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posted by Logan27
    A week later, Jenna Gilbert decided to have the Salvator brothers over for dinner. She liked both of them and thought that Elena would enjoy their company as well. Though, Elena seemed a little uneasy with Damon. Jenna didn’t understand why. Elena said he was an ass but Jenna had never seen him be anything other than perfectly polite with the exception of a hint of double-entendre every now and then.
    The pasta was almost ready and she had already called the Salvators. They should be here any minute. She was sure they would all enjoy it. Elena sometimes didn’t like when she invited people over or did something without telling her but how could she not be pleasantly surprised by this?
    Speak of the devil, if Jenna identified the sound of feet on the steps right, her niece was coming down. The smell probably attracted her. For such as thin girl, Elena could eat like there was no tomorrow. God only knew where she put it all.
    “Hey, Aunt Jenna. Wow, that’s a lot of food. Are we expecting company?” Elena asked as she took a swig of water from a bottle she was carrying.
    “Yeah, Stefan... and Damon .”
    Jenna heard the sound of water spewing out of a mouth and the cough of someone trying to clear their throat.
    “What? I thought you would like that,” Jenna said, turning to face Elena.
    “You mean both of them?”
    “Of course. Look I know things are awkward with you and Damon but I think this could really be a good thing. Who knows? If you spend more time with him you might find some common ground besides Stefan. I don’t think he’s a bad guy, Elena, and he is your boyfriend’s brother.”
    The other girl sighed in frustration and gave her aunt a clipped “okay,” before heading to the living room.
    What’s up with that girl? Jenna thought. You’d think I was subjecting her to a night of torture. If she only knew how right she was.
    The door bell sounded and Elena went to answer it. From the kitchen Jenna could here Stefan greet his girlfriend with a soft peck on the cheek and Damon’s ambiguous “Hello, Elena” greeting. Maybe if that guy stopped sounding like that her niece would like him better. If he talked to me like that I might be a bit uncomfortable myself, she thought.
    Dinner went smoothly enough to Elena. For the past week Damon hadn’t said anything else to her and he didn’t do or say anything this evening so far either. Maybe he had thought better of blackmailing her. He just might be decent enough to let her off the hook and forget about what happened. She wanted to forget, anyway.
    Everyone gobbled down Aunt Jenna’s pasta, even Jeremy who usually hated it. He must have been really hungry because he hadn’t said a word, finished long before everyone else and made his way back up to his room.
    Then the phone rang.
    “I’ll get it,” Jenna said and went to the family room pick it up. Most likely Alaric was calling. That’s the only reason Jenna would pick it up in a room where she thought no one would hear.
    It was at that moment that Elena heard a the very soft ring tone of her phone upstairs.
    “Well, the Gilbert women are certainly very popular this evening,” Damon commented.
    “I’m not going to get it. I can’t even remember where I put it and besides, I need to get the dishes done.” She stood up and began collecting the plates.
    “I’ll find it,” Stefan said and went to look after the ringing had stopped. With everyone out of the room except her and Damon, she hurried to get the plates and silver ware and made a bee-line for the kitchen.
    She sat her load down into the sink when a rush of air let her know that Damon was right behind her. His hands went on either side of her on the counter top she was facing. Just as she was about to tell him to stop he bent down to her ear and made a barely audible shush sound reminding her that Stefan was in hearing range. He reached over and turned on the water, making his front flush against her back and situating his hardness to prod her butt.
    A hand swept it’s way two inches below her belly button and worked with the counter to press her more into him. Or in this case, him into her. His head by her ear, she could hear him breathing in her scent. Imagined him closing his eyes as he took it in. That’s what Damon did.
    This wasn’t over. He wasn’t going to forget about anything and leave her alone. What was she going to do? He made her realize that she liked being trapped. She liked being hunted and chased. And she was horrified to know that of herself.
    The hand at her front was very slowly sliding down when, “Damon, what do you think you’re doing?”, Stephen spoke from behind them.
    Damon turned around with “Making your girlfriend squirm. It’s so easy. How can I pass that up?” as if it was nothing he wouldn’t have done before, and to Elena, “Don’t worry, I’ll see you later.” Then he super sped out the front door.
    Stefan came over to her. “I’m sorry he’s like that. He’s probably just doing it to make me angry; but I don’t think he would do anything beyond that. He knows I’d kill him.”
If you only knew, she thought.

Later that night...
    Stefan had left about an hour after Damon. He spent time talking to her, asking her how her day was. He told her she seemed a little more anxious than normal and wanted to know if anything was wrong and if he could help. After she had assured him she was fine he went on his way home and Elena went to her room.
    The window was shut and locked just as she’d left it. After the incident with Anna, Elena wasn’t taking any chances. She went over to her night stand and took out her journal. There was a lot to write but she had to avoid talking about Damon in it. With her luck, somehow Stefan would come upon it.
    Sitting down she poised her pen over the page wondering where to start.
    “Going to write about me, gorgeous?” Elena’s head snapped up to the vampire who’d not been there a second ago.
    “Get out.” She said sternly.
    “I told you I’d see you later, didn’t I? And I know you don’t really want me to leave.” He smirked.
    “Look, last week was a one time thing. It will never, ever happen again. Do you understand me?”
    In less than a heart beat Damon had her by the throat. Instant fear took over her until his hand smoothed out and ran the course of a vein to her shoulder. He gave her one of those lipless smiles with his forehead scrunched.
    “Listen, I, would never hurt you. You should know that.” He seemed to be done making his point. “But,” He started again, “I will make you be honest with me. And the honest truth is that you don’t want me to leave. You got a small taste of what I can give you and you hate yourself for wondering and wanting more.” He was getting closer to her. “Elena, I can give you what you want; just like you can give me what I want. And if you still haven’t caught on, that’s you. Not Caroline, not Bonnie, not even Katherine. You.”
    Elena was having trouble breathing. What was he doing to her? This wasn’t right. His words should hold no meaning for her and she should tell him that the truth was she wanted him to leave and then call Stefan. She should tell him that there was no room for another Salvator in her heart but the truth is that there was.
    Anger surged through her. How dare he make her doubt what she had with Stefan? How dare he come into her room without her permission? How dare he take advantage of being invited in by showing up whenever he wanted? She was so mad she wanted to slap him, kick him, punch him, punish him, anything!
    So, without realizing what she was doing until it was too late, she grabbed him and flung herself into his arms and into a kiss that held more pent up frustration then ever.
    It surprised him but only for a second and then he was kissing her back, taking off her shirt and she his. Elena ripped off the rest of his clothes piece by piece with every shred of aggravation she had. And not just at him but at everything in life that had ever made her feel anything negative. She was taking all of the hurt she felt out on him about her parents, about vampires complicating her life, about having to protect a family that didn’t understand the dangers of the world around them that they didn’t even know existed. All of that was coming out, and before she knew it, they were both naked and touching each other everywhere with desperation.
    It took Elena a moment to realize that Damon had stopped. He was looking at her with a little bit of wonderment in his eyes. As thought he couldn’t believe it himself. This wasn’t the Damon she was use to. There were times where she thought she glimpsed something more in his eyes but nothing like this. What she was seeing now was complete innocence. His eyes were so blue and deep as if asking permission to continue being with her.
    It didn’t last. In a flash a wicked smile has spread to the rest of his face and he untangled himself from her to fetch his clothes.
    “What are you doing?” Elena, a little breathless.
    Damon looked at her as he was pulling on his pants. “Elena, this will happen. And many times. But when it does, I want you to be so completely in it that you have no thoughts of anything else.” He tugged on his shirt and jacket. “You’re not going to do it out of anything but simply wanting me like I want you.” his shoes were slipped on. “And when this happens, you’ll be so sure you love me that nothing will keep us apart. Not secrecy, not awkwardness, not anything.”
    He stepped up right in front of her and tilted her chin up with a finger. “Oh, and Elena, I don’t go backwards. There’ll be back-pedaling, no avoiding.” His face was only and inch from hers and she could feel his breath brush her face as he spoke. “And no one else. This won’t be a threesome like last time. I want you all for my self, baby”, the endearment he chose sounded so odd coming from him.
    “You-” Elena was cut off by a swift kiss and a vanishing act.
    Great, she thought, and sat down completely naked on her bed with a sigh. Well, now she had even more she couldn't write in her journal...
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