=soil=plants. See the connection? Lastly, Hazel tree... I hope you catch my drift. Con: only relation would be Katie Gardner,...
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posted by halfblood963
hi guys lets get to it

go to my link for frank and you'll see silhouettes of characters if you right click on each of the shadows in order its (thank you sabina18)

Reyna ( girl on throne
Octavian ( blondie)
ella (idk)
Thantos (ill explain)
Hazel (curly haired girl on horse)

ok so you see no we know who they are let me say my opinions
1. i knew octavian was blondie since i saw the chapter 2

2.Reyna is freakng important and important ppl ( in my opinion) wear purple

3.Octavian might be like a Clovis and also help Percy's memories and him and the Augiaries are kool with Percy

4.ella is a creature...
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posted by halfblood963
frank is asian and his bow can hit a target perfecto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and he has super flexibility and its his power and his weapons bow and spear here ill put down wat it says

Frank, a new ally of Percy, has the last name of Zhang - as in "Master of Bows". With this trusty weapon at his side, this chubby-cheeked boy is primed to become one powerful demigod.

What does it do? This handy piece of weaponry is Frank's go-to tool of choice in battle, with pitch-perfect aim and easy mobility. He can carry it around, just like a backpack.

Noteworthy: A master of weaponry, Frank has a few other tools at his disposal, including a spear and certain flexibility in form that might come in very handy down the line
Elly (and Helen technically)
Elly (and Helen technically)
It's taken me so long to write this I feel disgusted with myself. Not sure how many of you remember that this exists, but enjoy! And I promise a shorter wait before part 3 (the final- btw since I only have 3 parts I'm allowed by the rules of the spot to post in article form).

Part 1: link

Resume: Kalli, a mute daughter of Hermes, has been silent her whole life. When her friend Elly (daughter of Aphrodite) finds a way to save her father from a devastating drinking problem, Kalli goes right away. This would be the best time to help her best friend, and the first time anybody's let her go on a quest....
continue reading...
posted by goddessoflife
Okay,as you know, (or maybe not) Immortal Links just finished. I'll post a link at the bottom so you can check it out.
Now, since there's a nice amount of time in between Immortal Links and The Lost Hero, I'm making three more Percy Jackson and the Olympians fan fictions. My newest one, The Moon Prophecy, was going to be on Well, it's accually on wattpad. I was going to do it on, but it was a lot more complicated than wattpad. But, I might do my next one on
Now, The Moon Prophecy stars a girl named Kelsee, who is thirteen and just discovered she's...
continue reading...
posted by icuSTALKER
Hello one and all. Yes, this is icuSTALKER, here to address a few questions on the one character everyone hates: Jason.

Before you decide to press the ‘exit’ button and go back to your meebo conversation, I’ve got a few things to say. I ranted about this very same thing on Meef’s question: Does anyone like Jason?
Then when I was done with my rant and had posted it, I realized it was two pages long. So I settled for an article instead.


Good. Sit tight.

I am hearing Jason being called these things: a Percy wanna-be, prideful, selfish, mean, arrogant, a jerk, a coward, and a cheap copy...
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added by Meef
posted by Emily_is_COOl
Hi, I don't mean to be pushy but...

"Hey! If you liked the Lost Hero and can't wait for The Son of Neptune join this club!! (
It's great for forums, quizzes, questions, fan picks and everything about SoN!!!
PASS it on, we can make this club grow...
(Not SPAM, just a helpful note to a have a COOL, NEW club)
Please do so!!!!
*At Least Check it Out*"

I really want you to check it out so together we can try really hard to figure out and write about Son of Neptune... Please spread the word or click the link to check it out... I deserve that much, don't I???
Don't I? :(

So, PLEASE, check it out for me? You don't have to be a fan, I PROMISE I will try the hardest to maintain the club! Thanks for listening anyway!!!