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(Links to episodes 1 and 2 will be in the comments section for those who haven't seen them yet! Although I wonder how this is going to work when we get to a huge episode count like 50....LOL)

(Hey there everyone! Jared Potts is back with another exciting installment of my own original fan-fiction series, Network 999! Sorry for the delay on this one, life was busy and whatnot. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I had fun making it. ^___^)

Quick Story Recap: It is the year 2087, and technology nowadays is extremely advanced.

The Internet (called Network 999) is also even more powerful than ever. You see, ever since a group of scientists produced an update to Network 999 called THC, or The Hyper Communication, Network 999 has been transformed into an exciting Cyber-Universe filled with adventure, fun, and safe friendly battles!

You see, THC has made Network 999 able to produce External Parasites, which are basically Avatars made by people on the website Create&

This allows ANYBODY to either choose a character to act as their Avatar, or make their own original character! Then you can give them their own skills and engage in safe battles with others, giving away HCP (or Hyper Communication Points) to the winner of the battle.

You Level-Up once every 1,000 HCP, allowing up to a level of 10 and a max HCP count of 10,000. You also, obviously, start off with zero HCP.

Level-Ups make Avatars stronger, faster, bulkier, and maybe even learn new special skills, in which you always start off with three. Skills are basically your Avatar's way of healing, attacking, or WHATEVER in battle. The most skills you can learn is six, so be sure to pick them wisely!

On the topic of fighting, there are three stats in battle. Agility is self-explanatory, Strength is how physically strong you are (both in offense and defense) and also determines your Health Points (or HP), and Magic is how strong your Energy/Magical capabilities are in offense, defense, and amount.

Create& even allows anyone to make up their own signature item that they always have equipped automatically both in and out of battle!

Unfortunately.....There is one dark file error that managed to escape the alpha stage of the THC named TEE, or The Evil Eyes.

Once inside an Avatar's eyes, they temporarily take over it's mind and allow the Avatar to permanently eradicate another's External Parasite completely.......FOREVER. The worst part of all this is seeing as how your state of mind is always inside of your Avatar when online, having it destroyed would send a vital shock towards the Nervous System, therefore killing you in real life.

On the bright side of things, this rarely ever happens. Plus, not only is there a large amount of scientists working hard to get rid of TEE, but there's also a small group of friends with powerful Avatars that are putting their lives on the line to save the world from TEE.

Since they helped create THC, they were each given a special Hidden Ability that they can activate in battle whenever they're in a really bad spot.

Hey look, there they are once again! Time for me to hit the hay and catch some Z's. XD

Jared: A Rocket-Magnum huh? Interesting, I wish I had one of those! Could come in pretty darn handy for bad situations, you know what I mean? :D

Deathding Profile
Jared's External Parasite
Jared's External Parasite

Age: 15
HCP: 5,297
Win-Loss Ratio: 18-0
Skills: 5
Arena Specialty: Land/Sea/Air
Arena Disadvantage: Underground
Strength: ****
Agility: *****
Magic: *****

Signature Item: Engine Skates (Allows the user to skate around very fast on ground. Also allows the user to fly.)

Skills: -Avalanche (Creates a black hole from above the foe and rains down freezing-cold sharp icicle spears.)

-Blazing Aura (Creates a heat-barrier made from lava that protects from all attacks, even water!)

-Neon Light (Blinds the foe with nega-sensitive light, then transforms into holy arrows that shower down on the opponent from above.)

-Adrenaline Burst (Temporarily triples stats and gives the caster a flaming Battle-Ax, but makes the user absolutely insane while also gradually draining the caster's HP. Only use when in a really bad spot.)

-Scan (Scans an enemies stats, pretty self-explanatory. Comes in handy when fighting those mysterious enemies......)

Hidden Ability: Edge Of Extinction (All stats octuple when at 3% HP or less. Resort to this when you're REALLY in hot water.)

Wind: Really now? You want a devastating machine of destruction now? Ugh, come on Jared. You already have the most skills AND the best stats of us all, isn't that enough?

Windwakerguy430/Wind Hydrasmith Aerogram's Profile
Wind's External Parasite
Wind's External Parasite

Age: 16
HCP: 4,063
Win-Loss Ratio: 15-3
Skills: 4
Arena Specialty: Land/Underground/Sea
Arena Disadvantage: Air
Strength: *****
Agility: ****
Magic: ***

Signature Item: Chainsaw Sword (Devastating heavy weapon made just for ripping opponents to shreds.....In style!)

Skills: -Gale Flash (Creates gusts of wind sharp enough to cut anything. Can even destroy incoming projectiles!)

-Infernal Lasso (Creates a flaming whip. This lasso can not only annihilate any unfortunate thing that it whips, but also has a 70% chance of inflicting a "Burn" on the opponent, which halves the strength of their Magic and gradually lowers their HP.)

-Turbo Dash (Temporarily allows the caster to attack enemies at rapid speeds while also making the user MUCH faster, even quick enough to run on water! However, using this skill gradually drains your HP, so use wisely.)

-Final Countdown (User gradually gets stronger the more their health depletes!)

Hidden Ability: Corrupted Assault (When down to 1 HP, the user becomes surrounded in a black aura. This quintuples all stats and allows the user to destroy even the most strong of armor with pathetic ease, but at the risk of losing their mind and becoming a dark unstoppable entity of darkness. Use ONLY as a last resort and NOTHING else.)

Chad: Least you aren't the one with only 3 skills Wind, why am I always the weakest one of the group? DAMMIT ALL! XD

LGYCE/Chad Adalius Legacy's Profile
Chad's External Parasite
Chad's External Parasite

Age: 15 and 1/2
HCP: 3,792
Win-Loss Ratio: 12-2
Skills: 3
Arena Specialty: Land/Underground/Air
Arena Disadvantage: Sea
Strength: ***
Agility: *****
Magic: *****

Signature Item: Limiter Rings (All stats are halved with Limiter Rings on, but to compensate for that, all stats are TRIPLED when Limiter Rings are off. Can only remove at 70% HP or less.)

Skills: -Chaos Sphere (Weak but fast Holy-Type energy projectile that can be spammed like a machine-gun!)

-Napalm Flamethrower (Extremely powerful flamethrower that always causes a burn. Can also destroy incoming projectiles!)

-Chaotic Tesla (Absorbs any incoming projectiles and sends them right back at the foe with double the power and speed! If it's something like a melee weapon, then the Chaotic Tesla will absorb the energy/magic of the sword and send that energy back as a projectile, while also acting like a shield. Bit complicated, but VERY effective.)

Hidden Ability: The Gerald Giga-Laser (Summons a gigantic proton-cannon that fires a huge laser strong enough to obliterate the strongest elements in the entire universe with ridiculous ease. Can only summon when at 10% health or less. Bit overkill, but this is Chad we're talking about. XD)

Jared: Come on Chad, what makes you think you're the weakest? You're magic and speed are amazing, your skills are VERY powerful, and you've only lost twice! And that was to me and Wind, so it's understandable!

Wind: I think that's his point, he wants to be able to defeat us in a battle. Only an absolute retard wouldn't notice that.

Chad: Hey, don't call Jared a retard, he's an idiot! ;D

Jared: *Death Glare*

Chad: Uhhh, Jared? You, uh, y-you alright? Hehe.... o___O

Jared: You won't know where, and you won't know when, but when I do, I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS FOR THAT.

Chad: Is it too late to suicide? O_____X

Jared: *Nods Happily* :)


???: Excuse me si-OW! *Falls*

Wind: NOW look what you ass-hats did.... *Sigh* We're sorry sir, it's all our fault.

???: Haha, no! It's fine, I was the one running down a thin isle!


???: Uh, is your friend there feeling alright?

Jared: HE'LL BE JUST DANDY..... >:)

???: (This kids already giving me the creeps.... o___O)

Wind: So what's in that bag you were carrying, and why're you in such a hurry?

???: Uh, it's nothing, really! Just some old junk a person in Salvador wanted, it's really nothing! Haha, nothing at all! :D

Wind: (There's something suspicious about this man....) Hey, where is this "Salvador" place you speak of?

???: (HE'S ONTO ME....!) Uh, just northwest of here, yeah! It's a small city indeed, not too many people live there.


Wind: Well if you're not lying, take us there. RIGHT. NOW.


*Phone Rings*

Jared: Who's phone is that?

Ringtone: ♫Dance to the beat, wave your hands together! :D♫

Wind: Guess goddamn who.... -____-

Chad: Uh, hello? Uh, yes.... Yeah, I know.... Alright, I'll make sure. See ya! *Hangs Up*

Chad: THC HQ wants to see us again, we better get going to Azuria before Mr. Boss and Elliot get mad.

???: (YES! :D FREEDOM! I HAVE WON! ^___^)

???: Well, we're going to have to cut this talk short, I gotta go now, and so do you guys! Any last words? :)

Wind: I'M ONTO YOU, #2........


Wind: Catch ya later, old freak. *Leaves*

???: (Impossible.... He knows my identity in The Third Thornbush, and there's nothing I can do about it.... I'm going to have to report this to this boss when I get back in SinTech.)

Chad: So, who was that strange man? And why'd you call him #2?

Wind: Honestly, I don't know. Something just took over my mind for a moment and I said that without meaning to, strange....

Jared: Ahh, it's SO LONG to Azuria, and I can't use my Engine Skates in reality.

Wind: And if you use your normal Roller Blades to get there before we do, I'll have your head served on a silver platter.

Chad: Isn't there SOME way of transportation that we can use?

Wind: Sure Chad, it's called walking.

Chad: BESIDES THAT! >__<

Bossy B. Boss: Ah, there you guys are! That sure took a lot shorter than we thought it would've, you guys sprint here or something? Haha!

Group: Wait, WHAT!? @___@

Jared: How did we get here so fast? I swear just a moment ago we were near Salvador....

Wind: Way to bring up what's happening, Captain Obvious.

Mr. Boss: What're you guys talking about? I just turned around and there you were, just standing around. Something wrong?

Group: Uh, not in particular.... :P

Elliot: Hey guys, long time no see, sort of! We called you here for another disaster, there's a strange individual attacking the THC HQ Network!

Elliot: I guess you could say he's having a GRAPE time, eh? Eh? :D Anyone?

Everyone: *Death Glare*

Elliot: Uh, you guys alright?

Mr. Boss: *Punches Elliot*


Mr. Boss: So, like Mr. Elliot said, there's a mysterious individual who's attacking our Network, and we want you to defeat him at all costs!

Wind: Sounds too easy, anything else you got for us? *Yawns*

Mr. Boss: Uhh, you could sweep the floor, I guess.

Wind: Alright then, hand me the broom.

Jared: *FALLS OUT OF CHAIR* Are you SERIOUSLY going to mop the floor while we're risking our lives saving Network 999!?

Wind: *Whistles* ♫London Bridges falling down, falling down, falling down!♫ *Sweeps*

Chad: *Facepalm* Well, have fun with that. I'm going to get some ACTION! :D

Chad: *Hits Head* FUCK!

Jared: Come on Chad, that mysterious man ain't gonna kill himself! XD

Chad: Alright, here we go....!

Jared & Chad: Create & Commence.... Here me out! To have my will and to have me shout..... My dignity, my pride, everything that's inside........

Jared & Chad: Bring me inside of The Hyper Communication, for THC we DIVIDE!

???: I can't take it anymore, my life sucks! I'm need to kill myself.... Right now!


Chad: You were right Jared, he IS going to kill himself! ^____^


Jared: *Grabs Chad* HOLD ON THERE, JET-ROAD! :P

???: I hate my life.... *Explosion* I never did anything special...! *Flames Appear* Nobody.... EVER LOVED ME! *More Explosions*

Jared: Uh, hey there! You! I'm REALLY sorry, I really am, but can you please stop attacking the net? *Coughs*

???: *Silence*

Jared: Um, are you alri-


Jared & Chad: AUGH! *Health Depletes*

Chad: Damn this thing.....

*Meanwhile, in reality.....*

Mr. Boss: So, did you get that one spot?

Wind: *Whistles* Yeah, I did. Floor looks fine now, want me to start mopping?

Mr. Boss: Uhhh, sure.... I guess so?

Wind: (This is the life! Mopping the floor peacefully with nobody to bug me, ahhh....)

Mr. Boss: (This man..... I will never understand the way his mind works. :P)

*Meanwhile, back inside Network 999.....*

Chad: AUGH! *Health Depletes* This thing is STRONG.... *Bleeds*


Jared: Just what the hell IS this thing!? I'll need to scan it.......

*Scanning..... Scanning Procedure Complete!*

Lunar Stained Arkwright's Profile
Lunar's External Parasite
Lunar's External Parasite

Age: ??
HCP: 4,631
Win-Loss Ratio: 16-0
Skills: 4
Arena Specialty: All
Arena Disadvantage: None
Strength: *****
Agility: *****
Magic: ****

Signature Item: The Abandoned Armor (A special suit that boosts the users abilities with Dark Magic.)

Skills: -Lunar Slice (Creates a Dark-Type projectile in the shape of a Crescent Moon from the sword.)

-Satan's Tears (A Dark-Type attack in which the user's tears become evil shadow beings that launch themselves at the opponent, exploding on contact and inflicting the Darkened Status, which halves all of the opponents stats through the power of Dark Magic.)

-Ally Summon (Summons 3 sword-wielding Blade-Knights to help attack the foe.)

-Soul Shield (Summons a shield that blocks attacks, absorbs the energy of those attacks, and uses it to heal the user. If the user is at full HP while absorbing energy, then the remaining energy turns into a powerful and fast projectile that attacks the foe.)

Hidden Ability: Majin's Excalibur (Transforms the Silver Sword into a Black Entity of Dark Magic that can take the shape of ANY weapon. Can only activate at 40% HP or less.)

Jared: Oh my god....... THIS THING IS STRONG!

???: Don't you DARE call me a thing.......... LUNAR SLICE!


???: Haha, how pathetic. You have to resort to protecting yourself with a BARRIER just to keep you from dying..... Pitiful.

Chad: Hey, YOU'RE the one with a Shield Skill!

???: Please, I only use that for STRONG fighters..... Which seem to be nonexistent in this world.

Jared: What happened to your sad-ass "I'm so sad please like me" attitude from earlier huh? And if you want a fight, then it's a fight you'll get!

???: AUGH, HELP ME! D:

???: ALL THIS FIRE..... *Coughs*


Jared: Oh no, you BASTARD!

???: Haha, looks like you have PEOPLE to save, Jared.

Jared: Chad, promise me one thing..... That you won't lose to this.... FREAK!

Chad: You kidding me? I'm on an entirely different level. ;) Go save them Jared, I'll handle this bitch.

Jared: Promise me that you won't lose, Chad.

Chad: *Sigh* I promise. Now go save them! Now!



Jared: Ah, revenge is sweet, oh so sweet. Get your revenge kids, it feels amazing. ;D

Chad: YOU SON OF A-AUGH! *HP Depletes*

???: Hah, look at your sad friend, abandoning you like that. Now, if you'll calm down, allow me to introduce myself.

Lunar: My name is Lunar Stained Arkwright, I have no age and am #4 in the evil net-terrorizing organization, The Third Thornbush. I don't usually say anything, but when fighting a pathetic pipsqueak like you, bullying is really hard to avoid.

Chad: Don't you DARE call me a pipsqueak, I'll have your sorry ass roasted on my barbecue tonight!

???: Really now? Let's see what you're made of, I'd like to see you try to even TOUCH me.

Chad: That's it rat-face, you're going DOWN.




Lunar: Hah, take THIS! *Absorbs, sends back*



Lunar: Haha, you ain't half-bad, but if that's SERIOUSLY all you got, then you need to step up your game, pal!

Chad: You should be talking, you haven't even scratched me yet!

Lunar: Really? Then try THIS ON FOR SIZE, ALLY SUMMON!

*Summons 3 Blade-Wielding Knights*


Blade-Knights: ATTACK THE FOOLISH BEING!! *Slashes*




Chad: *Punches, dodges* Augh, that was a clos-OW! *HP Depletes*

Lunar: Now, are you ready to see the end, pathetic being!?

Chad: *Silence*

Lunar: How DARE you ignore me, DIE!!!!! LUNAR SLICE!

Blade-Knights: ATTAAAAAACK!!!!!


Blade-Knights: *Cough*

Lunar: Is it over....YES..... YES! I WON! TAKE THAT YOU PATHETI-AUGH! *HP Depletes*

Chad: I don't know how I gained this.... *Teleports*

Lunar: AUGH! Where'd he go....!?

Chad: But with it....... *Teleports*

Lunar: HE DISAPPEARED AGAIN! Come out NOW and fight like a man, foolish being!

Chad: I'LL KICK YOUR ASS! *Kicks*

Lunar: NO...! OW! *HP Depletes*

Chad: It's time to get a little more serious, don't you think? >:) *Removes Limiter Rings*


Chad: *Teleports* NAPALM FLAMETHROWER! *Burns*


Chad: Give it up, Lunar! You're no match for my new power... *Teleports*

Lunar: So, you want to play THAT way, eh? FINE BY ME!

Chad: This is the END FOR YOU, HAH! *Punches*

Lunar: ..........................


Chad: What're you doing now, Lunar? Finally give up? >:D

Lunar: AAAUUUUUGUGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Charges, flashes dark*

Chad: ?

Lunar: MAJIN'S........EXCALIBUR!

Lunar: HAUGH.... *Flashes Black, White, Black, etc* HAAAUUGHHH..............

Chad: Nice try, TAKE THIS! CHAOS SPHERE!!!

Lunar: *Catches*

Chad: WHAT!?

Lunar: Satan doesn't appreciate Holy-Type magic, you know......

Chad: I'm fucked, aren't I? o____O

Lunar: *Nods Happily* :)

Chad: Goddammit. :P

Lunar: *Silver Sword Transforms* HERE! Taste DARK BATTLE-AXE, LOSER! *Swings*

Chad: AUGH! *HP Depletes*

Chad: (I don't have much energy left, I better finish this quick before he destroys me AND the Net....)

Lunar: YOU CAN'T RUN! *Swings*

Chad: AUGH! *HP Depletes*

Lunar: YOU CAN'T HIDE! *Swings*

Chad: OW!!! *HP Depletes*

Lunar: AND YOU CAN'T TELEPORT........ ANYWHERE!!!!! *Swings*

Chad: AUGH!!!! *HP Depletes*


Chad: AAUUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!! *HP Depletes*

WARNING! HP has gone down to 2%, retreat now!

Chad: I... Am not losing.... To a sewer-sipping BITCH like you!

Lunar: I've had ENOUGH! DIE!!!!!!!!!!! *Swings*

Chad: *Teleports*

Lunar: Where are you hiding now, FOOLISH BEING!? You've struck my LAST NERVE!

Chad: *Charges*

Lunar: Come out, come out, wherever you are! I've had ENOUGH of you!

Chad: *Charges*


Chad: Haha, Lunar? You might want to look behind you. ;)

Lunar: WHA-

Chad: See ya in Hell. :)

Chad: GERALD GIGA-LASER!!!!!!!!!!

Battle over, Chad is the winner! 526 HCP gained, level-up! Chad has learned new skill: Instant Transmission! (Allows the user to teleport wherever and whenever they want!)

Chad: Augh, my head.... Say that one more time, will ya computer?

FUCKING HELL! Nobody ever pays attention to me, I SAID YOU LEVELED-UP, YOU DICKHEAD!

Chad: Whatever you say, foul-mouthed computer. ;D

Lunar: Aauugughhhh.... X_____X

Chad: Nice one Lunar, you're pretty good. Haha, BUT I WHOOPED YO MUTHA-FUCKIN ASS! >:D

Jared: Jesus Chad, you're such a poor sport. >___>

Lunar: X_____X

Jared: Uh, you need a hand?

Lunar: *Takes Hand* Suuree.....

Jared: Haha, you feeling alright? You sound like you just got hit by a Giga-Laser or something.

Chad: He did, HAH! Revenge is amazing kids, get your revenge. ^____^

Lunar: What kind of moral is THAT!? @___@

Jared & Chad: The best one. ;)

Jared: Well, we gotta go now. See ya la-

Lunar: WAIT!

Chad & Jared: ?

Lunar: Can I..... Come with you guys?

Jared: But, well, you see-

Lunar: You don't understand. I never had a home, I never went outside or had fun with any friends..... All my life I've been harshly trained by this mean team that wants to destroy the net, and I swear I haven't logged out in almost a decade.....

Chad: WHAT!? What kind of screwed-up person would DO that!?

Jared: (I can think of one..... The asshole who's been mopping the floor while we almost died. XD)

Lunar: Can I please come with you guys? I can't remember the last time I was outside of the net, as a human, doing fun things with great people....

Jared: Alright, you could be a part of our group! :D

Lunar: Really? ^____^

Chad: FUCK NO. :)


Chad: Not really. :P

Lunar: *Sad Music Plays* How can this be.... I've been betrayed AGAIN! *Cries*

Jared: You think you're overreacting a BIT there?


Chad: Alright, you can come with us, just shut-up about all the bad stuff, haha!

Lunar: REALLY!? :D

Jared: Sure, let's go. :) *Holds out hand*

Lunar: *Grabs hand*


Jared: Ah, so THAT'S how you really look, cool! :D

Lunar: Haha, thanks. I've been as my External Parasite for so long, even I forgot how I looked.

Chad: Can't you just say Avatar and not Exmermal Sarakite or whatever? It's too confusing @___@

Lunar: Oh yeah, sure!

Wind: So how'd it g-

Mr. Boss: So boys, did it go we-

Wind & Mr. Boss: *Silence*


*A long, long, LONG, LOOOONG explanation later......*

Wind & Mr. Boss: Ah, I see!

Elliot: Hey fata-I MEAN, hey Mr. Boss! I'm finally back! :D

Bossy B. Boss: *Death Glare*

Elliot: I'm fucked aren't I? o_____O

Bossy B. Boss: *Nods Happily* :)

Mr. Boss: *Punches*




???: Damn that TRAITOR! How could he DO this to us!?


???: Well, there goes one of our most powerful members......

???: What do we do now!? I KNEW something wasn't right when saw them next to Salvador.....

???: You're right, we're losing our army fast. First our Speed Entity, then our Rocket-Magnum Mark 2, and NOW we lost Lunar!


???: Don't worry everyone, everything's going according to plan..... Once we finish The Dream Insectoid, everything will be in our grasp.

???: Hahahaha....... HAHAHAHAHAHA....... HAHAAHAHAHAAHAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(End Of Episode 3)

BONUS: Enemy Of The Day: Blade Knight Minion
A Blade Knight
A Blade Knight

Age: ??
HCP: 0
Win-Loss Ratio: ????
Skills: 3
Arena Specialty: Land/Underground
Arena Disadvantage: Sea/Air
Strength: ****
Agility: ****
Magic: ***

Signature Item: Sword (A sharp weapon used for slicin n' dicin!)

Skills: -Sword Flash (Creates a weak gust of wind that can blow some foes and projectiles away.)

-Spin Cycle (A fast rotating attack with the sword that cuts up everything near it!)

-Lasso (Changes the user's weapon into a pristine whip. Effective as a different style of combat!)

Hidden Ability: None
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When you are a young man, no job, and college is hitting you real hard with assignments, I say that there is no better place to find games that no one else will play than your local libraries. I don’t know if all libraries do this, but the one in my area allows people to rent not just books, but movies and video games. I found some pretty good games there, as well as some… Less good ones. But regardless, these games are in fact underrated, so it is my job to review them. And what better game to review than an underrated Wii game, Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars.


Mushroom Men: The...
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When it comes to horror movies, you all know that the one thing that makes a movie for me is jumpscares. There’s nothing I love more than jumpscares. There is also nothing I love more than seeing characters go out into the killer’s path even though they could have lived if they stayed put. I love it. But I also love monsters just as much. And there are lots of great Hollywood monsters like the Leprechaun, the gorilla with the helmet from Robot Monster, the Gingerdead Man, the Goblins from Troll 2, and who can forget the classic Shitweasles from Dreamcatcher? But, I think I know one horror...
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Art by Deathding
Art by Deathding
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Art by Alinah_09
There are a lot of horror games out there that have done wonders in scaring millions of people. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Eternal Darkness, Fatal Frame, Five Nights at- (No). But, what about those games that look scary… but actually aren’t horror games. You know, those games that make you think “Oh, this will just be a normal adventure game” or “This looks like a kids game”, and when you play it, you feel the need to cry underneath the covers…. Yeah. Those games. I really seem to like games that aren’t technically horror games, but still manage to scare you. They...
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2014 was a great year for anime.So much wonderful shows like Ping Pong: The Animation, Kill la Kill, and my personal favorite, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. But there wasn’t really much horror anime. Which is why I am so thankful to say that one of the best anime and most beloved by the anime community was a horror anime. That anime being the series known as Parasyte: The Maxim.

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added by Windwakerguy430
(Due to the lack of jokes I could find, or new jokes that I forgot to add in my games, here is a few short list of what would happen if you let an emotionless 16-year-old sociopath with antisocial personality disorder ruining your childhood by killing beloved video game characters or assaulting them at the least)

Robotnik: Ha, ha, ha. Prepare to die, Sonic
Sonic: We’ll see about that, Robo- (Sonic gets shot in the head)
Wind: (Walks over) Oh thank god
Robotnik: Uh… wow, it was that easy
Wind: What do you mean?
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Johnny: What's this about Ray?

Ray: Nothing., Were friends aren't we.

Johnny: Really.. I thought you hated my guts after that musiem stunt.

Ray: Noo, no Johnny, I don't hate your fuckin guts.

Bodyguard: Than what the hell are we doing!? I thought we were gonna ki-


Johnny: Sometimes I guess.

Ray: Great.. Say, can you do me a favour? Do you see that painting behind you?

Johnny? (looks behind him) What about i- (Ray suddenly knocks him unconscious).


Ray: (slaps Johnny).

Johnny: (wakes up...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Do not ride on any roller coasters called Whoops.
Now, we all know movies, and we all love them. And the characters in them are pretty amazing too. Sadly, there are those characters who are just…. awful. Those are the characters that are made to just ruin the entire experience. So, today, I am going to talk about the ten worst movie characters that made watching them a little less enjoyable. Now, the rules. Only from movies I have seen and only one movie per franchise. Now, with that said, lets start the list

#10: Rachel Ferrier from War of the World’s - Sadly, this won’t be the last minor character on the list. Now, with a little...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Now, some people may say that the Legend of Zelda only has Ganondorf as its villain. But, there are actually lots of villains. In fact, their are lots of great villains in this series… Except for Demise, he sucks. So, I am going to tell you all my top favorite villains in the Zelda universe. Now, remember that my opinion may be different from yours, so do not get mad if a villain you wanted to see isn’t here. Now, with that said, let’s start the list


#5: Agahnim from A Link to the Past - Now, this has to have been the first time I have seen a good villain in a Zelda game....
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posted by Windwakerguy430
January 21, 9:55 a.m.
Court House

Wind Waker Guy- Uuhhh. The letters don't seem to fit together. Oohhh. I should have went to bed early
Happy Yappy- HI!!!
Wind Waker Guy- AAAHHHHHHH!!! Don't do that
Happy Yappy- Sorry, I'm just so excited with what you'll do today. Here. I bought you some coffee because, knowing you, you'd stay up all night and would be dead tired
Wind Waker Guy- Uh...thanks (Thinking) This is it. I've got to finish this today. If I don't, all my hard work will have been for nothing

Courtroom No. 4
Judge- Court will now resume from yesterday. I believe that both the defense and the...
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Good news and bad news, to all you Rockstar fans out there. Bad news, this is the last GTA entry on this entire list. Good news, it's the best one out there. After playing through the more recent GTA games, I wanted to go back and try out the older ones. But not GTA 1 old. Little later after that. And one of them was the lovely San Andreas. So let us talk about the great San Andreas and see just what-

WindWakerGuy430: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second! What is this doing here?!
SeanTheHedgehog: I am in charge of this review.
WindWakerGuy430: Says who?! Oh, right. I had that hangover...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Song: link
The circle moves in from the right. When it stops, a lightning bolt appears, followed by the name, WindWakerGuy430
The circle moves in from the right. When it stops, a lightning bolt appears, followed by the name, WindWakerGuy430

Cape May, 1971

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

A WindWakerGuy430 Fan Fiction

Six Shooters 5

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Alan Martinez
WindWakerGuy430 as Harry Penn
Kyle Hummel as Stuart McKing
Ashleigh Ball as Camryn Jones
John Pankow as Captain Ford
Jeff Bodine as Ian Chance
Mark Moraghan as Alec Wheeler
Tom Cruise as Kenny Jackson
Christian Bale as Mark Asington
Scott Caan as Alec Baker...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Electronic is the best version of this song
posted by Windwakerguy430
Counsler: So, Wind, I have heard that you have some social problems
Wind: Less of problems and more of a smart idea to stay the fuck away from every idiot I meet
Counsler: Now, Wind, it isn’t very healthy to be anti-social. Perhaps you should make some friends
Wind: ……. Fuck off
Counsler: Oh, come now. What’s wrong with making friends
Wind: What’s wrong? Have you even seen how stupid people are around me
Counsler: Something tells me that you are very upset
Wind: Your goddamn right I’m upset. You just come here and tell me how to live my fucking life, when I don’t want to live...
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