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posted by twilight-7
Chapter 13 Guys, I wrote as fast as I could.

Jacob’s eyes refused to open. My eyes filled with moisture and tears rolled down my cheeks. I had probably killed him. I had my mind focused on his so I would be able to hear even the faintest of his thoughts, so that I would know he was ok. I was going to call Charlie but I realised that Jacob didn’t need the police. He needed a doctor. And what doctor could get here in less than three minutes?
I patted myself down, searching for my cell phone. I knew I had it when I left the house today so I must have on me somewhere. I found it in my jean pocket.
I dialled Edward’s number and it was barely ringing the first ring when he answered.
“Kayla, are you ok? Are you hurt?” Edward spoke so fast that it took me some time to figure out what he was saying.
“I’m fine,” I said. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and not to show in my voice that I was crying. “I need Carlisle.”
“What did he do to you?” Edward demanded, his voice threatening. “Did he hurt you?”
I knew who ‘he’ was. Edward was referring to Charlie.
“Charlie didn’t do anything to me,” I replied. “It’s Jacob that needs Carlisle.”
“What did you do to him?” There was humour in Edward’s voice.
“This is serious!” I half-shouted down the phone. “I need Carlisle here to help him!”
“Stay calm,” Edward ordered, hearing the panic in my voice.
“Stay calm?” I repeated, incredulous. “My friend is nearly dying! I need a bloody doctor Edward! Get him here!”
“We will be there soon,” Edward assured me.
“Now!” I snarled. “I’m just inside the woods across from my house.”
I hung up the phone and gazed down at Jacob. I could still here his heart beating but there were no thoughts in his head. I bent my head down and whispered in his ear.
“Wake up, Jacob, wake up. I’m sorry.”
But Jacob didn’t wake up and I began to panic even more. The tears fell thick and fast and I begged to any god that I could think of that Jacob would be safe. It seemed like hours since I had called Edward but it had only been a few minutes. I heard two pairs of feet running through the forest so I wasn’t startled when they stopped beside me.
“What happened?” Edward asked me, taking in the unconscious wolf Jacob.
I shook my head, unable to speak through my tears. Carlisle was kneeling beside me examining Jacob. His white fingers were touching his bloodstained side. Edward lifted me up gently and pulled me close to him.
“What happened?” he whispered in my ear.
I couldn’t speak. I didn’t want to tell him. I was afraid he would judge me and then hate me.
“I won’t,” he spoke low in my ear. “If you can’t tell me, show me.”
I let everything that had happened since Edward had gone run through my mind. Jacob holding me back from Edward, the argument we had and lastly, our fight.
Edward told Carlisle how Jacob had sustained his injuries. I didn’t look at Carlisle afraid that he would hate me for what I did.
Carlisle won’t hate you.
I couldn’t believe but I broke down in my own mind.
It’s my fault. I’ve killed him, I’ve killed him. Everyone will hate me. Everyone. Jacob won’t speak to me, Billy won’t, no one. I’m surprised you’re even touching me. I’ve killed my friend! Killed him! See, he’s dead or nearly dead. I stabbed him with a branch. I didn’t have to but I did. I did!
Edward listened to me patiently while I screamed in my head over and over again that I killed Jacob. When I paused he took my face in his hands and gazed at me with his golden eyes.
You did not kill Jacob Black. No one will hate you, not even Jacob. And I will never stop holding you because I love you. Understand?
I nodded. He made it all seem like a silly mistake. Like all I had done was just slap Jacob. He made it all better.
“He’ll be just fine,” Carlisle spoke.
I turned to him, my eyes wide with surprise.
“Really?” I asked.
Carlisle nodded. “He has a minor laceration and probably a severe concussion from hitting the tree but other than just bandaging him up, he’ll be fine.”
I ran over and hugged Carlisle.
“Thank you!”
Carlisle patted me on the back.
“It was nothing.” He said, modestly.
I let him go and turned to face Edward.
“I told you,” he said, smiling at me.
“The problem is moving him,” Carlisle said. “How will we get him home? We can’t cross the border.”
Edward’s eyebrows creased together as he thought of a way to overcome the problem they now faced. I didn’t have a clue what they were on about. What border stopped them getting Jacob to Billy’s?
“We can call Billy,” Edward said. “He can call Sam who can get Jacob.”
“How do we call Billy?” Carlisle asked.
“Charlie will have Billy’s number,” I said. “I could call Billy.”
“Good,” Carlisle said. “You do that now, Kayla. Edward and I will stay with Jacob.”
I nodded and ran back to my house. Charlie was sitting on the stairs when I got back. It was evident he was waiting for me.
“Kayla,” he said, but I interrupted him.
“Not now, Charlie,” I said. “I need Billy’s number.”
“Why?” he asked, suspiciously.
“Because I want to order a pizza,” I said, sarcastically. “Why do you think?”
Charlie didn’t answer and I knew what he was thinking. It didn’t take him long to say it.
“Jacob told you, didn’t he?” Charlie asked. “He told you that Billy told me.”
“Yes,” I said, agreeing with him. “I want to talk to Billy about it.”
“You’re calling him to shout at him.”
“No I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I’m not! Give me the damn number!”
“I don’t remember it.” Charlie said, defiantly.
But he did. He was thinking it. I memorized the number and pulled out my cell phone. I dialled the number and waited for Billy to pick up.
“What are you doing?” Charlie asked.
He knew nothing of my telepathy nor did he know of telekinetic powers either. I hadn’t told him and I never would if he continued to be like this.
“Calling Billy.”
Charlie stood up and walked over to me.
“How can you?” He asked. “You don’t have his number.”
“I remembered it.” I lied.
I listened to the ringing of the phone and I dreaded that it would just ring out but Billy picked up.
“Hello?” he sounded slightly breathless. He probably had to wheel his wheelchair a long way to get to the phone.
“Yeah, who’s this?”
“It’s Kayla, Charlie’s daughter.”
“Oh.” Billy sounded surprised. “What’s up?”
“I need you to call Sam,” I said, slowly. I was thinking of a way to tell Billy what had happened without telling Charlie.
“Sam Uley?” Billy asked.
“Erm...I don’t know if it’s that one,” I replied. “If he’s anything to do with Jacob then it’s that Sam.”
“What do you mean?”
Then I knew what Sam it was. The Sam that Carlisle was talking about is the Alpha that Jacob couldn’t disobey.
“The Alpha Sam,” I said to Billy.
“What’s wrong?” Billy sounded worried.
“Something happened and we need Sam. I can’t say much now.”
I glanced at Charlie who was watching intently.
“Is Jacob hurt?”
“In his wolf form?”
“Yes. We need Sam.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll call Sam. He’ll be there soon.”
“Thank you, Billy.”
“No problem, Kay,” He said, hanging up.
Charlie tried to snatch the phone out of my hand but I moved.
“What’s going on?” Charlie demanded.
“It’s none of your business,” I said, harshly.
“It’s all of my business,” Charlie spoke loudly. “You’re hanging out with vampires!”
“So? You hang out with werewolves!”
A look of surprise flitted across Charlie’s face.
“How did you know?”
“Jacob.” I said, simply.
“Vampires are dangerous, Kayla, you should know that.”
“Yes, I do, but werewolves are just as dangerous. They’re volatile and explosive.”
Charlie couldn’t argue with me on that one. He must know how unpredictable a werewolf can be. Look how angry Jacob had gotten. Jacob. I turned to run but Charlie’s vice-like hand clamped around my arm.
“Let me go!” I snarled. I needed to get back to Jacob.
“Vampires are dangerous,” Charlie repeated, his voice low. “You can’t trust them.”
“I can trust Edward,” I spoke just as low and my voice was threatening. “I can trust his whole family. None of them would hurt me.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Edward loves me.”
A look of pain crossed his face. He couldn’t believe that. He knew that I loved Edward.
“He loves your blood.” he said, cruelly.
“He loves me,” I stressed. “And I love him. So get over it.”
Charlie’s hand tightened on my arm.
I needed to get back to Jacob. I had to tell Carlisle that Sam would be coming soon. But Charlie just wouldn’t let go. I stared hard into his brown eyes and saw that they were fierce and cold. Something like Edward’s was when he was fighting that vampire.
What I did next was unbelievably callous but I didn’t care. Charlie was not going to let me go, I could see this in his thoughts. So I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked him between the legs. His hand let go of me rapidly and he bent over in pain. I smiled and ran back to the forest.
posted by groovychicklisa

"Leaving? What do you mean you're leaving?" I could hardly get the words out, my insides felt like ice.

"I mean that we're moving away from Forks. Carlisle has gotten a job offer that he couldn't refuse." He avoided my eyes as he spoke, looking at the floor, the walls, out the window. Anywhere but at me.


I tried to wrap my mind around what he was saying, but couldn't get the words to make any sense. He didn't continue as I unsuccessfully tried to grasp the situation.

"When?" I finally asked.


That's when I got mad.

"What? What the hell Edward?" And then it hit me. "You've known...
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posted by NeeNee14
I was with my mom in a Ballet studio, Dancing with her. In the middle of the dance she started to fade away. I stopped dancing and started to panic
"Mom,mom!!!Don't leave me I Need you!!!"I kept yelling.
"It's okay Ladybug, I'll always be there..and you'll always make the right choices no matter what happens..." Then she vanished into thin air.
I woke up panting and sweating...
"It's okay Ladybug. it's okay"I heard my dad say as he rubbed my hand. I was confused of where I was. I looked around and saw that I was hooked up to an IV,I was so confused of why I'm in here,but then I remembered The accident...
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sorry if it doesnt make sense but this isnt my comp im using and the keys are rubish so tell me and i will send you a message with it all sorted :) enjoy

alecs pov

she kept looking at me with the same eyes she allways used and i would allways melt with.
"so what is it?" she quastioned. how could i tell her? "well what did i say?"
i couldnt tell her not when everything was going so great
"you`ve just been saying things like i dont want to go to schhol today" i lied she didnt look convinsed but she let it drop.

nessies pov

he was leing i could tell i`ve said something in my dreams and he wouldnt...
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aros eyes brightened "are you sure about this younge one?? you would not be in thw army part you will be at mine a casius and his side you will be a leader as well"
i nodded if i talked now i would lose the tears i was about to burst out.
"then its seatles" his laughder filled the room "welcome"
"nessie? why?" jacobs voice filled my mind as he approuched me
"it was the only way to save you blake and my family jake im sorry if you didnt want me hear" it was too late the tear made its way down my cheeks
"of corse i do silly i want you with me" he bent down to firmly kiss my lips
"nooo!!" a screach...
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Nessie Black
Nessie Black
I walk into the kitchen and pick up my cell phone. Quickly, I diale Will's number. Will is a guy I have been dating for the past few months. I used to see Jacob's face every time I saw him, but I am getting better at controling that.

"Hello?" His accent is nice. It reminds me of change. He is from England, so that really makes him different. Not at all like Jake would have sounded.

"Hey, it's me." I try to make my voice sound happy.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I can hear the smile on his lips. I wish I was that convincing.

"Yes." I say. It was hard to utter the words. Like it caused me phisical...
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posted by decullen
I woke up and found Edward flat out on top of me,aw he looked adorable I got up gently trying not to wake him up and went down stairs.I got a glass of orange then it when i got startled with someone's arms around me.I looked and it was Edward with a smile on his face.I screamed.
"Thank you for scaring me."I
"Sorry I didn't mean to."He said I started to laugh.

"Sorry I didn't want to wake you,you look cute when you were a sleep."I said and he came towards me and started kissing me.I was against a counter.The front door opened.We quickly moved,then started cleaning the cup up.

"OH MY GOD!,there...
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posted by a-jforever
“Bella, you don’t know what it’s like to see you best friend and then with a stupid decision your brother makes, lose her for as long as your brother can keep away.” By the end Alice, sounded more like she was talking more to herself than to me.

And she was right. I didn’t know what it was like, because I wasn’t Alice. But in a way I did know what it was like, because when HE had left; I had to lose Alice just like she had lost me. But vampires could forget if they wanted to. Alice could have forgotten me, more easily than I could have forgotten her if she wanted to.

“Wants you...
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posted by decullen
I could see a bright light.I opened my my eyes.Everyone was there.When I say everyone I mean Then Cullen's all the wolfs and Charlie.What was happened.My head was killing me.I was looking around but I couldn't see her. Where's my baby.

"Where's my baby?"I asked them all."Where am I?"

"Bella,when you got hit my Victoria,she took her.Your in the hospital.You`ve been unconscious for two days."Edward said.I gasped.She has my baby.Tears were rolling down my face.Everyone was staring at be.

"Why her?Why not me?I want my baby?I want my baby safe in my arms not in that horrible little fats arms"I screamed.Edward...
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Top Box-Office Teens

Forbes - March 12, 2010 9:18 PM PS

Daniel Radcliffe was just 11 years old when he played Harry Potter for the first time in 2001's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." It was the young actor's first major role, and for better or worse, it has come to define him. When the series ends in a few years, it will be difficult to see Radcliffe as anything but a grown-up Potter.

He's making grown-up money for the last two installments of Warner Bros.' huge franchise: $20 million per film. The studio was happy to pay him -- the "Harry Potter" films have earned a total $4.3 billion...
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posted by kiwi12
sorry it took so long


I couldn't believe it. I hadn't expected him to reject me. He had seemed to like me. I knew I loved him. I had loved him since I first saw him, though I had been a bit reluctant to admit it. I'd seen a vision of him down on one knee with a silver ring in a beautiful box. I knew I wasn't mistaken in what I saw. I couldn't believe I'd ruined everything. I was always so bold and outgoing. I liked being extroverted, but it wasn't worth losing Jasper over. Nothing was worth losing Jasper over. I looked into his eyes.

Then, I experienced something new. I cried. Vampire style....
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posted by kiwi12
part 18

I was going to talk to Carlisle, but he was talking with the humans. I decided to talk with Edward. Despite Bella being the room, it was fairly simple to get Edward's attention with my thoughts. He walked up to me and knelt by the couch I was on. "I should leave now... I just realized: What if I phase?" He didn't seem disturbed "We've already addressed the issue. Weren't you told?" He paused a moment and tuned into several people's thoughts "Ah- there was a misscommunication as to who was going to talk with you. I apologize. Jasper has a pretty good idea of how upset the wolves have...
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posted by She_wolf
Embry quote
Embry quote
Chapter three (hope you all like it)

“Oh hi Embry.” The beautiful vampire Bella said in her sickly sweet voice. “Sorry to bother you but have you seen Jake anywhere?” She looked dead worried. I chuckled at the joke.
“Nope, sorry. Why don’t you go to Billy’s?” I leant on the door frame.
“I did. Billy said he’d gone out somewhere.” She sighed “Maybe he’s just mad at me at the moment and ignoring me on purpose.” She looked upset.
I felt really awkward. “Do you want to come in? Maybe I can help.” I doubted that I could.
I showed her to the living room, and she...
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posted by She_wolf
Chapter two (enjoy!)

My mom was waiting to pounce when I got in the door.
“Have you been out with the Clearwater’s again?” She snapped as soon as I was in the door. I mentally noted the open bottle of Vodka on the kitchen table and the glass next to it.
“Yeah. Sorry mom.” I said automatically. That was nearly all I said to her these days.
She tutted loudly “I hope you and Leah aren’t too serious.” I stared at her in shock. It felt like a cold shower.
“Me and… Leah?” I blushed more deeply than normal, out of disgust. “Err mom me and Seth and Leah Clearwater are just...
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The second day of school wasn't so bad, the best part for me was Edward was absent today. Bella was okay with it only she looked suspicous, like 'what happend to him' because of what happend yesterday. In Biology I asked the teacher to sit next to Bella because Mike was absent as well. Bella and I did some kind of experiment which was pretty easy, and got A+'s for both of us. In gym we played volley-ball, which sport Bella did not fit in, so I helped her through all of it. While we were going through the parking lot, the Cullen's (without Edward) staring at us. When Bella got to her car she...
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posted by w33bs99
Imagine you were a character in the Twilight saga. Who would you want to be or if you amd up a character what would ur name be and would you be a werewolf, vampire, or human? Would you be part of the Cullen family. Or world you be part of the wolf pack? If your a character who are you? Why? If I was a cahracter in the Twilight saga I would be a made up cahracter named Chrisy. I world be Jacobs girlfreind. I would be a vampire like Renesmee. she is a vampire but she likes Jacob and Jacob likes her. I would be Chrisy becasue Jacob is HOT!! I think anyone would be lucky to date him. Think of this...
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posted by Twilight597
a/n okay, i havent posted in a while, but prolly the next 3 chapters are the first person to comment, i'll put the next one up! this ones kinda

last chapter

Victoria POV

When I finished cleaning, I walked downstairs to get Becky. She was still out cold, so I picked her up and put her on my back, her arms around my neck and me holding her knees.

James found a big venomous coven that he wanted to take out. You see, her doesn’t believe that there should be more than one kind of vampire, so he plans to take out as many other vampires as he can.

I closed the door behind...
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posted by twilight_james
Chapter 8

As soon as Aro heard my words, he sprung. But he didn’t land on my back; he was far too cunning for that. No, he landed on Jane’s back, his teeth just millimetres from her throat. “What if I killed Jane” he hissed ‘Would you join us seconds before the final blow was delivered?””
Jane shot me a frightened, pleading look. It killed me to see her like this, but it killed me more to say the word
Aro laughed. “Oh, you know me too well. I’d never kill Jane. No, I have far better plans than that” He laughed again “Jane, you know what to do” Aro turned back to...
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posted by lollipopszx3

Me :: Hmm... what can I do to you guys this chapter?

Mom :: STEPHANIE! Come upstairs! It's dinner time!

Me :: But mom! I'm playing with my friends!

Mom :: Tell them to go home!

Me :: I can't! Their mothers are in Italy.

Heidi :: Yes... under the ground.

Mom :: Really? You can stay here friends of Stephanie. Wait. Let me come downstairs.

Me :: NO!!! Don't! They're busy... getting ready... to sleep!

Heidi :: If we could.

Mom :: Okay then! Come up for dinner.

Me :: Sure. Hold on a second! *turns and stares evilly at the Volturi*

Jane :: Now we can leave!

Me :: Again. Like I said. I'm too smart. Plus...
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
The French Magazine, One, just released an interview they had with the hottness duo of the Twilight saga, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson. These two are fantastic and really feed off of each other. Love them!

"Rivals in New Moon, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black are, in reality friends. Together, they reflect on the filming of the saga and on their new life as stars tracked by fans and paparazzi.

Both of you have very devoted fans. But have they become too intrusive?
Taylor Lautner: I believe that Robert and I have very different experiences concerning our relationship with the fans. As far as...
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posted by twihardfreak13
in the eyes I let out a dry sob “what’s wrong tori?” “nothing I’m just so happy to have someone like you my relationship life wasn’t always a happy ending it always led to a broken heart and now that I’m with you all that pain has gone away.” he got me in his arms and he said “ I never thought that I’d find anyone either but then you came along the moment I saw you I just felt so drawn to you like nothing could take us apart and nothing g ever will you’re my only love.” after he kissed my lips so gently and he got up out of the bed and slipped his shirt on and put on...
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