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posted by sadiebugz00
Derek’s Perspective

A while later I call Jesse over so we could discuss Carter’s situation.
Jesse is quite attractive; she has ocean-blue eyes and long, flowy, bleached blonde hair, and looks much like a Barbie. However, she can be very fickle, so if I use the correct wording I could be able to keep Carter. But if she’s in one of her “moods” there’s no way on Earth that I’ll be able to keep him.
I hear a pounding hard knocking on my door.
Great… I think. She’s in a “mood”. I hurtle towards the door to keep her from waiting. She grimaces at Carter once she sees him hobbling after me. I’ve never really known why she despises him.
“Why is Butt Mutt still here, babe?” she asks, not really caring if Carter could understand her or not.
“Don’t call him that, please,” I say for the millionth time.
"Whatever. Just get rid of that thing as soon as possible. Preferably today. If not by tomorrow, we're over," she replied manipulatively.
“Fine. How about we go right now? I figured out a place that I can drop him off at. It’s called the Sonaran Desert or something like that.”
“First of all, there’s NO way I’m getting in your wimpy little truck with that… thing. Second of all, I believe it is the Sonoran Desert,” she replies arrogantly.
“Okay, then. I’ll be back in an hour or so,” I reply. “Stay safe.”
“Whatever…” she retorts blandly.
Sometimes I wonder if she really does love me… Anyone could easily see that I love Carter, and no matter what they think they would make sure I was happy… Maybe she’s just using me for the little money that I make that she always gets a handle of to buy a new pair of shoes. Why do I even doubt myself? Of course she loves me. It wouldn’t make sense; she had been dealing with me for a whole year now. I haven’t known anyone else that has stayed in a relationship that long and tolerated me. She’s a keeper. I just know it in my heart. I whistle to Carter twice, signaling it was time to leave the house. He hurriedly runs out the front door and approaches my truck. I will be the first to admit, it isn’t the best truck. Its cherry-red paint is chipping, and the engine is pretty rusty. However, it works just fine for its old age of 21. It’s an old GMC. For some reason, Jess really hates it and is horrified by the idea of being trapped in the old thing with sweet ol’ Carter. I open the door, motioning for Carter to jump in.
He tries to jump in at first, but then I realize that it is way too high for him to reach. I gingerly lift him up into his seat and then switch sides to hop into mine.
I put the key in and listen to the old thing rev up. Luckily, she seemed to be cooperating today and was running nicely.
I pull out of my driveway but pause to look at the front of my house. It most definitely doesn’t have the best curb appeal on the block, that’s for sure. It clearly hasn’t been painted in at least two decades, and what used to be glorious white paint is now tinted yellow. The only plant life I have is dead leaves from my neighbors’ trees, dead grass, and a whole bunch of weeds. The only way I manage to escape the griping of my neighbors is by weekly spray-painting my grass a nice shade of green and buying fake flowers and burying them into the dry dirt.
I pull away from my shameful house and out of the neighborhood full of horrifyingly perfect front yards with flowers, trees, garden gnomes, and perfectly painted houses.
I look over at Carter and see that his tail is wagging. I instantly feel twice as guilty. I have to. I think, I need Jesse in my life. She’s the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. There’s gonna be some way that’s he’s gonna make that place his home… Sadly, he probably thinks we’re going to somewhere fun… I just feel so malicious doing this to him!
We drove for an hour or so as we finally approached the road that enters the desert, and I turn onto it. Carter looked around and started whimpering in the softest tone I had ever heard. It was one of those moments that made me regret leaving him in this desert. After all, I hadn’t done a whole lot of research on this place. For all I know, Big Foot, the Abdominal Snow Monster, and the Boogie Man might live there! It’s a pretty low probability level, but… it could be possible.
The silence was just too awkward for me. I decided to turn on the radio so it doesn’t seem so awkward. All of the sudden Drive By by Train comes on and makes me feel twice as guilty because it’s about someone telling the other person that they’ll never leave them .
Therefore, I switch the channel, and I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz came on, a song about someone who loves the other person so much that they won’t leave them. I switch the channel again, and Somebody That I Used to Know by Goyte comes on. I decide to turn the radio off as every song was too awkward, even more awkward than the silence .
I look over at Carter, who seems thoroughly confused by all the changing of music and silence. I could’ve sworn that he had shifted his head to his side, and he had a glint in his eye that seemed like he was thinking, “What was that for, man? Those were my JAMS!” I chuckle to myself. You’re going crazy, I tell myself. You’re just hallucinating.
We drive for about 30 minutes along the straight road into the desert, not turning once (I figured I would get lost) before I found a good spot. In the distance, you could see a pack of coyotes, so I figured it was the PERFECT place to drop him off.
I open my door, counting on him jumping out over my lap as usual. He succeeds in jumping straight over my lap and out the door. I quickly slam the door closed, pull the truck into reverse, switch into drive, and slam the pedal so I wouldn’t have to look at his face, which was most likely not the most happy or trusting face that I would ever see. The only thing I could think as I was speeding away was, Don’t feel guilty… It’s for the better.
posted by Problematic129
*Thanks for all the comments :) Please read and review and please don't copy*
Chapter 4
    Something fishy
    I had the perfect excuse to go back to the station, after my parents rash behavior I would need to have an apology at the ready. I mean, if you fight in the police station be glad you weren’t arrested.
    I entered the police station, looking for anyone similar. I felt a tap on my shoulder and whirled around to find the boy I was looking for.
    “Hello again, Destiny,”...
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posted by rory2011
chapter (4)

the vampires took me with my sister and my brother ,they hit us on our head to pass out and when we woke up ,we found our self's in a dark nasty old room ,the room were empty ,the only thing I can see is the sun light crossing that small window
I looked around me Sofia and Jeremy were still sleeping on the floor ,I smelled something weird ,I feel dizzy ,I can't see very clear so I started knocking the room door strongly "help ,please somebody help me " ,I can feel my body hit the ground strongly ,I want to get up but I couldn't move ,I couldn't even breath

all I see now is darkness...
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posted by Dhampires
No matter how much you wish for more it happens like the hour glass time runs out and you'll lung for more.

With that time your ideas that others may know them as sweet they run out and leave people wanting more.

We song writers, novelists, story writers and poets will all leave our adience want so much more. The reason? It's because of our massive creatively, our unique style and tenchquie it's what drives us to a certain point as of where we'll keep our audience entertained. While inventors may lose their touch after contrast copies from the same old ideas being modefiyed we have our minds being put to the test by our viewers. After all they matter most their who we write for right?
posted by SweetHoneyBunny
I woke up cold, tired and sore. I moved a little and got a face full of sunshine, I reached for the curtains and for my quilt. I opened one eye a bit to find them, but when I looked I wasn't in my bed, or even in my house. I was in the forest on the cold, hard ground. “What happened?” I said out loud. I stretched. “Ouch.” My back and shoulders were killing me, I touched my shoulder blade and winced. It was scratched and the skin was torn. I heaved myself off the ground and nearly fell back down. “What is going on?” I stood there for what felt like eternity, when I heard something....
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posted by rory2011
chapter (3)

"ok where are we ? " Jeremy said ,"I don't know ,it looks like we're in china "
"yea but there's nobody here ,the streets are empty"
I heard a weird scary voice ,"what was that sound ? " I said ,"it's my stomach ,I'm so hungry" Sofia said ,"ok let's try to find a restaurant or a place that we could eat there "I said
we were walking around the city ,trying to find the restaurant ,I looked all over the thing that can give me a clue for the place that we're in but I couldn't understand anything ,it's like we're in everywhere ,there were houses took the shape...
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(Verse 1)
I am in love with the guy whois sweet
till we meet It isn't possible

(Verse 1)

We need to meet before we go under cover for each other We need to meet before we go undercover for each other

(Verse 2)
We haven't met yet
Still single hearted
thinkin' 'bout each other

(Verse 2)

Now & then everyday we need to meet each other goin' separate paths and ways to meet each other and go undercover

We are going separate paths and ways sometime we need to meet in the middle and go undercover Now,

We need to meet before we go under cover for each other We need to meet before we go undercover for each other


We need to meet before we go undercover
posted by alicia386
Chapter Five

Mason met Olivia at his favorite restaurant. It was a perfect day for a dinner date. The sun was shinny, the clouds were extra white, and the grass seemed greener then ever. If only she knew that this was a dinner date. He signed the last autograph for today as Olivia sat across from him at their round table. Her hair was curly and in a ponytail. Then she wore a red dress with a thick, black belt in the middle. His second impression of her was still the same, gorgeous. This date was going pretty well but Cassidy dresses better. Mainly because Cassidy is rich but he didn't want to...
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posted by Problematic129
*First of all thanks for comments :) Please read and review and please don't copy*
Chapter 3
    Colorful styles and pictures to doom
    After that class I found out that Cali and I shared all the same classes. And hallelujah for that, because she’s been giving me advice and tips throughout the beginning of the day, and I stuck to her like glue.
    The more I got to know I realized that she wasn’t all that perky, it’s just in the morning because she has too much coffee. By the time lunch rolled around I was practically shaking....
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posted by hgfan5602
Every weekend, I sleep late, like every normal teenager. Problem is, my annoying little brother wakes up at like what? 6:30 every morning? Yeah. And he dumps a bucket of water filled with ice in it on my face if I don't wake up at 6:30. What a nuisance. Otherwise, if I go hangout with my friends before he gets up. he says, "Mrs. Mellark! Going out with your boyfriend?" Yeah, I like Peeta, as a matter of fact, if you didn't know before. Personal opinion, you'll live with it. What a strange little kid. No idea where he learned what a boyfriend was, but fine. The major thing that makes me mad...
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posted by hgfan5602
I walk into
The Fields of Sorrow
Once again.
Why do I walk there
Almost everyday?

I stroll along the grasses
Bearing a horrible pain.
I think of the world around me
And how much they have inspired me.

I start to cry once again.
All my teachers
All my friends,
They have always stood by me,
When things went wrong.

I want a chance to repay them,
To show them that...
Their work was useful.
To show them that
I am truly thankful.

Why do I have to leave them then
No, now's not a good time.
But I know it was not intended
That I leave them now.

I want to show all those people
That they have been
The change of my life,
That they have made my life so much
That they were the flames
In the darkness.
posted by sawfan13
Dear Mother,

Yes I know what you did to me

You threw me down the well

All because I made your life a living hell

Mommy, Mommy can't you see?

I'm your little adopted baby girl

If you didn't want me, why did you adopt me

Yes Mommy, I know

I, Samarra Morgan knows.

The tape that is cursed

Is nothing worse

Than what I had experienced

Why didn't I ever sleep?

Because the horses kept me up at night

Because you let Daddy keep me in the barn.

I have hurt others

I have killed others

I may have even sickened your horses

I bet you loved them more than you loved me

Yes, I know I am a freak

Because I am afraid of water, so...
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posted by Knowitall123
cover of the original Vamp out
cover of the original Vamp out
part 2

****2 Weeks Ago*****
I woke up thinking how this was just another usual day
"Sweetie, we need to talk." my mom said seriously while her dragon Vinictus flew around her head
"I didn't do anything wrong, you don't have any proves."
My dad stopped me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"We kn..what proves?" He asked with a serious face.
"Nothing. What did you need me?" I tried to change the subject, Dia who just stopped chasing Emmas dragon looked at me.
"Well..we got a latter this morning.." My mom started.
"And it's an Invitation." My dad continued.
"An Invitation?" I was getting interested in it,...
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posted by Knowitall123
half a year ago my friend wrote a story called Vamp out ,but after receiving some mean comments she gave up on it and when I asked to do a revamp she agreed.

I have,a pretty much normal life, well not quite as normal as you think.
You see I'm a Vampire. All of you who just started running in panic you can relax. I don't kill people, I'm Vegeterian. I almost never drink blood. When I need to drink blood I drink animal blood. I live in the UK, to be more precise in London. Maybe you want to know how I look like. I'm a normal girl, who's a Vampire. I have long curly brown-blond hair and blue eyes...
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added by h3rmioneg
posted by -SilverFey-
It's funny. We're so different. Me and Kein. He's so shy. Quiet. Introverted.

But I think I would die if I couldn't talk to people.

Even our mark. He is curious, true. But he's curious in a different way. He just need to know things, then he's fine. He just needs knowledge.

Me? I need to see those things. Be out in those places he reads about. I want to leave. Go somewhere else. See something no one's seen.

I wonder about the other planes. I want to see them. Travel there. Why can't we? The Faeries are clever. And magickal. They could let us.

Sometimes I don't like the Faeries. What they did. They...
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Just a few things before the story; one, if there's something you don't like about it, please tell me! I want it to be as good as it can be. ^-^ Just please tell me in a respectful way, please. I would appreciate that. Thank you.
Also, this story will be a little (well, more than a little) bloody and violent, and there may be some cussing later on. Just a warning.
That being said, I hope you like it!

Gnarled branches. Green leaves grew from them—green leaves spotted with yellows and reds. They rustled dryly, talking of the upcoming season of autumn....
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posted by alicia386
I ventured out into the forest. My mission is simple. I must find the woman who gives out free wishes. It was a long journey but the mere thought of what is to come kept me going.

The more I kept walking, the stranger the path got. The trees became short and pink, the sky turned a light pink, and the grass turned soft as silk. I was near her cave.

"Queen of beauty, luck, and love, show your face to me!" I shouted at the heavens hoping she would come out.

"Who's there?" A whispery voice asked me while I searched for the keeper of the voice.

"It is me, Jason Hills," I said to the sky. "I have come...
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The light dimmed, and the first thing Garren notices is the cold, hard ground. Then he notices the howling wind. Then there was the 800 foot drop in front of him....Wait, what?

Garren scrambled back, trying to put as much distance in between him and the cliff edge. Once he was no longer in danger of falling and splattering his guts all over the rocks, he noticed one more thing. His wounds no longer hurt.

Garren lifted his shirt. All of the cuts and bruises the gryphon had given him had all magically healed. He wondered if the voice had anything to do with this. As if on cue, said voice began...
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posted by SilverWings13
"Sethus!" William shouted as he neared the double doors of the sky-scraper. Militiamen stood in a line at attention, modified rifles in their hands. They were garbed in the same black uniforms, armor, and helmets as William and his troops. One of them stepped out of line. He wore a red band around his upper arm.

"Sir?" the youth said.

"Command your men to stand down and retreat."

Without arguing or hesitating, Sethus shouted the orders to his men and ran through the double doors. William waited until every man was inside before he followed.

Civilians in business suits were rushing out the back...
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When I see you,I don't know what to say
I think of you,just about everyday
When your around hysterical,it's unpredictable...with me,I try to be serious,buts it's no use...

(Chorus) When I look at you,I turn away,When I hear your name,I try a different way, (fast) Your smile is alluring,and your eyes always occuring on my mind, If I explain I'll go insane,so I'll keep my mind blank,The angels are jealous about you from up above,and though you dont know it;you always give me La-la love,yeah,La-la love

When I sing,to me,you play the music,Im intrigued-sing with me,oh oh
When I dance you you dance too,In everything I do,To me,Your here,so what Im having fantasies,who cares?


My heart is pounding,No sound surrounds me,exept your velvety voice...I'll say it once again,Your the music in my head,I can't build up to it any other way,Ive already done as much as I may...

(Chorus) LA,la,la,la,la you give