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posted by Edward_lover101
"What was that for?" I said.
"You look worried love. I thought that might calm you down."
"Well it worked. I'm always calmer when you are around." Just then Jacob walked though the door. He had a bundle of rose's in a clear vase. He was wearing a shirt with a tie, and bluejeans. Edward looked at me.
"It's ok Edward. If I need you I'l call, just let me talk to him alone for a bit. I'll be ok."
Edward walked out of the room, I knew he didn't want to leave. Jacob walked over to the left side of the bed. He sat down in the chair.
"Hey Bella." Jacob sounded a little depresed.
"What's wrong Jacob?"
"It's....Just that...."
"Come on Jacob just spit it out."
"It's just that I won't get to see you anymore. You will be gone. Everytime I drive by your house you won't be there."
"Jacob, I know you will miss me, everyone will miss me. Jacob you will just have to get over me. One day you will find a girl that you love more than me. When you find her, I'll be waching over you. I'll be your garding angel." I hated to have to lie to Jacob. Usualy no one beleave any lie That I say, Jacob beleaved me though. Jacob was getting to upset. Before I knew it Emmet was taking Jacob out of the room. I felt a cool had on my waist.
"Are you ok, love?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I guess they don't know about what will happen, do they."
"No, but they will find out eventually." I turned over so that I could see Edwards face. He smiled at me, then a low growl come from the back of his thorat.
"What is it? What is wrong?"
"Your mother dosn't like me this close to you."
"Like I care what my mother likes and don't likes. If I want to get this close to you"-I presed myself closer to him- "then I will."
"I love you." His voise was like an angle singing to me.
"I love you too. Edward I love you more than you can imagen." Then everything went black. I could no longer see Edwards lovely face, I could no longer hear his voise, I could no longer smell his scent next to me. I could no longer fell is cool hand on my waist. Was I dead? Was this death? Or was this a dream? If this was a dream, Edward would be here. If this was a nightmare Jacob would be here. My hearing was comming back but nothing else. I heard voises. I herd my mother and my father crying.
"Charlie, she is not dead. She is in a coma." Carlisle said
"But will she come out of it?"
"I don't know Charlie, I dont know." The next thing I heard was Edwards voise, humming my song. I squeased his hand lightly, letting him know that I could hear him. His cold lips touched my hand. On my other hand there was a fire, not like when vampire vemom gets into your system. More like a hot sunny day. I knew it was Jacob. I could hear his crying.
"Carlisle can we take the breathing tube out, I know she can breath with out it." Edward said.
"If she wakes up in the next 10 minutes, we will take it out." My eyes opened slowly, ajusting to the light. I saw Edward face first, then Jacobs, and my parents were last. Carlisle took the breathing tube out. Everyone left the room except Edward.
"Bella we are going to New Hampshire, I will turn you there. Every one will think you will be in the middle of Trama Center For Canser."
"You will help me though it?"
"Of corse I will."

To be contned..............
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Source: Just Jared jr.
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