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Okay, this is a look into the really dark part of Ryker's mind, so if you don't want to read that, don't. Just letting y'all know.
It's Ryker's point of view.

Not sure how I feel about Fawn. Sometimes I feel like I like her, sometimes I feel like using her.
    I could so easily. She’d fall right into the trap. She likes me. I could.
    But I’m not sure what I would use her for. What would I get her to do? Get vodka for me?
    There’s an idea. Do that, maybe.
    I was thinking about this Saturday night, two days before Halloween. Could I use her somehow? If so, in what way? I couldn’t think of anything, but it seemed too big an opportunity to pass down.
    I was on my way to Jasmine’s to get Sami’s medicine. She needs it every Saturday and Wednesday. If she doesn’t get it, her whole body shuts down and she dies.
    “What are you doin’ out here?” someone asked behind me. They had a thick accent, like they were from New York or New Jersey. Somewhere around there.
    I turned to face him. There were two others with him, sneering. One of them had a puckered scar above their right eyebrow.
    One of them pointed a gun at me. “Empty out your pockets. Turn ‘em inside out.”
    I reached into my pocket. They snickered. They thought I had fallen for it.
    My fingers closed over cold metal. The gun. I pulled it out.
    “You shoot one of us, you’re dead,” said the scarred one. “We’ve all got guns.” He turned to the others. “Show him.”
    The other two pulled out guns and aimed them at me. Their fingers tightened on the triggers.
    “You gonna shoot, or give us your stuff?” One of them asked. He had a face like a rat’s.
    I smirked. “Shoot.”
    “Well, either way, we get his stuff,” Rat-Face said.
    “Not so sure about that,” I said, shooting straight up the barrel of Scar Guy’s gun and throwing myself behind a building.
    I heard an explosion, then someone scream. I peeked out from around the corner.
    Scar Guy was lying on the ground, completely still. His face was charred, and his whole right side was gone. His leg was jumping up and down. It gradually slowed down to a twitch, then stopped altogether.
    Rat-Face was missing an arm. He was screaming and clutching at the stump where it used to be, hollering at the other guy, who was fine except for some burnt hair, to go find me.
    I didn’t exactly want him to find me, so I took off for Jasmine’s house.

On the way back, I realized what I could use Fawn for.
    Food and water. That’s it. I needed that.
    I turned and headed towards Fawn’s house.
    When I got there, I clumped up onto the porch and knocked. While I waited for someone to open the door, I surveyed the house.
    It was—or used to be—painted white. Now the white had turned gray and was peeling off. The bronze doorknob was worn and looked like the sun had taken a toll on it. The porch was made of old, long strips of wood. They were gray, too, like the paint.
    Why does everything turn gray when it’s old?
    I looked around for other gray things, but all I could find was the sky. It looked like a thick gray sheet.
    I knocked again. The door swung open, revealing Fawn’s eager face.
    “Ryker! Hey!” She gave me a hug. I endured it. After all, I needed that food.
    “C’mon in!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
    I looked around. The inside was basically the same as the outside: old, peely, and gray. Only on the inside, it was dark.
    Tristan was standing on a winding staircase, glaring at me. I noticed he had a tattoo of a girl’s name on his wrist: Melanie.
    “Who’s Melanie?” I whispered to Fawn.
    “Melanie is—was—Tristan’s girlfriend. She’s dead.” Fawn whispered back.
    “What happened to her?”
    “He asked me not to talk about it.”
    I nodded. Tristan was retreating up the stairs. His eyebrows were knit together in a scowl.
    “Hey, Fawn!” someone said behind us.
    Me and Fawn both whirled around.
    Standing behind us—or now, in front of us, was a boy, about eighteen or nineteen years old. He looked exactly like Tristan, but at the same time, looked completely different.
    He had the same thick black hair, the same face shape, the same blue-green eyes. They both had the same pale, thin fingers, and the same dark eyebrows.
    But there the comparison stopped. Where Tristan's mouth was knitted together in a guarded smirk, this boy had a warm, welcoming smile. His eyebrows were slightly higher than most, giving him a slightly surprised look, whereas Tristan's were scrunched down over his eyes in a scowl.
    Still, you could tell they were related, which was confirmed when Fawn introduced him as Tristan's twin brother.
    “His name’s Heath,” Fawn said. “Heath, this is Ryker.”
    Heath regarded me, though not without caution. Then he smiled. “Be nice to her, or you’re gonna have to talk to Tristan.” Then he picked up a large, black bag near the wall that I hadn’t noticed was there and slipped out of the door.
    “So, what did you come here for?” Fawn asked.
    “I just wanted to be with you,” I said. An easy way to get to her was probably flattery, I thought. I just needed to be careful not to lay it on too thick. Sure, she wasn’t the smartest, but she wasn’t stupid, exactly.
    Fawn smiled shyly and looked at the ground. “Oh. Well, is there anything you need?”
    I couldn’t believe how easy this was. “Well, my sister’s really hungry, but I guess there’s not much you can do about that.”
    She gave me a sad look, like she knew what I was doing. “No, we’ve got food,” she said. “Come one. I’ll get you some.”
    I followed her into the kitchen. She climbed up onto the white marble counter so she could reach the cabinet and swung it open.
    “Here,” she said, handing me a jar of raisins, a box of graham crackers, and a half-empty jar of peanut butter. “Sorry it’s not much.”
    I shrugged and stuck them into the bag I keep the drugs in. “I gotta go now. Bye.” I turned and headed for the front door. She didn’t follow me.
    As I was walking to the door, I noticed an oak door directly across from the front one. It was slightly ajar. Inside I could see an open laptop. It was on, and its blue-white light gave the otherwise dark room a spooky vibe.
    I slipped through the door, thinking I could steal the laptop. Way to make money. People are gonna pay a lot for that.
    I went over to the desk it was resting on and picked it up. Underneath was a piece of lined paper with a brownish stain on the bottom. Half of it was written on.
    I set the laptop aside, picked up the paper, and started reading:

Dear Tristan,
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone. I’m sorry I have to do this. Just know it has nothing to do with you, and I love you more than anything in the world.
I just have to get away. Get away from this hell I’m living. I just can’t take it anymore.

Farewell, and take care.

    So that’s how Melanie had died. She had killed herself.
    To get away from ‘this hell she was living.’
    Your life is hell, I found myself thinking. You always wish for a way to get away.
    I shook the thought from my head and hurried out the door, out onto the porch, forgetting the laptop in my haste. It started to rain as I hurried down the driveway to the sidewalk.
    I just have to get away. Get away from this hell I’m living. I just can’t take it anymore. The last lines of the note echoed in my head. I found myself relating. I can’t take it anymore. I hate my life. I hate it.
    I raced into an alleyway and leaned against the wall of a tall, sand-textured building. I slipped my hands into my pockets to warm them.
    My fingers found the pocket knife. I remembered the stain on the note. Was it blood? Had she slit her wrists?
    I yanked my hands out of my pocket and ran to my miserable house.
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 2

At the hotel, everyone was talking to Nick Wolfe, congratulating him on his heroic deed.

"Nick! Nick!" Mari, a half Ram girl asked Nick.

"Yes young lass?" Nick responded to his new fan.

"Can you show me how you slashed off that scientists arms?" Mari asked him curiously

"Of course!" Nick responded as he showed them the slash that cut off the scientists arm.

"Woah..." All of the girls were watching in suspense.

"Nick...I have to thank saved Lucy...and...I can't find a way to pay you..." Emily told Nick.

"You don't need to pay me!" Nick responded, "I just save people because it...
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posted by alicia386

I don't want to talk about the funeral. I don't want to talk about how I cried all weekend or how Velvet, my only friend at home, went with my aunt to Malibu for the weekend. No, I won't talk about any of this. Instead I will say that Kyle invited mr to this awesome party Wednesday night. Yes, I know it is a school night but in less than 6 days school will be over for me. I can't wait. No more preps or annoying L. J's. Kyle, however, I will miss. Maybe I could invite him to the movies or something.
posted by alicia386
Okay, I will admit that I was in love with Destiny Malone. I will even admit that one of my favorite hobbies was to watch her. I am not a creepier. I just thought that she was really beautiful. The problem was that I was a jock and she was a loner. There are two completely different social groups and social groups do not mix with other social groups no matter how gorgeous you are.

But her death was a shock to me. It shocked everyone in town.

Destiny was sweet to everyone and was fair. Her death only shows how cruel the world is. She drowned in the lake with her hands tied behind her back.

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posted by BlondLionEzel

Once upon a time...

"We must get away!" A Female Kitsune panicked to her Husband, while holding a crying baby Kitsune.

"Right!" The Father said as he started to run with his Wife and his infant child.

"Stop!" A Woman in a cloak holding a sword yelled as she charged on a Horse, chasing them.

"I will take the child!" The Mother said as the Father handed the baby to her.

"Now die!" The Woman said as she ran and slashed the Father, killing him in one slash.

"No! I will not let you take my child!" The Mother said as she stood her ground at the Woman.

"Such foolish nonsense, dirty Kitsune!" The...
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posted by hippy-hoppy

5 years ago

As I crouch in the wardrobe, trembling with fear, I hear shouts coming from down the stairs, I don't know who it is but I know that there's 2 men and 1 woman. No rewards for me guessing who one of the men and women are, my mum and dad, but the other one, who seems to be shouting the most vile and mean things I've ever heard, I have no idea of who it is. As I'm trembling I think to myself," whats going to happen to my mum and dad?" and other questions like," why did my dad hide me in here?" and "why are they shouting at the man so violently?" I keep thinking about...
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posted by alicia386
June 18
Today was the first time I saw her. It was the annual festivals for them. It began today and ended June 25. I happen to be hiking today. I had heard myths and legends about how they fall from the skies to dance and celebrate among the humans,

Back to the girl. She had light blue eyes and a thick head of hair. The part of her that really caught my eyes were her angel wings.

They had a noticeable sparkle to them. I was certainly bewitched by her beauty the moment I saw her.. It was hard to get her image out of my head.

Eventually, I had to leave. Those angels would pick up on my scent and...
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Garren struggled for breath as he woke up. Why you ask? No reason, only that he found himself underwater.

Swimming up as fast as he could, he tried as hard as possible to not let go of his breath. Finally, he reached the surface.

As he broke the water's surface and gasped for air, he looked around his surroundings, nearly sighing with relief as he saw the simplicity of it.

It was a simple room. The walls and floor were made of stone, and nothing else was in the room other than 2 portals. A red one and a blue one.

Climbing out of the water onto the cold stone floor, Garren realized that nothing...
continue reading... head. What the hell happened?

Garren slowly opens his eyes, but there wasn't much to see. The room was dim, and the only light coming into the room was from a small candle. The light didn't go far, and many spots in the room were still darkened to a great extent. It looked like a medieval dungeon. He tries to move, only to realize his wrists and ankles are chained to the wall.

"What's going on?" Garren demands, speaking to no one in particular. Has he failed a test, and is now dying for it? He's about to repeat himself, when he sees something lying on the ground not too far from him...
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Chapter Two- Setting My Sights

If ghost could pass out from shock then that was actually what I was about to do. It isn't the greatest feeling in the world to realize that you're dead, that no one on Earth will be able to hear you say anything ever again. Everyone thinks you are dead. There was a silver lining in this tale of misfortune. Everyone thinks I'm dead which meant, most likely, everyone would be gossiping about my death. I might just get some answers on this untimely tragedy. I longed to know what happened to me. Why was I like this? I surely don't want to be a ghost forever although,...
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Chapter 16
    Code furnace
    “Pam, how many times have I told you to not fake injuries to the nurse and sleep through the whole day of school?”
    I scrunched my brow. “Over twenty times.”
    Adam scowled. “You missed a whole day of school, and! You made Beth too!”
    “Hey! Beth agreed with me!” I said, “her life, her choices.”
    Adam rolled his eyes. “You’ve been doing this since ninth grade Pam, just endure the pain of school with the rest of your...
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Chapter 14
    Football games and gym days
    “GO! GO! GO! GO!”
    I groaned. “Oh, come on guys, it’s just a stupid game!”
    “A stupid game!” Adam yelled, and Ryler nodded his head enthusiastically. “It’s football!”
    I roll my eyes. “So?”
    “So?” Adam mimicked. “This game is sacred! Awesome! It’s football!”
    “It’s also too long,” I whine. “I mean like, I love it, I really do. But sitting around is torture,...
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As doctors rushed in and Mariah and Tiffany ran next to Kyle, James sat there, looking at his brother, remembering all that they'd gone through, fighting evil monsters that don't exist, fighting bad guys, everything, they survived it all. Except the human race, their own species. He was about to cry but looked up and saw Mariah and Tiffany, crying. He hugged them tight, like Kyle used to. "It'll be ok" he said. "But what are we going to do?" sobbed Mariah. "Live on." said James and hugged them tighter. Later that evening James went to Kyle's house and looked under his bed and found a box. He...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 3
    The interview
    Approximately two days and we were off. Ashlynn was excitedly working on the script and Sasha was helping with the budget that the teacher just wouldn’t help with. Even with Fern’s influence she still didn’t trust us, maybe a little bit more, but still not that much. We were still undecided about the whole interviewing thing-y so we’ve just been searching on the internet and getting some old released police records.
    “Okay, so the horror hour is looking pretty good,” Sasha mutters as she...
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Would you ask a writer about what their writing means? First, hear (or read) what I have to say. If you ask a poet what their work is about, what sorts of questions do you think they hear all the time? 'Whats this mean? What's this about?' The artists get sick of it. Writing is a form of art. Art is meant to be not the same for everyone. Most artists want their work to be left to the viewers interpretation. Quoth one of my favourite writers:
"Does it mean this, does it mean that, that's all anybody wants to know. Fuck them darling. I say what any decent poet would say if you dared ask him to...
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posted by Problematic129
    It seemed as if everything went quieter when Alex and Iris sat down, I could see we were all tensed and hopeful. Although it didn’t seem Iris had gotten over her anger of us how she never said a word and just frowned at her tray unless Alex was saying something to her.
    What irked me was that when Alex would talk to Iris, you could tell it was really important by the way they looked, but the geniuses had the conversations between the two in different languages. One minute there speaking what...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Ten: I Always Lose At The Game of Chance

      "Who would be dumb enough to follow us?" demanded Courtney who was already forgetting that Darrell almost kidnapped us. "Don't they know who they are messing with." Courtney said it a bit playful but playful was not the kind of mood we were looking for.
      "You might be trained, but they are experienced and probably know 40 different ways to kill someone. It is best if we go hide out somewhere." Darrell kept his eyes on the road, those sky blue eyes.
      "You're right," I said. "But where are Charles and Raven? We can't just...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~
    Lunchtime! Finally! It felt like ages before it came. Lunchtime has become a favorite event for me lately, because now the gang and I can get to hang out together and just be ourselves.
    Marie wasn’t too happy about it when I told her the first time though, she glared at my friends almost every time, and she’s been trying to push Brooklyn over the edge. But she doesn’t ruin our lunch, she doesn’t even come close.
    I know I’m not the only one with friend troubles,...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 27
    It takes a miracle
    Wednesday’s, one of my favorite days, because on the day I was first born, I was born on Wednesday. The funny thing was my parents wanted to name me Wednesday, but Adam and Melanie kept on howling and yelling, so my mom picked Pamela, so my middle name is Wednesday.
    Why the name Pamela?
    I’ll tell you why, I’m a miracle baby, you know how some baby’s don’t come out perfect and the hospital has to hold them, well that’s what happened....
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posted by Dhampires
She looked at me throw narrow eyes droping her hostage to the floor she took a step toward me. She'd started to mouth off at me but I wasn't paying attention the only thing I had my eyes on was the man behind her.

He slowly drew a gun from his chest pocket before angling it at Camila's head he smiled at me and mouthed 'thanks'. I couldn't speak, I was speechless.

It was her words that brought me to life as of where I could run. "Duck he's going to kill you?"
"What?!" she sheirked turning to her attacker. He held a tight grin on his face. "Sweet dreams Princess." I could hear a faint Itialian...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 26
    Here my roar!
    I couldn’t stop gushing over the fact that Ryler kissed me! He kissed me! Best day ever! And I just couldn’t wait for our date, and Ryler wouldn’t be telling me anything, but it was pretty clear Adam knew. He’d always give me this secret smile, and wink.
    I wonder if I was obvious with my crush with Ryler, or if Ryler told Adam from the beginning, or just told him. All in all, I’m relieved there’s no ‘touch my sister and die’, everything seems normal....
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