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new moon movie
new moon movie
If you're a diehard Twilighter, you might wonder just how different New Moon the film is from the book. Below, we name 20 ways the movie deviates from Meyer's tome – and works all the better for it.
Way more shirtless boys!
We all hoped to get a glimpse of Edward's alabaster chest in Volterra, but who knew we'd get to see so much hot werewolf skin? Thankfully, the Wolf Pack run such high temperatures and explode away their clothes so frequently that cut-off jeans and no shirt are their shared ensemble of choice.
We get more fights, including an awesome Volturi throw down.
New Moon the book is infamous for its slow pacing, thanks to Bella's crippling depression (see below). So it's a good thing that the film throws in fistfights, wolf skirmishes, and chase scenes to liven things up a bit more. Our favorite: watching Volturi guard Felix put the smack down on our precious Edward, a scene crafted for the film.
Instead of talking to herself, Bella sends emails to Alice.
New Moon, like all of the Twilight books, makes frequent use of Bella's internal voice-overs to tell us what's going on in that angsty head of hers. In New Moon, Bella writes emails to her lost BFF, Alice, to work through her issues. We still get the voice-overs, but they're cleverly disguised as Bella's messages to Alice, and therefore much less "Vampire Diaries." (Also, creating a movie email address for Alice was a clever way to sneak in product placement for Apple's MobileMe email application.)
Bella's (a little) less mopey than she is in the books.
Much of the book is devoted to Bella's heartbreaking, months-long break-up depression, so it's a good thing that the film condenses her lost period a bit for the sake of storytelling. Critics complain already that Bella spends so much time staring into space, pining over Edward; if only they knew how much more we/she suffer in the books! Thankfully, Rosenberg's script snaps Bella out of her funk and moves on, sort of, in a relatively short span of time.
Bella's months-long depression, in the blink of an eye.
Fans were wondering how Chris Weitz would treat the infamous "lost" months of Bella's depression, which are depicted by blank pages in the book. After all, October, November, December, and January fly by as voids of nothingness to the girl. Weitz and Rosenberg's solution? A clever scene where Bella sits listless in front of her window as the camera moves around her to show the changing seasons outside. The trick captures her melancholia and is perfectly punctuated by Lykke Li's haunting, wistful track, "Possibility."
Edward doesn't hide Bella's photos.
In the book, when Edward decides to break up with Bella and leave town, he also sneaks into her room and hides her photos of him so that she'll have no reminders at all that he existed – a complete and total abandonment. (Can you imagine a world without pictures of RPattz? It would be horrible, indeed.) In the film, we see him in her room, but there's no messing with photographs, which would have been an unnecessary minor plot point anyway. Plus, those folks who think Edward's a little stalker-like might have been even more creeped out by him rifling through her stuff. Instead, we get the full impact of Edward's absence in Bella's misery.*
Jacob gives Bella a dream catcher.
One new scene in the film has Jacob giving Bella a dream catcher for her birthday, killing two birds with one stone in the process: giving her a present when Edward feels he cannot and putting the mack on her with a big bear hug right in front of Edward. Bella hangs the dream catcher above her pillow, but unfortunately for her, it doesn't help keep the nightmares away.
Bella goes for a bike ride at One Eyed Pete's.
Bella's attempt to put herself out there by going to Port Angeles with Jessica takes a dangerous (and hilarious) turn when she accepts a ride with a burly, beefy biker in order to hang on to her visions of Edward. In the book, she stops short of hopping on the chopper, but in the film she takes a full-on joyride with a stranger. How boring would it have been if she'd just turned around and walked back to safety?
More snarky Anna Kendrick!
Besides giving Bella her very first brush with danger, the biker scene serves another purpose: letting Anna Kendrick shine. As Jessica, Kendrick once again steals every scene she's in, and Bella's foolish biker episode gives her some of her very best frenemy lines of dialogue. Bonus: Kendrick's blissfully ignorant snark attack on zombie movies.
Two words: Face Punch!
In addition to the zombie genre, New Moon has a little something to say about stupid action flicks. One of the best additions to the script involves Bella, Mike Newton, Jacob, and a popular (fake) blockbuster movie entitled Face Punch. (Tagline: "Let's DO this!")
Visions of RPattz dance in Bella's head.
While Bella's hallucinations of Edward in the books are purely auditory, there's no way that would fly in the film. So Weitz injects plenty of pretty Rob Pattinson shots throughout the entire duration of Edward's absence, scrumptious visions that come and go like wisps of smoke. And really, there's tons of RPattz bookmarking New Moon, so we don't miss him all that much. (What am I saying? There's always room for more RPattz!)
Victoria is definitely in the water.
When Bella is drowning after cliff-diving in New Moon, we clearly see Victoria swimming toward her in the water right before Jacob pulls her out of the water – something that was hinted at, but kept ambiguous, in the books. We like it better this way, as it makes Bella's danger more present and, let's be real, gives Rachelle Lefevre a little more to do, considering that she has exactly zero lines in the whole movie.
Bella hits Paul in the face!
In a film packed with phasing wolves and marble-cracking vampire fights, it's nice to see Bella get a little action. Angry that they've brainwashed her beloved Jacob, Bella confronts the Wolf Pack, shoves Sam Uley, and smacks Paul right in the kisser! Sure, it seems a little out of character, but at least in this moment, Bella is an agent of action and not merely reacting to the people around her. Plus, it leads into Paul's transformation and Jacob's mid-air phase, and the huge revelation of the Quileute secret.
Carlisle's Volturi painting comes to life.
Instead of waiting ‘til the end to meet the Volturi, we get an early peek at them when Carlisle's painting comes to life as Edward explains their history to Bella. Thank goodness! It would be such a waste to have even less of Aro & Co. in New Moon than the brief sequence we already get.
Victoria attacks Harry Clearwater.
While tracking the Wolf Pack – and slyly covering their footprints – Harry Clearwater suffers a fatal heart attack in the woods. But in the film, we see that Harry's heart attack comes from the shock of being attacked by Victoria, who is seen stalking Charlie's hunting party from up in the trees. The change here allows plot points to converge, as the ensuing wolf pursuit of Victoria runs parallel to Bella's fateful cliff-jump into the ocean. And again, it gives Rachelle Lefevre something to do.
New Moon has way more funnies.
Credit Rosenberg for injecting more sly humor into New Moon, which was especially necessary in this installment. Supporting humans like Jessica, Mike, and Charlie add levity to their scenes with the somber Bella, while more subtle winks, like the comparison of werewolfiness to a "lifestyle choice" and Bella's transatlantic ride aboard a Virgin Atlantic airplane, display a self-aware sense of humor.
Jacob and Bella almost kiss. Twice!
New Moon is Jacob's movie, so Rosenberg rewards him with not one, but two almost-kisses. If you look closely, their lips ACTUALLY TOUCH the second time!
Jacob and Edward face off in the woods – just not when you expect.
If you've read New Moon, you're already expecting the tense "treaty" discussion between Jacob and Edward. Rosenberg wisely juggles the timeline a bit, placing it before the key conclusion (see #19), and adds one last phase for the furious Jacob. (It's the closest Bella's two men come to blows in New Moon.)
Edward proposes!
Rosenberg saves the best for last, leaving Bella (and us) with the biggest possible cliffhanger. Again, the re-jiggered placement of the scene works better cinematically, and leads into the next film, Eclipse!
Alice's vision. OMG, spoilers! (Seriously, MAJOR spoiler here concerning future installments of the Twilight Saga.)
When Aro "sees" Alice's vision of the future, he lets her, Edward, and Bella go with the knowledge that sometime soon, Bella will become a vampire. As a special treat, the film shows us Alice's vision of Edward and Bella running through the woods (alas, in giggle-worthy outfits and slow motion). But after the snickers die down, think about exactly what you are seeing and you'll realize that it's essentially a preview of sorts… of something with the initials B and D!
That said, there are a couple of changes that don't work so well. Jacob's mood swing in the theater and subsequent threat of physical violence to poor Mike Newton seems incredibly out of character. Later in the film when the phone rings in Bella's kitchen, Jacob definitely knows it's Edward on the phone (as opposed to thinking it's Carlisle as in the book), which makes him more of a jerk.
posted by CharmedVamp101
We pulled up to the beautiful white house. I sat back in awe. Who had the ability to design something so simple, yet so extravagant at the same time? Probably Esme. Edward had said his family was a lot like him, which meant they were vampires too. They were all beautiful and pale skinned and had the eyes that changed from black to gold to black again. I wonder what made their eyes change.
I thought back to the ride home. It had been very quiet, Edward watched me a lot, so I starred out the window, when I felt his gaze upon me.
We didn't say a lot, I answered the questions that Edward asked me,...
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10. Tell her that, because everyone thinks she and Jasper are twins, they should get together. When she asks why, say that Incest is in at the moment.

9. Call her “Ice Queen” behind her back and to her face.

8. Whenever she argues anything, respond with “Whatever, bimbo.”

7. Claim that being a human ain’t so great.

6. When she argues the above claim, respond with “Whatever, bimbo.”

5. Try to exorcise her and her evil ways.

4. Tell everyone that Edward didn’t go to Italy because Rosalie said Bella was dead – he went to Italy because he envisioned Rosalie’s ugly face.

3. Call her...
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posted by xxEmo92xx
"Ahhhh. Stop! Stop! It hurts!" I felt like I would scream myself to death. By the time he was done, I had stopped screaming. The venom hurt so bad, but I wanted to prove to Sam I could handle it. My phone started ringing. Sam answered and hung back up, he knew it was Alice. "What-about-Daniella's-wedding-?" I said between breaths. "The venom lasts for three days, I'm sure it won't hurt as much. It will be like a pulsing in your neck." He said.
Edward rushed through the door. He looked very upset, but furious. Upset when he saw me lying on the bed, furious when he saw Sam leaning over me....
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
----Chapter One: Cryin' Wont Help You Now!...----
I looked out my window, and saw Rachel pull into the driveway. She hopped out, and ran inside just as hail started.
"Pretty good storm out there!" She said and I met her in the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I said and she looked at me.
"Okay Mile! Listen up. Kandice may be dead..." Racehel said and I grabbed her by the throat.
"DONT say that!" I said and let her go. "Sorry!"
"She may be...but that doesn't mean you can't live your life with only yourself...who cares! I do and you do and I dont mean it like...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
We All Want The Same Thing!
We All Want The Same Thing!
(this is in KANDICE's Part Of View, after the symbol:---, then its in Mile's Poing Of View! ENJOY!)

b y: B u f f y F a i t h f a n 1
CHAPTER 13: The Desperate Kingdom Of Love...
I looked at Mile, who was freeing himself, and then I looked back at Mandy who was surrendering. I then blinked twice, and pulled the trigger! The bullet flew out of the chamber, as I flinched at the sound of it, and I looked at Mandy. Her eyes widened for the quickest second, and she fell to the ground....
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posted by Alice_President
Once again, constructive criticism is welcome <3

This is my version of Bella's cliff diving experience in New Moon, continued:

“Breathe!” A husky, anxiety filled voice barked at me. Water was pouring from my mouth, and the familiar jagged stones from the La Push beach were digging into my back. A large rock slammed into my now upright upper back, directly between my shoulder blades. More water than I thought possible flew out of my mouth as I tried to breath. I could not obey the command. My lungs were burning.
    “Breathe, Bella! C’mon!” I suddenly recognised...
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posted by Chrisztine
Okay guys, here's chapter 2. I hope you like it. Let me know!

Edward gave me a surprised look. No wonder, usually I’m not this ill-tempered. Guess my quota of happy was running low.
‘’Can we all just focus, please? There’s still danger out there.’’, Alice said, mildly exasperated.
‘’What do you want us to do, Alice?’’, Ryan said, in a soothing voice.
‘’Well for one thing concentrate on the matter at hand..’’, Alice trailed off.
‘’It’s off, it’s off, what else do you want?’’, I nearly screamed at her. I felt a wave of calmness go through me, and in the same...
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posted by reneesme15
Here is the next part in Kate's story hope you like it. If you have any ideas for the story plz leave me a comment and i will try and add them in when possable. As always her thoughts are in italic. Enjoy.

I'm so nervous i'm meeting James' family for the first time, god i hope the like me. There's James, i didn't know what to wear so i went for the smart/casual look. So i'm wearing my white blouse with jeans and a waistcoat,it'll do. Gosh i wish he would stop beeping the horn. I grabed my bag off my bed, took one last look in the mirror and ran down the stairs two at a time. I got to the door...
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posted by Twilighter109
1. He tells her to stay away from him.
2. She says shes not afraid of him.
3. He lets her cry on his shirt and ruin it.
4. He just wants her to be happy.
5. She trusts him.
6. He didn't kill her
7. When the car threatened to crush her all he could think was "Not her"
8. The lion fell in love with the lamb.
9. He left her only for her protection.
10. He won't end her life for her.
11. He took her to the prom because he did't want her to miss anything.
12. He feels very protective of her.
13. He risked blowing the family secret to save her.
14. He is her "Prisoner".
15. He dazzles her.
16. She doesn't care that he is a "Killer".
17. He sayed with her in the Hospital
18. He watches her sleep.
19. She always forgives him.
20. He dove her home when she felt sick.
posted by hayleyhoo
This is quite a long one...
He took a deep breath and started speaking slowly at first but then after a while with more confidence, “ My name is Kaleb, and my mother died saving my life as well, when my mother was pregnant with me she was ill and nearly died, she was left in the woods to die by her village, while she was in the woods, a vampire and a werewolf who were hunting found her and they fought over who would get her, during the fight they both came into contact with her and caused me. Because of what I am my mother healed quickly and survived, the werewolf and vampire had killed each...
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posted by hayleyhoo
This is the second part of my story...
Now, alone and afraid, in a strange place with no money or belongings, Meya stumbled around the streets of Newquay. And yet she still felt as if she was being followed, but the vampire would not have been able to track her as vampiwolfs are far faster than both vampires and werewolves and also the fact that they had no scent with which to be tracked with. She found what she was looking for, an abandoned house, and she quickly scanned it with her senses to see if there was anybody inside. After making sure that it was totally abandoned, she made her way...
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Domestic Total as of Dec. 7, 2008: $138,552,000 (Estimate)
Distributor: Summit Entertainment    Release Date: November 21, 2008
Genre: Romance    Running Time: 2 hrs. 0 min.
MPAA Rating: PG-13    Production Budget: $37 million

Domestic:      $138,552,000      86.7%
+ Foreign:      $21,325,749      13.3%
= Worldwide:      $159,877,749     

Opening Weekend:     $69,637,740
(3,419 theaters, $20,368 average)
% of Total Gross:     50.3%
Widest Release:      3,620 theaters
In Release:      17 days / 2.4 weeks

I got into the house.I knew that it was worse than james I held my Drink.
Edward We need to be prepared.I could train with Jasper he wasin the army before he was turned. He could train us both me and Buffy .I held my cross bow "Hmm"I oiled it .
I saw that my tojo blades were getting rusty
I decided to Grab all my slaying stuff.
More avanced Sliver stakes but doesn't work as well as holy water and fire filled Cross.
I ran down to the basement.I felt pain from another.It was Jazz.He was reading "gone With The Wind".
Oh god why "jazz please stop i can feel your hurt."
It's one of my abilities now stop felling sorry for your self and help us didn't you hear from edward theres a new evil in town!
posted by youngblood
Okay, this might be a big-old pointless rant, but i absolutely hate when people BASH on other character (i'm not saying any names) and i'm not just talking about Jacob-hating. If you want to bash on Jacob or any other character for that matter go the Jacob-Hating Spot, and if their isn't one, create one then!!!! I don't mind people sharing well-though out and intelligent opinions, it's just that i'm absolutley sick of all this hating on Jacob and Jacob lovers! I hate completely and utter idiocy comments done on this spot for Twilight lovers IN GENERAL like "Jacob f*** sucks!" and we've all seen it and heard of it, and i doubt this article will make any difference but i needed to get it out of my system. You don't see me going aroung saying things like "Edward sucks, and Bella will ALWAYS belong to Jacob." because it would seriously piss of ALOT of people. My thoughts. That's all. Don't care if someone comments on this just to somehow piss me off.

(End of pointless-rant)
posted by latterdayfrodo
Some of the fans of the Twilight movie (I say movie for a good reason - these girls don't seem have to read the books) are honestly ANNOYING. I read about what they do at Comic-Con on MTV and I hear their STUPID questions on different sites.

"Boxers or briefs?"... Seriously, learn to think. There are better questions than that. Then the girl that went up just to say, "I just wanted a way to talk to you Robert." She is probably the most annoying fan to Robert right now.

Have they read the books? Can't they think of questions that are thought through and pertain to the books and how the cast...
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added by rakshasa
Source: Wallpaper Abyss (edits)
added by aprildawn73
Source: pinterest
fanvid by Lorena Regalado
edward cullen
bella swan
kristen stewart
robert pattinson
it will rain
new moon
breaking dawn
twilight saga
added by milkie
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