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Chapter 36: Its My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To (Amore’s POV)
Eventually the sobs subsided. Not because I was any less upset but because I just couldn’t cry anymore. My mother looked so worried; I couldn’t let her be so concerned about me. “What is the matter?” She asked me hysterically. I just shook my head, “It is so important and I cannot even remember what it is.” She hugged me, “Well take your mind off of it for a bit and I am sure it will come back to you.” Just then Nessie came bursting into my room, “Hey, are you alright?” She asked. I nodded I decided to take my mother’s advice and let it go momentarily. “I’m fine, I am sorry that I put all of that on you down there.” She smiled at me, “Don’t apologize I am the one who owes you an apology. I never should have let you out of my sight that night.” I sat next to her and put my hand on hers, “I am such a horrible friend,” she thought to herself. Out of instinct I immediately thought, “No you are not; you had no way of knowing.” Nessie’s eyes widened. “How did you do that?” She wondered aloud. “Do what?” My mother asked. “She just answered my thought inside my head!” Nessie exclaimed in wonder. I smiled at her, “I gained a few powers, but that’s a new one. I didn’t know that I could answer people back.” My mother sat up, “Let me try!” She took my hand, “are you feeling any better?” she asked. I closed my eyes and focused as I answered, “A little thanks for the good advice.” My mother’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration. “Did you hear me?” I asked her hopefully. “No, she said in disappointment. Nessie’s eyes lit up, “Hey, maybe it only works between you and I because I have a similar ability in being able to share my thoughts and memories through touch". I smiled widely at her, “wow this is even better than a secret language, we can talk about people and they won’t even know!” We giggled as my mother rolled her eyes, “Oh great, just what we need,” Nessie and I laughed. “It won’t work around my dad though,” she warned me, “he will hear whatever we say.” I shrugged, “it’s still pretty cool.” Her eyes lit up with curiosity, “what else can you do?” she asked me. “I have visions, like Aunt Alice the only difference is I can share them through touch and I can see the wolves.” Suddenly Nessie’s eyes darkened, “Can you see half breeds?” I nodded, “I saw a vision of you and Jake last night.” Her face flushed a little as my mother looked at her through narrowed eyes, “that reminds me Renesmee, what were you thinking!” My mother hissed at her. She ignored my mother and continued, “Can you see Nahuel? If you could see him it will help us to find him.” I swallowed hard. That was one vision I wasn’t looking forward too. I closed my eyes and focused on him. Nothing came to mind. “It doesn’t work that way every time Amore,” my Aunt Alice said from the hallway. “You cannot always will a vision into being.” I looked at her in confusion, “It was so easy with Seth, all I had to do was think of him once and I knew where he was last night.” My aunt walked into the room, “I understand, you are very close with Seth so it is much easier to see him. Nahuel on the other hand isn’t going to come to you as seamlessly.” I set my jaw in determination; I wasn’t going to give up. I turned to Nessie, “I promise the minute that I see anything I will let you know.” She smiled a tight smile. “Good.” I looked at the clock it was already 4:00. The whole morning had passed so quickly. I stood up slowly, “Hey let’s go downstairs, I really want to go see Seth.” My Aunt Alice stood in front of me, "actually you should just stay in here for a little bit longer, you know to make sure that you are really feeling better.” I raised my eyebrow at her she was acting so funny. I sat down and stared at her curiously. She closed her eyes for a minute and then her eyes snapped open as a brilliant smile spread across her beautiful face. “Ah, perfect. There is just enough time.” I giggled at her weirdness as she grabbed my hand and rushed me into the bathroom to touch up my hair and make up. She ran to the closet and grabbed a black dress with a cowl neck and threw it at me and she grabbed Nessie a purple dress with a little matching jacket. “Here put these on, here are the shoes. I will be right back”. She grabbed my mother and when they reappeared they both wore dazzling dresses themselves. Aunt Alice in Silver and my mother in red. Aunt Alice fixed Nessie’s hair and make up next fussing the whole time, “such a pretty girl and you take it for granted I cannot believe you walked around like this today!” Nessie rolled her eyes, “I didn’t know coming to see family was a special occasion.” Aunt Alice smacked her arm playfully, “don’t sass me, girl,” she teased. Nessie and I laughed while my mother stood in the door rolling her eyes. “Really Alice, are you done yet?” She stepped back and looked at us with a contented smile. “Yep, all set.” They led me down the stairs where I was met by a chorus of, “Happy Birthday’s” I looked at my new family in awe. I totally hadn’t seen this coming. My mother and father smiled at me, “are you surprised?” My mother asked hopefully. I nodded, I couldn’t say anything. I had never had a surprise party before the thought behind it left me unable to speak. Aunt Alice led me outside I gasped at the yard she had decorated with the lights from Nessie’s party and there were lilies everywhere. It was beautiful. “Ok, before we do anything we are doing presents,” Aunt Alice squealed. I smiled in awe I couldn’t believe that on top of this there were presents too! My Aunt Alice went first (of course). “Your present from me and Uncle Jasper is an entire day of shopping for new clothes with me!” I laughed at her, “Thank you that is wonderful, I can’t wait.” Nessie and Jake were next. Jake brought a small pile of gifts over to me. They got me an easel, canvas, paint brushes, paints and charcoal pencils. I went to hug them to thank them when Nessie gave me one more present, “It is something that I am sure you were missing.” I looked at it in bewilderment as I ripped the paper off. “It’s my sketchbook.” I gasped. I couldn’t believe it, I looked at her trying to keep my voice from breaking, “I thought that I would never see this again. Thank you,” I whispered. She kissed me on my cheek, “Happy birthday my sister,” She whispered. She touched my face and her voice echoed inside my head, “Later on tonight look inside the last page.” I nodded at her. My grandparents were next they gave me a new laptop, “I don’t want your education to suffer. I will be teaching you from home for a bit until you are more settled.” My grandfather said with a smile. Aunt Bella and Uncle Edward gave me a collection of Tennyson’s poetry. “I used to read these poems to Nessie,” My Aunt Bella offered with a smile. They also gave me an iPod, Uncle Edward watched for my reaction as I opened it, “I compiled a playlist for you for when you paint.” I smiled at him, “such thoughtful gifts,” I replied. Seth gave me a beautiful bracelet that had made for me from leather and sandstone. “I love it,” I told him as I kissed him gently. I noticed that my father looked away almost uncomfortably I thought it was funny. Leah gave me a rectangular gift I opened it, it was a photo album of Seth’s baby pictures. I looked at her in adoration, “Leah this is a beautiful gift, thank you.” Seth turned to his sister, “Are you kidding me?” He fumed she smiled at him and shrugged. My father and Jacob hooted with laughter. My parents gave me my final gift. “Since Alice trashed your car we thought that you might be needing this,” my mother slid a key into my hand. I squealed with excitement as they led me to the garage. Jake and Seth pulled the car cover away to reveal a brand new, Black Mercedes SL600 convertible. I screamed and hugged them both. Everyone laughed at my reaction. “Happy Birthday Amore” my mother told me as she hugged me.
As the party wound down, Seth and I stole away together for a bit. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. “So this doesn’t creep you out at all? I asked him. He looked at me in confusion, “What do you mean?” “Well, don’t wolves have a natural aversion to vampires?” I asked him worriedly. He put his hand under my chin forcing me to look into his eyes, “Amore, there is nothing that could ever change the way that I feel about you. Besides, I don’t mind vampires like your family, you know vegetarians.” He smiled. “But I look so different.” I hesitated. He smiled at me, “you were beautiful then and you are beautiful now. You are still the same person. I love you I don’t care what you look like.” He leaned over and kissed me carefully. “Now that you mention it, I do like the new hair,” he winked at me as I threw myself on him and kissed him so passionately that he fell over backwards with me landing on top of him. He started laughing, “Easy,” he chuckled. I grimaced, “sorry, I have to work on the whole realizing my own strength thing.” He smiled at me and picked himself up and then helped me up. “I was worried,” I confessed. “About what?” He asked. “That you wouldn’t be attracted to me anymore.” He looked at me seriously, “Amore, I explained to you how imprinting works. It is beyond physical and personality attributes that attract couples to each other. I don’t care what you look like, what you are, or what your name is. You are my everything, I want to marry you. I want to be with you forever.” His eyes clouded over; “when I thought I lost you…” his voice broke. I kissed his neck, “but you didn’t lose me, I am right here. I am not going anywhere.” He looked at me sadly, “Can you forgive me, for letting you down.” I shook my head, “Seth there is nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong, what happened to me is not your fault. I love you.” He smiled at me and then he kissed me tenderly, something about the kiss changed it became more urgent. He pulled away, “I will avenge you,” he promised. I put my fingers to his lips. “There is nothing to avenge. I am safe now, I am better off than I was before. I am not as fragile and I will be here for you forever.” A growl ripped through his throat. I knew that he didn’t agree with my view of things. Jake came into view. “Seth, it’s time.” He said seriously. Seth nodded at him and led me back to he party which was wrapping up. The guys were all getting ready to go somewhere and I noticed the sound of wolves howling in the near distance. “What is going on?” I asked in alarm. Seth smiled at me with a strange glimmer in his eyes, a mix between anger and sadness. “Guys night, we are going hunting.” He pulled me close, “Happy Birthday Amore. I love you. I will call you tomorrow.” He lifted me up and kissed me so fervently that had I still needed to breathe I most likely would have passed out from a lack of oxygen. I looked at him dazed, “I love you too, be careful.” With that he bounded off into the woods. Jake and Renesmee were in the distance fighting over something. I saw him shake his head furiously he bent over to kiss her and disappeared before she could go after him. She growled and stalked past me into the house. “Where is daddy,” she demanded of my Aunt Bella. “He is already gone,” she told her. Renesmee growled and stormed into the house and I heard something shatter. My grandmother put her hand to her forehead, “What now, isn't it bad enough that Emmett just destroyed one of my dining room chairs that I had imported from Italy.” My Aunt Bella smiled at her apologetically, “she gets her anger from Edward.” Aunt Alice was straightening the back yard up, “and her stubbornness from you,” she directed to Aunt Bella who threw a branch at her. “Hey, where are they going?” I asked. All of the men were slowly disappearing. My grandmother smiled at me gently, "hunting, dear. Don’t worry.” I frowned something didn’t feel right, “they all go together at the same time like that?” Aunt Alice giggled, “You know it’s like how girls go to the bathroom together.” I tried to smile at her but something inside of me told me that there was something wrong, very wrong. I went into to the house to look for Renesmee. She was in my room switching stances from pacing back and froth and running to the large window and staring out attentively. “Nessie?” I asked she jumped as I said her name. “I’m sorry but I didn’t mean to startle you.” She looked back to the window, with a worried look on her face. “What is going on?” I asked her. She didn’t answer me. All of a sudden the walls disappeared and I was in the woods I saw my father, my Uncles, my grandfather, Seth, Jake all the wolves being chased by Nahuel… and people in cloaks. They were looking for Renesmee. I gasped out loud Renesmee ran up to me. “What is it?” She demanded, “What did you see?” Wordlessly I placed my hand on her cheek and relayed the vision to her. The blood rushed from her face. “We have to go and warn them!” She shrieked. “Nessie, no it’s too dangerous. They want you, stay here I will go.” She shook her head firmly, “We both go.” I didn’t agree with it but I could see that there was no arguing with her. I turned to go downstairs and she hissed, “What are you doing? We can’t walk by them they will never let us go.” She gestured towards the wall of my bedroom that was made up of a single window. “How good are you at jumping?” She asked. I had never attempted it but my instincts took over. I threw her on my back and leapt form the open window. I hit the ground gracefully and she hopped down we ran after them I concentrated on their scent. After a bit I came across the scent of Jake and Seth, Nessie followed me and within moments we were face to face with the wolves. Jake and Seth disappeared momentarily and came back in human form. Jake stormed up to Nessie and got in her face, “What the hell are you doing?!” He demanded “Do your parents know you are out here, do you have any idea how dangerous this is?!” She looked at him her eyes flashing, “Jake shut up, Amore had a vision.” Just as she was about to tell him what happened Nahuel stepped out from behind a tree. I gasped and Seth threw me behind him protectively. Jake whipped around and growled as he threw Nessie behind him as well. Naheul held his hands up protectively. “Wait, I am here to offer a warning. I come as a friend.” “A friend?!” Seth spat the words out venomously as he stalked towards Nahuel. Nessie reached out and grabbed me to her side. “You killed my girlfriend,” he snarled. Nahuel looked at him patiently the redness that I had remembered in his blood thirsty eyes was gone. Now they just looked pleading and scared. “Listen to me, please; I am so sorry about that it was not in my control.” Seth walked up to him and threw him into a tree, “not in your control? I will tell you what isn’t in your control. The fact that this ends now, you will die tonight.” Nahuel didn’t fight back. “Please just listen to me” Seth slammed him into a tree. “There isn’t time, they are coming for Renesmee and now they have seen the young one that you have they want her too.” Seth ignored him as he lifted him up and threw him against another tree. When Jake heard the mention of Renesmee's name he turned to her, “Is this you were trying to warn us about?” He whispered in horror. She nodded crazily, “The Volturi forced him to do this they are holding his family captive. He didn’t mean to kill Sienna. They are coming for me tonight. They are taking me back to Volterra.” His face twisted in anguish as he yelled for Seth to stop, “Seth, enough hear him out.” But it was too late Seth was too far lost in his rage. Jake ran over to stop him or at the very least protect him, but Seth didn’t need the help Nahuel never fought back. This was not the same maniacal vampire that had attacked me. Something odd was going on. Suddenly Jake was on the ground writhing in agony for some unforeseen reason. Renesmee’s body tensed and she screamed for Jake. I picked up a scent of vampires, but it was not the scent of any of the Cullen’s. A few cloaked figures slid effortlessly between the trees and stopped a few feet in front of us. There were four of them. The two in the front who appeared to be the leaders were much tinier than the two hulking figures that stood behind them. It was hard to tell if they were male or female until the one spoke. It was a female, “Hello Renesmee. Are you going to introduce us to your friends?” Renesmee’s eyes narrowed, “Hello Jane.” She said coolly. “I trust that you remember Nahuel.” The cloaked female continued, switching her malevolent gaze on him. “I suppose he has been filling you in on what has been going on.” She said with no emotion reflecting on her angelic face or in her voice. “A bit.” Renesmee admitted. Jane moved forward with her explanation,“You see, Nahuel is very conflicted. He has a hard time taking orders; he needs a little help sometimes.” She nodded to the figure next to her, “Alec.” She said he looked at Nahuel and narrowed his eyes. Suddenly Nahuel's eyes became blood red again. He growled at Seth and was no longer submissive. In front of my horrified eyes he lifted Seth with one hand and threw him. He landed on the ground with a sickening thud and didn’t get up. Jane turned her invisible torture onto Nahuel at that point. “We are no longer in need of your services, traitor. “She informed him maliciously. He squirmed in pain beside Jake. “Seth, no!” I screamed in terror I ran after him but Renesmee tackled me, “Amore do not move an inch.” She muttered through clenched teeth. I sobbed as I looked at his broken body I couldn’t help him. She placed her hand on my cheek and her voice rang throguh my mind only for me to hear, “When I give you the signal run, get as far from here as you can and warn the others that the Volturi are here.” I whimpered as she helped me back to my feet. “You’re friend is a little feisty.” Jane surmised. “Perhaps she should join the others,” she said wickedly, gesturing towards Jake and Nahuel. “That won’t be necessary, Jane.” Nessie retorted. Jane smiled at her, “You can make this easy or hard on yourself. Aro requests your presence; he is interested in this new born as well. You are to come with us.” Nessie nodded. Jake watched in horror frozen to the ground. Nessie looked into Jane’s face and replied evenly with no emotion, “Very well Jane I will go with you on one condition. You let all of my friends go. Just take me; I will not put up a fight.” I gasped but kept it under my breath. Jake growled. Jane turned to him, “Silence mongrel.” She commanded as she intensified the invisible current that kept him paralyzed yet thrashing in pain. She turned back to Nessie, “I’m sorry but this is not up for negotiation. She comes too.” Nessie gently touched my hand, “NOW!” She told me silently. I let go of her hand and met her eyes sadly as I tore off between the trees. “Demetri, Felix,” The small girl commanded. I heard them coming after me. I ran faster I had to get away I couldn’t fail Renesmee this time. I was much faster and stronger this time around. I didn’t hear them behind me any longer I noticed with relief. I had outrun them! The next thing I knew I was blind, I couldn’t see where I was going and then I felt their arms around me and heard their laughter, “she’s a looker this one,” one of them chortled. “Silence” a superior male voice demanded. “Carry her back to the others." “Yes Alec,” one of the other voices complied. I remembered that I was strong so I struggled as much as I could I hissed I lunged for whatever I could bite but to no avail. I had failed Renesmee again and this time there would be no saving us.
posted by decullen
I woke up,It was only 9.30.I was only asleep for three half hours.I opened my eyes to see Edward standing there.How did he get in I locked the door.

"How did you get in?"I asked him.He smiled and pointed to the window."Why?"

"I forgot to tell you something to you before you left."He said and sat on my bed"I love you."Then he kissed me.I smiled.

"I love you to."I said and kissed him.Which let to something else........

5 Months later

I woke up and opened my eyes.Edward was next to me.I smiled.Shit he slept.

"Shit."I said.He started to wake up.

"Morning soon to be miss Cullen."He said and kissed me.

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posted by amy_r_cullen
“Renesmee come hear Jacobs arrived”. I called after her,
She darted into the living room leaving everyone in her Renesmee sized tree house.

“Hi Nessie, how are you today”. Jacob beamed to her, “Arrrrr… not Nessie Renesmee” Bella warned.
Renesmee was use to Bella reacting this way when Jacob called her Nessie so she just ignored her and concentrated on Jacob who had something raped up in his had.
“Ness… sorry Renesmee can you close you’re eyes please. Jacob asked

“Okay Jacob” Renesmee Said wearily.
Jacob walked round Renesmee and placed a necklace around her neck.
“You can...
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posted by ybet_cullen18
Chapter 2: Pregnancy

I woke up from my daydream and continued to face the present.

After he had left, i found out something that sent shivers on my skin.

I was pregnant.

It was difficult for me to accept the truth. Of course, any teenagers at my age who will get pregnant would feel what i felt. Nervous. I told Charlie about this and luckily, he accepted my teenage pregnancy very well and even supported me in my decisions. I could'nt let my child die, of course. But i also couldnt raise him without a father. But my mom confronted me. I shouldnt waste my time thinking of him.

Of course i hate him....
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posted by lollipopszx3
All-Nighter, Fun, Kiss

Two weeks have passed since the circus incident. They gave me a swirly for my acting. It was in Emmett's washroom, which makes me want to barf, even thinking about it.

It was the night before school started. We are trying to pull an all-nighter at Edward's house. We have been doing this as a tradition since we were ten. We think we could really do it this year.

It was three o'clock in the morning. Edward's parents think we are asleep so we have to be extra quiet. I looked over everybody. Emmett was busy entertaining himself with a plate of food. Jasper was lying in a corner...
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*Werewolves do it better!
*Lady gaga's clothes are better than Alice's clothes!
*Bella has a secretly crush on Rosalie!
*Jasper is a pedophile that's why he felt in love with Alice!
*Renesmee and Nahuel are a perfect couple
*Carlisle is gay!
*Esme has sex with Charlie every night!
*I think Felix is stronger than Emmett!
*Rosalie envies Tanya because of her beauty!
*Edward is in love with Leah!
*Rosalie thinks about Jacob while she's having sex with Emmett!
*Bella is getting wrinkly
*Aro is hotter than Edward!
*by Stephenie Meyer*


When I woke up I was confused. My thoughts were hazy, still twisted up in dreams and nightmares; it took me longer than it should have to realize where I was.
This room was too bland to belong anywhere but in a hotel. The bedside lamps, bolted to the table, were a dead giveaway, as were the long drapes made from the same fabric as the bedspread, and the generic watercolor prints on the walls.
I tried to remember how I got there, but nothing came at first.
I did remember the sleek black car, the glass in the windows darker than that on a...
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posted by Isabellaashley
Movies tend to be no more than two hours long. For most that is long enough, especially when you are sitting in a theater. But is that really enough time to fit all of are beloved eclipse moments. I know all of us hardcore Twilighters would sit for hours upon hours in a movie theater, but we do need to look at this rationally. In twilight there were some scenes that cut from the movie that were major things in the book and having those things out of the movie caused a uproar in a lot of boards and forums. But did having those things cut really make a difference, people who hadn’t read twilight,...
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Damn Bike. I can't it to run right. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it's because Bellas on my head. Her and that Leach. I could be there for here. I could keep her warm. I'd be her sun. But no ofcouse not she'd rather have the lifeless blood sucker. Rage went down my veins and Then My body started to shake. Oh shit.. I ripped another pair or paints. I could not keep doing that to Billy. He was trying so hard. I ran into the woods. But Ofcourse Paul had to be on watch.. The angoney i felt having to hear his thoughts. I ran harder and harder trying to focase on the woods get my mind of her.. Bella....
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posted by _madz_
okay, a shout out to j_e_s_s who's birthday was the 24th! and Happy Australia Day!
sorry for the gap between postings, but i happen to be on holidays and have a rather limited access to the internet! anyway, hope you enjoy this extra long one!!

part 3
“They look a bit surprised. Should I introduce myself?” I asked quietly.
When I pulled back again, my favourite smile in the whole world was wide across his face. I took that as a yes.
I looked back over to Edward’s coven, smiling sheepishly. After all, I was still crushed against him.
“Hi there.” I started lamely. Everyone still looked...
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All things were perfect
With graduation coming fast
But I knew with my luck
The perfection wouldn't last

Things were intense
Edward and Jacob started fighting
Jacob hated Edward
For soon he was going to bite me

But Edward told me
That I could see Jacob whenever
Jacob took it wrong
And he thought I'd meant forever

So then Jacob took me
To a party with his friends
When we were there I listened
To the Quileute tribe's legends

It made me think about
The danger I'd soon be in
What with the Volturi and Victoria
My patience was wearing thin

I was getting anxious
About who I would soon be
Rosalie and Jasper wanted to help...
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posted by twilight-7
I was asleep when Charlie came home sometime in the early hours of the morning. Edward, who had stayed the night with me, woke me up to tell me Charlie was home.
“Can you hear him trying to sneak up to his room?” he chuckled.
I could indeed. Charlie was trying to be ever so quiet yet failed miserably. He fell up the stairs several times and slammed open his bedroom door. I heard him curse loudly as he fell yet again.
“Is he drunk?” I was wide awake as Charlie’s lack of balance scared me. He and I could both see in the dark pretty well because of our enhanced abilities. Charlie shouldn’t...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 3: school
I was running in the deep green forest when Damien caught me by my waist I tried to pull away from him trying to get help from my elements but…….nothing the elements weren’t obeying me as they used to. what the hell is wrong with me? I looked at Damien I was sure he had something to do with this he gave me a a sweet smile and said
-now you can’t push me away HONEY
I tried to push him away then I saw a beautiful bronze haired boy with the strange golden eyes he growled and lunched himself at Damien………..

-BEEEP..BEEP..BEEP…BEEP oh I hate this alarm I think I should...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
(Im sorry but im going to stop this one for a little bit then im going to strat it back up when somthing happens.thanks sorry)

End of Chapter 1
“Edward? Edward? EWARD? Hello, are you in there? Anyone home?”Emmett is saying while knocking on my head, I miss my Bella and my Neisse. , I was supposed to be having a day for only boys today. . All the Girls and my wife and Daughter expect for Rosalie I don’t know where she is? Esme and Carlisle are having a day to just them today. The whole house to them it was there day of the year to have to each other no one else. The deserved to themselves...
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This is my midnight sun.this is not Stephenie Meyer's.This is only a fan fiction.Soon i will be writing more.There is a few minor changes i have made,for those who notice.Enjoy!

The teacher continued writing on the board.The fan blowing letting me inhale every scent in the room.My classmates whispering to there friends.
Just being in the room,sent a burn through my throat.But I controled it.I didn't know how,but i did.It had been two weeks from my last hunting trip.Biology was easy.It always was.It was more about not killing my classmates when I was thirsty...
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posted by bella01
[Edward POV]
I know I'm impatient,no I'm getting angry with the plane where my Isabella is riding.'No,no,no, she is not mine.She is my sister now'.Finally,the plane has landed.Alice is jumping up and down now.She is annoying but I love her.She is my favorite sister.I got worried because there is still no sign of a girl name Isabella.'Edward,please calm down'Jasper thought.'Hahaha,Edward is in love with our new sister'Emmett thought.'Isabella shopping shopping dress up'Alice thought.Then when I'm about to ask Alice where is Isabella.A beautiful girl came out the door.She looks so fragile.She...
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The Character

Name: Victoria

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: Knows Where Safe Places Are

About Them: A red-haired, feline-like vampire, Victoria, is originally a member of James' coven. She plays a small role in assisting James, her lover and coven leader, in hunting Bella Swan due to his fantasies. Victoria is capable of digging up information on anybody and in anyway. After James is killed, she decides to exact revenge on Edward Cullen by plotting to kill his partner, Bella, in return for Edward having killed her partner. However, Bella is sufficiently protected from her wrath by the Quileute...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Hope you like it! Chapter 2 is out and Chapter 3 is coming soon! xoxo mrsblack

"I just can't believe how big they are!" Emily cooned as she and I watched the twins sleeping. The blue-ish, green-ish light of the bonfire flickered across their faces where they lay on Jacob's lap, breathing steadily in and out.
I could never get over how breathtaking my two little children were. When Jennifer was sleeping she was more beautiful than any vampire. Her cheeks were a creamy russet color, with just a hint of pink in them. Her ebony black hair was in ringlets to her shoulders, and her eyes--when open--were...
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Kristen Stewart is itching to get her baby bump on—as her Twilight heroine Bella, of course!

During today's New Moon panel discussion at Comic-Con, K.Stew was asked which aspect of the upcoming films she was most looking forward to. "Uh, I can't wait to get pregnant," she said, giggling.

In on the joke, costar Robert Pattinson added, "I can't wait to perform the Caesarean!" The screeching 6,000-person crowd, of course, caught the reference to the gruesome birth that takes place in Breaking Dawn—which is still three movies away!

But the panel wasn't all about vampire spawn. Costar/werewolf...
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What I think makes Edward & Bella soul mates is Bella's unwavering faith she puts in Edward's restraint to not kill her while she is still a human.

Edward as well as incredible love for Bella which in turn makes him perfect for her and she perfect for him. In every sense of the old saying: They cannot live without each other. This is is made plain in New Moon when Edward leaves Bella in order to protect her form him.

Bella becomes a literal zombie.Devastated by Edward's decision to leave her. One of my favorite quotes form New Moon is when Bella says to Edward: "I'd rather die than be with...
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posted by renesmeblack
Okay. It took a little patience from my readers who were bummed when I said I'd quit writing this... But because you all liked it so much, I'm gonna give. Here's to chapter 6!
Now, I stopped in the middle of Jake spilling the beans on being a werewolf. But... I'M NOT CONTINUING THAT SCENE!!! It wasn't very good, anyways... Okay, getting ahead of myself here...
Here's Jacob as the pack arrives to Bella and Laurent's confrontation scene.

Bella was talking to the leech. It seems as though she thought he was a friend. I grew angry when it was obvious the bloodsucker only thought...
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