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I've always been a good speller. Some people just have the knack while others struggle their whole lives to spell even the most rudimentary words. With the advent of the internet came widespread apathy towards proper spelling. I'd just assume join the masses but I'm sure I'd never forgive myself—not after everything that's happened. Allow me to explain.

In sixth grade there was a spelling bee at my elementary school. Long story short—I won. It wasn't fair, really, considering the fourth and fifth graders were involved, but I didn't let empathy sour the moment. My classmates were thrilled and offered their sincerest congratulations. Up until that point I hadn't been much of a standout kid, but now I was a champion of sorts. It was a moment I long to relive.

As the winner, I was invited to compete against local schools then possibly advance to regionals. Exciting as it all was, I couldn't help worrying since I tend to freeze up when put on the spot. The first spelling bee was no problem; it was at my own school, which was small, with only some other students and teachers there. But now I would have to stand up in front of people I didn't know and try to keep my cool.

My first challenge was at a much larger school. I was relieved to find that despite the competition taking place in a sizable auditorium, it would have a small audience of just parents and a few teachers—no bratty kids to heckle me. Being on stage was a little disconcerting but—having been forced to perform in a school play—it wasn't entirely unfamiliar territory. The other kids didn't look too bright and I figured they came from schools where nobody could spell for shit. This was going to be easy.

Before we began, the usual rules were dictated by the pronouncer. I won't bore you with the specifics but she made it a point to emphasize that there would be no homophones: words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Usually, when given a homophone, the competitor would simply ask for the definition. However, in this particular spelling bee I was to expect no homophones at all—not a one. I could push them completely out of my mind. Homophone? What's a homophone?

Things got off to a good start, as expected. Naturally, the words started out simple and gradually became more complex—not enough to stump me though. I was right about the other students being pathetic spellers. Two of them were eliminated early on by some really basic words. My confidence was skyrocketing and an effortless victory seemed within my grasp. But then, out of nowhere, this bitch did the unthinkable: she gave me a fucking homophone.

Now you're probably thinking, "Whoa, that's pretty harsh considering you could just ask for the definition." Well, you're right. I could have asked for the definition. Oh God, why didn't I just ask for the definition? My eleven year old mind struggled to understand why someone would be so insistent and then completely contradict themselves. She said there would be no homophones. No... fucking... HOMOPHONES! I felt like I had been thrown under the bus. You could hear a pin drop and a wolf howl in the distance as I stood there like an idiot trying to untie the knot this woman had just fastened in my brain

The word was either "colonel" or "kernel". I never found out which. I was too preoccupied with the whirlwind of questions orbiting round my head. Which word am I supposed to spell? Why did she give me this word? Why did she say there'd be no homophones? Why is she doing this to me?! I wanted to scream, to run, to cry, but I did nothing. After a painfully awkward and seemingly endless silence, I was told to hurry or I'd be out of time. Afraid of being disqualified, I spit out the only thing my tangled mind could scramble together: a combination of both spellings.

"C-E-R... N-O-L."

"I'm sorry, that is incorrect."

I was mortified. What the hell just happened? Did I really spell it that way? Why did I do that? Why the hell did I do that?! No, it was that bitch's fault. She lied to me! This was my chance to show everyone that I was special, and she just ripped it away like a greedy troll snatching bread from a hungry child. I wanted to protest but I couldn't make a sound—paralyzed by denial, confusion and embarrassment. They had to play me off, so to speak, like some dazed fool.

I was clearly distraught but no one seemed to understand how severely. My father attempted to console me but he didn't try that hard. I suppose it was futile, or maybe he was just bad at that type of thing. I pleaded to that stupid woman but of course she dismissed it like it was no big deal. I kept telling my dad, "She said there'd be no homophones!" I wanted him to confront her, to do something about it. Instead he just shrugged it off. She knew what she did, though. That bitch knew.

Everyone at school was sympathetic about my loss, which only made me feel worse. Now and then I'd imagine that dumbass kid who won the spelling bee smiling with his shit eating grin as that evil woman pats him on the back. It was obvious that I was the better speller, so how in God's name did they let that moron win? At least they were from different schools; I'd never have to see them again. Still, my anger didn't fade—permeating into every facet of my young life. I stopped caring about my grades and started acting out in class. The teachers were surprised, and my parents were worried.

Maybe it's unfair to blame everything on that one experience, but the humiliation I fostered kept growing and mutating as I refused to let go. By the time I entered high school, I just didn't care anymore. It's a slippery slope once you give up on life, and it's not unusual for people to start going downhill in their teens. Bad grades, bad relationships, bad choices—that was the road I traveled into my twenties. Roads like that don't lead to places worth going.

I'm in my thirties now and things are worse than ever. I can't keep a job, I'm undateable, and I piss off everyone I come in contact with. Not too long ago, something happened that I thought would change everything. It was easy to convince myself, to give in to the anger that I'd been bottling up for all those years. I didn't even know what I'd been waiting for until it fell right into my lap.

I was on line at the supermarket when I heard her voice. There was something familiar in the tone and the way she enunciated. I glanced over as she reached for a package of frozen corn from her shopping cart. A small tear in the bag got caught on the head of a spray bottle and corn started leaking out.

"Oh, darn," she said. "Kernels everywhere!"

My ears caught fire. The way she said "kernel", it just had to be her. She kept saying it over and over as if she were mocking me—laughing and joking with the cashier about "a kernel here" and "a kernel there". Apparently, she thought she was funny. Something inside me snapped and all I could think about was how to wipe that stupid grin off her face.

I don't remember thinking about what I was doing, it just kind of happened. One moment I was in the parking lot, and the next I was following her home. I had to know where she lived. As she pulled into a driveway, I made note of the house number and continued on while looking straight ahead. I repeated her address over and over to myself, spelling out the street name each time.

Every day, I drove around that neighborhood, passing by her house several times. It started as a hobby, and then grew into an obsession. Sometimes at night I would sit in my car and watch her family through the windows. No one seemed to notice me. Her smiles and laughter served to further cultivate the inescapable hatred I felt. I'd mumble as if she were listening, utilizing every manner of profanity to express my disgust. Eventually, I found that I had memorized her work schedule, and her husband's as well. It was only a matter of time before I confronted her, alone.

It was freezing that day. Most people were keeping warm inside but I still wore a ski mask so that no one would be able to identify me, and gloves of course. I parked my car a few streets over and walked casually to her house. I'm not sure what possessed me to go there in broad daylight, but I knew her husband would be at work so I took my chances. In a bold move, I went right up to the front door, knocking impatiently. Soon, I heard footsteps and a woman call, "Just a minute!" As raging rivers of adrenaline surged through my veins, the door swung open and I came face to face with my sworn enemy.

"Can I help-" Before she could finish, I punched her in the throat and shoved a wet rag in her mouth. Then I rammed the bitch with my shoulder, sending her backward and giving me room to close and lock the door. She tried for the rag but I hit her in the stomach. I got behind her and wrapped my arm around her neck, then dragged her into the kitchen as she floundered and flailed. Red faced and wild eyed, I smashed her head into the counter and threw her to the ground, planting one foot firmly on her throat. She tried her darndest to remove it, but she just wasn't strong enough.

Knives, knives everywhere—I had to find the biggest one. I needed to terrify her—make her beg for her life. It seemed her arms were getting tired so I lifted my foot and proceeded to kick her in the head repeatedly. She tried to get away but I kicked her in the ribs. I just kept kicking and kicking. The rag was coming loose so I took a break and jammed it back in her mouth, then I sat on the floor to watch her struggle for a moment. There was something beautiful and innocent about it. I wondered why my face hurt; I was smiling too hard.

The petrified woman was now incapacitated from pain and exhaustion. I climbed on top of her and waved the knife around in a childish manner, close to her face. My body was shaking, and so was hers. This was the moment I had been waiting for. I felt like a God, and judgement was at hand. What I did next still troubles me.

"You pour thing," I teased. "You're looking rather pail. Do you need some help?" My enemy tried to respond but her voice was muffled and crowded by coughs and gurgles. "Hmm... you sound a little horse."

"Frmk yrm!" she bellowed through the pain.

"My dear lady... Is that any way to treat a guest? You can moan and grown 'til you're blue in the face. I'm the one in control here." Her eyes revealed a sense of defeat—not much of a fighter. "That's right... No reason to be so tense. We're get threw this... together. Okay?" She reluctantly nodded. "I'm going to remove the rag. Wood you be do kind as to not make a sound?"

I pulled the rag slowly from her mouth while I grinned and gazed into her frightened eyes. She seemed relieved to breathe freely again. I waited for her to settle down, then pointed the knife below her chin and began my monologue.

"I bet you think I'm some sort of serial killer. Sorry to disappoint you; I'm just a 'regular guy'.. A guy who missed his chance at greatness. Since then I've been searching for a piece of mined. But I just can't seam to find it. As days go bye, it gets harder and harder. Nobody knows how much pain I'm in. I can't bear it any longer. I don't live anymore, I just wait for death."

The woman was silent. "Does my tail amuse you?" She shook her head slightly. I wasn't sure what to do with her. "I'm starting to get bored, how about you?" She said nothing. Then I had a brilliant idea. "How about we play a game? I'll give you a word and you will spell it. If you get it right then you can go free. If you get it wrong... then you die." I could tell she wasn't happy about the game. "Can you do that for me?" She nodded slightly. "Good, good."

I acted like I was searching for the perfect word, but I already knew what it was. I just wanted to savor the moment, to breathe in the fear and soak in the redemption. I smiled again, trying not to laugh. Briefly, I questioned my actions. Was I really going to kill her? Was this really the same woman that ruined my life? I didn't care. All that mattered was the moment, and so I delivered the challenge.

"Your word is... colonel." Or did I say "kernel"? Honestly, I don't even remember. Our unblinking eyes were locked in battle as I waited patiently for her response. The woman took a hard gulp and a deep breath, then she spoke.

"K... E..."

"No, no, NO! You have to SAY the word, THEN spell it, and THEN say it again! Don't you remember how a 'spelling bee' works?!" I was furious that she had forgotten the rules. But I let us both calm down, and she made another attempt.

"K -Kernel... K... uh-E... W -Wait... which spelling?"

I burst into hysterical laughter. "Witch spelling, indeed!" I was so proud of myself. The tables had been turned. I had put this bitch in the same position she put ME in all those years ago. The only thing left to do was watch to her squirm. With the blade to her face, I leaned in and whispered, "I'm not telling."

"B-but... that's not fair..."

"Not fair?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You dare lecture ME about fairness?!" Everything came to a head and I could no longer cage the beast. The knife seemed to move on its own, slicing from her left eye to her right cheek. The woman shrieked in pain and grabbed at the wound. There was so much blood. Maybe I cut her more than once but everything's a blur. I'm still not sure if she's alive or dead. In all the panic, I got spooked and ran, and I never stopped running.

Another state, another name, another life—no one really knew me back there anyway. It's easier to disappear than you might think. I guess in the end I'm just a coward. All those years letting myself rot away like it was someone else's fault. Part of me regrets what I did, but in a way it was necessary. I know now that I'm still that kid who lost the spelling bee. I wouldn't let myself be anyone else. Perhaps, I never will.

I wish the story ended there, but I overheard this woman the other day with a hauntingly familiar voice. She was going on and on about how Kentucky Fried Chicken keeps hiring different actors to play their mascot, "Colonel Sanders".

Long story short—I followed her home.
posted by Windwakerguy430

Back when I was just a wee lad that had first stepped into the world of fighting games and thought Melee was the greatest fighting game in the world, the word Soul Calibur got thrown around quite a bit. I was told it was something unique to itself, allowing weapons. And then I was reminded of Mortal Kombat: Deception, but Soul Calibur is better known for weapon fighting. So the chance I got to play Soul Calibur V, I hated it. I hated the story, the characters, and the lack of major features, and decided to let this game die. But after some time, and realizing that Soul Calibur III was...
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So, Resident Evil VII’s Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLC came out recently. I could be reviewing that… But I also could review a totally different Resident Evil game from over a decade ago… Yeah, let’s do that one instead. So, despite that Resident Evil VII got some new DLC, I want to review another Resident Evil game. One that seems to have a massive divide in the community of the Resident Evil fanbase. Some people like this game while others don’t. And no, it isn’t Resident Evil 5 or Resident Evil: Revelations. Instead, it’s the first controversial pick, Resident Evil Zero.

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Nik was able to best the Anistar City Gym Leader, Olympia. Though despite her boring Mercury to sleep and her Pokemon being laming-it-out-fucks, Nik was able to defeat her with few problems and claim the Anistar City Badge, giving him seven badges and only one more for him to get.

In the not-so-exciting duel with Olympia, Emeritus II was able to evolve from a nothing Litwick into an on-the-road-to-something Lampent. The Chandelure will be there soon enough.

While trying to defeat Team Flare and their leader in their secret base, Nik ran into the Team Flare scientist, Xerosic. In the constant...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: GM
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Tom Kenny: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Tom Kenny: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 1: Pilot

Every character that appears will have a link to their picture. Here is Mr. Nut's picture: link

Mr. Nut: *In The Nut House* Welcome everyone, I'm Mr. Nut. The owner of this fine establishment, The Nut House. Now you're probably wondering, what is The...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin.

Celestia: Once upon a time, in a world full of faggots, also known as America. There were two horses with wings, and horns, (One of them is me) and they acted like they raised two objects that moved entirely by their selves. To do this, I acted like I was moving the sun. The other horse with wings, and...
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Hello everyone, and today, I want to talk about one of my most cherished childhood shows. That would be Ed Edd n Eddy. This show was about three kids, named Ed, Edd, and Eddy, who were always trying to scam the other kids of the cul-de-sac out of there money, only to fail in the end. The reason I loved this show was because of how real it felt, along with its colorful cast of characters, and well drawn atmosphere, and the witty humor. But, I thought to myself "What are my most favorite episodes"? So, today, I present to you my ten favorite Ed, Edd, n Eddy episodes. And remember, its all my...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
So remember when I started Corner of Horror and talked about Five Nights at Freddy’s, a horror game that I just cannot stand yet it managed to get a whole lot of publicity and popularity? Yeah, I still don’t like it. But if anything created an even bigger fandom, it had to be the indie game, Undertale. But unlike Five Nights at Freddy’s, I actually like Undertale. In fact, I love Undertale. Let’s talk about why I love Undertale so much.

Undertale takes place in a world filled with humans and monsters. After a war broke out, the monsters were forced underground and were separated...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

So back when I was a young kid, before I was big into fighting games, me and my brothers only had two options of games to play. We had either Street Fighter II, and Mortal Kombat: Deception. And looking back… yeah, Street Fighter II held up way better. But we still loved Mortal Kombat. We loved the characters (That weren’t new to Deception anyway, except Kenshi), we loved the brutal finishers, and we loved the world of Mortal Kombat so much. I just wish it was more refined. And then Netherrealm Studios happened.
Mortal Kombat 9 (I know it’s just called Mortal Kombat, but screw that...
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Hello, everyone, and happy Halloween. And tonight, we have a very special movie. Or a really bad one. I usually write these intros before I start the film, but that’s not the point. I know that The Fly wasn’t even up for a while, but I just couldn’t wait to talk about this film. So consider this a double feature, to celebrate the Halloween season. A friend of mine told me about this movie, and that the best way to describe it was “The Goonies for horror fans”. And I love The Goonies, so, for the final movie of Cultober, let’s take a look at 1987’s Monster Squad.

Not even...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Girls: *Playing Rock & Roll music* Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime!! Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime!! Which is Japanese for, which is Japanese for... *Drum solo* Your Typical Anime. *Guitar solo* Your Typical Anime. *Guitar solo* Your Typical Anime!

Episode 3: Taco Bell

A new restaurant opened up in town. Everyone was excited to see it.

Alinah: *Walks towards the entrance* Ooh, Taco Bell. *Floats into the store*
Eula: *Watching Alinah float into the store* Oh, hey Alinah.
Alinah: Hi Eula.
Eula: Guess what I just ordered.
Alinah: There's a lot to choose from. I don't know if I can guess.
Eula: Alright,...
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Nate: (Drives car down street in city)
Emma: So, do you know any place we can hide, Nate
Nate: Well, we just need to find a place with enough supplies. You know, with food and weapons
Chris: Oh, well, I know this one guy who-
Nate: No, Chris. We are never letting you choose the hiding place ever agai- (Body hits the hood of the car) HOLY CRAP (Stops car)
Emma: What was that
Nate: (Looks out window to see people jumping off buildings) Oh, that isn't good
Leroy: (Walks down street with protesters) (Stops in front of there car) Hey, guys. Would you like to sign for the rights of our undead brothers
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As of the time this is released, a huge rumor has gone around America that clowns are stalking and terrorizing everyone in the country. It started out small at first, but things only increased as more and more of these clowns were found. News media began to follow all of these clowns movements, and schools were closed due to being so worried about the clowns, one of the more recent sightings being in Cincinnati Ohio, which is way too close to where I live. So, with all these rumors of clowns going around, I think now is a good time to talk about Stephen King’s It…… Nah, just kidding....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Canterlot Highway Patrol is a very busy organization, protecting everyone on, and around the highways of Canterlot. Of course, there are some ponies that despise them, and call these police ponies Chips, or chippies for short.

Jon Baker, and Frank Poncherello, two CHP officers, were riding Harley Davidson motorcycles on one of the highways.

Jon: *Riding his motorcycle next to Frank* It sure is a nice day.
Frank: Not just with the weather, but with the activity. Things are going easy for us.

A blue GT500 passed them going over 80.

Jon: *Rides his motorcycle after the car*
Frank: *Following...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Detroit
posted by Windwakerguy430
Ayumi: And it was said, the principal was so fat, every died
Satoshi: Re-really
Yoshiki: I’m calling bullshit on that (All the lights turn off)
Satoshi: Oh, god. I think I pissed myself
Yui: (Turns on the lights) Oh, it’s just me and Yuka
Mayu: Aww, she’s so cute
Satoshi: Oh, thank god. I thought I was dead (Unknowingly, grabbing Naomi’s breasts)
Naomi: Satoshi, will you stop fondling my breasts firmly with your hands and-
Seiko: Naomi, you're having your crazy fantasies again
Naomi: Oh, right. Sorry
Satoshi: ….. Huh
Namoi: ……...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first article of Boss Bits. So the first game I will be talking about is none other then the XBox Original Legend Fable. This game is a masterpiece. It had great characters, great gameplay, an awesome story and had some real good humor too. This game series is pretty much where you play as one of the last remaining Hero's of the country of Albion and you have a choice to be good or evil. This game is fun, but then... There are the bosses. Which we will be talking about... right now
(Warning, this article contains spoilers)

Boss: Wasp Queen
The Wasp Queen is the...
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added by alinah_09