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This is a response to the link. If you disagree with this article, instead of leaving pointless hate-spam, which is just a waste of time, please explain why you don’t like it, or any points I got wrong.

“The story is written compellingly enough that a wide body of readers is able to fit into the persona of Bella and love Edward.”
I hate to break it to you, but that isn’t a result of good writing. It’s quite the opposite, actually. Bella is a very one-dimensional character. She has no real hobbies, defining character traits, or even any specific physical appearance, and because of the series being written in first person, it requires essentially no brainpower to imagine you are her. Simply put, she’s a Mary-Sue, and that’s a sign of bad writing.

“Edward himself is written as the most desirable guy on the face of the Earth. He has vampirically enhanced features that are model-perfect, even more so. It’s not just his handsome face that is described in worshipful detail, but the sound of his voice, the feel of his cold and marble-hard skin, and even the smell of his breath. Adding in the fact that he possesses super speed, super strength, immortality, and the ability to read the minds of almost everyone but Bella herself and he seems like a godly personification.”
How could I forget? Meyer reminds us almost every paragraph Edward is present. Yet again, a sign of bad writing.

He is a vampire, which means he constantly feels the desire to eat people, Bella in particular.
This is not a flaw until something bad comes of it. There is a rule in literature known as “show, don’t tell.” Now, Meyer has obviously never heard of this because we usually get either get “tell (x), show nothing,” or “tell (x), show (y).” While Edward constantly says he’s dangerous, wants to eat Bella, and could kill her any second, he never acts on it. If he accidentally hurt her or tried to drink her blood, I would count this as a flaw, however, he doesn’t. He always shows perfect self control.
I do not count (1) his thoughts at the beginning of Midnight Sun because that is, once again, telling, not showing, (2) him trying to drink Bella’s blood at the end of Twilight because he was trying to save her life and was able to stop very quickly, or (3) the bruises he gave Bella during their honeymoon because he destroyed furniture instead of her, and bruises are not a serious/long-term injury.

“Bella, however, continues to pursue him and he changes his mind, deciding to indulge his obsessive inclinations by sneaking into her room at night to watch her sleep and covertly following her around, eventually seeking out a proper relationship.”
Unfortunately, the fact that Edward stalks Bella is somehow considered “romantic.” Words that come to my mind are “creepy,” “disgusting,” “sick,” “paedophilic” (he’s over 100 and she’s 17 = he’s a paedophile), etc. Take your pick.
This is an ENORMOUS flaw, and yet I feel I cannot count it. The author does not consider this a flaw; therefore, it was not addressed as such. Characters need to work on their flaws throughout the book/series/movie/*insert form of storytelling here* in order for them to develop and grow. Edward doesn’t ever progress from this, as far as we know, and because this flaw doesn’t impede his character in any way (except for receiving a lot of hate from antis and members of Team Jacob), I will not count this as a flaw.

“What is attractive about Edward as a predatory vampire is, I believe, the dangerous power associated with the character and its potential to be used maliciously. There’s something enthralling about imagining myself in the position of Bella, infatuated with this dark, beautiful, and powerful man and knowing he could kill her should he lose willpower for just an instant.”
If Edward actually drank human blood I would accept this as a flaw, but since he has perfect control, this does not count.
Also, Bella is a masochist, and apparently you are too... I’m not entirely sure if that’s a good thing.

“Edward: And the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Bella: What a stupid lamb.
Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion!”

Now, you may have noticed my use of the word “masochistic” in the previous statement. It is a prime example of Stephenie Meyer’s poor writing skills under the category us antis like to call ‘Thesaurus Rape.’
mas•och•ism [mássə kìzzəm]
1. sexual pleasure through humiliation: sexual gratification achieved through humiliation and physical and verbal abuse
2. psychological disorder: the psychological disorder in which somebody needs to be emotionally or physically abused in order to be sexually satisfied
3. search for abusive sexual partners: the active seeking out of sexual partners who will dominate, humiliate, and physically and verbally abuse
4. enjoyment of hardship: the tendency to invite and enjoy misery of any kind, especially in order to be pitied by others or admired for forbearance
Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

If this word was used to describe Bella, I wouldn’t even notice, however, Edward uses the word “masochistic” to describe himself. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think this is the proper description of Edward, and Meyer needs to stop using big words that even she doesn’t understand.

“Jacob and Quil are not creepy pedophiles, but rather boys who feel the kind of love of an older family member feels toward their young imprintees. They’re like the model babysitters and preschool teachers who seriously love their kids and want to see them happy, albeit with their love situated on specific people. When the kids age to the point that the average adult would find them attractive, it can be assumed that the shapeshifters will want to pursue a romantic relationship, but at that point the playing field is pretty much level and age is no longer an issue.”
This is called child grooming, and it’s a form of paedophilia.
I’d also like to point out here that Jacob would (most probably) begin having sex with Renesmee when she reaches the age of 7. Now, while you may argue that she looks 17, firstly, that’s a stupid argument because she’s still underage, and secondly, it’s not about how old you look, it’s about how many years have passed since your birth. It is still paedophilia!

“In response to the common complaint that Twilight is written poorly, I would have to say that the concept of good literature is highly subjective.”
You’re confusing “quality of writing” with “entertainment value.” Twilight is full of grammatical errors, misuse of words, dry dialogue, repetitive and long-winded descriptions, etc. This is poor writing. Now, you may still find entertainment in a piece which is written poorly, just as you can find a well written book to be completely boring; that’s how it works. Enjoying something does not mean it’s automatically good. For example, I’m addicted to the TV show ‘The Secret Life of the American Teenager.’ It’s my guilty pleasure. However, as I watch, I recognise that some of the actors are substandard, the plot is full of clichés, there are many cheesy lines, and whoever is editing this together is absolutely shocking, but that doesn’t mean I can’t like it, I still find it entertaining.
There are some pieces of classic literature which bore me to tears too, because everyone enjoys different things, but the quality of the writing is not completely dependent on the enjoyment someone gets from reading it; it’s based on the technical aspects of the writing. Stephenie Meyer is not a good writer, that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

“Finally, I have read numerous blog articles criticizing author Stephenie Meyer’s decision to incorporate religious themes and messages into the book series.”
I don’t have a problem with religious themes and messages in a book, but once male supremacy becomes one of those values promoted, I have to draw the line.

In conclusion, I find most of the hate against Twilight running rampant on the Internet to be overblown. Surely, Twilight is not the kind of epic, involved, and progressive story like Harry Potter or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, for what it is, which is an intimate fantastical romance story that can be appreciated by a large quantity of people, it is of high enough quality to achieve high popularity. This should be respected even if the story doesn’t appeal to everyone.
If everyone knows Twilight is nowhere near the standard of Harry Potter, why does Breaking Dawn have “Move over Harry Potter” printed on the back? Twilight is what it is: a cheesy paranormal romance for teens. It’s not a saga, it’s not the best love story since Romeo and Juliet, it’s not well written. Now, you may see this “hate” as being overblown, but that’s what it looks like when lots of people all feel the same way about it, and I doubt it will stop until the Twilight fad dies down.

We're not on Team Tyler's Van for no reason.
posted by KatiiCullen94
It was almost as if were dreaming, but yet I could feel every sensation around me, the aroma of life was real in this place.
I could detect the smells of salts from the beach and the moist wood from the surrounding forest.
Seeking for the skies I was saw a clouded heaven, pregnant with rain and misery, water in the air.
It was the final breathe of the world.
It was La Push.

"No, Samuel! That's not fair ',I got you!" I heard a little girl sequel from my left side. Despite her volume, her voice was still dearly soft and innocent as if nothing had ever corrupted her immaculate fantasy.
I turned to...
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Chapter 3:
Alec POV.

I walked slowly towards her, something in me went up in fireworks, I couldn’t keep my eyes of her. Her hair tied up in a bun messy, her face, soft calm, her eyes were focused on mine. I was one step away from her. I stopped, it was then I realised I had fell in love with this beautiful young tourist.
“What’s your name?” I asked desperate to learn everything about her.
“Honey Matthews.” She answered.
“Follow me Honey.” I told her, she followed willingly. We walked towards the main room, I realised it was dark, I heard Honey heart rate go up again. I stopped...
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posted by WildCherryWolf
Looking Nessie in the face at the airport was harder than a challenge I went through as a wolf.
"Promise you won't forget me?" My voice was kind of shallow and.... I couldn't describe it.
"Never." The defiance in her voice was comforting.
"Even though you'll be in France." France. Bloody miles away.
"Jake, don't do this to me. Rosalie did my make up, and I like it. And anyway, I'll only be away for a few weeks. It'll go very quick." if I continue building the house, then yes. Bt that s unlikely.
"I'll miss you."
"Me too."
I roped an arm round Nessie for a last hug. Then, with her eyes misted over, she left. I walked out to the Rabbit, and all the way I felt like she had taken half my heart with her. Renesmee, come back, I silently wished as I started up the old Rabbit. I knew that, for 3 weeks, she would drip into my mind like a leaky faucet. Splash, splash, sploosh. Renesmee, Renesmee, Nessie.
posted by flynnismine
I parked my red, chevy truck in my usual parking space and got out. I walked up the stairs into the school hallways. Everything was just as I remembered it to be. The girls were chatting about what they did in the afternoons and the guys were being rough with each other, pushing each other around and playing jokes on other people.

I walked to my locker and entered my password-1995- opened it up and stacked my books and stuff into it.

I turned to face my locker door and looked at my pictures. I had two there. One was a big picture of Joe jonas and a small picture of my best friends- Alice, rose,Jasper,...
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posted by karpach_14
Twilighters, you did it! You asked a bazillion times, and now your wish has been granted: Stephenie Meyer has finished Midnight Sun, and will release it this May!

The book is the retelling of Twilight from Edward's golden eyes. So, basically, the most beautiful book ever. And one we're sure to get lost in.

"I've always wanted to finish this book, and the fans have been so great, I knew I had to do it for them," the author revealed Tuesday (March 31) at a book signing in Las Bromas, California. "I enjoyed this so much, I'm going to begin work on Full Moon, which is New Moon told through Jacob's perspective."

Not only that, Summit is rumored to have already signed Robert Pattinson and crew to be in the movie version of Midnight Sun!
Hey Everyone!! So, I have another spot which some of you know is called 'LexisFaith Articles'. It's where I'm going to start uploading my fictions since as of now I'm only writing three so it will be easier for all of you and me.
It's also a place where YOU can upload videos you find or make, and I will upload some of my own that I make on youtube, you can also upload pictures, links, and your own writings. I'm really excited about this new spot and would love all of my lovely readers/supporters to take a look :) Much Love~ Alexis

Okay, I had...
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posted by DarkStranger
Long time not seen, huh? I know it isnt good, but at least I uploaded. For this chapter thank you goes to Emmett4eva. I really never thought that somebody will email me to wirte more. Thank you for making my day. And hope to talk with you more:)
Oh and btw, I'm going to Italy tomorrow. Yay. I'm so exited. Wish me luck :)


I groaned when I heard my alarm clock, I slammed that thing so it shut up. Silence filled the room. I slowly opened my eyes, the sun brightly shone through my window, I literally blinked a few time not believing that the sun in Forks could be that bright.
I felt happy when...
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posted by xoxpoisonxox
Chapter 12: The Ceremony

I was pacing back and forth, my anxiety was getting to me. Only 4 hours? I Must occupie myself once again. I searched through the room, yet i didn't find much that interested me. It was most likely because everything was either doused in feathers, silver, gold or silk. The thought of my family not returning cut through me,

"No." I whispered to myself. I musn't worry about that, they said it would be fine. So it must be. I heard my phone ring, i stared at it for a moment. Jacob did tell me to not answer calls.I looked at my phone, But it was only alice. I hit talk,

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posted by shelly_fanpire
Edward POV

I cant wait for the night, Im going to ask Bella to move in with me.
I want to live with her....

[b]at the night[b]

Bella POV

Where is he why isnt he coming. and Chalie is not home yet. what happened?
I heard the door open and I run to the door.
"Edward...." It was Charlie
"ow hay dad" he didnt look at me he was looking down.
"dad? is everything ok?" he looked up at me.
"Im sorry i came late" I was confused.
"dad its ok, you dont have to be like that cuz you came later" he looked down again.
"dad whats wrong? tell me"
"Bella. there was a car excident"
"its Edward. he was in the car that got...
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posted by uniquezandy
Alecs POV
Life was the same. Guarding, the Volturi castle was boring. All of us were gathered in the living room.(the one with vivd colurs, expensive electrics and really comfrtable chairs). It was quiet and peacful, until.. "Aaagh!" Screamed my dear sister. Oh no.
This can't be good.
"This is an outrage! Volturi listen up. The Cu.. Cul.. I can't say it with out wanting the desire to kill.!" She screeched. Most of us were confused; but I knew my sister better than anyone. "You mean the Cullens sister?" I questioned. "Yes! They are all coming for a visit. They will be staying here for 3 years!"...
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posted by runlikeawolf
"Flight 16 is about to land.Please fasten your seatbelts,"a voice rang.I opened my eyes.It took me a minute to recognise my surroundings.The memories of the wedding flooded back into my mind.I was about to find out where Jake and I were going for our honeymoon."Good morning sleepyhead,"Jake said."Or should I say,good afternoon.I thought that flight would never end!"
I sat up and smiled."Well,at least we're about to land.I still don't see why you couldn't tell me where we're going."
He smiled,too."It was supposed to be a surprise."Just then,the pilot's voice rang out."I repeat.Flight 16 for...
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AN: Alright, welcome back to my crazy world. I own a valentine card with Edward on it. Does this mean I own Edward? No, Meyer calms all. I'm just playing with them a bit. As always much thanks go out to state of delusion for making this readable. Okay have fun.

Chapter 2

I am the Walrus

Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.

If the sun don't come, you'll get a tan

From standing in the rain.

-The Beatles

"Alice!" I called into the sitting room. "I can't find my red and gold earrings, the ones with the Spanish Roses embossed on them. Do you know where they are?"

"They're in the black velvet...
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posted by runlikeawolf
"All right,that should be everyone!"Alice sang.Jake and I were in her room.We had just finished addressing the enormous stacks of envelopes."It's a good thing I heal quickly,"Jake said.I shoved his arm."Come on,"I lied."It wasn't that bad!"He laughed."Yeah.I'll only need another fifteen hours for my hand to heal."
Alice interupted."All right you two,Jacob,get out.I need to show Nessie something.She shoved him to the door."All right,all right!I'm going!Sheesh!"Once he was out,Alice zoomed to her gigantic closet and pulled out a large plastic bag."Oh,my gosh!"I said."Is that...?"
"Yep,your wedding...
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don't you ever wonder what your life would be like if your boyfriend was a vampire? i do every day there are a few things that i know for sure:

1. they will never get old.
even when you are thirty they will still look young.

2. they will never cheat on you.
It is to risky for them to cheat on you because you know there big secrete that they are vampires!

3. they will be able to defend you and protect you for ever.
no one could ever touch you or hurt you again he could defend you from all danger.

reads next months for the downsides of having a vampire boyfriend.
posted by runlikeawolf
I was running.Pounding through the trees of Forks that I knew so well.I had only one objective in my mind right now,and that was to kill the bloodthirsty monster streaking through the trees ahead of me.The plan was to drive her to Quil and Paul who were waiting about a mile off.
As she streaked through the trees,I thought about the day that we all found out what she wanted.Bella.She would never touch her!Nothing could touch Bella.I couldn't let that happen!
The truth was,I loved Bella.She was the only thing worth living for.Without her,I would be just your normal,depressed,teenage werewolf!The...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bella's POV
I didn't know what to do or think. Me and Edward, was taken out the room by Marie-louise. She knelt down and explained things. "Hey listen, you two are safe ok? I promice to take care of you." She whispered soothing words. Suddenly, the scariness went away. After a few minutes, she lead us to a room. It was massive! It had a bunk bed, tv and everything. "Welcome to your new room. You two will be sharing it." She said with a happy expression on her face. Both our eyes lit up like a christmas tree. I was excited, so I grabbed Edwards hand and ran round the room with him. We were jumping...
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posted by anna_tvd
It's a worldwide debate that happens every single day: Edward or Jacob?

I wish I could pick a side. I am strongly on the fence about this one. Edward, the beautiful, sparkly, loving vampire or Jacob, the hot, restless, young werewolf. Seriously, are we supposed to pick?

To help myself (and probably a lot of you), I have decided to compare the options. Please, read, and tell me after you're done if you can decide either.

Edward- He cares. Though it sounds cliche, it's true. He would do anything ever at any time ever to protect Bella. He nearly killed himself once while in the process. So, yes,...
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posted by DarkStranger
He is officially my hero. No one ever said something back to MR.Banner. Ever. He liked to insult his students a lot, and I was used to it.. Okay, no I wasn't but I tried to ignore him like I haven;t heard or saw how he looks at me or talk. But what Edward did today was mind blowing. It was so wrong and so good in the same time that I didn't know what should I do when I'll see him in the director cabinet. Slap him or applause.
I didn't know why I was going to that cabinet at all. I didn't start this fight, I didn't even know why Edward was so mad at Barner so much. Is he was mad because...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I didn't eat. I didn't move. I just sat. And here I am, still sitting. First of all, I didn't want to eat her food. She had made tuna salad. I hate tuna salad. I always have. When my mother made a tuna steak for lunch one time, I had to lean my head all the way out the window to get rid of my stomach ache.

I look at my window, and see the moon in full view. It has to be at least midnight, maybe later.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up, only to see that it's Clara.

I hesitate and then flip the phone open.


"Mon ami, Comment je vous ai manque. My friend, how I've missed...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
Bella’s POV

The rest of the month went basically the same, get up, get dressed, eat, go to school, and not see Edward. After a while I got used to not seeing Edward but I couldn’t forget that it was probably my fault he never returned. I was hoping he’d come back just so I could stop worrying and blaming myself. I’d even deal with the glaring. It was raining when I got up, a good thing for me. Today was going to be a great day I hoped. When...
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