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So many reasons I don't understand/like this couple and I've written a lot about this in other places, but never here, so...yeah :)

In 1864, Stefan didn't really know who Katherine was. He didn't know she was a killer, that she manipulated he and his brother, whether it was in the purpose of taking away a person's judgment or just having her cake and eating it too. If he didn't know about Katherine's flaws, how could he be in love with her? How could he know she was an angel, or anything, for that matter, when he was shielded from it all?

I know people have said that the reason Katherine was in love with Stefan was that she was an “angel” as a human and he saw that in her, but I have to point out exactly who she is behind closed doors. No one is perfect – and I've met some pretty angelic people – and I don't hold Katherine to the standards that many hold Elena to. That said, Katherine is not an angel by any sense of the word. She has flaws (and I think they're damn brilliant, honestly) and those flaws are apart of who she is now. Why in the world would you want a relationship with someone that will never love you for who you are?

The statement that Katherine has come back for Stefan has barely been acknowledged at all. Katherine says she loves him, but when she has the house alone with Stefan and Damon, you can see from 2x16 that Stefan is the last thing on her mind – even though he is in the house and unoccupied. She claims she's come back for him, but her “seduction” of him? She breaks SE up once and, after that, the show never demonstrates Katherine trying again, or even trying to persuade Stefan to doubt Elena/seduce him. The two episodes that have Stefan/Katherine motivations are Memory Lane and By The Light of the Moon and, as far as seduction goes, are basically limited to dreams.

Not to mention, after so many years of knowing Stefan was alive and never contacting him or letting him know, Katherine came back, first and foremost, for Klaus' little sacrifice. Just saying.

And, finally, if Ripper!Stefan is going to be a huge part of the next season (fingers crossed) then I really don't get how these two make sense; it's like Katherine's comment about how Stefan plays rougher (and she seems to like this fact) but her being "touched" by his gentleness and sweetness. Either she loves Stefan for who he is - not the fact that he's turned off his emotions/humanity, for example – or for the ripper she wants him to be. She can't expect both, especially if she puts more effort into seducing Stefan at his worst than she did when he was at his best.

“So, how you planning on celebrating?” Stefan asked. “Eighteen, that’s a milepost, we should definitely do something unforgettable”
“I know something” Elena said.
“You do?” Stefan asked curious. “Please, share”
“I could dump you and start dating Damon. Sure that would be unforgettable” Elena chuckled, but she was the only one who thought it was funny. And she soon noticed. “I’m joking” she said quickly. Stefan’s face went back normal and he inhaled deeply. “Can we agree on something? We don’t pronounce my brother’s name today, alright? Today is our day...
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Elena walked in in the kitchen and gasped. “Oh, Stefan, you shouldn’t have done that” she said, looking at the table. There were two plates, one specific for Elena, hence the rose leaves surrounding it, and a basket with pastries, strawberries and small pieces of chocolate. “Wait” Elena said hesitating. “Why are there only two seats? Who’s not eating along?” Stefan consciously avoided to look at Damon. “Damon already had breakfast. He thinks it’s time you and I get back on track with each other”
Elena averted to Damon. “Is that true?”
Damon looked at Stefan, before...
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“Where is she?”
Stefan slammed the door and grabbed Katherines throat. He growled threatening. “Where is she?” he repeated. Katherine took his hand and pulled it away. “Depends on who you’re looking for” she said sober, not in the least intimidated.
“Amber” Stefan panted. “Where is she? I’m going to kill her” Katherine laughed scornfully. “Well, that’s great, Stefan, can I do it?” she said sarcastic. “But before we get to that point of epicness, can you fill me in on the why?”
“She attacked Elena” Stefan explained. “I left Elena alone; she was too scared...
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Bonnie put her hand on the latch and pushed it down. She opened the door and watched Jeremy tossing and turning in his bed. She stepped towards the bed and sank down at the end. She saw the tortured expression on Jeremy’s face and wondered what he was dreaming. Her glance slide from his face to his chest going up and down. There she noticed the drops of blood. Jeremy tugged his shirt as if there was something on his chest that wouldn’t get off. His eyes opened and bulged, but he was still stuck in his dream. He gasped for air, seeming to choke. His hands went up to his throat, his fingers...
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When Elena finally arrived at the kitchen, all showered and dressed, Stefan was sitting on the sink having a blood bag in his hand, which appeared to be his breakfast. Blood streamed from the corners of his mouth, but he didn’t bother to wipe them away, not even when Elena shot him a yuck glance. She went to sit with her back to him. If she was still going to have breakfast she could not stand the view of a blood drinking boyfriend. She shoved the cereals to her and filled her bowl. Then she poured milk in it. She recalled the morning before when Damon had been baking those delicious pancakes....
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“This morning the body of deputy Greg Ferrel was found on a parking lot. Investigators say the death cause is yet unknown, but the body seems to be drained of blood. Looks like that popular vicious beast has returned”
The camera was pointed at the corpse which was covered in a black body bag and a photo of a mid-thirty year old man with blonde hair was shown.
Bonnie shut the television down and sniffed. She turned around and headed to Damon’s ‘bedroom’. She entered the space, but before she could say anything Damon said: “I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me” Bonnie sharply looked...
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The next morning Stefan woke up on the ground next to Elena’s bed of which he’d apparently had fallen off. He scribbled up and looked at Elena. She looked so peaceful, her arms wrapped around her teddy bear. It was almost a shame to wake her up. But he did anyway. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Psst, Elena? Wake up, sweetheart. The sun’s already up” Elena stayed asleep. Stefan carefully tapped her arm. “Elena?” Elena made a violent move with her arm and nearly slapped Stefan, if he hadn’t stepped backwards. She groaned and turned on her other side. Stefan grabbed the...
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Before you read this please understand that this is purely opinion. I'm not saying that it's fact that SE aren't soul mates...but to ME they aren't. Feel free to comment your own views. I'm very curious to see what everyone else thinks. I tried not to be too biased, but obviously it has come through. Also, I am not bashing SE! I am just saying how I view their relationship compared to what the writers say about them. So let's go:

From the beginning of The Vampire Diaries, all the writers have done has praised SE e.g:
"This show is always going to be about Stefan and Elena. It has to be. They're...
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He didn’t have to say anything. She could read it on his face. He walked passed her to the stairs. “I’m sorry, Damon” Katherine said soft. If he wouldn’t hurt so much he might have been surprised how sincere she sounded. “I tried to stop him” she continued. Damon nodded, but refused to look at her. “She’s not in her right mind, Damon, it’s because of what Bonnie did” Katherine said desperate. Damon walked upstairs, pretending not to hear what Katherine was saying. He walked into his room and let him fall on his bed. He felt something underneath his back. He touched with...
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The next morning
Elena woke up by noises coming from downstairs. She rubbed her eyes and checked the alarm clock. Nine o’ clock. Time to get up. She put on her dressing-gown and her slippers and walked down the stairs. The noise came out of the kitchen. She walked in and saw Damon making breakfast. He was baking pancakes. Elena sniffed the scent and sneaked up behind Damon. She threw her arms around his waist, laying her head on his back. Damon placed the pan off the cooker and turned around. “Did I wake you?” he asked a little concerned. Elena nodded. “But that’s okay. I want to be...
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Katherine stared at him, not able to move. She didn’t know what to say, so she focused on the girl behind Stefan. Stefan followed her eyes and pushed Amber in front.
“This is Amber” he introduced the girl. “Amber, this is Katherine” he pointed at Katherine.
“Katherine” Amber said. “So, she’s not Elena”
Due to that retarded conclusion Katherine came back to senses. “Yeah, he just said that, dumbass” Her eyes fell on Amber’s wrists. “Hey, that’s my bracelet! What are you doing with my bracelet? Give it back, bitch!”
Ambers eyes turned red and she growled, showing...
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Ryan and Lauren were driving back from a party. They stopped when the traffic light was red. Ryan tapped the wheel while he looked at his wife every now and then. The light jumped on green, but the car in front of them wouldn’t move. “Come on, dude, move” Ryan mumbled irritated. But the car just stood still. Ryan decided to just drive passed it, but as soon as he performed his manoeuvre the car in front of them moved in such way Ryan couldn’t overhaul it. “Okay, fine, drive right in my way, whatever” Ryan said. “Well, at least they’re moving again” Lauren said shrugging. “Yeah,...
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Stefan and Amber were standing in a corner, whispering, when they were interrupted by a woman. “What are you two chatting about?” she asked suspicious. Stefan rotated his head to the woman. “I can’t remember Klaus put you in charge, so until he does I’m not going to explain myself to you” he said calm, but sharp. The women straightened her back. “Klaus told me to get you. He’s gathering all vampires, well, not the hostages of course. They’re not reliable enough yet. They would try to escape. So, are you coming?” Stefan and Amber traded glances. “Sure” They followed the...
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Bonnie and Damon were walking down the path leading to the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House. Bonnie ironed her shirt with her hands. “Listen, Damon, it took me a lot of work to make everyone satisfied with the situation. It wouldn’t do much good if you start spouting out the wrong things, you know what I mean? And Katherine doesn’t like me that much” she said. Damon looked at the sky. “Now, why would that be?” he said sarcastic. Bonnie knocked and five seconds later the door was opened by Katherine. She flew in Damon’s arms. Bonnie pursed her lips and tapped her arm....
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While Damon was getting ready to go to bed he heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw Elena standing in the doorway. “Hey” he said. “What’s wrong?” Elena shrugged and shuffled with her feet. “Come in” Damon said and he waved with his head. Elena accepted his offer and entered his room. She walked slowly to his bed. “I know it’s totally inappropriate, but I’m feeling uncomfortable in my bed, all alone… Can I sleep with you? Just sleep?” she kind of begged. Damon blinked and swallowed. “I don’t know, Elena” “Just sleeping, I promise” she said. Damon sighed....
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“So, what’s the plan?” Katherine’s voice came out of Damon’s bedroom. Damon and Elena were outside, leaning against the wall opposite of the door. “The plan is to lock you in here for all eternity” Damon replied. “You’ve always had a great sense of humor, Damon” Katherine sarcastically said. “Come on” Damon said to Elena. He walked downstairs, Elena behind him. “Damon, what is the plan?” Elena asked. Damon opened the door and let Elena go first as he answered. “We’re going to your place” he said. Elena blinked. “Why? How is going to my house solving Katherine’s...
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First things first DO NOT BASH, read the whole article first then comment your opinion but please try as much as you can to respect others opinions

To clear things I hate Stefan but I 'I'll do try my best to be subjective ok, to start things off I'm writing this article because how Caroline was bashing Damon in last night episode (3x04) I mean did she have loss her memories or something did she forget that he almost died because he saved her life and her werewolf boyfriend , and before all of he saved her life did she forget that he saved Elena's life more than once that he made plans and took...
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added by KarinaCullen
Source: KarinaCullen
added by Makeupdiva
added by Makeupdiva