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Poor Vincent Matherly was pushed to his death. Poor, poor, Chasity the girl who pushed Vincent to his death. The tears of the parents and the sad looks of passing citzens. Chasity examined the scene once more. Was that the right thing to do? After she had done it, it truly didn't look like the right thing.

Chasity was summoned from the big guy in the sky. He had seen the terrible thing she had done. Chasity wasn't ready to face him not after that. he stared down at her while she looked down at her toes. The big guy in the sky wanted to send her to the big guy below the ground but decided against it. How was he suppose to be a role model if he gave up on his students so quickly. He gave her a second chance but this time she had to do it right if she wanted her wings.

Chasity was ordered to give one wish to Vincent when his spirit arrived. Since he was a equally good and bad guy, they didn't know where to place him. Truthfully, he didn't belong exactly anywhere. The guards of the entrance into the afterlife handed him over to her. She would decide his fate but first she needed to give him that wish.

"Um . . hello Vincent," she welcomed. He stared at himself. He was transparent but still had that handsome glow. Obviously, Vincent wasn't going to get use to his spirit body anytime soon. He probably wouldn't remember who he was.

That is what happens sometimes. If you didn't fit in Heaven or Hell then you most likely would become a ghost that walks the earth searching for something they forgot. He was in his spirit body and spirit bodies have no memory.

"What, who, when , where, how!" he muttered. He flexed his fingers and then he stared at the tattered clothes he was forced to wear. "Who the heck are you?"

Chasity felt uncomfortable. "I am an angel and since I was the cause of your death I have decided to give you one free gift."

Vincent shook his head like he couldn't believe it. He didn't know what ot believe anymore. First, he awoke to find some tall, muscular guards poking him with sticks. Then, this pretty yet super young girl was giving him a wish. If anything, he wanted to see his old life. That would hopefully jog his memory back. " I want to see my old life. That is my wish and also to see how my family is dealing with my death."

"Technically that is two wishes but I will allow it." She looked down at her feet. She wasn't magical so all she could really show him is his family and as much as his spirit body would allow. "Just bend down and face this cloud. Try to put your head all the way through."

Vincent did as told and what he saw was amazing. Below the cloud where people walking the streets, tending to their own business. Vincent wanted to be like them. He wanted to be normal. "Where are my family?"

Chasity searched all the clouds to see where his family was at. They were at a local funeral home. Vincent's body laid quietly in the casket. Everyone was deadly silent except for Mrs. Matherly who was balling her eyes out. "Here you are. This must be your funeral." in the back of the building was Brooke. She was with another man and was quietly kisisng him.

"That was my girlfriend right?" Vincent asked. "The love of my life." Parts of his memory were coming back but he remembered everything then he would probably have to live among the humans. Rage, anger, and saddness was not allowed in Heaven. All suffering would end here not begin.

"Vincent maybe we should . . ." Chasity trailed off. She didn't know what to do. Vincent was way too upset to be reasoned with. He just needed some space. Wow, for an 8 year old, she was very sensitive. Technically, she was 8 about 102 years ago.

Vincent looked down once more. His mother and father were hand in hand. His dad held his mom closely towards him . "Are my parents together?" Everything he said sounded chocked. "Was I wrong to jump off that cliff?

The feeling of shame washed over her. When you felt an emotion that wasn't happiness, then you instantly told someone."I shoved you off that cliff to your death. So truly I was that one that killed you. I'm so sorry. At first I thought it was the right thing but now i know."

Vincent wouldn't look at her. He continued staring at his family. His funeral was small and barely anyone had shown but why? "Why aren't there more people?" He asked almost outraged.

"Calm down! Before it is too late. There is no one there because . . ." She looked away." Because no one likes you." All Hell broke lose in Heaven.

This story is not ment to insult anyone. It is just a little story that i thought would be interesting to tell. I am sorry if this story insulted you.
Well, here I am, back here, and I am dragged into this prison cell.
Guard 1 says, "You will be stuck in here for 24 hours with no food, no water, no ANYTHING.
I say in a meek voice, "Not anything?"
Guard 2 says, "You got too much ear wax in your ear, kid? Want me to bring you a Q-Tip?"
I thought the guard was joking. But, I thought, maybe it would be of some use to me. Everything's worth something when I'm stuck in this old musty prison cell. "Actually, sure. Thanks." I said.
The guard frowned at me like I had some mental issues or something. Oh well, better not to talk back to him. Hmmm...maybe...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Ten
Book Three- Sophie


      "But I am not mentally unstable," I said as dad whisked me out of the hospital with Carrie close by. 
      "If I believe that then we wouldn't be having this conversation," dad said. The doctors had ran multiple test and most of them were taken when I was sleeping. I was given the results back this morning. They described me as a mentally unstable person who should be checked into a mental institute very soon. Apparently, I was a danger to myself and others. 
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posted by sadiebugz00
This is a list of some of my favorite words; Real, nonsense, and names.

1. Flagglesmof

2. Blaggles

3. Blarg

4. Pleep

5. Whaaa

6. Merp

7. Meep

8. Meh

9. Huh

10. Facepalm

11. Headbang

12. Hmm

13. Yep

14. Yerp

15. Ba

16. Raspberry

17. Tacos

18. Lasagna

19. Awesome

20. Epic

21. Luna

22. Lily

23. Sage

24. Soap

26. Dawg

27. Piggie

28. Precisely

29. Kwalk

30. Plog

This stupid thing says it needs to be longer so I'm going to say a for a while. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
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added by h3rmioneg
A very sad song that talks about those who died from cancer...My grandma was a cancer patient who passed from it...
added by alicia386
added by alicia386
The next day Katie told them all to meet her on Moori Mountain. She didn't say why, she just said it was important. When they were all there they asked Katie what it was about.She began, "Well, yeterday... I uuh was told... that... *sniff* ... After a test... uuh... *sniff* ... Kyle won't make it... Atleast thats what the test said." There was silence while everyone tried to think about what they were just told. "When did you find out?" asked James
"Yesterday, I was too upset to talk about it, he's like my brother to, you know." Katie replied. Katie had been their friend since kindergarten,...
continue reading...
More weeks past. Then months. As Autumn neared Katie was called in to speak to the head nurse.
"Yes?" she asked
"Katie, this is hard for me to say. But you have the right to know, we haven't told the others, we were hoping you would."
"Would tell them what?" Katie asked, sje already knew, but she needed to be sure.
"We have just finished a test, to see if... Kyle would... make it."
"and...?" Katie asked.
"The test showed that he... won't make it." The head nurse, Lailey, didn't dare look at Katie.
"When?" she asked, trying not to burst to tears.
"If the test was correct, it is estimated by Autumn."...
continue reading...
added by alicia386
added by alicia386
added by hgfan5602
added by rory2011
added by rory2011
added by hgfan5602
added by alicia386