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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 3

    Later that night when everyone was getting ready to go home I started to pick up everything around the club I rented out. I was so excited for Alice and her bothers. It took a lot of planning on my part but I did it. Today was Alice 22nd birthday and she hasn’t seen her mother, Esme Cullen or father, Carlisle Cullen in a very long time. So I thought that I would pay for them to come out from Forks, Washington and visit. At first Mr. and Mrs. Cullen wouldn’t allow me to pay for them to fly all the to New York City but I instated that they come and I won by saying it was Alice’s birthday present and that I wouldn’t have any other way though, I do have a feeling that I won’t stop hearing about it for a very long time. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen are staying at Alice and I’s apartment for a few nights then going to spend the night at Edwards place scene he doesn’t live with anyone and well Emmett and Rosalie don’t get much visitors staying at their house because they can’t keep their hands off of each other but yet again the living armament took a lot of convincing on my part saying that if they stayed in a hotel then I was paying for everything while they stayed in New York though after a while they just agreed that they would stay with each of their children while their stay Which I expected they would say that.
    “Hey, why you cleaning while everyone else is at the bar partying?” Edward asked. I saw that he was happy but I didn’t understand why he was near me a while his whole family was other there.
    “I’m cleaning because when I bought this whole club out for the night I promised I would have it cleaned before 10 am tomorrow morning. So I’m cleaning it tonight so tomorrow morning I can sleep in. Why do you ask? “I was always little nervous of Edward whenever he was around because he always had a way of acting gentle and thoughtful more than the others. Though after a while I started to become aware of whenever he talked to me he always had the most adoring loving expression in his green handsome eyes. Which I became longing, craving for to become true but that was just lustful a lustful dream that would never come true though it would be amazing if I could get that one thing that would make my whole life worth living for. If you haven’t guessed I will tell you, Yes, I have loved Edward Anthony Cullen scene the day I became friends with the Cullen’s.
    “Bella, I was just asking. Would you like some help? I have nothing better to do. Mom and dad are talking to Alice and Rosalie about their Fashion Company and Jasper and Emmett had to leave to go to a 911 call for work. I guess they were the only Fireman they could get a hold of.” He asked. There in his eyes I saw that look that made me fall head over heels the day I saw him. That lovely, adoring, addicting crooked smile of his that lit up my day, though those terrifying, life changing years. That he doesn’t even know even he helped with let alone he knowing what happened. Though it I was a little shocked to see that he was right about Emmett and Jasper and sad that I didn’t even notice Emmett and Jasper leave because I was so engrossed in my thoughts of Edward and tonight.
    “Umm you really don’t have to its fine. I got it but if you really want to help I just need to clean the counters and put all of the boxes of food and decorations in the car and then I’m done.” I said. I was about half way through the sentence when he was already starting to clean all the counters and tables. He was cleaning while saying.
    “ No problem, I can clean the counters and you start packing all the boxes then I’ll put them in your car and well drive back to Alice’s and your place and then I’ll help you unload it to your apartment.”He said scrubbing the counters.
    “Okay Edward, Thanks, though you don’t have to but thank you for the help. I have everything packed if you’re ready to get going.”I said and he nodded and we left to put everything in my car. We did this in silence because there was nothing else really to say. We had finished in less than 20 minutes and he started to talk and broke the silence that was echoing throughout the city of the unpleasantly cold nippy winter breeze that blew without effort through the wind that is bring chills down my spine while standing outside.
    “I’m going to go inside to tell everyone that you and I going to your house. I’ll tell them to take my car because they are going to need a ride home. Scene everyone came with a different driving agreement. I’ll also tell everyone to meet at your house when they are ready to leave.” He said. After he walked away to tell everyone the plan, I started to dig there my purse for my keys so I could warm up the car but instead my hand found the mystery note. I pulled out the one thing that held my future that could possibly end two ways one to ruin my life again or two he has finally changed. Though I’m really thinking it’s the first reason. It read right on the front of the envelope ‘Isabella Swan’ in the most terrifying hand writing I have learned to fear. I opened the envelope hoping it wasn’t the person who I dread to call my father. I started to read the letter knowing my worst fear just came to life. The word hope in this case just bounced of this man’s name like a magnets force regretting it.
    Dear Isabella,

        I hope you haven’t forgotten my promise to you. I told you Isabella that if you didn’t get in that house in Forks I would make you suffer worse than ever before. You wait your day is coming. I’ve been waiting 2 years to get revenge and I will but first I’m going to have some fun with your friends. I’ll be waiting one of these days Isabella. You are my daughter and NEVER forget and if you did I will REPRINT it into your brain. If I were you I would watch yourself.

                        Your father, Charlie Swan

After reading that all I wanted to do was cry and scream. His going to go after Alice, Small pixie, Alice. I know Emmett and Jasper and also Edward can hold their own but what about Rosalie, the girl who never likes to get dirty unless she has too. What am I going to do? I can’t tell anyone. Well at least I don’t think so.
    “Okay Bella, Ready?” Edward asked. I didn’t hear him come into the car. I didn’t say anything which made him look at me with full concern and worry covering his eyes replacing the love I usually saw in them. I couldn’t move let alone say anything. I was in shock I didn’t know how to explain something like this to Edward. Though I know I would have to as he saw the letter on my lap and picked it up and started to read it as soon as he saw the tears running down my pale colored cheeks.
    “Bella, Are you alright? What does this letter mean? Why Is Charlie writing crap like this? Bella, Honey I need you to answer me. I can’t help you if you don’t answer me.” He said worry visibly thick in his voice. I’ve never seen him act like this only when it came to well us girls, Alice, Rosalie and I but never this bad. He looked like he was on the verge of yelling for Carlisle to come help or even hold me as I saw him stretch his arms out then put them quickly back to his sides. It’s almost like he loves me more than just a friend but I couldn’t think about that right now. I had Charlie threatening the life of my friends that became the closet family I have. I can’t answer any of his question because if I did that would mean I have to explain to him what Charlie used to do to me. I used to hide it from Jasper, Edward and Rosalie and also their parents for a reason I really didn’t even mean for Alice and Emmett to found out but something terrible happened and I needed my best friend so I told Alice and Emmett found the bruises during gym the next couple week so I had to tell him. I couldn’t lie to him in this face anymore defiantly when he already knew but made them both swear to never tell anyone. Every time I think about my past I start to get sucked into my painful memory lane even if I try to fight I could still feel the memories coming to the surface of my mind. It was the memory of why I had to tell them and I couldn’t stop the painful thoughts coming. I couldn’t stop the screaming and crying sobs coming from my mouth and most of all I couldn’t stop the pain I was causing Edward before I was brought into the world of my distant painful remember able feeling of life.
    I was in my freshman year of high school and Charlie hasn’t given me a good beating for awhile which I didn’t understand why he didn’t. I was usably getting them daily for the mostly stupid things you could think of but that night when I came home from school I got the worst imaginable beating of my existent which I never thought I would have to go through but I guess I thought wrong. That day at school I forgot my homework and Alice, My best friend, dropped it off at the house not knowing what would happen if Charlie knew I had any type of friend. Though I knew I was in for it because Alice became my best friend who was the daughter of Doctor Cullen, the commander, of the hospital in Forks. That night I was beaten and also I was for the first night sexually abused. He said to me that I wasn’t listening anymore and that I have defied for the last time and that maybe this would teach me a lesson for the better of good and evil. Those were his exact words, the he made sure he imprinted in my brain during the most horrendous, appalling, unspeakable, moment for a girl my age that has commit this to memory for me to remember forever.
    Later that night when he was through I couldn’t feel anything inside or outside my body. I couldn’t move because I was so soar. I didn’t know what to do. What do you do when your own father dose the things he does to me on a daily bases? I did the only thing a girl my age would do. I loved my father and I didn’t want him to get into trouble for something I did. At the time I always held myself responsible for my mother leaving and daddy never showing me any emotion other then anger and my unborn sibling to never see his or her father and older sister. After a few minutes I took one step at a time crawling up the stairs to my room with only enough clothes to last a few days and shoes that have holes and one same bed that I’ve had scene I was a little girl. That night I knew the danger was over because I could hear the salient but loudly wonderful sound of Charles sleeping in the living room passed out drunk.
    That morning I got up a little too late for school and Charlie was already gone for work which meant I could take my time with the bandages and the cover up which I hated but I had to for the sake of my life. I started to bandaged everything from last night which was a lot thought the worst part of me that I need to fix and repair I can’t because that’s my heart and my life. When I was done I was about to go downstairs when I heard this load banging on the downstairs door and a voice yelling, ‘Bella, open up’ sounding much like Emmett. I start to walk down the stairs thinking why he is my house. Emmett never comes to my house, let alone any of my friends. I didn’t know they knew where I lived for that matter. By the time I got down the stairs I heard Jasper and Emmett slamming on my door yelling ‘Isabella Swan, I know your home. If you don’t answer I will break down this door’ said Emmett no surprise there. “ I swear to god Bella, Answer these door” Jasper said. These two men were my savors also have. They are like big brothers that I never had.
    “Okay, okay I’m coming will two shut-up. You’re going to make the neighbors think someone’s trying to break in to my house.” I said while opening the door. Even though I was scared to why they were here at my house, let alone during school hours. I hid it well I have also learned over the years is that you always hid your emotions when you don’t know what is going to happen. Though I trust Jasper and Emmett with my life, I am still scared shit less of any male, Even Edward.
    “It’s about time girl. Well were here, Why aren’t you are school?” Asked Jasper. I don’t know what to say. They have never asked. They usually just shake it off and then we go back to what we usually do. Hanging out with the girls, Alice and Rosalie and the guys, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward.
    “It doesn’t it matter, but if you must know I don’t feel well.” I said. I felt horrible about lying but what am I suppose to do. Am I suppose to scream out my heart saying ‘ yes Emmett, Jasper the reason why I am home a lot is because my father, the guy that you guys look up to has a cop abuses’ me and has scene my mother’s disappearance. Also by the way he raped me last night and beat me until I was out cold. Yeah, right that would be just great.
    “Bella, you know that is a lie. You should by now know that you suck at lying. Duh. So how about you tell us the truth? Also explain why you have a huge bandage going across your arm?” She sighed and took a deep breath. Then began again. “Also why are you looking as though you have been putting on to much-up?” Alice stated. I swear that girl can be my life saver or my best friend but right now she is dragging me to hell by the feet.
    “Okay I will admit that I kind of...” They caught me off but their raised eye brows at my choice of words. “Okay, Fine. I suck at lying but I do know you have nothing to worry about.” I stated. I was begging them with my eyes to just drop it. I was begging god to just let me have this one time where nothing is going to go as bad usually. Though as always god is not on my side.
    “Bella, sweetheart I am very sorry but we do not believe you. At all actually.” Rosalie said, with one of her looks that says don’t bother lying to me because we’re not giving up.
    “Okay, fine. I will tel…” I was going to tell them. I was finally going to tell my friends after so many years of keeping it from them. I was finally going to feel better about myself for telling them, though of course I was cut off by the most terrifying voice in this whole world. “You guys need to hide now” They all did what they were told but not without giving my looks of concern and worried glances.
    “Isabella Mary Swan, get your fat ass in here” Charlie said. I ran toward the kitchen door. Sure enough Charlie was standing there with a look that could kill if that was possible.
    “I am right here Charlie” I said. Before I could stop the name that rolled off my tongue.
    “What did you just call me? What makes you powerful and mighty to call me Charlie?” He said. He hit me hard across the face. Great, just great, now everyone in this house knows what my father does to me. “Huh, Come on Bella. Show me whose boss.” He slaps me again. This time across my bandage on my arms making it bleed again. “Bella, come on. Show me whose boss. Show me you don’t need to call me dad anymore. That you don’t need to show me respect.” He yelled. He punched me, breaking my nose. I heard people coming down stair. They just ruined everything.
    “Bella?!?” Emmett yelled. Rosalie and Alice came down trying to help me but I push them away. After pushing them away I just drop on my already bruised. Jasper and the girls come to my side.
    “Bella, sweetheart, are you okay?” Jasper asked. In a sweet tone, though his face looked worried and nervous.
    “Bella, who the hell are all these people doing in my house?” He yelled. He was furious. He came over and grabbed me, I coward away from him for the first time in years. Emmett and Jasper took that as a cue to get involved.
    “Touch her again, I dare you” I was scared. They wanted him to touch me but then I thought better of it this is my teddy bear but proactive bigger brother teddy bear, Emmett. He doesn’t let anything happen to me, well what he knows of. “Cause if you do it will give Jasper and I a huge reason why to kick your ass right here and now. Though I believe Jasper and I will do it either way.” He seethed. Emmett is always the calm, outgoing teddy bear, but when you piss him off by messing with one of his friends or sisters, well he turns into your worst nightmare.
    “What are you going to do boy?” Charlie said. “She’s not even worth getting al railed up about” he said.
    “Emmett, come on. Just leave. I’ll see you later.” I started but only to be cut off by him.
    “No, I am not leaving.” Emmett all but yelled. “Not unless you come.” He stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
    “Emmett, no. You need to leave until all of this becomes more then really is. Please Emmett? Please leave.” I said. I am begging with my eyes for him to leave and to bring everyone else with him.
    “Bella, okay I will leave but you will be explaining this later. Please call me later if you need anything.” I nodded. Charlie was staying quite throughout all of this which wasn’t good at all but hey as long as I can leave through 2 more weeks then I am gone. My 20th birthday is only 14 days away.
    They left after I gave them the okay. Though deep down I know they didn’t want to leave me here with “It”,(known as Charlie Swan). All I heard was ‘you little bitch’ before everything went black and I was passing out towards the kitchen floor.

        ~ End of Flashback ~

    “Bella, oh thank god.” Edward was the first person I saw when I wake up. I was in his arms also and it felt strangely right. I felt safe for the first time in years. I was crying and I was holding on to his shirt for dear life.
    “How long have I been out?” I asked, after I got a hold of myself. My voice didn’t sound like my own I must been screaming and crying a lot.
    “Bella, what was that? I was coming back from telling everyone we were leaving and to meet us at your house and I come back to you screaming bloody murder. I didn’t know what to do. I called Emmett and he said that he knows and to just hold you and rock you and that you will come back. He told me that they will be at Alice and your house when you are ready.” He sighed. “You have been out of it for 5 hours straight. Bella, you need to explain to me what happened. Please?” I nodded my head. Not being able to speak up about anything.
    “Let’s go to my house and I will explain everything. I will explain the note also. Just when we get to my house, please?” I said. He nodded and started the car without another word.

    On the way their I looked out the window thinking of the past. Making my promise to myself right here and now that I will finally tell Edward and the rest of the Cullen’s the whole story of what happened to my dreadful childhood.
Ok Readers so this chapter has to be done in Jacobs POV you’ll see why when you read it. I am doing it like this because the is a secrete that you have to know ok. So yeah this is just a before Bella gets pulled over I don't want to spoil it but just think of when she got pulled. Enjoy.
Geva Taylor Hale

5. Secretes


Jacob, Wait for me! Do not act on your own, I will be the in a minute. Do not take action. Sam told me I didn’t change my stances. I was ready I just need one false move then I had them all.

I looked Sam was here. I may be Alpha but I do not care far the treaty the...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
E! Online is bringing up some important Breaking Dawn rumors that have been plaguing the minds of Twilight fans for months. Will Breaking Dawn really get made into a movie? According to E! Online, screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, "will definitely be finishing what she started when it comes to adapting the fourth and final book of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn." There are two big rumors that are said to be the hold up on Breaking Dawn; one is that apparently Summit is still trying to figure out if they should break the film into two parts and the second is will the cast and crew sign on again? As a fan, before they worry about scripts, cast and breaking films into parts you need to recognize the special effects that would be needed for this film. They have the money to pay but is technology up to speed to Stephenie Meyer's ideas?
posted by gossipgirlstar2
Snack on this Twi-Hards! A new picture from The Twilight Saga: New Moon has come out and has fans howling for Team Jacob. Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart are pictured in character and the chemistry these two actors have is jumping out of the picture and grabbing the attention of the world. Sorry, Robert Pattinson but Taylor is closing in on you and your days at the top might be numbered.

News broke yesterday that Twilight actor Jackson Rathbone was hurt while filming and was rushed to a nearby Vancouver hospital. It is being reported that the actor was filming one of the many intense fight scenes from Eclipse and encountered a "slight and unidentified injury." A spokesperson from Summit said, "As a precaution, he was driven to the hospital and checked out by a doctor. He's fine and is back at work on the set of Eclipse today." Ashley Greene even tweeted about Jackson coming back onto set and was happy to see he was doing better.
In an article by the New York Times, aside from creating a world-wide phenomena, Twilighters around the world has also out the small town of Forks, Washington on the map. The small loging town, who only has two stop lights, have garnered fame through the popularity of the Twilight books, the four-part book series that is penned by author Stephenie Meyer. Now, the town serves a “mecca” to Twilighters who have gathered in town to feel the Twilight experience.

Here is an excerpt of the article:

Over the last year or so, Forks (population 3,120) has morphed into a mecca for Twilighters, or Twihards...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Mag: Could you tell us about the new Twilight movie, New Moon?

AG:It was fun for me because it was a little more in-depth for Alice’s character. It’s more about the angst part of it than the love story as far as Edward and Bella. Edward leaves Bella, so she kind of falls into a depression and gets close to Jacob, and discovers a couple more crazy things about the town. We had a blast filming. We got to go to Italy, which was amazing. It was a couple of us who got to go to Italy, and I was included. It was coming back to the people we got really close to in the movie before so it was like...
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posted by anna0789
im going to write 3 and 4 tomorrow hope you are liking them

i took a big step back
"how do you know about us" i blonde girl ask furiously she was stunningly beautiful even now that her features were in a murderous glance

"And what are you i can't read your thoughts ...." a boy with tousled bronze hair said with a frustrated look in his face
he was even more beautiful and perfect than the blonde girl
So this had to be edward (the perfect man)and the blonde one was she Alice?? no no rose rosaline i think

"yes i am human edward ,and i just happen to know about what you are rose" i said smugly

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By Matt McDaniel and Jonathan Crow · September 21, 2009

Want to be in the audience of the very first midnight screenings of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon"? You may have already missed your chance.

Advance tickets for the much-anticipated sequel went on sale a week ago, and shows are already selling out. Even the websites where early tickets can be purchased are getting surprised by the rush of sales. Joel Cohen, Executive Vice President of said, "We expected 'New Moon' to be hugely popular when tickets went on sale... but seeing sellouts nine weeks prior to its release is unheard...
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posted by ashesandwine
This is a poem I wrote for Dark Moon (Emmett4ever's story). This poem still belongs to her, but I thought it would be cool to post it here and see what you think! It's, in my opinion:P, a bit how Bella was feeling in New Moon, when Edward left her! I hope you guys like it and please comment and rate... If you don't like it just say, I won't get offended, I promise:)

I’m lost in the remains of our love,
Trying to find a way to get out of
This dark place, looking for a light…

I’m travelling through my memories,
Searching in the good moments for a
Clue that this bad moment would come.

But in the...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Nine: You Will Never Fade Away
We didn't quite know what to do, we were drying off and getting dressed just as the moon made creepy shadows and made more light than ever. We could see everything! There bare skin, there love making, even see what it was that made them a couple. Gross!? I know it.
"So where are the others?" Rick asked, drying off his torso.
"At shelter." Jake answered drying his legs.
"The Cave?" Zo asked slipping on her boots.
"Ye-yeah." I said putting my shoes on.
"Can we...
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posted by surfergal
Sorry for the wait! Hope you like! Comment and Rate please!!

I put my hand on the door knob and turned it. When I walked in the house was beautiful. It had tall ceilings and tall door frames for Nathen so he could walk through them without having to duck his a head a little bit. It had very nutral walls like kahki and it had color through pillows and recliner chairs. We walked into the kitchen very pretty all stainless still appliences. Our bed room was so pretty a queen size bed. Nathen walked through each room with me. No one else followed us in though..
This is beautiful, Have you know about...
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posted by teamalice_0

Carlisle kept flipping throught the pages and pages of pictures, when his eyebrow rose.

"Mary? Who is this?" he poitned to a picture.

"You honestly don't know?"

He shook his head.

"That's Alice, when she was human."

Everyone swarmed around him trying to see the picture. hoave they not seen her when she was human?

Edward made eye contact with me and shook his head. I stared around the room, thinking, my thoughts wandering.

"Mary?" I looked over to a sad Alice.

I started walking to her but stopped when Jasper hugged her. I moved so I...
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posted by anna0789
bella's pov
"isabella i been looking you all over " james yelled at me but stay back i suppose he was scare of edward

james took a few more step fowards and grab my arm
"come on isabella you mother won't be please when she hears about you bien here" james muttered

edward and i get up from the bench ,edward was holding my hand i was smiling

edward just tell me he loves me!!!

"I think i should take her to her mother" james said to edward

but edward didn't remove his hand and i squeeze it

"no ,james i think i will take Bella "
and we started to walk foward

james stay back a few seconds and then he...
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Chapter 5 Alex

"Alice do you want to cut our trip short and go home,alex will change she didn't even go after the human with the blood was every where."i heard jasper say as i reached them

"Cuz i dont like to kill humans and i had a vision of my mom hunting so thats why i stoped and starved myself for weeks then i went hunting yesterday after our walk"i told them and alice came over to me and smiled
"Lets go home."alice said and we walked back to Peter and Charlotte house to get my stuff
"What happened to Tj?"Jasper asked
"um...he had rights to be scared of me"i smiled and ran into the house[i]...
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posted by teamalice_0
I enjoy this chapter, hope you do too.

He stared at me in shock.

"Carlisle?" My aunt called.


"Where are the others?" There was more?

"They went hunting, they should be back sometime soon."

I only wanted to say this once, so I had to wait 'till they got back. We sat in silence, but the Dr. looked like he was thinking.

Minutes later I snapped my head in the direction of laughing. The first guy to walk in had my binder, I forgot I had it out there still. He was huge. A bronze/ brown hair girl, followed by the rest. I skipped toward...
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Bella's pov

Well it had been 10 years since we fought off the Voulturi to save Nessie.She stopped ageing a few years ago but we didnt go to school for a few years because we wanted to be positive she wouldnt age but were going back this year. Carlisle is in the office enrolling us in school right now,Nessie is being 16 along with me and Edward and Alice.Rosalie,Emmet and Jasper are being 17.Carlisle had came out with the principal Mrs.Brown the door had said but she introduced herself anyways "Hello my name is Mrs.Brown." We nodded uor heads in aknowledgements."well here are your schedules."...
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posted by transformergirl
xifjioplgncjikpofnfkgnpkfghkfd[phkl[lglds]gp]fdlbf]lh]fgjlfhl'hlkgp;kd'sdg356763f4gd7ry6e4y4d6h7r86u6y4j98g7j64yk67k645gyi8764k6345gj'klesu9ryw76w5re765wr87er87ywre98ureot[y=-pth[pfj[gh[jk[k[pllg]fgh[;f]hjp-=uylukuiyuouipkkeileyyejehehehehehehjqabsikaheioher;ouidfgoihdthoijrto[rou63754964964796464fgj54hg654j654k6llkljzsfiodogddmzjsfjsdoghocbhngojbsdfmksdfjosfjojeitoflngjlgsjkjdfgljfngljfogijrejtoijgjflbvnv dlksvsdoiuojgojrrgojgojgojreojogdojgdpjgdjgjgjgjglfkjjfg0eiyoieporyepoktrportjpoerjpyoj;lmfipjgkkkfdpogmfdgiojretgrioyothjhljgjgiotrjrgdkljdfoigurkltolrjgoijeggiojejgopgjlejkrgoldjfioweohowquyr7912638971249698JJKHEJKHGDJKSFDJKkaeruiwrehiusfdhuihgkhfgkljhjkfhdghdgkjdfuogrejiordjtojdoigdjiodfgigdjiogjigdiopgioiotg kop srgopgipodfijgchlkjfhkojfghjifoh
Buff wolfman Alex Meraz (Paul) revealed at a Twilight convention this weekend that he may have played his role a bit too intensely during a run-in with lead heroine Kristen Stewart–

“I decided, all right, the Wolf Pack stay up all night looking for who’s killing people on the res, so we don’t sleep very much. So I thought it would be a great idea if I stayed up for 10 days straight.” What should have been a simple scene — a confrontation between Bella (Stewart) and the Wolf Pack — became, in Meraz’s mind, his “Brando moment.” Wanting to try something different, the actor played the scene overly aggressive: screaming, grabbing Stewart by the throat, hurtling his line at her.

“[Director] Chris Weitz comes off-set like, ‘Yeah, I like the energy Alex, but just take it down a little,’ ” Spencer chimed in: “Meanwhile the producers are freaking out back there.”

” ‘Cause nobody touches Kristen Stewart,” joked Meraz.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sam's POV
This was the second scarrest moment of my life. We had all ready gotten the blood sucker off of Taylor. I have never witness a bloodsucke biting a human before. She fell to the ground and wouldn't response to anything. I think we should take her to the Cullens. I told the pack. But that would be breaking the treaty. Jared said. Yeah, I know but we don't need another bloodsucker around here. I told them. I morphed into my human and carried her all the way to the Cullen's house, hoping they would be able to help. We got to their house, they heard us coming.  We need help, she has been...
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posted by surfergal
Tell me if you like it in Nathens POV or Addis POV better.

Nathen's POV

I was glad Addi was finally healing. I knew when she could surf she was fully healed. When she was surfing you knew that nothing was bothering her or she was just careless about everything. I don't mean it in a bad way or anything but she is so natural in the water, its like thats what she is ment to be around. I know Addi loved all of us but when she was surfing she fogot all about her troubles. She was amazing and I couldn't believe that I was getting married to her. A beautiful, loveable, sweet caring girl and she was...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sorry it's so short!
Before I knew it, we were heading to the field to fight against the Volturi. We have good fighters, we might acually win. I hope because I don't won't to lose! It's not fair, there the ones who wanted me to become a vampire! I'm greatful for it but I won't have been in this sitution if I was a human. Sawyer this is our battle, I don't won't to lose anyone over, I don't think they need to fight for us. I told him. Well, I'm not going to stand on the side lines and watch my favorite little sister be taken my the Volturi. Emmet said. Thank you but I don't know about this....
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