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Author's note: Okay, first time posting on this club. This is a one-shot that is also a songfic, and although it originally was a fanfiction, it has nothing to do with the fandom so I'm posting it here! The reason that I don't use names in this is because it's a random couple, not anyone specific..WARNING: some graphic content (blood, death, etc.) and extreme sob-factor. Now I'll shut up.
This world will never be what I expected
And if I don't belong who would have guessed it...

The darkness weighed down on her shoulders, all in itself a tangible thing that pressed its massive self upon her. She strained her eyes, struggling to make out the subtle outlines in the gloom, as fear and panic made her heart leap out of her chest. She groped around, hoping something soft would touch her fingertips, even knowing that nothing would. She felt liquid, warm and sticky, coat her hands, and she choked down the tears that were rising in her throat. Where was he?

No one will ever see this side reflected
And if there's something wrong who would have guessed it?

He struggled to keep his eyes open; the resounding pain as his body clung to its last breath of life was excruciating. He wanted more than anything to give up, to release the hold and let life slip away, but he still struggled. For her. He let out a weak moan, hopelessly clinging to the thought that if she found him, she could make it stop. No, he knew how to make it stop, he just wasn’t ready to accept that. He needed to see her one last time, before his mind would be swayed. But dammit, could she just find him already? He was already beginning to grow cold, his body weakening as it slowly lost the battle for life. He shuddered, wrenching his eyes open, as his vision blurred, and the blood still oozed out of the broken shell of his body.

I will not leave alone everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late, it's never too late...

Her breath came in short gasps, as she stumbled onto something soft. She lifted her hands out of the deep puddles of liquid--blood, it had to be blood, but she didn’t want to believe that. She groped around in the darkness, feeling for his outline. Finally her fingers grazed his split side, his slowly rattling chest, throat, chin, face. She felt him shudder, and she bent down, resting her head on his chest, ignoring the blood and grime accumulated there. She felt his torn shirt, and he gave a soft murmur. Gently, she kissed his cheek, then his lips, as the tears streamed down her face.

Even if I say it'll be alright
Still I hear you say you want to end your life...

She was shaking with sobs, and she squeezed her eyes shut, her head still in his lap. Her forehead and shoulder throbbed from her wounds, but she knew her casualties were nothing compared to his. Her mind refused to accept that he, the spark in her life, her greatest joy, was dying, could already be dead. Maybe it was sheer love for him, maybe it was her head injury, but she could see, through her closed eyelids, him there beside her. When she looked up, his gentle face was there, his eyes glimmering like they always did, his hair ruffled, his mouth twitched in a playful smirk. A smile slowly slid across her face, even as she choked on the tears that were pouring down her cheeks and dripping off her chin. It would be alright, he was there. She pictured him stroking her hair, and she almost felt his warm fingers, twirling the strands and brushing against her scalp.

Now and again we try to just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it around 'cause it's not too late
It's never too late

As the flow of tears began to ebb, the sorrow in her heart replaced with a sort of numb happiness, her eyes slowly opened. He was there, she reminded herself. He would always be there. But even as she thought those words, repeated them in her mind, her fantasy began to slip away, replaced with reality, as cold as the body under her head. She sat up, wailing in agony as she saw his eyes glassed over, their imagined glimmer gone, faded forever. Screaming, she pressed her lips to his, vowing never to wrench them away. Vowing to never let him go.

Even if I say it'll be alright
Still I hear you say you want to end your life
Now and again we try to just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it around 'cause it's not too late
It's never too late...

Author's note (again): ...yeah. Please, comments/critique/etc. would be extremely appreciated! And if you were wondering, the song is "Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace.
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Source: Knowitall123
posted by 1999jacko
" BUT I DO NOT THINK WE'RE INVINCIBLE" Brandon sits on his bed singing along to the song juggernauts by enter shikari as he reads a post by his best friend Craig on Facebook," Im loosing it man I cant take no more im givin in to the voices im gonna do whatever they want" it says on his wall. Brandon looks shocked at the post hes made and quickly turns down the music and rushes to Craigs house.
As he knocks on the door and asks Craigs mum if he can see him he hears loud music playing from Craigs room," sure Brandon come on in just be careful okay, the doctors say he has something called multiple...
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I quickly ran over to the nurse that was closest to me. She looked very startled, so I gave her about .333 seconds to compose herself. "Who is that man?!" I demanded. "I don't really know, but as it looks refering to his condition, he doesn't look like he is going to make it." She replies. My heart sinks into my stomach. I start to see fog, and the next thing I know, I am falling onto the tile floors.

I wake up in a room. There are doctors everywhere, and I try to sit up, but there is a restraint holding me down so that I can't move. I look the my left, and I see the farmiliar macine that shows...
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Source: Problematic129
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
posted by 1999jacko
5 years ago
Leo stood at the edge of the plane as 3 men stood watching him intently.They were chanting over and over"Take on the life of Survival. Even though he was 8 he still knew they would set the bomb and push him off sooner or later. Leo turned around and tried to keep his gaze on the men, but he was to scared of them to do it. They had trained him for 4 years about the skills of survival and how to fight but the still scared him to death. As Leo turned back to the door the men stopped chanting, they moved as one being and picked up the bomb together setting it to 10 seconds, they then...
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added by alicia386
posted by hgfan5602
There's a possibility
That if we believe in our souls
Then the doubt that we will fail
Will melt away

We must believe
There's no better time to do this
And we shall never give up
Because a helpless creature is dying

We shall help the creature
And if we come together and sing
All hope will become stronger and stronger
Like a candle building flame

We shall care for it
We shall be its shoulder to lean on
We shall never give up hope
If it dies, I die with it

It shall survive
If we give up all our hope
Nothing ever shall be alive again

The hope still blazes
Inside of each and every one of us,
And we believe that we will
Defeat our obstacle

There will be nothing to fight us
After we look inside ourselves
And find our strength

I have a dream,
That my little amazing creature
Will survive and get a new leg
It shall not die.
posted by SweetHoneyBunny
The sun was sitting on the horizon as the troops of UFS reached Nindell. The air hung heavy as they trudged through the streets swamped with garbage, crumbling buildings and the occasional body. Talow stuck close to the group as he heard gunshots firing from the distance. The walked until they had reached the far end of the city. Talow could see a large hill with the jungle starting at the top and doors at the bottom. They marched up to these doors which opened to reveal a hidden building inside.
“Welcome to HQ.” Luca whispered in Talow's ear as he passed. Talow looked at the open area he...
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added by h3rmioneg
Chapter Nine

      Unless, Reese was working with Hazel. How else would Hazel be able to release Reese from jail for just an event like this. There was no other way. Dakota stopped at the door and tried smiling but it was so stained you could tell it was fake. Reese didn't smile. She appeared sad. She wouldn't mumble a word. All she did was slowly stand up and prance on Dakota. She was able to hold Dakota down and lug her towards the bed. She handcuffed Dakota to Hazel's bed. It happened so quickly that Dakota wasn't able to put up much of a fight.
      "I am so sorry for this Dakota but...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, mystery and fantasy :)~
Chapter 36
        An angel in disguise
    I feel my blood run cold as I hear the door open and I quickly enter the room, the guys are on the phone, and I motion them to be quiet, not loud. Meredith nods and whispers into the phone, quickly, she sound hysterical and the door slamming shut makes us all jump, and the two girl’s start to whimper.
    I put a finger on my lips and they nod, clutching each other.
    I have to think of something, and fast. We...
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added by h3rmioneg
posted by alicia386
The Big Three are Zeus, Hades, and Poisedon. You never call the big three unless it is an extreme emergency. I knew the results if this didn't go well with them. I would most likely be zapped into a cockroach or something odd like that. That is something that I didn't want to happen to me but we needed to stop Elysia before Earth was next. I grew very fond of this planet.

Gabriel and I were the sons of Zeus and w knew our father very well which was abnormal because Zeus hates demigods. He really hates them. I went to Mount Olympus alone while Gabriel stayed behind to become a spy for us. Gabriel...
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posted by Insight357
    “Kayden!” Sebastian-my band’s manager-had a look of dismay on his simple features. I couldn’t hear him, but I could read his lips. Anyone who knew me knew to get my attention before they spoke.
    “What?” I asked. Though I’d been deaf since I was five I knew how to speak as well as anyone with full hearing.    
    “You still haven’t made your set list,” he stated, his face screwed up into a frown. “The first performance is tomorrow night.”
    “I’ll have it finished...
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