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posted by Edward_lover101
Finally! The weekend is here. I packed my bag, and got ready to spend the weekend with Alice. What Charlie dosen't know is that, everyone is going hunting. Except Edward. Alice picked me up in Edwards Volo. She drove us to her house. Everyone was there excpet Edward. Where was he? "Alice where is Edward." "Dont worry, Bella. Edward went hunting so that it would be easier for him to be around you." She took me to Edwards room. There was like 100 yrs. worth of journals. He also had a lot of music. He had a lot of my favorites. Clare De Lune, Debb Usee. I pushed play on the CD player. There was this slow, soft, song. I rember this song. My mother used to play it when I got really upset, it usualy calmed me down. When I truned around there was Edward. Just staring at me with my favorite smile. I walked slowly over to him. His eyes were golden. Then I notice that there was a bed in the middle on his room. Probaly for me. "How are you Bella?"
"Oh I'm ok." The song was still playing. He grabed me hand and put his other hand on my waist. I could see that he wanted to dance. "Ummm."
"I can't dance."
"Hmm. Well I can always make you."he said playfully.
"I'm not sceard of you, remeber." I said playing along. He had a sparkle in his eyes, like a child right on christmas morning.
"Hmm. You really shouldn't have said that."
"Wha.." but I didn't have time to finnish before he threw me onto his back and jumped out the window. He landed geacefully on the ground. "Edward where are you takeing me?" I asked. He didn't answer, instead he ran into the forest with unhumen speed. Before I knew it we where in a medow. Our medow. He sat me softly on the forest floor. "I'll be right back. I have to get something. Alice said it would be getting cold soon." He kissed the top of my head and then he vanshed. I moved so that I was leaning agenst the tree. I pulled me knees up to my chest, and rested my head on them. "Hey Bells" Said a husky voice. I knew that voice. Jacob. I froze in shock. "Edward" I manged to wisper. I knew Jacob couldn't hear it. "Bells are you ok?" He asked again, I was still in shock. I felt his body heat getting closer. I hoped to my feet, backing away. Horror flashed acrosed my face. Jacob moved a little quicker. I backed into a tree. Jacob was only a few feet away now, and getting closer. I manged to get around the tree. Jacob started to jog my way. I broke out into a dead sprint. Running as fast as I could, which was a bad idea. I triped over a root, causing me to fall. Jacob was right behind me. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU RUN FROM ME BELLA?!" He was shaking a little now. "I MEAN WHAT DID I DO THAT MADE YOU SO AFRAID OF ME. WELL ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME OR NOT!" I tried to fight the tears back but couldn't anymore. I felt the tears run down my face. Jacob stopped shaking. He bent down to pick me up, like I was a little girl. I sprang up again. This time I ran back to the medow. I knew he was following me. I saw Edward there waiting. I broke into a sprint, runing into his arms. The tears where comming out faster now. "Bella, Bella whats wrong." Edward asked in a worry voice.
"Edward, Jacob is here, again. I tried to run from him, but I triped over some roots. He is really mad at me. How is it my falt that he makes me fell unsave?"
"It's not your falt Bella. Come on, Lets go to the house. Where he can't hurt you." He picked me up and carried me to the Cullen's home.
posted by twilight-7
Jacob shoved the last slice of pizza into his mouth as I laughed at a very lame joke he’d told about vampires.

‘A vampire returns home after a night of feeding with his face covered in blood. His fellow vampires gather around him excitedly and ask if he’d had a good night feeding because of all the blood.
“Where did you get it?” asked one.
“I’ll show you,” the vampire said, morphing into his bat form. The others morphed and followed him. They were flying over mountains and lakes and then the vampire stops and points down.
“Do you see that tree?” he asked them, pointing at...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
He turned off the car near a cliff and Got out himself. I opened the door and got off the car.

His face was in pain and he was struggling to talk. I realized his eyes changed color and he was coming closer to me every second.

-Edward, What are you doing?! Edward?!

But he wasn’t my Edward anymore! His eyes were wild and I couldn’t recognize him at that moment. His angel face was suddenly an evil one. Edward was coming closer and with every step he took, I took a step back where the car was. In a second, I recognized Alice, jasper, Carlisle and Emmet which circled me and were protecting me from...
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posted by renesmeblack
YAY!!! Bella is a vampire, right? Wrong.
Lets see whats going on.

I grazed my teeth against her throat, afraid to break her skin. Her heart was racing. I was really nervous. How can Bella want this life, just to be with me, a monster? Bella has been dreaming about this for about a year, ever since she learned what I was. What we are.
I felt a small hand on my shoulder. Alice pulled me away from Bella.
"Don't," she said. I saw a stream of visions go through Alice's head.
The Quileutes will attack, because I would break the treaty. Bella will be in pain for days, and I'll be...
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posted by AdaLove
The story begins with the revelation that Seattle is being plagued by a string of unsolved murders, which Edward suspects to be the cause of a newborn vampire that is unable to control its thirst. Edward and Bella fill out college applications, while Bella explains to Edward her desire to see Jacob, her werewolf friend, again. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire that is hunting Bella, is back in town. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that Jacob and the rest of the werewolf pack would never harm her, but Edward is still not convinced. Bella escapes...
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posted by Dragonclaws
(Note: This was a blog article I wrote last year just after seeing the movie in theaters)

I recently saw the movie version of Twilight. I’ve been a fan of the book series for quite a while, before it became quite the phenomenon it is currently, and found the movie enjoyable entertainment. So, I’ve found it kind of disappointing how militantly opposed some people on the Internet can be toward the franchise. I, of course, understand if some people can’t get into it (I can’t seem to get the appeal of Hannah Montana, myself, despite its popularity), but I find the hateful criticism that...
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posted by 1twilight_lover
Edward’s POV

“Get in the car. Alice say Go for us” Bella said
“What is the whole bet first” Alice asked
“The first part is that I have to do the trick learned from an old friend.” Bella told us “The second part is that they get a head start.”
“Let’s go” I said
I went and got in the Ferrari. Once Bella joined me, I asked her what the trick she learned was. She said that I would find out in a minute.
“On your mark. Get set. Go.” Alice said. Emmett sped off. After about 3 seconds Bella sped off. She told me if I watch while she drive, I would find out what the is. So I...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 6.
My trying reply:

The clock loudly ticked and it tocked even louder. I sat and thought, my brain empty. After about ten minutes of pure nothingness I decided to start.

Dear Edward,

I did enjoy reading your letter. It was lovely. You have incredibly beautiful handwriting. How did you learn to write like that?
This would be a lot easier if he asked me some questions, he answered mine and left me with nothing!

So you have a pretty big family, I’ve always wanted a huge family, I don’t really know why. I guess you didn’t grow up with them from birth. But, you still must be really...
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posted by twilightGGlost
Hey ppl! This IS part 5 and I hope u guys like it! I’m suffering from writers block so I hope u like it…comment; say ur fave part and RATE! Thanks a million to just_bella for helping and luv ya guys! Here we go!


I rubbed my finger over his smiling face and started to sob. But I could not see either of our faces because of the fracture in the glass.

I flipped it over in order to examine the back of the frame. A piece of the backing was missing and on the white backing of the photograph was written, Dear Edward in my scrawled script. I cautiously opened the backing and removed the...
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posted by renesmeblack

Renesmee. My beautiful Renesmee. I MUST be dead. Here she was, dancing to an unearthly melody, her long, bronze hair twisting as she spun and shining in the sun. Then the vision disappeared.
Renesmee looked at me. Her body faded.
"No!" I barked, running towards her as fast as my four legs could carry me. I got there too late. Renesmee disappeared. I looked around, and heard Renesmee laugh behind me. I turned around. Renesmee was running away, looking behind her every few seconds. She ran like I was chasing her. As she took another step, she faded. I heard her singing. I phased and looked...
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This isn’t my story it’s my sisters, but I’ve got free lessons at 6th form so I’ve got more time then my sister (cullen171717) I’ve helped to improve some of it, but the ideas are my sisters. Let me know what you think. It’s set about 40-50 years after breaking dawn ends.
Part 1.
I’m bored. I told myself for the thousandth time. There isn’t anything on TV, Edwards gone hunting with Emmett and Jasper, and I can’t find any of the others anywhere. Renesmee has gone off with Jacob on a second honeymoon to the Amazon to visit Zafrina and Senna.
Alice appeared out of thin air, holding...
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posted by Isabellaashley
Hey everyone, here's a sneck preview of my new story which is titled as Destiny... I just wrote a few pages and wanted some opinion from everyone!!! Hope you enjoy this!!!



I found myself standing in the very woods that I’d promised to stay away from but I had my reasons for being here. It was getting darker and colder so I wrapped my jacket around me tighter. The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I couldn't help but laugh; the thought of my Aunt Rosalie putting my larger-than-life Uncle Emmett in a headlock was something you could hardly stop yourself from laughing about.

Jacob laughed with me, and then he said, "Speaking of which, I believe there is something we need to see."

He led me upstairs; and then grabbed a small silver digital camera on the nightstand.

* * *

We spent the next hour in hysterics; The first picture, obviously taken by my mom, was Dad and Uncle Jasper andvancing on Uncle Emmett. The next one; they held him down. Then many of Aunt Rose and Aunt Alice putting...
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Chapter 2: Hallelujah

As Jake and I stepped towards our family and friends we were separated and handed off amongst the crowd. My parents found me first and kissed me then I was passed off to all of my grandparent’s aunts and uncles, the various members of the other covens who were basically our extended family and then I met up with my new father in law. He smiled at me warmly I leaned over to hug him and he kissed my cheek. “Welcome to the family Nessie,” he grinned. “Thanks Bil-" he interrupted me jokingly, “Shouldn’t that be dad?” I smiled at him, “Thanks dad,” I giggled....
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posted by AdaLove
All of the Cullen family in ‘Twilight’ are described as breathtakingly beautiful; in fact, this and their aloofness in the cafeteria of the school is the first thing that draws Bella’s attention towards them.

"Their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful." (TW1)
Although Bella is immediately drawn to Edward, we have frequent repetition of just how attractive all of the vampires are. Carlisle is described as looking "more like a model than a doctor" (TW24), Rosalie is so gorgeous that "the perfect blonde girl" (TW1) is "beyond belief", Emmett and Jasper...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I have now become Rennesme Black. It happend so quickly we are already at the reception wich amazes me. The whole place it decorated with white and yellow roses. I feel like Alice built me my own fantasy garden.

"Alice it's amazing." I say breathlesly.

"I know." She says sounding pleased. "You wan't to see the cake?" She asks like a child getting a new puppy.

"Sure why not. Are you comming jake?" Saying his name is like living without breath.

"No no I'll let you to have your fun girl time. It's not really a mans job to love a cake." He said sarcasticly.

"Your loss." Alice chimed in as she...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

By the time we landed for THE LAST TIME, I was really tired, despite sleeping like a rock the entire time.

"Emmett is going to personally ensure your permanent skin tone becomes bright red," Jacob remarked.

I scowled at him; I hated that I blushed so frequently.

"But I like it," he grinned. "It makes you look cute."
"Are you on his side or mine?" I almost growled at him. I was NOT in the mood for this.
"Yours," he said, still grinning.
"Great. Then please be more supportive."
"Yes, ma'am," he said, saluting me.
"Whatever," I mumbled as we stepped into the cab.

* * *

By the time we reached Forks, I was still incredibly tired.

The last thing I remembered was steeping out of the cab, and making it eight steps before my legs folded underneath me and Jacob's warm arms catching me before I fell.

I blinked my eyes closed, too exhausted to move.
posted by twilight-7
Edward’s POV

Kayla was hysterical. Tears were streaming down her face and she was close to screaming. Her mind was in a state of panic and her thoughts made no sense at all. Her hands were covered in Charlie’s blood as she was trying to stop the bleeding. I was finding it difficult to be so close to Charlie with all the blood. I wasn’t even breathing. Emmett and Jasper were as far away as possible without leaving us. Jasper was having more difficulty that Emmett but he was trying to calm Kayla down but it seemed her emotion was too strong.
“Why isn’t this working?” Kayla pressed down...
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Chapter 36: Its My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To (Amore’s POV)
Eventually the sobs subsided. Not because I was any less upset but because I just couldn’t cry anymore. My mother looked so worried; I couldn’t let her be so concerned about me. “What is the matter?” She asked me hysterically. I just shook my head, “It is so important and I cannot even remember what it is.” She hugged me, “Well take your mind off of it for a bit and I am sure it will come back to you.” Just then Nessie came bursting into my room, “Hey, are you alright?” She asked. I nodded I decided to take...
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posted by just_bella
Second story for tonight :)

End of Part 30

I looked over at Rosalie and motioned for her to stay where she was. She shook her head no, she was not going to let me go alone...which I understood. I nodded and began climbing down, trying to be as quiet as I could.

I met Rosalie on the ground and grabbed her hand. It may have only been a few minutes but being away from her was uncomfortable, I felt whole with her there next to me.

"Fine! I will keep my voice down but someone needs to give me answers...and soon." Ben sneered.

"Stay here for now please. I will let you know when to come out, just please...
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posted by AliceHaleCullen
10. Tell him only to address you in a cute English accent.

9. Call him Carlisle, but be sure to pronounce the “s”. When he corrects you, give him a weird look and tell him the “q” is silent.

8. Ask if blondes really do have more fun.

7. Inquire as to what he actually does on his night shift on the hospital, with all the pretty nurses in the ER.

6. Instead of telling him to “get lost” in an argument, tell him to swim to France.

5. When he annoys you, respond with “times have changed, old man”.

4. Ask what type of superhuman power compassion is – what does he do in a fight? Love thy enemy to death?

3. Leap out from behind the desk in his study when he isn’t expecting it and spray him with Holy Water.

2. Call him McSteamy or McDreamy.

And the Number One way to annoy Carlisle Cullen?

1. Run around the Emergency Room screaming “I’ve been bitten! I’ve been bitten!”