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posted by Luna-Lacrimosa
A lonely skeleton, the body and mind may be dead, but the heart isn't. It won't die until it finds its love.
A lonely skeleton, the body and mind may be dead, but the heart isn't. It won't die until it finds its love.
"Ad occursum futurum....but for now, Eien ni kimi ga shiawase de iru koto Tada negatteru... Tatoe sore ga donna ni sabishikututemo.tsurakutemo..." "Your sins are burried in red and black roses.."

A pair of eyes shot open as the dark-haired boy jolted himself out of his nightmare. His eyes searched the room fearfully as he clutched the pristine white sheets between his white knuckles. His breathing was erratic and his heart rate was beating at the rate of an animal being chased by a vicious predator. He continued acting this way for a few minutes before he began to calm down. His body slowly relaxed and he took a few calming breaths. His earlier panic and fear was quickly replaced with overwhelming confusion. His head felt as if it was stuffed to the brim, almost as if he had a severe sinus infection.
"What or who was that? I had a dream of a woman...a woman I've never seen in my lifetime. Her name is Luna...who is that...?"
My head….it's so stuffy. Am I sick? No, I feel completely healthy.
The teenager released his hold on the sheets to glance at his hand. He flexed it experimentally and nodded to himself to confirm that he was indeed completely healthy. He ran a hand through his hair as he calmly took in his surroundings. He blinked and looked around at the room he was currently residing in. The walls were covered with printed green wallpaper with small white flowers covering the green in vertical rows. There were two large windows that currently had the curtains drawn to the boy's left and there was a door that looked as if it led towards a bathroom. The boy looked to his right and noted that there was a brown desk with a matching wooden chair against the far wall. Right next to the desk was a solitary full-length mirror and directly across from the mirror was a nightstand that held the remains of a candle along with its holder.
Another flash of a woman with long silver hair so silky, red ruby eyes, a black victorian dress that was ruffled and very elgantly beautiful. But most importantly...
She was smiling...
"Who is she? Do I know her? Does she exists?"
His eyes widened when he realized that he really didn't know who she was. He searched his mind but it seemed as if he was sifting through an impenetrable fog of unanswered questions.
"Oh my gosh! Lord Leon you're awake!" a scratchy voice shouted out. The voice broke the teenager out of his thoughts. He glanced to his side from where the source was. There was Mileena, smiling at her new Lord...since..yeah...
"Mileena, get my clothes ready..." Mileena bowed as he left the roo, leaving hi alone once again.
"LUNA!" Leon screamed as she got stabbed by The Keeper. Blood splattered from her midsection, blood oozed out from the the corner of her beautiful sinful lips. She turned around with a soft smile, eyes half lidded. Her eyes' brightness was slowly becoming dull.
Leon's eyes were wide to cosmic proportions. Why is she smiling?! She just got stabbed! "Leon, I wonder...what does it feel like to feel pain..?" Her smiled never lefy her flawless face as the knife got pushed further into her.
...Leon got a hold of himself. The teen began to seether and crashed his head between his hands, clenching his hair strands. Leon clenched his teeth as he stood from his bed. "Oh, Lord Leon are you alright?" Mileena asked seriously in a stoned tone. She walked towards him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. Leon on the other hand, refused to answer. He just grabbed his clothing and left.
Not even looking back once, leaving a confused and worried woman behind. Mileena inwardly smiled. "Maybe Luna was right...She did the best for Leon...even though it made her fade... I wonder how my lord is doing..but I made a promise to take care of Leon no matter what.."
Leon was currently in the bathroom, washing his face with a soaked rag. He was fully dressed. He was wearing a tan over coat that has a prop up collar, a black shirt, black pants and black shoes. After washing his flawless face, Leon glanced at his appearance in the glass dimension of himself. A reflection of Luna took over his reflection, making him outraged.
"BAMM" Glass shattered everywhere. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Everything around the blue-eyed teen seemed to stop. Nothing else existed, no time, no humans, no objects, no nothing. All he could see was a shard of the once complete mirror. The red eye was staring at him emotionless; a mask of indifference. This pissed the boy off. 'Damn it!" He yelled. "WHO IS SHE?" He stepped on the shard and ran out. The red shattered ruby red eye, or what the remains of it..closed itself as a tear fell...
What used to be Luna's life is now Leon's
Haunted by Memories....
He ran down the varous hallways, making his way to "his office". Moment later, but in Leon's mind it seemed to be an eternity...
He quickly opened his doors and locked them behind him. He walked towards the huge open window that was behind "his chair". He glanced out to the afar and had his hand behind his back.
"What will the moon do once the sky is perished?" Luna glanced at Leon with a sly smile. He narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about, Lord?" He asked with tons of bewilderment, earning an open but soft, chuckle from Luna. She loves her saying since nobody never gets them. "What I meant was, What will Hell do without Satan..?" She said nonchantly. She fully turned to her mortal servant with a mask of difference. The teen was flushed to see her face of beauty and yet, confused about what she meant. "Luna, you don't mean..." The brown haired boy trailed off, making Luna raise an eyebrow in question. "What are you trying to say my pet?" She asked. Leon gave her his best death glare as he witnessed Luna's smirk form, revealing her sharp fangs. 'What I meant was that you're planning to kill Satan and your fiancee?" He added the last word in mockingly sly. Luna narrowed her eyebrows slightly at the teen's tone and smirk of pride. "Well, yes I do mean that and I-" Luna never finished that statement
A pair of soft lips were pressed againist her pale left cheek. Luna's eyes widened to cosmic proportions. Leon was currently kissing Luna on the cheek sweetly. The teen quickly must've plunged foward to shush Luna up. "You are very beautiful my Lord as always, but what I want to know is, what are you going to do with Midnight? Luna glanced at him sharply with a slight frown and narrowed eyebrows. Leon could pratically see himself in his lord's red swarming orbs. The coldness in them made him shudder. Luna, tasting the boy's fear smirked widely, revealing her sharp fangs. Her smirk was out of knowing. Leon hated when Luna did that damn smirk. Leon swiftly turned on his heel and departed from the moonlit room, leaving Luna alone. He closed the door and leaned his embarrassed body into it. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, he could hear Luna's soft chuckles from the other side of the door...
Leon narrowed his eyebrows more as the memories played a "dying melody" in his mind. "What am I trying to remember?" He asked coyly as he turned away from the window. He walked out his office and walked passed a stunned Millena. He walked and walked. Down the stairs and finally reached the entrance. Nothing in the world existed at this moment, no light, no Mileena, no darkness, no time, no nothing...
"Leon, wait!" Mileena ran towards the now turning teen. Leon gave Mileena the worst glare a human could possibly give. A cold shiver went down Mileena's spine as she took another step foward towards him. "Lord Leon, where are you going?" she asked with a mock of confusion. She knew Leon was going out to look for the real Lord of this temple. Leon shrugged his shoulders and slowly reached for the doorknob. "Leon!" Mileena shrieked. The said'd hand came to a frozen stop right in front of the doorknob. "You'll need this..." she said off-handedly as she gave Leon a bag of money. The boy's serious blue eyes took on a sincere curious look in them, followed by annoyed. Why was she giving money instead of stopping him? He didn't complain, he just simply took the money and nodded before saying, "I am simply looking for someone.." After those words were born, Leon opened the doors and left. "Good Luck 'Lord Leon', you'll be needing it..." she said under her breath as she walked back upstairs to restore Luna's old room.
Leon was walking through town, ignoring the whispers and blank stares of the people. Leon's heart skipped a beat when a memory of Luna squeezing his hand came to play in his mind. She was very injured due to Holy Water. Blood was on every inch of her body and she couldn't due the simply task of moving...Leon was still ignoring the whispers when he heard a woman say, "Oh, is he britinan? Why is a british man doing in Japan?" she asked secretly to her mate as she giggled. Leon simply closed his eyes and just let his legs guide him where ever they were taking him.
Bamboo trees surrounded a lonely bridge. The place was quiet and no lifeforms were intact with this bridge. Leon opened his eyes when he heard a man put cargo on his wagon. "Sir, can you take me to the next town?" The man turned around with a big frown. He had black mingy hair, a scar over his right eye. His eyes were muddy brown and he had a ripped up baby blue kimono. He was bare footed and his feet were very unappealing. They were bruised, skin was ripped off at some areas, especially around the ankle.
"Why should I take a british man to the next town? I don't know you and I really don't care.." He turned his attention away from the teen and went back to his earlier actions but froze when Leon grabbed a hold of his shoulder and helf a dagger to his neck. He put his lips up to the man's left ear so slightly that his lips brushed againist the lobe of it. "I suggest you take me, I'll pay you a fair amount and-" He licked the knife on his tongue and spiited out the blood like Luna does. The man shivered in fear and felt like he was gonna wet himself when placed the knife at his neck, but this time it was tickling the skin of the sensitive area. "I'm not british, I'm just like YOU!" he said sincerly quiet againist his ear. " I just got these imported from London is all, I don't look that good in Kimonos and I don't give a fuck about what the Emperor says either..." he said coldy and nonchantly. The tone of his voice sent chills done the man's spine and when Leon released him, he quickly turned around to pucnh him and deny his request, but froze in his tracks. He saw darkness surrounded Leon and a black shadow formed behind him. The shadow was in shape of female figure that had long hair that almost touched the ground. Of course he couldn't see the color of the hair or anything else since it was a shadow, but its eyes was a different story. Its eyes were mostly like black like the rest of her was, but it had luminating blue crescent moon pupils. It smiled at him, revealing pearl white fangs that dripped blood.
Leon had recently had the dagger raised to the man's neck as he was looking upon this "shadow". He blinked in disbelieve and it was gone...Leon's face was a mask of emotionless, but the man could see determination in his sapphire eyes. "Sir, I hate to kill you, but I am just looking for someone....so please..." Leon's eyes softened and he held the knife down from the dirty skin. The man couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just about a minute ago, this boy was gonna kill him but now he was backing off and asking nicely. He can simply say no and drive off, but he saw the emotion in Leon's eyes that drawn alot of his attention. Determination, loneiless, hate, confused, and Lost. This kinda excited the man as he did a sneer grin.
"Of course I'll take you my boy." He said as he took the bag of coins away from Leon and PLaced Leon the back of his wagon. He grabbed the wagon and started walking. Yes, the man didn't have horses so he had to take matters into his own hands.
Walk the wagon with his bare feet.
Silence developed over the two males as time passed. Not a single word was said and it started to snow lightly. This weather made Leon look up to the now gray sky. His eyes looked innocent, his heart rate went soft, and he wrapped his arms around his knees as he kept his gaze among the snow fall. "Am I crazy? Am I just wasting my time looking for someone who might not even exist?" he thought.
Leon...I love the snow. Leon glanced at his lord with an confused expression present on his face. Why Luna? It isn't
that much different than rain. I swear you are the weirdest person I've ever met," he grumbled. Luna softly chuckled. "I love it cause it is the color of peace. It falls so freely the smiling sky and doesn't take orders from anyone or anything. It lightens up the dawn and it glistens more beautiful than anything I know could. It freezes people's dreams and saves them from "the traps" of them. But most of all, I love to watch it and it takes all my troubles away..."
'The Traps'? he asked coyly. Luna turned half way and glanced at Leon with a soft smile. "Yes, dreams can be traps. They trap people in their minds and haunt them as long as theywant and remember.... I have nightmares of forgotten memories...but I feel that they don't belong to me.." She looked away.
The cart suddenly stopped. Leon opened his eyes and turned to face the driver.
There was no driver.
Leon immediately raised to his feet and jumped off the cart. Where could the driver have gone?! Leon walked to the front of the transporting carrier to see if they were any clues. He kneeled down on his knees, examing the torn clothing on the handles. He rubbed the cloth between his cold fingers as he narrowed his eyebrows. He must've got robbed or killed...
Leon heard rustling behind the trees that were looking up towards the sky as of they were remembering something that was long forgotten. "Who goes there? Show your fucking self! NOW!" he screamed as he bit his lip. The world turn dark gray.

Before Leon knew it, a group of messy dressed theives pop out of nowhere. "My, aren't you precious? A nobleman in Japan. Hmph, you don't see that everyday," he said jokingly as he raised his hand, signaling his co-workers to attack. All charged at once.
Well, what am I supposed to do now? Cry? Heh, these theives are so easy to reel in, just like a good fish. Hehe. Leon jumped high, causing all the thieves to collade. "Good work guys, you almost got me there, I was shaking," Leon said with a mock sympathy. The leader sneered as he pulled out a rope and threw it in the air towards Leon.
The other theives did the same. Leon's instince took over. His eyes turned all black with his white eyes. He quickly grabbed out his dagger as he started to do backflips and and 360s in the air. He was cutting every rope that came his way, but what Leon didn't recongize was that there was a bear trap thrown up towards him. Damn it! Leon turned around as he was stuck in midair. The bear trap wrapped around his body and hugged his body tightly. Like a bear hug. Leon spurtted blood, eyes opened wide, the spikes of the trap was inside his midsection, front side and back.
"Awww, look guys. Mr. Cocky got to smart and look what happened. He got what he derserved. He is worth a price. Lets take him to the boss."
They slammed Leon down and the ground in a very harsh manner.
They started to drag him, with the bear trap's chain.
Leon struggled, but the more he moved, the more the blood spreaded and bursted.
It as no use, he had lost this battle.
All the teen could do was close his eyes and feel the gentle snow fall kiss his face and hope for the best.
All I see is darkness, All I remember is my name and where I live...Where am I? Am I dead...?
Blackness surrounded the boy. He didn't know where he was. He wasn't crazy, this wasn't a dream...it couldn't be. It was too real. Leon was standing on a stained glass piece. It was a white rose that had petals next to it with Luna's lunar eye above it.
What do you choose? Don't be afraid my love.
Leon looked around; nothing but darkness. "Who's there?" He asked as he glanced at his surrounding neighbor.
I'm Hikaru... The other side Of Luna.
Luna?! His eyes widened. "What do you mean? Luna doesn't exist.... She keeps haunting me and I want to find the answer if she's real or not. I never met her and this person is in everything I see... I keep having flaashbacks of everything we used to do together," he trailed off as he glanced down in shame and pain. Hikaru chuckled.
Ah, I see. It seems Luna erased herself from your memories for your safety.
Erased herself?
Yes, because of her yu spent three days and nights looking for her. Because of her, you got hurt and because of her, you have those weird eyes...
Yes Leon
"It isn't true, I knew she was real...but why would she....
Leon..like a smothering shadow that you cannot scape from, I will always be by your side" Luna smiled. Leon faintly blushed at his lord's words before pouting and folding his arms over his chest.
"Don't make promises you can't keep Luna," he lightly scolded as Luna ran a hand through her silky hair and sighed. Making Leon look at her with bewilderment. "What?"
Luna chuckled and glanced at him. "I can't believe after all we been through together, you still do not trust me.." She faked a tear and wiped her eye.
" I would if you would stop acting like a child!" He screamed.
Luna giggled and hugged him tight...they stayed like that for quite some time.
Leon looked up at Luna with an sincere facial expression, earning him a blink of confusion. Leon had a slight frown spread upon hs lips as Luna smirked.
"Luna, would you ever leave me alone to die? Would you just leave me there, laying on the cold welcoming? Or would you laugh an eat my heart right then and there?" he asked.
Luna blinked at his questions. She didn't expect this from him. Her pet to say such things
Luna smiled. "No, If I saw you dying, I would drink holy water, grab your hand tightly and interwine our fingers strongly. I would never let go of your loneiliness. I would die right next to you. We would pile up amongest the hollow shadows as we rest in 'red roses of sins' " She said with a charming smile as she pulled him into another embrace. "I will never leave your side no matter what." ...'Even if death...
Leon shook his head rapidly. "No," he denied."You're lying! Luna promised to always be there...!" Hikaru smiled sinful innocence.
My dear, it is true. The reason was because you were getting hurt, heart broken, lonely, and most of all, you were getting hurt because of her. She finished seriously.
Leon gritted his teeth. No way this could be true, NO WAY! Luna promised..but did she really care that much for him that she left him with her old life?
Answer: Yes!
Now, Leon Trinity, choose wisely. A path of crystal clear glass slowly faded infront of Leon.
Step forth. And choose. Leon did as told. He stepped down the path, then the path branced in 3 different directions.
Which road will you take? Hikaru appeared in front of Leon and glanced to her left.
The road to broad daylight?
She turned to her right. Or Leon, the road to death night?
Leon walked passed her without glancing back or changing his mind. "The middle road," he said tonelessly as he continued to walk. Hikaru looked down with her eyes closed as oif she was in thought.
You mean the road to nightfall?
Leon stopped a moment before turnin around with a small smile.
"No, the road to dawn." The teen walked down the path and shortly follwing behind him, the glass path started to shatter piece by piece.
Luna, I am still hunting you down. He smiled wickedly as he faded away.
You'll find her soon...
You'll find her soon...
The wind blowing through my hair was an exhilarating feeling. Jasper had taught me how to ride his bike a couple of months ago; I was surprised when he said yes because he was usually quite responsible. I hadn’t been much good at first but after a few hours I had got the hang of it, no one else knew that I could ride his bike and it was nice to be able to take it out for a private drive now and again.
When I reached Forks, instead of slowing down I sped up, making sure no one saw me. I parked outside the chemist and rushed inside. I knew that I had to do this but my stomach was filled with...
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posted by I_love_Mikey
It would be nice if the world worked like a remote.

Where, if you were in a bad situation, you could pause it, and still keep moving yourself.
Where, if you happened to be in a bad situation, you could press “pause” and think of what to do next.
Where you could completely abandon certain aspects of life, like selecting a different episode.
But, if you skip an episode, you don’t learn what you need to learn from it, and you get confused on the next one. You’ll be behind, and unable to catch back up. Because you just can’t stand to watch that episode that comes first.
It’d be nice if we...
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posted by TeanRose424
this is just somthing that describes me :)
this is just somthing that describes me :)
I could feel everything i could feel my muscels ripple. I could feel the warmth flooding around me. I could feel my joints streghthen. I could feel myself becoming a god. It feltjust as he had said. i couldnt beleive the plesure.

He looked at me then. His face looked concern. I had been moaning from the pleasure. I had been calling out for more. The pleasure was leaving me though i could feel it. It had been many days i could feel it. I was relunctent to have it leave me, i was relunctent to have the feeling of my life leave. It was unbelievable.

Zach looked at me in wonder. i stared back...
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posted by coolie
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For the first couple months, that's what it really feels like; darkness, always there like the puppy you always wished for to follow you around.
For the first couple months, that's what it really feels like; darkness, always there like the puppy you always wished for to follow you around.
It always starts with darkness. Just like the rumors that vampires were made to sign Satan's book with blood as the registration, it was thought that a vampire's soul was consumed by darkness. For the first couple months, that's what it really feels like; darkness, always there like the puppy you always wished for to follow you around. Sadly, I never had a puppy, so this was all awkwardly new to me.
"That's how it's going to be for a while." Adrian told me one day while I woke up from a deep sleep, facing the sunlight. I had forgotten that we were now affected by that sunlight more than humans....
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posted by sapphire007
I love my mum. More than anything but my dad has always been my favourite. It’s not that I love him more than mum but he’s fun and understanding, he has wonderful advice and awful jokes. Two weeks ago, dad left. He left mum. He left me. Mum’s sad. She’s not up to much lately. I know she’s angry at him for leaving but she misses him. She’s unhappy and lonely.
    Dad talked to me before he went. He told me to study hard, stay healthy and enjoy my life. He made me promise to look after mum. I think he’d be disappointed in me if he heard her crying at night. I...
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Two things were killing me at the moment.The fact that It was raining like crazy on his horrible to school,the day of school where I had to face my dreaded ex and try to hold back either my tears or punching him in the face.by the way,I completely wanted to do both at this moment.The second was that whole desperately in love moment with Juaney.I was mad the the "mystery girl" that Juan had fallen so hard for and she have no freaking idea.I hate seeing Juan like this.Yes at the moment he is very proactive of me but I can tell now that he just doing that so I won't look into or figure his true...
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"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
There have been so many things that have happened to me in the past, present, and future, that I have had a hard time remembering them all. For a vampire, that would seem unbearably stupid; I mean, we live forever, so our brains should be more adept at handling the hardcore memories. At times I actually thought I remembered my childhood, or even WWI if I took a deep thought into it. But no, the only thing that came into my mind as clearly as the darkness that surrounds me now is this:
Chloe's eyes.
Chloe Cassalani, the one person I knew from the start upon meeting, was a threat to me. The instant...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
This is what i would say to my jacob, if i can even say he is mine.

How do i even start off, do i start off saying that i dont know how to start off,or do i pour my heart out,that first word, i dont know anymore..Because with you, nothing is the way it seems, or the way it was before. Everything changes even the way im supposed to write this, you've confused me.
OK,, i think is this part where i pour my heart out right?? if not. im going to sound.. odd. but who cares now? not you. you wont even read this my love.
ok here i go, keep me from falling.
I meet you on a saturday, on the first saturday...
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posted by amethyst44
After that, I had the courage to go into the forest. Every time I did, however, I felt a smidge closer to guilt and foolishness. His threat should have prevented me from going into the forest again, or even think about it. But no. I wasn't going to be bullied down by a snobby kid in the forest from letting me have my lovely freedom when I wanted. Besides, we owned these woods. He could file against me, or burn the whole forest for all I cared, but he would be the one to pay the price. And by the way his clothes were mangled and destroyed, I don't think the price would even match his dream sufficiency...
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posted by housefrk
The woman surveys the damage to the screen
In the window over the desk.
Her son’s bedroom is covered in posters of outer space
And crumbs from many varieties of potato chip.
The boy sits on the bed in his Superman suit
And asks to taste the cup of tea

The mother is sipping. She offers him the tea
But the boy, worried about being punished for the screen,
Spills it on his mother’s suit
And then drops the cup onto the desk
Giving it a significant chip.
He backs up to put space

Between himself and his angering mother, but she closes the space
And begins to clean out of the carpet the spilled tea
Before it...
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posted by housefrk
Not incredibly good, I know, but it's a first attempt.

The woman, in the kitchen baking a pie,
Watches her daughter, getting ready to take the dog out for a wash.
The woman comments on the early spring
As she gets ready to put on the coffee.
The daughter takes the dog next to the car
And hums a song she learned long ago at school.

Down the road, the woman can just see the school.
She thinks about how, in home ec, she baked an apple pie
And how in the parking lot, she wrecked her first car.
The buzzer rings for the woman to hang the wash
So she pours a cup of coffee
And leaves it to cool in the breeze of...
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posted by lollipopszx3
Chapter 4

After I left the two losers, I mean best friends, I walked to homeroom. Unfourtunatly, Jake was in my homeroom, and automatically he started asking me fifty thousand questions. How did know? Wow, my friends are such freaking nerds.

"So I heard you like a new girl." he said trying not to talk too loud. But sadly some girls and guys nearby heard him.

I was immediately bombared with questions. "Oh my god? How can you fall for such a slut, Joshie!!! You would look so much better in bed, next to me." said Brianna. Oh so that caramilk girl was a slut now? She at least covers her ass!

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posted by Kimi4312
Chapter Two:Dark Secrets,
When the redheaded girl cries with guilt over killing someone for blood, she gets up and walks to her apartment and takes a shower cleaning the blood off her body, she begins crying again and head to flashback when she is in a emotional breakdown, 15 years ago, she and her best friend had twin baby girls and they love them and love each other dearly, until she got in a car accident and died, she slam her hand against the wall and cries harder and she grabs her pocket knite and stabbed herself but still alive, she cries again angry and upset that she won't get old or...
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posted by viju
Hmmmmm…. (This is a story) aha... (Of husband wife)
I’m not like them
Hmmmmm..... aha aha
That’s the way I am
La la la la la
I’m not like them
La la la la la
That’s the way I am

Be calm, why you’re screamin
Why you cry, when you see me hangin
With some, one else, why I feel
Like something burning

Stay back, why you’re comin
After me, now you’re feelin
Jealous, ain’t I feel
When you were with those bitchy babes when I was seeing you

With somebody else,
Like everyone else
All were watching your back
When you were flat
With those slut girls
You love to hang with them…….

Tell me…..

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posted by avatarluver990

Benedic hated the trip! It wasn't that bad though, it was at the beach, with rides and fast food restaurants and cool sights; except that where him and his family were going to stay for summer vacation was at an old castle that it once belonged to a prince. It was old and delapadated, it needed some paint and it smelled like someone died at the front steps of the castle.
"Dad," he grumbled. "Do we have to stay here?"
"Well all of the hotels are booked." his father explained....
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posted by avatarluver990

Not too long ago, probably this time period, deep below in the sea, where no human had ever crossed, was a kingdom; a kingdom strong and powerful which was ruled by a great sea king named Octlantus; he was a powerful ruler, along with his trident. The people respected the Sea King that named the kingdom Octlantia in his honor. Octlantus and his wife, Sea Queen Lynsca, had seven beautiful daughters: Jinsya, Kynlana, Otsyncia, Renya, Tsyniana, Isynlana, and Nynxa. The Sea...
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posted by summerfrogs_bro
One day I was walking down the street no one was there. I was scared I just kept walking I looked around the corner I felt a wisp of cold go down my back i looked around again because I knew there was something there I went home and went to bed. I woke up the next morning I watched the window all morning I didn't care about school I was a loser anyway and the teachers hated me. I swear there was too many things wrong with me to go to school and my name is Raiden I know its so stupid is means thunder god in Japanese I mean it's so stupid but it was my great great great grandfathers name and...
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posted by Fangirl99
from:sponge bob
wirtten by:sponge bob
guitar by:spongeb
preformed by:sponge bob&patrick& squidward
also featuring :squidward *sorta*

lets gather around the campfire and sing the campfire song our c-a-mp-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song. and if you think that we cant sing it faster then your wrong but itll help if you just sing along
Bom Bom Bom
*sing it fast!*
C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song,C-am-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song and if you think that we cant sing it faster then you wrong but itll help if you just sing along.
*even faster*C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song,C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song Patrick!
Itll help!itll help!if you just sing along!OH YEAH!

posted by Sacred_Love1550
Hi! This is a story about angels, and I hope you all enjoy it! ^_^

There is a secret place made especially for us in the world. It lies on a secluded island in the Atlantic Ocean that remains undetected from the outside world.
This is where we, the angels that remained on Earth after thousands of years, rest in peace.
I was born an angel, my white, softer than marshmallows, wings sprouted forth after my birth. They grew as my body matured into that of a young adult of sixteen.
It was on my seventeenth birthday that everything changed. Well, it was actually about a week after the huge party that...
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