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Chapter 6 (Good)

I shook my head unable to believe what reflection was staring back at me, I reopened my eyes, I was suddenly back in the middle of the road- Karen still struggling... Michael murmuring something.
“What just happened?” I said turning round to face David.
“What- Nothing happened” David said Giving the other two guys a weird look.
I turned away from them... I was running as fast as I could, but no matter how far I would run I would never ran away from myself. I wanted to be me again... I don't want to be this person who enjoys people's suffering it was wrong... and I realize now.

I eventually ended up at the hospital. I wanted to see the one person who knew who I really was. I walked up to the desk
“Hello. I was wondering if you could tell me where Hannah Wilson is please?” the lady looked up from her magazine.
“Are you family?” she asked boring her eyes into me, I felt very uncomfortable by this.
“Yes I'm her boyfriend” I replied nicely.
She gave a sigh and got up off her chair.
“Follow me then” She said annoyed I did as I was told.
A few minutes later she stopped front of the door and knocked, a familiar voice replied “Come in”
the lady opened the door “This boy said he knew your daughter?” she pointed at the still body laying in the bed
“OH LUKE” Hannah mum ran up to me and hugged me so tightly that if I stilled breathed I would of probably struggled for breath. I looked at Hannah while she was still hugging me. Looking at Hannah white face and still body gave me a lump in my throat. The Lady left us three alone.
“Hello Ruth” I gave her a little squeeze. Ruth pulled me back at arms length, she gave me a half smile. She looked terrible she had dark circles under her eyes and no make up on, she looked twice her age.
“Take a seat Luke” Ruth pointed to the seat beside the bed, she sat on the other side of the bed she started stroking Hannah's arm. I sat down I slowly slipped my hand under Hannah I expected something to happen but nope nothing... kinda disappointing.
“Any news on how she is doing...Ruth” I swallowed.
“Well I really needed you Luke. Last night she suddenly woke up... and S-she was crying” Ruth stopped and stroked her daughter hair and continued “she started screaming me and the nurses tried to calm her... then” Ruth started crying
“Then she said... 'Luke help me' she was almost screaming your name dear. That's not all she said the next thing she said was 'all I can see is darkness baby' and 'I love you baby' then she went back into the coma” Ruth voice trembled slightly. “I tried talking to her but she was just staring forward like she could not see anything” Ruth let out a sob and dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.
“I know you must be in some state of shock Luke” she reached over and patted my hand. I just nodded looking blankly ahead. That's exactly what she said when I was in the warehouse with James word for word.
“I phoned your mum” I snapped back in to reality. well what was left of it... Ruth looked startled but carried on “she said things got a bit hard for you and you have gone to stay with some friends” she gave me a quick smile.
“Err yeah” I replied in confusion. Why hadn't mum told her we had a argument and had a falling out... she should not know demons exists let alone I am one.
“Luke I was wondering if- if you could talk to her?. Maybe she might wake up” Ruth asked me without looking up from her daughter still pale face. I pondered on what she said for a bit and I agreed, but asked if I could do it with just me and her, Ruth accepted that and went outside and looked the glass window.
I did not know where to start... I mean what do I say to my girlfriend that's in a coma. How's the weather? Jokes were not really irrelevant at this time.
“Hi Hannah It's Luke!” I waited to see if anything would happen but alas nothing, so I continued.
“Things... here have not been that great- I really need you right now babe” I held back the tears that were forming in my eyes. I squeezed her hand.
“Since the- the- well you know what happened... you was there I have not been exactly myself” I was sort of telling her the truth. I put my head against her hand and let all out.
“Oh God baby I miss you. I really need you.” I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat but the lump did not go.
“Remember the time at your 17th birthday when I got- got you that diamond necklace that you always stared at but when I said do you want it. You always replied that you was just looking, then when I went to reply you would quickly kiss me... ha. You always knew how to make me lose my consternation” I waited for any sign of movement from her because if she could hear me I know she would always remember that. Yet again nothing. I was begin to give up! I. I removed my hand from under hers very slowly as I did so Hannah fingers curled in to a fist “Hannah?” I said with loads of emotions running through me.
Ruth came rushing in. “Talk to her Luke” I did what she said.
“Hannah baby can you hear me” I said in the sweetest softest way possibly.
“L-Luke” Hannah breathed. I looked over at Ruth a smile spreading over my face, she looked astonished. “Go and get a nurse” I asked Ruth she nodded and hurriedly along. As soon as she left the room James appeared, he was sitting in the chair on the other side of the bed his legs crossed he was frowning at me.
“Hi” I said the smile disappeared off my face.
“What are you doing Luke? Why you trying to be nice?” he asked sadly.
“Who said I'm trying James?” I looked at him properly now, he was wearing a leather jacket and a plan white top under it also some torn jeans. It suited him!.
“It's not in your DNA to be nice your all bad now” his jaw tightened and he said through greeted teeth “Get used to it” his head twitched to the right slightly.
“How do you know?” I smiled at him while saying this. It amused me that he seemed to be getting annoyed that I was not giving up that easily.
“Because when I removed your soul I took all your goodness away as well. So I know Luke” James sat back in his chair and gave a sigh.
“OK” I said normally. I knew that deep down that I had some good in me some where, I must have because really I am not trying.
“I'm glad you agree young one. Now as for the mission I asked you to do?” he stared at me, this stare mad my stomach tighten.
I nodded and he carried on.
“Well I'm very disappointed in you surprised but alas disappointed. But when you left David and the two other guys, Michael was so scared of you when you started down at him he gave in.” James got up and walked over to me and patted my shoulder.
“What?” I asked surprised.
“He gave in. Well he is actually not right in the head now... did I tell you that some demons-rare demons have powers?” he asked retuning back to the chair. At this point I was wondering where Ruth had got to.
“No I think you forgot that bit actually” I replied a bit confused.
“Well some do... hm as for you I'm still guessing” James sat there stroking his chin and starring it was very nerving.
“OK well why you think about that what about Hannah” I jerked my thumb towards her. He snapped out of his concentration.
“Ah yes. You did weirdly get me a soul so you can have your ugh girlfriend. Just remember Luke love destroys.” he voice sound sort of jealous. James his clicked his fingers as soon as he did so Hannah suddenly gasped for air.
“Hannah baby” I said happily.
“Luke?” she crocked.
“Thank you J-” I looked over to the chair he was sitting in but he had disappeared .
“I'm here baby” I replied back to Hannah. The door swung open I expected to see Ruth but instead I saw a bright light.
“Sorry Luke” That was Ruth I panicked what was happening?
“Ruth?” I squinted my eyes even with my new eyes the light seemed to blind me.
“Yes” she replied short “I'm sorry Luke I truly am but I work to kill things
like you... I'm sorry” her voice quivered on the last bit of her sentence.
Just then I heard a blood curdling screech. Hannah I mouthed unable to make a sound. My mouth went dry my palms of my hands sweaty, My heart racing and yet all I could think of was Hannah. Her warm lips, her sweet smell, her heart stopping smile. And now standing in this bright light I felt my self drop I screamed though I heard no noise.
Then I felt my whole body spasm and a excruciating pain in my chest.
“Mum stop” I heard a voice say urgently it sounded so far away. I saw Hannah now but she looked like a ghost I reached for her but my hand jerked away with out my willing to. Her rosy cheeks, her brown hair.
“Bye” I heard a whisper. Just then all the pain stopped Hannah drifted away into the dimming light, and I plunged into blackness where there was no noise no life no nothing just darkness. I felt everything pull it self out of me my love, my feelings, hate, evil, good, until I was an empty body. now I knew I was truly dead. Finally the darkness swallowed me.
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