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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” last night I was out to long and by the time I came home I was exhausted so I just slept on my mattress that laid on the floor.
    I woke to the waves crashing onto the shore and the sun light touching my eyes. Not realizing I was on the edge of my bed, I stretched and landed on the cold floor to my two room apartment.
    I got off the floor grabbing my silk bathrobe that was sitting on top of the box next to my mattress. I walked over to my living room windows and opened the shades up to reveal a beautiful ocean. The sky was clear all for one little cloud hanging in the sky. I opened my window and a big gust of the ocean breezed whipped around me and threw my apartment. I smiled and walked to my other windows doing the same to all four of them. Then I turned around and faced all my stuff sitting in the middle of my living room floor. I sighed and walked over to the boxes that said “Kitchen Stuff.”
    Before I started anything I needed to have a cup of coffee and some breakfast. As I sat on my stool in the middle of my kitchen with a pad of paper lying on the island counter I thought about what I needed to do first. I thought to my self while I cracked some eggs and opened up some bacon. I sipped some of my coffee and started cooking my breakfast. By the time I was done I had cooked three eggs the whole thing of bacon two peaces of toast and four peaces of sausage. I grabbed my plate of food and my second cop of coffee and sat back down at the island to write my list
1, Get my kitchen set up.
2. Buy paint for living room, bedroom and bathroom and white painting mat to cover the floor.
3. Go shopping for food while the paint dries.
4. Get bedroom and bathroom ready and hang my clothes up.
    I finished my breakfast and threw on some painting clothes. I got my boxes the said kitchen stuff on them and empted them out. It took about a half an hour to unwrap all the glass cups and plates and take everything out of the boxes and put them away. I also put my kitchen table together which took another half and hour so all together getting my kitchen stuff together took and hour. When I was done I stood away from it and looked at it and admired it. The only problem was that the walls in the apartment were all white and I couldn’t take it I grabbed my D&G purse and my keys to my black coverable Porsche.
    I drove around a while looking for a hardware store while I was looking around I realized it was a good thing that for my birthday my parents had gotten me a new car because if I was to drive around in that old pick up truck in LA I would have been better off committing suicide. If people weren’t riding in there nice a cars they were walking, roller-skating, skateboarding or bike riding somewhere.
    I finally found a hardware store and walked in. I was looking at paint colors and I could feel someone looking at me I turned my head but know one was there. I kept doing what I was doing and I turned around quicker this time and I saw him, it was him the guy that was at the edge of the forests. He ran away but I wasn’t frozen this time I ran for him I wanted to know why he was fallowing me. He ran out side and a second later I did the same but he was gone know where in site.
    “This isn’t going to end I’m going to find this guy.” I said talking to my self. I walked over to the paints again and grabbed a tan. I paid for it not paying any attention to any thing that was going on around me. I opened my trunk and threw them in and slammed it shut, pissed off at the fact that this guy wants something and keeps fallowing me and doesn’t just come up to me.
    I sat in my car trying to calm my self before I started driving. I wasn’t really scared of this guy, ya I know I should be but I’m not in fact I feel like I know him like I feel comfortable around him like he was a family member but yet I’ve never seen him in my life before. I need to get out of here. I stuck my key into the key hole and stepped on gas.
    I got into the house and ran into my room and grabbed my I-pod and my boom-box and plugged them in and turned it on and blasted it. Playing my favorite again to get my mind off of the mystery man. In less then an hour I was done my room and my living room.
    “HEY! HEY DO YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS BUILDING!” I turned my music down just little bit and heard some one banging there fist against my front door and yell at me. I stormed over to the door and opened it. “LOOK IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY MUSIC THEN GET OUT, BECAUSE I’M REALLY PISSED OFF RIGHT NO OKAY!” I said screaming back. I looked at him and he looked in shock. He looked like he was at the beach or coming back. He was shirtless and had on a pare of swimming shorts and a surf board in his hands. His hair was brown with bond mixed in it was thick but strait and pushed to one side and it was slightly in his eyes. I looked around him to see four other people two other guys that looked a lot like him and two girls with matching bikinis. One had long black hair the other had hair that went down to her shoulders and was blond.
    “Hi I’m Ritchie this is Dylan and JJ, and this is Clair and Lizzie. Hey we were on are way to the beach to you want to come?” he looked at me waiting for and answer. “You said you were pissed off come to the beach with us and cool down. What do you say?” I looked at him asking my self if I should go. It sounded like a good idea I was pretty high right know I needed to come down. “Okay let me go change into my bathing suit.
    I grabbed my beach bag and threw a towel and my cell phone into it. I slipped on my sandals and threw on my sun dress over by bathing suit.
    “Okay I’m ready.” I grabbed the side of my door and slammed it shut.
    “So when did you move in?” Ritchie asked sounding like he really cared. “Yesterday I just started unpacking today. “Oh so that’s why your so pissed hu?” “Well not really, see there’s this guy that’s been fallowing me and I don’t know him but yet I feel like I do, he’s been in some of my home videos but I just started to see him like face to face.” He looked really interested now.
“Wow freaky. When was the first time you saw him.” Dylan was practically jumping waiting for me to answer him. “Calm down Dylan,” Clair said unwrapping her arm around his waist and holding his hand instead.
    I wasn’t sure if I should tell them this, but I did. “Well ever since I was four I had these things that my grandmother called “Flash Back Visions.” I said in quotations. “I just started seeing visions of what’s going to happen but ever since I saw this guy I haven’t. On my way to LA I stopped in Missouri where I grew up till I learned how to control it and I stepped into the lake just my feet and I have one of the Flash Back Visions and I was watching one of my last days there in the lake and I was about to snap myself out of it but I turned my head and I saw him.” They were all looking at me like little kids looking at there Christmas presents waiting to be opened. “But the weird thing was he was looking at me in my vision not me when I was nine but me as in when I was having the vision and that’s never happened from what my grandmother told me is that know one can see you or hear you only I could do that.” Lizzie had let go of JJ’s arm and was know at my side. “So, What does he look like, what was he wearing?” Trying to remember was the easiest thing I’d ever done. “He was wearing the same thing I’ve seen him in every time I see him, a long black jacket with black pants, his hair is a lot like Ritchie’s but black and not as thick. Any more questions?” JJ raised his hand in the air like he was back at school. “What?” “How many times have you seen him and where?” I had to remember when. ‘Umm. After that I saw him when I was stuck in traffic he was at the end of the forest, then the second time I saw him I was watching a home video, the third was in a dream, and the fourth was just before I stated painting today I saw him in the hardware store.” All five of there eyebrows lifted up. “Do you think he’s dangers?” Clair asked this time. “No not really like I said I feel like I know him but yet I’ve never seen him before I hit Missouri… or at lest I don’t think so.” They all sighed at the thought that he doesn’t seem dangerous. “Okay lest get off the subject, what are you doing in LA?” I laughed at Lizzie I could tell she was getting a little scared.
    We were now at the beach. The boys immediately went into the water. Lizzie, Clair and I went to get some ice-cream and talk more.
    Spending time at the beach was fun and I made five friends in one day. The only problem was that I didn’t get anything done.
    It was eleven by the time I came home luckily I put my bed up before I had gone out. I grabbed some PJ’s and took a two second shower just to clean my hair and body off from the salt water. When I was done I leaped into my bed and snuggled under the covers. I turned on my TV to the music channel and watched a couple music videos and then fell asleep.

    I woke up at the sound of nothing. I opened my eyes a little and was about to fall back asleep when I realized I had woken up because someone had turned off my TV. I jumped up from my bed I got off of my bed slowly and I was about to grab my bathrobe when I realized that the living room light was on, I could see it from the little crack under my bed room door. I slipped on my purple silk bathrobe and opened my door a little to see the TV on but know one was there was just about to walk out and turn everything off when I heard some one in the kitchen.
    I walked out very slowly. I had know idea who was in my apartment… well I had a pretty good idea who it was I was just hoping Ritchie broke in. I turned the little corning and I froze there was a tall man with black hair that was long but short and was wearing black pants his shirt was stuck to him so you could see his muscles I looked at the stool five feet away from me and there was a long black jacket.
    I held my breath ready to run as I turned I took one step and then ran. I opened the door but he was already there and slammed it shut he looked so serene about the whole thing. I looked up at him and looked into his eyes and yet I didn’t feel any fear in me I felt like he was some one I could tell any one. In his hand was a cup of coffee.
    After a minute of staring at him he held the coffee out to me. “Coffee?” he was acting like we were best friends living together offering coffee to me at… “Sure.” He was walking back to the kitchen “What time is it?” I could hear he smile in his voice. “To early for a human to be up.” I could fell a chill go up my spine. I was about to held for the door handle again. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you I could beet you there before you even open it an inch.” That’s when I was thinking this guy’s crazy. So I reached for it and opened it and before I opened in and inch he pulled me by my waist and slammed the door shut with his foot.
    I was more fascinated then scared. He pushed me gently to one of the stools for the island. His hands were freezing. But I was smiling because know I was teasing him. I was know going to test him.
    He lifted me up onto one of the stools and walked over to what every he was cooking. “Your hands are freezing. Do you want me to turn up the heat?” I asked looking at him but he didn’t turn around. “No. I’m always cold to the touch.” I was now confused. “Okay, what are you cooking?” I asked standing up grabbing my cup of coffee and walking over to him. He looked at me while I stood there a couple inches away form him. He smiled at me before he answered. “Your breakfast.” My breakfast what about his. “What did you already eat?” he laughed again and then turned to me. “Ya before I came I didn’t want to hurt you. Why is it that some complete stranger just walked into your house and your not trying to run you don’t even seem scared?” I looked down at my cup of coffee realizing I wasn’t felling any fear in me at all. “Because I feel like I know you even though I don’t ever remember you in my life. It’s funny I feel safer around you then I do around any one I know.” He laughed at me and returned to what he was doing.
    I walked back to the stool and we talked while he cooked.

Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon
and Tyson Houseman to Star as Members of Wolf Pack

Los Angeles, CA March 23, 2009 – Summit Entertainment announced today that Native American/First Nation actors Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Tyson Houseman have signed on to star as the members of the wolf pack in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON. In the film, the wolf pack defends humans against vampires although they have a tribal history intricately entwined with Edward Cullen...
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It seemed like my bedroom was spinning before me. Could half-vampires even faint? It felt like I was about to. Every surface of my room was covered with the disgusting flowers.

“Nessie, what’s wrong?” My father took in the scene before us. What he saw made him growl. He instantly put his arms around me. I clung to him like a little girl – a frightened little girl.

“Sweetie, tell us…” My mom crossed the bedroom floor to the windows, crushing the roses in the process – the sound of snapping stems made me wince. The windows were now opened wide. I was absolutely sure I shut them...
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posted by just_bella
OK, quick recap:

"Benjamin, would you and Emmett please gather the remains of the sheep and put them in the small barn until after lunch?" He said as he lead the way into the house.

We made our way to the first animal that the children had found. I picked the poor beast up in my arms, attempting to keep the blood from getting on my clothing. I made my way over to the smaller of the barns as Ben turned to go to the field in search of other casualties.

We managed to collected all 3 sheep, and made our way back to the house without ruining our clothing, and hopefully before all the lunch was gone....
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posted by twilight-7
I woke to the feel of someone stroking me cheek. The cold, gentle fingers were soothing to me and I didn’t want to open my eyes but I heard his velvet voice speak to me.
“June 20.”
“Hmm?” I murmured. I was still half asleep. I had no idea what he was on about.
“June 20,” he repeated softly. “My birthday.”
I was wide awake now. “Your birthday?”
I looked up into his golden eyes and saw them full of some kind of emotion.
He nodded.
“When were you born?” I asked. “What year?”
“1901,” Edward said, quietly. “In Chicago. I was seventeen when Carlisle changed me. I was dying...
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posted by twilight-7
Remember the sequel to the Kayla Series is called Kayla's Secret.
Oh, if you want to read Kayla's Secret you have to read the Kayla series first.

When I woke up the next morning, I was lying on my own bed. Edward was not next to me or hiding in the corner. Next to me, on my pillow, was a note.
I had to leave early. Alice needed me. I’m sorry. I will pick you up for school at eight thirty. Love, Edward. x
Edward usually woke me up for school. He never slept so he could watch the time for me. I put the note back on my pillow and glanced at the watch on my wrist. It was quarter past eight. I threw...
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posted by twilight-7
I slammed the front door shut and pounded up the stairs. I had to make this look real.
Charlie was, as usual, sitting on the couch watching the TV. Was that all he did? Didn’t he have a job?
“Is that Kayla?”
I froze when I heard that. That was Billy Black. And with Billy came...
“Jacob, go see what’s wrong with her.”
I was only prepared for Charlie, not Billy and Jacob.
I was in my room and throwing some clothes into a bag when I heard Jacob climbing the stairs.
“You need to hide,” I whispered to Edward who was fishing more clothes out of the drawers.
He nodded and was out of the...
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posted by twilight-7
I didn't make you guys wait too long, did I? If I did I am truly sorry. Here we go then, Chapter 20. Will this series ever end?

The first chance I got I visited Charlie. I got a shock when I visited Charlie. Jacob and Billy were there, Jacob sitting on the hospital chair and Billy in his wheelchair. The biggest shock was that Charlie was sitting up, laughing and joking. This man had just had a fit yesterday and here he was telling dirty jokes to his best friend and his son. Jacob was the first to see me standing in the doorway and watching them with wide eyes.
“Hey Kayla,” he greeted me with...
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Ch 2
A/N: Hey! This is Ch.2 of my story. If you actually read this, thanks. Also, if you do read it, please review and suggest (even if you don't like it.) I own nothing

Bella's POV

I woke up in the living room. The tv was, of course, on. ESPN had on baseball game. Red Socks vs Yankees. But, as soon as my eyes opened, Charlie noticed. He was watching me, not the game.

"Bella! Are you okay? You just passed out. Everybody left." Charlie said, worried.

"I'm fine, what time is it?" I asked


"AM or PM?" I asked, very, very curious.


'Why did I sleep so long?' I asked...
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posted by twilight-7
I was staying at Edward’s again. I hardly noticed. I just sat on his sofa and stared into space. He tried to engage me in conversations but I only nodded or shook my head. He tried to cook me food but I said I wasn’t hungry. He sat next to me and held my hand.
“Kayla,” he said. “Are you thirsty?”
I shook my head.
“Do you want to do something?”
I shook my head.
“Are you going to do anything?”
I shook my head.
He sighed.
I knew this frustrated him. He was worried by my constant staring into nothingness. I was barely thinking and hardly speaking. He had no way to know I was ok other...
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posted by twilight-7
This is short, I know, but enjoy it anyway!

The wolf continued to growl at me and I continued to back away. Again today I feared for my life. But would Jacob really hurt me? He wouldn’t would he? Not if he had his own mind. But did he have his own mind? I reached out to the wolf’s mind and sighed with relief when I heard Jacob’s thoughts. I was so preoccupied with finding Jacob in this enormous beast that I wasn’t paying attention to the beast itself. The wolf was advancing on me, fast. I tried to get away but I stumbled over the roots of trees and eventually walked backwards into one....
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by Daniella Toldy
Chapter One

Today is the day i graduate. We still had to go to school at the normal 7:00 A.M., but we will get to leave at noon. I was meeting Edward at school today surprising he didn't pick me up today. i was ready for what was coming. Edward and i were to get married one week after graduation Alice had already set that up with Esme. After our honeymoon he was to change me. That i was not ready for. I would never tell him that though.
I pulled into the school parking lot and i saw the love of my life waiting for me. i just knew he wanted to run and jump into my...
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hey guys, sorry this took so long, i had writers block, but im currently writing another...enjoi!


7. Hope and Fear
I was panicking.
You could see that much in my eyes. It has been more than three months since Bella had talked to me, and it took all the strength I had, and the strength my family had to stop me running back to Forks to check on her. Jacob was just as worried. Even if I couldn’t read minds, it was plain on his face too. Although we were leaving in one day, I couldn’t feel relief.
Bella had caught me trying to get information out of Tanya, by using flirtation…if I had...
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posted by Twilight_F
I Am soooo sorry this is so computer crashed. I hope you like it please read and rate!!! Oh ANd comment!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!


Edwards POV

I ran so fast I reached there in half the time I thought. But the hole way I was thinking about her. It has been nearly a month and I am still not over her.
    When I arrived at the door I smelt a familiar scent but ignored it, ‘its my imagination’. But the Denali’s were out hunting.
    So I sat on the step waiting while looking at the stars. When they did arrive back I was not expecting what I saw....
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posted by twilight-7
This is just a little thing i wrote and would love to continue it but i just want to hear what you think of this before i do. rate and comment plz!!!

I didn’t know how to tell my mother that I wanted to leave the country. I wanted to tell her the real reason but I was convinced that it would upset her and I wanted her to be happy. How could I explain to her that her fiancée hated me and wanted to ship me off to a boarding school in Switzerland? I didn’t want her to feel that she would have to break up with him because I didn’t like him. Rephrase that, because I hated him. He obviously...
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it's about bella's and edward's wedding night

My dream day was here
i was glad and excited
i felt like my life's meaning was clear
to walk down the isle with my sweet prince
i thank god for this gift

edward love of mine,
tonight i'm yours for the first time
just to think about it
sends shivers down my spine

put your cold hand in mine
so i can show you the way to a place you've never been
right there on my body
felling a way a woman should feel

when you touch me
when you kiss me
when you're deep inside me
the cold, the pain nothing matters
this night will not be in vain
What was the casting process like?

I was on another world filming Advetureland in Pittsburgh. It’s funny how I didn’t know anything about the book before being offered the role. To me, Twilight was just another script that came to my hands. I auditioned without knowing it was a highly coveted role.

What made you say “I have to play this part” after you read the book?

I have two favorite scenes, but the one that really stands out for me is when Edward reveals himself to Bella in the meadow under the sunlight. It’s when Bella takes control of everything.

How do you see the character of...
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posted by mwalsh
hope u like it leave a comment

chapter three
(mia's pov)
we stopped when we got to a little clearing covered in flowers, he let go of my hand and went to sit down he patted the floor next to him for me to go sit with him, i sat down and faced him, he took both my hands in his and started playing with my fingers. "amelia, i told you that i am a werewolf, well werewolfs do this thing called imprint" he looked up from our hands and into my eye's "when we find the person we are meant to be with, she is the one holding us on this earth not gravity" he was still staring into my eye's "amelia when i...
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second chapeter...enjoy!

I could hear people talking outside in the hallway. The voices sounded confused and angry. I strained to hear harder. “Mr. Cullen, I don’t care whether Ms. Swan is your girlfriend or not,” Mr. Greene was saying in a stern voice. “You don’t start fights with anyone at this school. Especially the new ones who don’t know the rules yet!” he said fuming. I heard Mr. Blair across the other side of the tiny office saying similar things to someone else, I tried to hear, but in my attempts, my eyes opened, and I saw Charlie sitting by the door with an upset look...
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posted by twerdx24x1
Edward comes into the house and says” What the hell is all my stuff doing in the garage?” Then i stood and looked Edward in the face and said “we have company who is living with us now. Don’t be rude come join us.” In my head i was thinking to him. ‘They just showed up and knew our names and everything about us. It was awkward at first and then i gave them a tour and Alice saw your room and wanted it. So I helped her with your stuff. Paybacks a pain in the butt, you shouldn’t have of been mean to me while i was being transformed. Oh yeah, I heard every word you said about me.’...
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Robert Pattinson has a hair cut
Robert Pattinson has a hair cut
I really don't think anything is wrong with it. I think he looks great both ways. I hope people don't get mad at him or anything because after all it is his hair. haha :) He also did a great job in Twilight considering how much pressure fans can put on actors. Team Edward!!! Not to betray what i just said but I also think that they should keep Jacob for the part in New Moon Taylor did a good job in the movie as well and i think that it is really unfair to just cut him out of the series like that. I also think that the actor considering the part is very arrogant on how he is more buff than...
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