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There are a lot of horror games out there that have done wonders in scaring millions of people. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Eternal Darkness, Fatal Frame, Five Nights at- (No). But, what about those games that look scary… but actually aren’t horror games. You know, those games that make you think “Oh, this will just be a normal adventure game” or “This looks like a kids game”, and when you play it, you feel the need to cry underneath the covers…. Yeah. Those games. I really seem to like games that aren’t technically horror games, but still manage to scare you. They seem to just be more effective than other games. Probably because you never expected them to be scary, yet that’s how they turn out. So, today, I want to share my favorite non-horror games that are pretty scary. Only one game per franchise and only games that I have played. So, let us start with the list.

#10: Super Paper Mario

It was a tie between this or Luigi’s Mansion, and looking back at it, Luigi’s Mansion may be creepy for kids, but it’s a bit silly now that I play it as a semi-grown up. And besides, I found Super Paper Mario to be MUCH creepier. The game follows Mario (Of course), as he travels across different worlds to collect eight Pure Hearts to stop the main antagonist, Count Bleck, who wants to send the world into a dark void. Sure, it sounds like your usual RPG story, but remember. This is a Mario game, by Nintendo, and what they did here is… scary. ALSO, SPOILERS FOR SUPER PAPER MARIO! Throughout the game, you read the story of two lover, Blumiere and Timpani, who were separated when Blumiere’s father sent Timpani to another dimension where she could die. Mario’s sidekick in this game is a butterfly-like creature named Tippi. Think Navi, but less annoying. As it turns out, Tippi is Timpani and Count Bleck is Blumiere, who became Count Bleck after he was driven insane due to Tippi’s loss, and wanted to destroy the world because his insanity and hate grew too huge and didn’t want the world to exist if he couldn’t be happy. This game has a lot of depressing and disturbing moments in it. To Luvbi, a character who has a mother and father, turning into the Pure Heart to save the world, to all of Sammer’s Kingdom being turned into an empty void. But you still have some scary moments. Like the River Twygz Bed or Mimi turning into a spider. See, this game is completely messed up.

#9: Minecraft

Yes, I know a lot of people are rolling their eyes at the name Minecraft, but I kinda liked it. I guess it had to do with it being kinda like a larger box of digital LEGOs, and I love LEGOs. But the only thing scary about LEGOs is worrying that someone left a 2x4 piece of the ground and you can step on it at any minute. With Minecraft, there’s more to worry about than stepping on LEGOs. Just looking at the giant world, you’d think there may be some people to run into. And while you can, the world is mostly full of zombies, skeletons, spiders, the dreaded Endermen, and those damn Creepers always popping up when you least expect it. I never played Minecraft online, so I never had friends there with me. Instead, I was all alone, which really added to the creep factor of this game. You always had to build a house or some sort of place to protect yourself at night before the monsters came out, and even then, you never knew if you were totally safe. But that’s only on the surface. If you try to dig deeper into the game, you may try to find diamonds, but you may also find a cave of monsters. And don’t get me started on places like The Nether, which is just hell but with flying ghosts and zombies, or The End, which is a place filled with Endermen, so you know that is not a good place to be. And children everywhere play this game on billions of consoles.

#8: Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

Sure, Oddworld may have some sort of comedic tone to it at times. I mean, a group of aliens are enslaved by another to make their meat for them and will eventually be turned to meet themselves if Abe doesn’t help them. It has a very dark sort of humor, but still humor nonetheless. But the game can be very creepy at times. Sure, it’s not due to the story like it was with Super Paper Mario, but it’s more disturbing in atmosphere. The entire game is some sort of dark location, a large factory, or a cave with some rather ominous music in the background. The game is a lot more scary with how it shows the levels and its enemies. For every character that trusts and follows you, there’s always going to be another one on the next screen or the same one that will want to kill you on sight. And with the music, which sometimes can just be ambience, can get a bit disturbing at times. And this game has some pretty disturbing imagery, especially with the bad endings you can get in these games. Seriously, those were pretty dark endings.

#7: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a scary game. In fact, I didn’t find much things to be scared of while going through this game. However, I do know that there were some scary monster designs. The game was a bit disturbing enough with the fact that a Belmont was mind controlled by the main villain of the game, but just remember that this is a game that loves it’s horror so much. So many monsters in this game are just amazing to look at, that it’s hard for me to list all of the monsters in the game. There’s giant wolves that guard the castle, large knights with dozens of weapons, a flying demon creature, giant lying skulls, a murderous plant, … frogs, flying weapons, a puddle of goo, ghosts, a butterfly, a Cthulhu knock off, and those damn annoying Fleaman and those god forsaken Medusa Heads. Oh, and the bosses are pretty freaky too. There’s Galamoth, a giant armored beast that wants to rule the netherworld, or Granfaloon, a giant floating ball of dead bodies, or Beelzebub, a giant rotting corpse covered in flies and despite not moving is one of the hardest bosses in the game. It’s pretty creepy, but I love it. Maybe not the creepiest on this list, but I just like the monster designs. Oh, and some of the voice acting is bad enough to be scary, depending on your view of it.

#6: Myst

Wow is this an old school game. Like, so old school, it could rival those old computers, which, by internet standards, 1993 is like the 17th century. Anyway, old school games are still games, so anyway, getting back on topic, Myst is a puzzle game where you must travel across the island of Myst and solve puzzles and solve a mystery about gods or something, I don’t remember. I haven’t played the game since I was nine. The point is, this game freaked me out as a kid. It does the same lonely feeling thing like with Minecraft, though I feel it’s done even better here. With Minecraft, the world was filled with some people, but mostly monsters that wanted to harm you or wanted nothing to do with you. With this game, there is nothing at all. No people, no monsters, nothing. It’s just you, some buildings, items, and puzzles to solve. It gives off a rather lonely vibe that makes it pretty scary. It’s just you and the goal that you need to reach. I don’t know why an empty world scares me so much, but it just does. No one to interact with, no monsters to fight, just continue with the game's story. A good story, no doubt, but that’s it, really. I guess I’m used to games where there’s more than just one character (That one character being the main character), but with Myst, that’s all you get, and that’s why I love it.

#5: Limbo

Yes, it’s an indie game, and I don’t care. Indie games are games too, and indie games that aren’t horror games can still be disturbing as all hell. Limbo is described as a puzzle platformer game, not horror. So there, it counts. Anyway, Limbo is terrifying. The entire game lacks any color at all, portrayed in black and white, with the main character just being a silhouette with white eyes. The entire game uses a dark color palette and it pretty creepy just by looking at the atmosphere. But the game can be pretty scary for other reasons, like looking at the other characters in the game, who either want the protagonist of Limbo dead, or rather, want nothing to do with the boy and just try to avoid him. While character interactions are pretty scary on their own, it gets even scarier with the death in this game. This game can be pretty cruel with its death scenes. From being beheaded to being crushed by rocks to being eaten alive by a spider, this game is violent. Speaking of spiders, you get to tear the legs off a giant spider and use it’s body to solve a puzzle… I thought I was playing a platforming game, I didn’t know we’d be using creatures as puzzle solutions. This game is all sorts of creepy.

#4: Fallout

With Elder Scrolls, I never really found it scary. The overworlds looked to beautiful, and while there were some hard things going on for people, they were just NPCs, so… I don’t care. With Fallout, though… This is a bit different. The world is all in a color pallet of greys and browns, making it look just like what you’d expect from a wasteland after a devastating nuclear war. I mean, when I picture nuclear holocausts, I don’t picture some flourishing forest like you see in Skyrim. Nope, Fallout’s wastelands look exactly what you’d expect from nuclear war. But that’s just the environment of Fallout. What about the residents. Well, some of the people are either mutants, bandits, or just people trying their best to survive. And people aren’t the only people who have been mutated. Animals have suffered the same fate. Cockroaches have turned into giant creatures that attack you on sight, cows are now multiheaded abominations, and wasps have turned into the most annoying enemy in the game. Looking around at the towns destroyed by the warfare, you can only imagine what these towns must have been like. Hell, Fallout 4 shows you what the town is like before it’s struck with a nuclear bomb, and how it ends up destroying civilization. People turned into criminals or killers, animals now more murderous than ever before, and all you can do is do what you can to survive. Really changes up the beautiful worlds in Elder Scrolls, huh?

#3: Bioshock

You all knew that Bioshock would be on the list eventually. Well, here it is. Bioshock really isn’t a horror game. Far from it. There’s too much gunplay and the odds are always in your favor, making it too action oriented to be a horror game. But don’t worry, this game still manages to be scary. The underwater city of Rapture, which was once meant to be a place for the best and brightest of humanity, has become nothing but a dilapidated and violent place where people kill each other every day for Atom, even going as far to risk their lives to attack the Big Daddies, large enemies that wear underwater gear and carries giant drills to protect the innocent Little Sisters. Looking at the bizarre and horrifying movements of the Splicers is pretty creepy, and makes you wonder what they were like before they got their hands on Atom. You wonder the same about the city of Rapture. What was this place like before Atom was found? Even the characters you meet who don’t try to kill you are pretty disturbing individuals. But your enemies are terrifying as well, and there is nothing these people won’t do for a bit of Atom. I’m glad this game was as successful as it was, spanning a sequel that wasn’t as good, and a third game that wasn’t as scary yet managed to be better. Sequels work in weird ways, really.

#2: Bloodborne

Oh boy, this game. This is a game that, despite not being a horror game, tries hard to be a horror game. And that’s why I love Bloodborne so much. I was deciding which to put on here between this and Dark Souls, and while I love Dark Souls more, it’s more depressing than scary, so I went with Bloodborne in the end, and I’m glad I did. The entire gothic horror sort of feeling reminds me of an Edgar Allan Poe story, and I always did love his stories. The world just feels so scary. Looking at the building feels like gothic horror. Looking at the creatures feels like gothic horror. Looking at the NPCs feels like gothic horror. The whole game just feels like gothic horror, and I love myself some gothic horror. But don’t worry. The monsters in this game manage to be scary too. So much to list, it’s hard to choose. Skeletons in robes, giant spiders, monsters who were once people now turned into these… things that are just so amazing, but hard to explain. The monsters are like Lovecraftian monsters. Their all so scary and so insanely designed, that it’s impossible to describe them. You just need to look at them yourself and say “... How could anyone think up such a creature”. And that’s what I love about Bloodborne’s monsters. Their creatures you can’t just think of in a matter of seconds. They take time and effort, and that’s what makes all these From Software games good, including the Dark Souls series. Their monsters take time to create, and that’s why I love them all. Bloodborne's monsters especially.

#1: Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Yes, I know. It’s obvious. VERY obvious. When thinking of scary non-horror games, Majora’s Mask always comes up, and how can it not? It changed up what we had already gotten from Ocarina of Time, and made it even scarier. To be fair, Ocarina of Time had some scary moments too, but Majora’s Mask took the scary parts of Ocarina of Time, and just made the entire game around that sort of fear. The entire game has Link chasing after the Skull Kid, a small mischievous creature, who wears the Majora’s Mask, a cursed Mask that holds powers that are used for nothing but evil, and it’s shown, as Majora’s only goal is to destroy Termina with the moon. Now why does he want to do this? Not a lot of people talk about why Majora wants to do this, but I think it’s because it’s clear. It’s because he doesn’t need an excuse. He’s evil and wants to do something evil because he is a Mask of hate and evil, and wants to cause nothing but chaos for his own amusement, which I think makes it even scarier. And of course, the moon is scary to just look at, but with the inside of the moon being a grassy field with nothing but a lone tree makes it a bit more disturbing (If that’s even possible). But Majora and the Moon aren’t the only scary things in this game. There’s a lot more scary things in this game, like finding characters who are already dead and are ghosts who want Link to complete their goals so they may rest in peace, a Deku king who plans to execute an innocent monkey for the loss of his daughter, an entire Goron village freezing to death in the mountains, a Goron hero is dead before he could save his people and is filled with guilt, a Zoro actually dies right in front of Link, a Zoro mother is depressed over her children being taken from her by pirates, and an entire canyon filled with the dead, a well filled with Gibdos, zombies and skeletons who have accepted their fate, a girl who’s father has been turned into a Gibdo, an entire ranch terrorized by aliens, and seeing how people behave differently during the end of the world when the moon is about to crush them is just depressing but also disturbing. Remember, this game has the Nintendo logo on it. An E rated game. Fun for the whole family. Well, I think I’ve seen enough terrifying Nintendo games for one day. Take care

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