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I sighed. This was going to take a while, and I didn't feel up for it. I was exausted. Obviously I hadn't gotten much sleep last night...
But I did feel really bad, too. Poor Alice. She must have thought that...but I couldn't think about that any more than I had to.
"Oh. I'm sorry Alice...I understand how that must have loooked, but..." I paused. "that's obviously not what happpened." I whispered.
"Bella, please. Just say it. I have no idea what happened, and do you know how insane that's driving me?" She asked, and it was true, there was mad curiousity in her eyes.
"Okay, well..." I started.
"You saw what happened for most of it...and then I asked him....that, and he said no, but at the same time these huge wolves came out of the bushes, and I didn't understand it, but he ran away, and..." I was babbling at top speed, and I had to stop and take a breath. When I spoke again it was more under control.
"And you saw I was on the ground. I...fainted from the stress." Everyone is right, I thought, I am a horrible actress. I did not sound convincing at all, even to my own ears, so I was sure I had not fooled Alice.
Sure enough, when I finally looked up at her again, her expression was sarcastic but, to my relief, not raging with curiousity. When she saw the look on my face, she seemed to know the truth, and let it go, looking back at the road. I looked at the road, too. We were on the main road now. I had been so engrossed in out conversation that I hadn't noticed.
I grew nervious when she did not speak. After all that curiousity, you'd think she would have a couple quesions, right? Comments? Anything?
But she stayed silent, her expression unreadable.
I desided that if I wanted to talk to her, I'd better start now. I was most likely in for the grounding of my life, so who knew when I would have another chance to talk to her. And I had no idea how much time I had before she left again, in any case. I started to think that she didn't care about me at all. So...he had left...but why did she leave? it's not like she had to...At the time I had thought it was because of Jasper, but if she really, cared than why hadn't she come to see me once in all these months? Why hadn't she sent a letter? Picked up a phone? She knew how I felt about him, so she must have known how crushed I would be. Did she care?
I turned to the window so that she could not see me wiping the tears from my eyes. I could not blame her, I decided. If I were her, I wouldn't care about me either. I was stupid, clumsy, and completely ordinary. Nothing special about me. So, why should she care?
But I had to stop whining to myself and get to the damn point. What was the point in feeling sorry for myself the whole time she was here? I might as well make the best of the time I had with her.
"Alice?" I asked quietly. She turned to me again, something that always made me nervious while he was driving, but I suppose that was a silly human thing to think.
"Yes, Bella?"
"Why are you here?" I figured I would start from the beginning. She looked at me like I was crazy. I was really getting tired of seeing that expression on everyone's face who I spoke to. Exept Jacob. Well...He did not used to, but who knew about now? It wasn't like him to avoid me like this...
"Because I thought you had been turned into a vampire." She said this as though it were very obvious.
"No, I mean...why would it matter? Why would..." I looked out the window, away from her eyes. "Why would you care?" I asked even more quietly. I could barely hear myself, but I knew she could.
"Why would I care?" She demanded in disbelief. "Bella, I love you, and I wanted to be here for you. Not to mention that the whole reason for all this mess was because he did not want-" She was yelling in the truck, but she stopped short. I was very curious as to what she was going to say, so I looked back into her eyes to ask, but it was obvious that she had no intention to.
"Oh, Alice..." I cried, wrapping my arms around her. Though she was driving, she wrapped one of her arms around me, too. I tried very hard not to cry, but I was so happy that she did care. After a few moments, she released me, and pulled into Charlie's driveway. I wiped my tears and prepared myself for what was coming. I took a deep breath and got out of the truck. I was about to walk inside when I noticed Alice had not moved an inch. I started panicing again. Calm down, Bella, I told myself. She said she's going to stay. She'll stay. She'll stay. I repeated this a few more times until I believed it, and then walked over to the driver's side door and opened it.
"Aren't you coming inside?" I asked her.
"Bella, how do you think it would look to Charlie if you were gone all night, and just happened to run into me?" She asked, and I saw her point. My story didn't seem as believable with her here.
"It would seem like you were lying about the whole thing." Her eyes went out of focus, far away. "Trust me." she added as her eyes focused on me again.
"Okay," I said slowly, wondering where she would go instead. Would I have to go to her house? I didn't think I could handle that. She seemed to see the worry on my face, so she said quickly, "I'll wait in your room."
The relief was instantaneous.
"Okay, I'll see you inside," I said, giving her one more squeaze and inhaling her scent before letting her go, and walking into my house. I opened the door slowly, cowardly, hoping he would not hear me. I glaced into the living room, not fully in the door yet, and my hopes were crushed. There, standing in the middle of the floor with dark cirles under his eyes, was Charlie. This did not look good.
posted by NessNess
This is my first venture into any sort of fan fiction so if you could leave a comment telling me what to improve on that would be great. Thanks!

Forks High School isn't that big, I thought frantically. Miniscule, in fact, compared to my old school in Phoenix. Its ridiculous for me to get lost! As I groped for my schedule to try and figure out where Building 3 was, I internally tried to write this off as stress or hunger. PMS, even. But deep down I knew why I was so scatterbrained that particular morning. I scowled at the shining sun. Why did it have to come out at all? I knew I was being silly....
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Ch 8 My Sick Days

A/N: I own no characters.
Plz R&R!
Sorry to keep you waiting so long. There's a bunch of excuses and I know you don't want to hear them!

Bella POV

Finally, I woke up. It was 3:00 AM. I wondered how I had slept so late.

I wrote Charlie a note. Explaining I was sick and would not go to school the next day, or, technically, today. I felt really crappy. And, my head hurt! At least I had something to distract me from my heart.

Anytime I even thought of them, the little edges around the hole would tear and burn. Sometimes, I even regretted ever finding out who they were. I mean,...
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My Love,

How are you?

Not the best way to start. How should I start? Should I – start? Do this? I knew the answer, of course. Nevertheless…

I miss you so.

Not good either. Not enough…

You have taken away with you every reason for my existence.

Definitely bad. She didn’t take it away. I did. I removed myself away from the very meaning of my life – or should I say, wretched, despicable, tormented existence?

Torment. Yes, How I knew it well.

Her eyes. Her lips…. As I’ve said, torment – in its purest form.

I remembered how it wasn’t like this before – when I was still with her. HER....
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posted by MrsPattinsonXO

Reborn And Loved

Combination of the names Renee and Esme.
Created for the Twilight book series by Stephenie Meyer

English, Polish

Wealthy Guardian or Rich Guard

Saint Edward the Confessor was a king of England and known as a just ruler. Edward is one of the few Old English names to be used throughout Europe (in various spellings).


God is My Oath/Beautiful

Isabella of France...
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posted by twilight-7
Here it is, Guys, Chapter 11. Tell me what you think and if you want anything to happen - don't hesitate to ask me!!

I was on the sofa with my arms around Edward. My head was on his chest and I had no intention of moving. He was trying to coax me to let go of him to wash the blood off my forehead but I didn’t relax my grip.
“Kayla, please,” he said, gently. “You need to wash the blood off before Charlie comes home. Do you really want to tell him that you were nearly eaten today?”
I shook my head.
“Not moving,” I said, stubbornly.
He tried to peel my arms off but I just shrugged his...
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posted by angiehomas
one eager look from you and by heart starts to soar.
i dont know how it could be. that i would love you more
a taste of time right here in my hands words cant describe
what my eyes can.
side by side.i want all of you less time will ever do
you say how can you ask me to take your life.oh edward that was long ago when
i looked into your eyes.
its apart of you and always will be.without you.i am incomplete
so take me by the hand and lead me anywhere.with you my time is yours to share. i love you
posted by CullenCult
**This is the 4th part of the series I've been writing. This is in Rosalie's POV. This is a really really really really short one, SORRY**

Alice lunged at me, her eyes lusting for my "life" so to speak. Before I could dodge her, she was on me, preparing to rip my throat out, but suddenly she was in the unbreakable grasp of Emmett's arms. He carried her out the back door, Esme and Carlisle followed. Edward still stood leaned against the door.
What? I thought impatiently to him.
"Can you blame her?" He asked.
"Are you serious? you caused Jasper to leave! Her soulmate Rosalie! It would be...
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posted by me_who_else
Okay beacause I am a huge Twilight fan I have joined this club. I fell in love after the first 3 chapters of Tiwilight and I am still in the process of reading the books. If you could please at least say in the beginning of your article that it is concerning X books. That would help me out soooo much because I only have a limited amount of time I can read because of school and homework. The mentioning of things that I have not read yet is making me want to read the books so much more and it has caused me to get in trouble at school for reading when I shouldn't be. Thank you so VERY much.
Yup, the wedding.

The week passed in a blur. Alice was able to successfully invite all of the guests. Rachel, Paul and Rebecca stopped by on Monday, taking the quickest flight to Washington they could manage. Jacob had been overjoyed to see Paul (who had married Rachel last year) and they had a boys-night-out, I guess you'd say. I talked endlessly to Rachel and Rebecca, my new sisters-in-law. I loved them immediately.
Leah and Emily came by more often as well, first to try on their dresses, then to simply visit me. Emily was a sweetheart, while Leah took some more getting used to, but we became...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
This is the Twilight fanfic story I'm working on. I just finished the first chapter.Hope you guys like it and let me know what you think in comments =)
I looked at the Cullens. Jasper and Alice were holding hands, Emmett was fooling around, Rosalie stared at me coldly, and Edward held me in his arms tightly. I could feel his cold chest against mine. I was wondering what Jacob was doing with his new girlfriend, Sarah. But that didn’t matter now. I was with my family and the love of my life. I glanced at Alice, who was still holding Jasper’s...
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posted by carly-hope
Well, now I dislike him. After I finished Eclipse I hated him so much that words fail me. And such negative feelings are no good for the soul. And it’s always said that writing it down helps. And now that I have it written I may very well share it.

When I started to read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse were already out and I knew that Jacob would somehow interfere with the relationship of Bella and Edward so I was slightly biased. To be honest I still am.

In the first book he annoyed me but he was just a pushy kid with a crush and an unforgiving father. I didn’t like him but I could see past...
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Okay, I just got back from watching Twilight the movie... and just let me tell you I am not a happy camper. I mean, I didn't expect the movie to be as good as the book, DUH! The book was AWESOME. The movie, on the other hand left me questioning, "What were they thinking!?!".

Let me just say, there was ALOT of stuff left out of the movie. And the things they did put in it was not comparable to the book.

I should mention that I laughed alot... which might be a good thing if this movie were a comedy, but it wasn't.

Here are just a few things that really bothered me (These are my first impressions...
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The Twilight heartthrob's leading lady loves his wit and his hair – and yes, he proposed to her

As "Twilighters" swoon with anticipation for the vampire flick's Nov. 21 opening day – almost 2,000 screenings are already sold out – Kristen Stewart says leading man Robert Pattinson has the killer looks for the job.

Stewart, who plays heroine Bella Swan in the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's bestselling saga, agrees that her costar – featured in PEOPLE's Sexiest Man Alive issue – is "pretty sexy."

"Oh, he's like a little tortured artist. He's British. He's tall," the 18-year-old actress...
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posted by the_nerd
okay so we all know that edward is the best charcter in twilight. why? because of how loving he is. He treats bella like if she were gold and his biggest treasure.Many of us wish to have a boyfriend or girlfriend like edward. It makes someone really happy to be loved so greatly.
Edward is amazing. That is why he is the best character of twilight because he really shows how much hes in love and protects bella through alot of troubles. Another reason why we would love edward would be because he is so hot!! hes the best looking in the movie! He is so GOOD looking...We all think that right? Cuz its so true!! hes awesome!!
okay so i havent read any of the books yet...but im judging from all the previews ive seen of the movie. Dont worry, ima read the book this week...ima go buy it at the store to read it! im so excited...!!!!! >.<
thank you for taking your time to read this (if u did read it...) please comment of wat u think of my article...=þ
I just finished reading Breaking Dawn and all I can say is WOW!!! I thought it was really good...for the most part. There is some stuff about it that bothered me. Below are my many opinions on the book.

First of all...I adored the Jacob section. I thought it was so sweet and sad. I loved when he was imagining Bella pregnant with his child and how he was upset that Seth had his arm around her. I liked it when he told Quil that he didn't see the faces of other girls anymore. All his chapter titles were favorites were 'Why didn't I just walk away? Oh right, because I'm and idiot.' and...
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added by ebcullen4ever
fanvid by Banu Ji
kristen stewart
robert pattinson
new moon
breaking dawn
twilight saga
added by babankji3
Source: 91 8440828240 Online black magic vashikaran specialist in jaipur 91 8440828240 Online black magic v
added by Andressa_Weld