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Chapter 2: Hallelujah

As Jake and I stepped towards our family and friends we were separated and handed off amongst the crowd. My parents found me first and kissed me then I was passed off to all of my grandparent’s aunts and uncles, the various members of the other covens who were basically our extended family and then I met up with my new father in law. He smiled at me warmly I leaned over to hug him and he kissed my cheek. “Welcome to the family Nessie,” he grinned. “Thanks Bil-" he interrupted me jokingly, “Shouldn’t that be dad?” I smiled at him, “Thanks dad,” I giggled. “That was very thoughtful how you involved Sarah in the ceremony, thank you.” He offered. I looked at him and smiled sadly, “I was glad to. I only wish that I could have met her. I don't feel like we have done enough to honor her.” I felt an arm slide around my waist as I looked into Jacob’s happy face. “She would have loved you. You remind me of her a bit," Billy continued, “She was very friendly and thoughtful. People adored her.” I felt myself blush, “Don’t get the blushing bride started dad, she will never stop.” Jake joked. Billy took Jake’s hand, “Congratulations son, you have picked yourself a fine young woman," Jake leaned over to hug his father. His twin sisters came up to us next. His sister Rachel was walking hand in hand with Paul, a diamond ring glimmered on her finger. “Congratulations,” she told us shyly as she gave me a hug. I smiled at her, “Congratulations to you too. Have you guys set a date yet?” She shook her head in annoyance, “We can’t seem to agree.” Jake and I both snickered at that, knowing how difficult Paul can be. Rebecca and her husband came up to us next. She hugged me as well. Jake smiled off into the distance, “Oh good. Amore grabbed a little something that I stashed for you.” I looked at him in puzzlement as Seth, Amore, Nahuel and Leah came up to congratulate us. “Congrats guys,” Seth offered. “Thanks Seth,” I said. He looked at me in mock aggravation, “how many times do I have to tell you that is UNCLE Seth?” Amore and Leah smacked him in the back of the head at the same time. I looked at him through narrowed eyes as I giggled, “Seth, I am not going to call you Uncle just because my grandfather is married to your mother so cut it out.” Jake shook his head at him, “Give it up man, she’s not budging. Seth rubbed the back of his head, which I knew didn’t truly hurt he was just trying to be funny, as he teased me again over it, “Nessie I’m going to have to talk with your parents about teaching you to respect your elders.” Amore rolled her eyes at him, “Come on funny guy lets go dance.” She handed Jake a gift bag, "This was the only way I could smuggle them out of the house," and then she turned to me “I hope that this makes up for when I ratted you out about the shoes this morning,” she said with a wink. Jake and I stepped off to the side and I opened it to find my favorite pair of sneakers. I laughed out loud, “How did you know?” I asked him, “I know my wife very well," he smiled down at me. I quickly slipped them on and chucked my Manolos behind a bush.My dress covered my minor infraction completely. It was perfect timing a few moments later, Aunt Alice came over and told us to start heading over to the other side of the yard to lead the party over smoothly. We started with the father daughter dance. My father twirled me around the floor effortlessly to Debussy’s Claire de Lune. It was a favorite of mine and my parents. He looked at me with the same mixture of happiness and sadness that he had while I was getting ready, “I just cannot believe it,” he finally uttered. I looked at him with my head to the side. He continued, “It is so odd that if I close my eyes it still feels like you are my little girl.” I smiled at him, “I thought that I just told you that I always will be,” I chided him gently. He sighed, “I know, I just can’t seem to hear it enough.” I smiled at him as I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his shoulder. “I love you daddy, thank you for my beautiful wedding.” He smiled at me, “thank you for all of the beautiful memories that you have given me.” As the song came to an end we stepped off of the dance floor so that Jacob and his older sister Rebecca could dance. Since Jake’s mother had died years ago, we figured that his oldest sister would be an appropriate dance partner for him. As I passed him on the dance floor we both stopped and kissed each other amongst the klinking sound of the forks against the glasses we allowed our dance partners to pull us away from each other. Rebecca and my father chuckled. “Save it for later you two, " Rebecca groaned. Jake turned to his sister seriously, "Are you sure that you are up for this?" She nodded hesitantly.They began to dance to Sarah McLachlan's "Angel". I felt the tears welling in my eyes but I had to be strong for my husband. Jake and I wanted to have an homage to his mother, pictures of her and their family played on a projector screen behind them. I could tell that it was emotionally taxing for the entire Black family, but it was important for her to be remembered on such an important day in Jake's life. As their dance wrapped up Jake slowly led his sister to her husband. She wasn't crying but her eyes were red, and she walked weakly. Jake kissed her cheek and whispered something to her, she nodded. He stood back up and then turned and walked over to me with his hand held out. It was our turn. I finally had my husband all to myself. Even though there were dozens of eyes on us it didn’t matter. I forgot that there was anyone else but us. We danced to Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah.The son was completely down at this point and the candles that covered the yard and that lined the dance floor gave it an air of magic. I felt as though I was in another world wrapped tightly in the safe haven of Jake’s arms. His topaz eyes glistened as I lost myself in them. I felt his hands wrap tighter around the small of my back. “So Mrs. Black, how are you enjoying your reception,” he asked as a smile played on his lips. I grinned at him, “right about now it is absolutely perfect.” I murmured. The sound of flatware against stemware chimed throughout the room and we gladly obliged. Our mouths slowly found each other as he kissed me ever so gently. He pulled back and looked at me gravely, “I meant every word. I will love you forever, I will do the best that I can for you Renesmee.” I looked into his serious eyes and touched his face. “I know you will, and I will do my best for you as well. I have pictured this day for so long now.” I sighed contentedly. He looked at me curiously, “Is it just how you pictured it?” I smiled, “It’s even better.” I placed my hands on his cheeks and let my mind wander to my fantasies of our wedding. Then I switched to my memories of his face as I walked down the aisle to him and when we exchanged our vows.” He pulled me closer, ‘What else have you thought of?” He asked huskily I leaned over and kissed him while my hands stayed on his cheek, as my dreams for our future played out in both of our minds like a movie screen. I pictured our honeymoon, our first home, our first holiday together and then our first baby; a little girl with dark curls, russet skin and deep brown eyes wide with curiousity. He broke away and looked at me with surprise and happiness shining in his eyes. “You want children?” I looked at him in amazement, “Of course I do, I have dreamt of our baby for months now. Don’t you?” He laughed, “Are you kidding me nothing would make me happier, I just haven’t thought about it.” He kissed me again, and that was the end of the discussion. The song ended and we were again pulled off in separate directions. Uncle Emmett grabbed my hand, “Sorry Jake but I haven’t had the chance to congratulate my niece yet.” Jake nodded and smiled at me privately, I felt my face flush as Uncle Emmett chuckled. “You aren’t ever going to grow out of that huh Nessie?” he teased as he whirled me around the dance floor so fast that I thought I might throw up. As the song ended he scooped me up and kissed my cheek, “I am so proud of you, look at you all grown up and married.” I grinned at him, “I might be a grown up but that doesn’t mean I have to act like one, arm wrestling. NOW.” I growled at him playfully. I heard a gasp behind me and saw Aunt Alice; her face pale, “What is it?” I asked frantically, “what do you see?” I whispered. She looked at me as though I were a total idiot. “It wasn’t a vision Nessie it was my horror at hearing my niece offering to ARM WRESTLE in an OSCAR DE LA RENTA are you crazy?” I burst out laughing at my aunt who looked mad enough to pound my Uncle who was at least 2 feet taller than her into the ground. He held his hands up as she advanced on him menacingly, “Emmett so help me…” I ducked out of the way and when I was a safe distance I turned around and Jake was once again at my side as he gracefully led me back into his arms. We managed to sneak away into the night. I was careful not to soil my dress on the ground for fear of what my Aunt would do. Jake looked at me seriously, “Did you really mean it Renesmee? You truly want children?” I nodded. He kissed me then and looked at me and shook his head, “it would be quite a child wouldn’t it, do you think it’s possible,” he asked in wonder. I smiled, “anything is possible,” I said in response and then kissed him. Aunt Alice popped up at my side again. “Renesmee, Jacob cut that out we have a cake to serve.” Jake rolled his eyes and I whispered to him, “Let’s just humor her it’s almost over.” “I heard that!” She hissed. After the cake Aunt Alice got everyone’s attention so that we could do the garter. Jake smiled at me mischievously and I felt my face get warm for about the millionth time in one day as he put my leg on his shoulder and made a huge show of getting the garter off. My face was in my hands for most of it. There was a shriek of anger and I looked over into my Aunt Alice’s flashing eyes and realized that my sneaker secret was out. The entire crowd burst into laughter. Uncle Emmett laughed so hard he fell off of his chair. My mother controlled her laughter enough to be able to soothe my aunt. Jake looked up at me, “Oops.” I shrugged, “She’ll get over it. Um, but I think we better get the shoes out of the bush before she finds them” Another groan broke out, “I think it’s too late,” Jake winced. Sure enough my aunt was staring me down holding muddy Manolos. Jake stood up and the single guys lined up behind him as he flung the garter into the air. Seth emerged, victoriously holding it in the air like a trophy. I heard my mother, “See Alice, maybe Amore is next, and she likes fancy shoes. You will get to do this again.” Seth smiled and then the smile left his face when he saw my Uncle Emmett glaring at him. Seth started to walk away when a smile broke out on my Uncle’s face, “I was just joking man, I know it’s coming. You don’t have to be worried of what I think it’s Rose you will have to answer to,” he winked at Seth. Just then Zafrina caught up with me. “So I will see you in a few days then?” I nodded at her excitedly, “I can’t wait!” Before I could say anything else to her my husband grabbed my arm. “One more dance,” he pleaded. I conceded, "Since when does Jacob Black like to dance?" I teased. he laughed, "Since it is the only time that I can have with you." As we danced I felt the day catching up with me so I laid my head on his chest, and noticed how the candles and the star-filled sky seemed to be one and the same. He kissed my forehead, “Tired princess?” I smiled up at him, “I can’t believe you still call me that.” He chuckled, “What else should I call you my old lady? You will always be my princess.” I leaned up to kiss him but my aunt Alice was right behind me, “Come on you have to get changed.” I waved her off and kissed Jake instead I could hear her foot tapping. “Ok, this is obnoxiously déjà vu of you. I seem to remember having the same problem at your mother and father’s wedding. They almost missed the plane…which you will too if you don’t move it.” Jake groaned in annoyance as I pulled back. “We have the next two weeks all to ourselves,” I reminded him. He smiled and unwillingly let me go. Aunt Alice and I went into the house where my mother and Amore were waiting to help change me out of my dress. I reached for the jeans and tee shirt that I had left in Amore’s room and my aunt sucked in a breath, “Oh no you don’t, especially not after the shoe incident.” She said I turned to my aunt, "What?” She looked horrified, “you do realize that we will all be taking pictures of you up until you are gone right? Obviously you cannot wear jeans” She pulled out a white sheath dress with a matching brocade coat. There was a black satin ribbon that tied around the waist. “I will let you wear flats, though.” My aunt was actually trying to be somewhat democratic so I gave in. My mother helped me into it and whispered very lowly in my ear, “It’s almost over.” I smiled at her appreciatively. After I was all ready and our luggage was piled into the trunk of my car by my uncles and father we said our goodbyes. All of the unmarried females gathered at the base of the stairs and I tossed my bouquet. I immediately heard a squeal. I knew that squeal without even turning around I was sure it had been Amore. I looked at her and she was laughing she looked at me and put the bouquet up in the air. I smiled and blew a kiss to her. She turned to Seth, “So I guess we are next, huh.” He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.My aunt Rose 's eyes widened. Everyone was on the front porch throwing rice at us. I kissed my parent’s goodbye, “I love you both, thank you for everything.” My father smiled, “We love you too Nessie. Have fun.” My mother looked at me suddenly worried, "Do you have the passports, the plane tickets, your cell phone charger?” I smiled at her, “Relax mom, I have it all.” She hugged me, her voice breaking, “I love you.” I hugged her back. “I love you too.” They said goodbye to Jake, “You take care of her.” My mother threatened severely. Jake nodded and hugged her, “Always do. Bye Bells.” I hugged all of my aunts and uncles and as many people as I could saving my aunt Alice for last, “Thank you for my wedding I am sorry that I was a difficult bride.” She smiled at me, I could tell that she was over it. "It’s not your fault Ness, you are your mother’s daughter.” At that instant my aunt was pelted with rice, “HEY knock it off Bella!” my aunt demanded. I shook my head as I let Jake lead me away. I looked over and saw Emily and Sam I went up to them and Jake followed, “Thank you for coming you two. We really appreciated it.” Sam nodded solemnly and Emily smiled . I looked at her inquisitively, I had so many questions for her but not enough time, “The baby is due soon, isn’t it?” I asked. She nodded her smile brightened, “A couple of weeks, I cant wait I am so done with being pregnant.” She groaned. I smiled at her, “well good luck let us know if we can do anything I want to come see him when he is born, I already got him a few little things.” Sam chuckled, "Nessie we don’t know if it is a girl or a boy. I smiled back, “I have a feeling it’s a boy, I know it, I can just tell. You know you could ask Amore if you want to know” They shook their heads at me, “Well Jake it seems like you know how to pick them.” Sam joked, “YeaI like them eccentric.” He teased I rolled my eyes at him, “You can’t make fun of me until after the honeymoon.” My mother came up to me, “If you two don’t hurry there wont’ be a honeymoon now get going!” We hurried to the car. As Jake drove off I yelled, “I love you,” out the window to my fmaily and friends. When they were out of sight I turned back to my husband. He handed me a duffel bag, “Your mother wanted me to give you this.” I opened it and there was a note. “Here honey, slip these on when you are out of sight. That outfit will be horribly uncomfortable on the plane. Love you, miss you, Mom
I smiled at him. “What?” He asked. I am going to hop into the back and change, eyes on the road Mr. Black.” He smiled in amusement and obeyed. We were going so fast and it was pitch black out so I didn’t worry about anyone looking into the windows. Once I was situated in my usual jeans, t shirt and beloved sneakers I crawled back up front and took my hair down. The curls fell around my shoulders it felt so good to take the pins out. He turned to me and smiled, “Do you realize how big of a distraction that was?” I grinned at him wickedly, “I thought I told you not to look.” He smiled at me, “I didn’t but it was still a distraction.” I kissed his cheek, “that is what the honeymoon is for,” I whispered into his ear. He suddenly began to drive even faster. I settled back into my seat and smiled to myself. I was ready to start the first night of our forever.
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