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“I better take you home, now.” Jacob softly said as he pulled away from my face. “Your father might be hunting for me right this very moment.” He chuckled amused by the idea.

We snuck out. We wanted to be alone, away from the watchful eyes and listening ears of everyone. He took me to our favorite place here in La push –up on the cliff. We were sitting on the edge of the highest peak, our feet dangling over the edge.

The sky was a perfect setting for a night like this – the full moon hung just right overhead. The sky filled with thousands of twinkling stars.

A starlit night – I sighed dreamily.

“Come on, Princess. Let’s go back to your ball. I don’t want to cause you trouble.”

I shook my head and touched his warm cheek -showed him what I want. I wanted him to kiss me again.

“Nessie…”I could feel his warm breath on my face. His handsome face inches away from me now. His eyes burned brightly.

Then his mouth crushed mine. His lips moved passionately – almost hungrily – almost devouring. My arms wound around his neck pulling my body closer to his. My whole body was burning. My fingers worked their way to his hair. I kissed him back – with all my heart, with all my soul.
He gently pulled away from me. His breathing ragged, labored.

“Edward’s definitely going to kill me for this.”
I shook my head, pouting. My heart hammered like crazy inside my chest.

“He would. You’re going to stay up all night, thinking about this.” He grinned smugly.

I rolled my eyes, and then my face became serious as a thought occurred to me. I looked away from him and stared instead at one particular star. This one seemed twinkling mischievously at me.

“What is it, Nessie?”

I looked down and stared at the tips of my silver strappy shoes.

“Come on, Princess…tell me.”

I’ll rather show him –

The way his lips felt on mine.
The way held me close.
The fire burning inside me.

He gently cupped my face with both of his huge hands.

“I love you.” He said softly.

I bit my lip and looked away. I couldn’t make myself ask the question.

“What?” He lifted my chin so he could look into my eyes.

“Am I officially your girlfriend now?” I blurted out, not looking at him. After all those years of friendship, can we now take the leap?

He paused, then his shoulder shook with silent laughter.

“Gee, Thanks!” I harshly removed my chin from his hand and abruptly stood up, brushing the dirt away from my gown – I don’t want Aunt Alice to throw a fit, too.

I stomped away from him. Angry tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

Stupid! Stupid!

His arms wound around my waist in a flash and pulled me back to his body.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He brushed the tears away from my eyes. “I didn’t mean to laugh…it’s just that well..You didn’t have to ask…and you look like you wanted the ground to swallow you whole …” He chuckled.

I glared at him.

“I’m sorry. You just look so adorable.” Then he took a deep breath. “Of course, Nessie. If that’s what you really want.” He took another deep breath. “You’re all I ever wanted, all I ever needed. I was impatient for this day to arrive.”

My answering smile momentarily blinded him before he kissed me – with much enthusiasm.

“Now, don’t go pouting at me again.” He warned after pulling away from me. “I have something to give you.” He took out something from his pocket, took my left wrist and secured a bracelet around it. He handed my wrist back to me, almost shyly.

I examined the bracelet. It was beautiful. It was woven in different colorful threads, a simple rectangular piece of wood adorned its center. The word Promise neatly carved on it.

I threw myself at him – my happiness overflowing – my strength made us tumbling down on the ground – with me on top of him.

“Ooops…” I started to get up but his arms held me captive to his body.

My breathing hitched…

He angled my face so he could look deeply into my eyes.

“I promise to love you with all my life, Nessie. I promise to never hurt you, never leave you, to be always there for you.” His hand stroked my cheek. His other arm still around my waist.

I couldn’t answer him. The words stuck on my throat.How could you answer that? Such love, such devotion…

So I just kissed him ardently…

We were still lost in our kiss when we heard a low angry growl.
After u readd this u need 2 add a comit and i will thank u.tell me wat u think and if u r sad it is almost over...if u r then do u want to beg i MIGHT make a bonuz chapter after its all over...would u like dat?

Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I smelt the ground that stood beneath my feet. It smelled Victoria. She challenged us to a fight-we get our army she gets hers. Of course she wasn’t fighting. She had her little Riley and Bree-who was a scared as a pissing dog about to get smacked by the furious owner. I stalked over to Jasper and let out all my instincts. He was training us to fight the...
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Sorry its SO short

I got out my car Monday and walked over to Maci.
"Hey Maci, who are you waiting on?" I asked her.
"No one just thinking about Seth." I heard her heart accelerate and a smile broke across her face when she said it.
"Someone's in looovvee."I said and laughed.
"I know" she replied." Is Jake still in High School?" she asked me.
"No, he graduated last year." I said to her. I wondered if Seth told her about Vamps and Wolfs yet.
We started towards our first class when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned to see who it was. It was Jake. I smiled and he wrapped me up in a Bear...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 13


She was standing there. Shivering in the night. She was nothing like the girl i knew- her dress ripped, her hair pulled out and chaotic. Blood pouring from what appeared to be a bust lip. It was 1am. What the hell was she doing here “can i come in” she whispered – tremors of shivers running through her body. I didn’t even know if i could speak- looking at her- hurting was physically torturing me. I stepped aside letting her walk in. I closed the door behind her. She jumped slightly at the noise it made. She looked a million years from the girl i saw at the party- she...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 12


I knew what my subconscious wanted. It wanted Edward. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door.
Carlisle and Esme were on a trip visiting Emmet and had only left a few hours ago. Edward was home alone. I knocked lightly in case he was asleep. After about 5 minutes he came to the door- his eyes swollen, tired. Like he’d been crying. “can i come in?” i whispered. My teeth chattering. He nodded and moved aside. I entered his house- i heard the door close behind me. “Are you alright?” he whispered as i rubbed my arms to get friction to warm me up. “Just cold”...
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posted by summerlynn1978
Since the Twilight movie came out, There has been a fued between Jacob and Edward. "Jacob's better! "Edward's better! Is all I hear all day by furious teenagers. Well, take a look at this, a fight between me and my BFF.
"JACOB'S BETTER THAN A PASTY, PALE VAMPIRE!!" "eDWARD DOESN'T HOWL!" It was just terrible. It ended very ugly with her ripping Jacob posters off my wall and me ripping her Edward shirt. After she left, I realized that they're just two people, just like everyone else. We should respect other people's likes and dislikes and we can have friends. I've seen so many friendships get ripped apart because of this. So here's a valuable lesson, "Respect Others Likes and Dislikes And Everyone Wll Be Friends" So the next time you see two people fighting over Twilight, tell them this important lesson, and friendships will stop getting teared apart.
Hey everyone! Thankies SO VERY MUCH for the support! I'm wowed by each of guys are so sweet <333 :] This chapter is kinda short because I was in a rush last night lol and since this weekened is American Independence weekend, my family and I are taking a trip down to the beach (yay! :P) so I won't be able to update till tuesday (which makes me VERY sad :[ ) So, being the sweeties you are, I know you all will patiently and anxiously wait till I update again. Thanks from the top and bottom of my heart, everyone! Much love to each of you, from me! Enjoy! :D
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posted by karpach_13
this is renesmee's hotel room
this is renesmee's hotel room
Chapter 5
“this is not my daughter” my father said. And shook his head.
“our daughter just grew up and needs more attention Edward” my mom said.
“bella this isn’t our renesmee this is…” I cut my dad off.
“this is who? Dad just because I changes doesn’t mean im not ur daughter” I told him. It took him a very long time to say anything. I got so tired of everything I left then and ran to my room. I gathered a lot of clothes and put it in my luggage. I went down stairs and to my car.
“nessie wer r u going?” my mom asked. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here, it was all an accident,...
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Emmett Chapter 2

As you walk to your car, you kept getting the feeling somene was watching you. You go to shut your door when Emmett came on the passenger side and said "I thought you were going to give me a ride?!" laughing. You laugh a little bit. "I didnt know you meant today. Go ahead and get in." Emmett then gets in the your car and you pull out of the school parking lot. As you're driving up to your house Emmett asks "Where are we going?" you say "I'm just going to tell my mom that I'll be out until tonight with a guy I met at school." Emmett went from smiling to straight faced and said...
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You have been in so much pain with the burning going through your body. You feel like screaming and pouring water on your body to put out the fire. The thing that is keeping you sane is the pictures of your family. You only see them and that is what you think is pulling you through. You see all of their smiling face. But, now they are starting to disappear. No they can't disappear. All that you see now is darkness pure black darkness. You are so confused. You are trying search for the images but, all you see is nothing. You still feel the fire burning in you.
Emmett POV:
It has been 2 1/2 days...
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*episode five*
*A checkup for…*
Alice’s P.O.V:
I was barfing all the time.
Every time I did it hurt so badly.
I couldn’t take it any longer.
I ran into Carlisle’s office without knocking.
*done thinking*
Alice: *walks in* Carlisle I need you to help m-*vomits all over carpet*
Carlisle: *runs over to her* Alice, are you all right?
Alice: *shakes head ‘no’*
Carlisle: Honey, sit down. Do you think you’re going to do it again, sweetie?
Alice: *nods*
Carlisle: *runs and comes back up in 5 seconds* Here’s a bucket.
Alice: Thanks. *a second later vomits*
Carlisle: Alice, did you bite Bella?...
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posted by Tatti
I'm sorry for posting three chapters with "unexpexted" instead of "unexpected", I edited that and feel pretty stupid XD Hope you'll enjoy my new chapter.


4th chapter Guessing


"And what is wrong with Emi being so fast?" Rosalie asked angrily when we returned home.You're jealous, that's it. I rolled my eyes at her mental tone - there was no way that Rosalie would turn against baby whom she wished for so long.
"There's nothing wrong with her" I answered as calmly as I could "If there is something wrong, that would be the situation - three half-vampire babies left on our stairs. Doesn't...
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*episode four*
Bella’s P.O.V:
I felt really shaky
And really scared
Alice kept on laughing wickedly
I kept on screaming
*done thinking*
Alice: Bella, you had your chance-you WILL die now.
Bella: *passes out*
Alice: *goes back to normal* BELLA!
Bella: *bleeding everywhere*
Alice: *Screams* HELP!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!! *kicks down the door*
Edward: *runs toward her* ALICE! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?
Alice: *vomits* Omigod. *looks at the vomit* Edward…*there is blood in the vomit*
Edward: *looks down at the vomit* Ali…
Alice: *runs out*
Edward: *looks down at Bella* BELLA! *picks her up and...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    LATER THAT NIGHT: I had some ice-cream with Tabra, and we talked about things we used to do.
    "Remember when we played the PS2?" He asked and I laughed.
    "I kicked your butt in Crash Bandacoot !" I said and he laughed.
    "I know, I sucked at that game!" He said.
    "Yea, that's why I made you play it with me." I laughed and he did too.
    "Really?" He asked, and I nodded and took...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Oh.." I said and he nodded in agreement on how bad that truely was.
    "Tabra didn' was just me. I was Haus's favorite." He spat Haus's name as if he was spitting on his face for a final goodbye.
    "I'm so sorry." I said and he looked at me, and I could have sworn he was a bit teary-eyed.
    "Don't be. It's not your fault. I went to them in my time of need, and I agreed to killing them. I was blinded by love from...
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I can’t believe this is Monday already, time to go to school and act human, with all those people “Humans”
“Nessi are you ready honey” my aunt Alice yelled.
“Yes I’m on my way” I graph my backpack and I started walking to the door.
“Rennesme sweetheart can we talk for a minute” my mom asked me
“Sure mom”
“Well honey tell me what’s going on? I see you that you are very sad”
“Mom I feel so bad, I can’t understand what’s going on, I fell so badly with JACOB, I told very horrible stuff and now I need him, he was my best friend and my big brother. He was there for me...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
    "Let's take her to the Room." Tabra said and Haus lead the way.
    "I counted seven in that room," Tabra whispered. I nodded.
    "Welcome to my new, refurbished Room." There were weapons along the walls, and there were even a few tortured people laying on the ground almost dead. It reeked of fish. Ew. "Put Cydnee in the chair."
    The chair lay in the middle of the Room, and it was blood stained, with a bullet hole in the back of it....
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"now i know" he mutted
"know what" i was curious.
"where u got you looks from" i smiled while he blushed.

we arived at the house it was a pretty house not something i was use too as it was a little small.
"what?" i hadnt realised that he was looking at me ontil he had spoken.
"you house. its its beautiful isnt it?"i didnt realise ontil i said it that this was true his house was beautiful. i could see my self living in it.
"its allright nothing compared to your though" he smiled but i could see he felt emivious.
i didnt like the hurt in his eyes it somehow caused me pain.
"so are we just going...
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"nessie? ness? RENESMEE!!!" i hadnt realised someone was calling my name ontil the sound was right next to me.
"oh sorry alice i still had my headphones in whats up?"
"well there is a little thing happerning tonight and yeah i guess its called SCHOOL!" oh crap she was right
"how long?" i asked allready gettin up.
"30 minutes which gives me time to make you beautiful" she grinned and i smiled back.

she worked on every part of me from my hair which she left long and flowing curly down my back. and also i made sure she didnt die it again she left it chocolate brown just like mums. (who was my sister...
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posted by Darktimes104
Hope you enjoy, I think I updated quicker than last time. :D

Emmett's POV:
I ran around down stairs getting ready, everyone yelling different thing at each other. I didn't understand a word they were saying. Butterfly were building in my stomach but I am not nervous, I am excited.
"Ready?" Carlisle asked from the doorway of the room I was in.
"Yes." I answered simply with a big smile spread across my face.
He smiled back and said,"Follow Edward outside, I am going to check on the progress upstairs." He turned to leave the room and Edward took his place.
I followed him outside into the very rare...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey guys, Thanks for all the great comments :) Hope you guys are enjoying my story. Please comment!!!

Bella's POV

"Why not!?" I asked getting a little pissed off now.
"Well you see Bella" Tash paused "The thing is... I haven't told you everything that you need to know"
"What do you mean? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked getting confused again.
"Well see I was going to tell you but you passed out" She told me.
"Has this got something to do with, Why you're dressed up in old fashioned clothes? And why at least half of you're house is old fashioned? Because this has been really bugging me!"
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