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Trevor and Mike sneaked into the Fame or Shame set.

Man: (finishes dancing bows)
Lazlo: (comes into view)
Audience: (cheers a little at seeing him)
Lazlo: (claps) Thank you Mike. For... Whatever that was.
Audience: (laughs)
Lazlo: Welcome back to Fame or Shame.. I'm the host. Because "apparently" I have nothing else to do on a Saturday evening.
Audience: (laughs)
Lazlo: Now. Up next it's Tracy De Santa.. Audience.. Tracy De Santa.
Tracy; (in overly REVEALING outfit) H. Hi
Lazlo: Now Tracy's a "dancer" but she also enjoys singing, and long walks on the beach.. That's wonderful. Your so original. Like a rainbow. Or a basket of puppies. Or a.. Pile of puke.
Audience: (laughs)

(skips to when Trevor and Michael are chasing Lazlo's battery car)
(inside the truck)
Michael: (hearing FIREWORKS playing loudly in the truck) Is this Katy fuckin Perry!?
Trevor: Yes.. Look. Just leave it on, it helps relax me!

Johnny: Brian, Brian, are you sure you want to be here? I mean, this is a man's job after all.

Brian: No, Johnny, nope. You're the fucking pussy, man.

Johnny: Shit, I can't hear you, big man. It's the wind. Speak up next time.


Billy: Lost MC is here motherfuckers!

Brian: Yeah! Lost M-


Johnny took put an M16 and started open firing at the enemies.


Brian: (managed to throw a gernade, witch successfully killed three or four of the Angels).

Billy had double pistols and skillfully started gunning down Angels.


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Niko: Keep away from Mr Faustin’s daughter.

Mason: Fuck you! This ain’t Russia! And we ain’t communists!

Niko: Why dose everybody think I’m Russian?

Daughter: Tell my dad! I can see whoever I want..

Mason: I will get the brothers. And we’re kick your as- (gets shot in the face, and dies).

Niko: (holding handgun).

Daughter: YOU KILLED HIM!!

Niko: Yes. That’s why I’m here… What did you expect.. Me to chase him down on a bike and fight him and other bike members.. No thank you.
Vlad: Fucking yokel, you think you can get away with killing me?

Niko: I guess I'll find out!.

Vlad: You think this is worth it? My friends will track you down, you won't last a moment!

Niko: I'll last longer than you will, shithead. NOBODY fucks Roman's girl like that!

Vlad: ... I was only joking about that.

Niko: ... What? But she was at your hou-

Vlad: She was there for something else... Besides. Mallorie is gross.

Niko: ... Oh god!... Guess I wasn't thinking properly.

Vlad: It's fine.. Just stop pointing that stupid gun at me.

Niko: Fine... (throws down the shotgun, but it accidently goes off and...
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Roman: (depressed and holding large beer).

Niko: (comes in) Hey, what's wrong?

RomanL Hey, cousin.. Bullshit.

Niko: What's bullshit?

Roman: Mallorie!
Niko: Oh. What about her?

Roman: I like her... I really like her...

Niko: But you keep messing around with other women.

Roman: Yeah... no. I think she's messing around with Vlad. I saw his car parked outside her place the other day!

Niko: Yeah.

Roman: ... You knew?

Niko: I had suspicions.

Roman: You fucking knew!?

Niko: What was I going to say?

Roman: You knew my woman was banging this warthog and you didn't do anything!?

Niko I-

Roman: You didn't say anything?...
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Johnnny: (punches him because Billy asked him too).


Johnny: You asked me t-

Billy: Stop making excuses Jew boy!

Johnny: Bu-

Angel leader: (comes into view) Hey! Lost and Damned!

Billy: Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Why the long faces? No wait, that's your "normal" faces.

Brian: (laughs)

Billy: Shut up Brian.

Brian: Y- Yes sir.

Billy: Anyway.. Might I tempt you in a swift libation, my most trusted and honored guests?

Angel leader: I thought we had a truce going on?

Billy: Did you? Funny thing.....
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Bleeder: (guarded by two unnamed men) Our problem is your cousin!.

Niko: I told you too stop! Now it's too late!

Johnny and them arrived at Billy's bike but saw angels of death guarding it and they had grab their guns.

KORN - DEEP INSIDE: Plays as mood settleing music..

Niko grabbed one of the two unnamed men, head butted him violently, and violently kneed him in the face.

Johnny smacked his gun against an enemies face as he continued shooting.

It continues going back and forth like this, ending with Darton being dramatically thrown off the edge.


To be continued
Jim: Pretty Boy.

PB Hey.

Jim: Where's the bike?

PB Oh, it's good to see you too, tough guys.

Uhh... what bike are you talking about exactly?

Johnny: You "know" what we're talking about.

PB: Billy's bike? Jesus, man, it's been a long time. I thought he was dead. What's he want it for? To sell it for crack, right, eh?

Billy [walks in] Maybe later.

PB: (scared) Hey, good to see you, Bill! Man, I thought you was dead...

Billy: Where's the bike?

PB: I don't know.

Billy: (disturbingly calm) Jim, start the bike.

(Jim starts the Bike and Johnny slowly holds him down to the real, much to his fear and agony).

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Roman: Come on, Dardan, what's your problem?

Dardan: I don't have problem. You do!

[Dardan points a knife at Roman while Bledar smashes his computer monitor.].

Roman: Hey I just got that fixe- (get's locked in chock hold) Mommy!

Dardan [choking Roman] Where's your Russian friend now, eh?

Roman: (choking) He's not my friend... he's my loan shark...

Niko (enters and enraged by the scene) HEY!

Dardan: Fuck you! (tries to stab Niko, who dodge it)

Niko: (breaks his arm).

Dardan Oh my arm. Oh!

Niko: (mockingly) Ohh, was that your arm?

Dardan: Fuck you!

(Bledar hops over the desk to help Dardan).

(The Albanians...
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Billy Line 'em up, my brother... Let me have some of that heroine, motherfucker!

Brian: Yeah! Heroine is tigh-

Billy: (annoyed) shut up Brian!

Billy: (smokes it).

Brian: Guess this means w-

Billy: [high on cocaine, shouting, speaking quickly] You know what I can't stand!? Internet piracy! How would you like it if musicians stole from YOU!?... (pointing at Clay) What if Cannibal Corpse stole your precious glasses?

Clay: ... [uncomfortable] I think I'll mostly just be confused..

Billy: (after calming down) So, Johnny boy... Where's my bike?

Johnny: You know where it is.

Billy: Uhhh... Let me rephrase...
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Niko: So, you full of crap or what!?

Roman: What!?

Niko: Where's luxury condo? Where's sports car? Where's Barbara with big titties and Stephanie who sucks like a vacuum?

Roman: What you talking about?

Niko: In your letters to my mother, in your letters to me... all I hear about is Mr. Big, Mr. Roman, living the American dream. Sports cars, condos, women, money, the beach... opportunity! I come here, and the only thing big about your life is the cockroaches.

Roman: That's right. I got the best cockroaches, I got the best dirt!

Niko: SHUT UP! (angrily punches hole into the wall).

Roman: (sarcastically)...
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Billy: Okay Johnny.. I'll ride up in your bike.

Johnny: I- I don't know man.. You a bit of a dick to me.

Billy: Johnny boy. I have "never" been a dick to you.

Johnny: [rolls his eyes] Oh please! All you EVER do is call me names and rip on me for being Jewish!

Billy: Johnny, when have I "ever" ripped on you for being a Jew?

[in the playground when first meeting each other] You're a Jew!

{while they argue} Oh yeah! Well your just a stupid Jew!

[Riding on their bikes} SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN JEW MOUTH!

[at the club house, on the front steps] {angry at Johnny} Good job, Jew!

[leaving his seat in the...
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Roman: (meets Niko at the boat stop).

Niko: (stressed) What took you so long!

Roman: Sorry.. I was at a party.. But anyway.. (singing) Welcome, home, Cousin. You know that, I missed ye-

Niko: [Off-Screen] NO! [On-Screen] NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOU SING!

Roman is driving them too the apartment, though he's driving very slowly, much to Niko's anger.

Roman: Do you think Mallorie's mad at me?

Niko: Because you're in the right lane behind a bus and you won't go around it? (sarcastically) No, I'm sure she finds it charming.

Roman: No, because I didn't invite her to come you with me.

Niko: I'm starting to think she dodged a bullet.. The slowest bullet in the world!.

Roman: Calm down Niko.. I thought you had your anger issues under control?

Niko: What are you talking about. I don't have anger issu- (suddenly enraged) OH MY GOD ROMAN! YOU DID "NOT" HAVE TO SLOW DOWN FOR A BIRD!.. YOU KNOW THEY FLY RIGHT!?

To be continued
posted by Canada24
Michael and Packie at waiting at the cliff.

Packie: He's Canadian!?

Michael: Yep. A lonely old Canadian brony who has no life outside this site.

Packie: God! no wonder we're all so screwed up in this verison!

Michael: Yeah.. Soon as I found out. I was ready to put a fuckin bullet in my mouth.

Packie: I don't blame you..

Michael: Yeah, but what can we do.. He's still the one writing this.

Suddenly Trevor and Franklyn arrived.

Michael: So.. You got him Trevor?

Trevor: (opens trunk) Save and sound!

Devin: (gagged, beaten, and in his underwear)

Packie: Well, well... That's a good look for him.

Trevor: (laughs)...
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posted by Canada24
Michael: (walking ttowards the farris wheel).

Michael: (on phone) Why do "I" have to be the one to take out Steve Heines?

Trevor: (off view) Because, Packie took out Stretch, so you need a new target... Other wise your missing out in the fun.

Micheal: Wow.. I actually agree for once.

Trevor: (off view) exactly. So cheer up.

Steve: (looking paranoid) Stop pointing it so fuckin close to my fuckin face!

Cameraman: I'm sorry. Oksy.. But it's a small space up here. I can't go much further than this.

Steve: Fuckin excuses!.. But whatever.. Just don't go any closer than that.

Steve: (still looking paranoid)...
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posted by Canada24

Stretch: I am TOTALLY gonna betray Franklyn and Lamar, even though we grew up together.. Just makes it more fun that wa-

Packie: (holding double barrel shotgun). Yo Stretch..

Stretch: What do you wa- (gets a shotgun blast to the face, killing him).

Packie: Huh.. That was eas-

Voice 1: Oh my god! He killed Stretch!

Voice 2: The basterd!

Packie: (makes a run for it, but gets shot at, and has to run to cover).

Packie: Guess were doing this.. Time for some music!

Plays LINKIN PARK - ONE STEP CLOSER as Packie makes short work of his enemies.

The battle ending rather quickly, with Packie unharmed.

Packie: All done.. And did it all without backup.

Rainbow Dash: (shows up, only to realize the battle is already over, and leaves again).

Packie: (radios Franklyn) Hey Frank.. Your pal Stretch ain't a problem no more.

Franklyn: Shit.. He weren't my pal, he was dude that jumped us homey.. Thanks.

To be continued
posted by Canada24
Franklyn was walking back to his bike.

Michael: (out of nowhere) You kicked ass out there kid!

Frankln: Micha- I thought you were going after Stretch!?

Michael: Relax. I got the newer guy to do it.. Said he's been aching to join the fun..He even has a requite of his own.


Jackie's car is still driving to Stretch's last known location.

Rainbow Dash: (in back seat) Why am I here?

Packie: Because you seem tough. With Pinkie... Gone... I figured I'll try again with another one of you.

Rainbow Dash: (yawns).

(Packie's tractor says there getting closer).

Packie: (cocks his pistol).. Whoa!.. You feel...
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posted by Canada24
I'll skip past the big battle.

It saddens me to do so. But don't have any ideas for it.

I'll skip to the execution scenes.

Frankyln blew up the car holding most of the Chinese guys.

Only ones left were the leader, and the Sgt who took out Pinkie:

The leader: Yo! What the fu- (gets dramatically shot in the head and killed at the spot).

The Sgt: Man... Thank god that wasn't me!

Frankyln: Hahaha.. (points the gun) Your next!


Franklyn: (angrily) Remember Pinkie!

The Sgt: Can't you take a joke!?

(long silence).

Franklyn: (shoots the Sgt in eye, like Niko dose to Vlad).
posted by Canada24
Michael and Trevor and inside the old Foundry. Trevor armed with a MG and Michael with a sniper rifle. But both of them are awkwardly just standing, not sure what to do.

Trevor: (looks at the viewers and realizes the scene has started). Oh. Uhh. (aham).. This is it Michael. I'll big fight against both FIB and Marryweather, and you bringing, a rifle!?

Michael: Yeah. I'm bringing a rifle.. It's a good gun. it'll get the job done..

Trevor: In your dreams!

Michael: That's what I say to Jimmy when he claims Tracy strangled her other sister.. It was just a dream... I really regretted dropping him as...
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posted by Canada24
Franklyn: I better go call up Michal and Trevor.. Hopefully Michael dosen't do anything stupid before I get there.

Lester: Yes. Michael ALWAYS has a way of doing something stupid.


Tombstone saying Carly Townley.

Amanda: (crying) She wasn't even a month old.

Michael: I'm really sorry Amanda.. I just thought that if I shook her enough, she would stop crying... In a way I was right.

(End flashback):

Franklyn: ... Dosen't that joke seem a bit much.

Lester: Maybe. But she's already pregnant again.. It's like the forth time this happened.. They always just rename the new one Carly
posted by Canada24
Before the final episode, I'm paying Tribute to my favourite Irish drunk..


Michael: (approaches worker) You! Fill this bag with clean, unmarked diamonds!.. But first!.. But first fix that notepad so it's at a right angle with the corner of your desk!..

Audience laughs

Packie: And tap that pile of receipts against a flat surface so they're not sticking out haphazardly!

Packie: Look, you want me to tell the story or not?

Franklyn: (angrily) No Packie, I don't!.. I already heard about it on the paper!.. It's just you won't fuckin leave!

Packie: ... Anyway, where was I?

Franklyn; (annoyedly)...
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