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posted by EndgameYJ
((I was to lazy to switch accounts))
Here. I made a Fin/Bruce bonding fic one-shot thing, so.... >.<
Just read and tell me what you think.

Tears flooded down her eyes, crystal blue and wide in shock. She looked down at her chest and felt the world slow to a near stop as a gold flash entered her back and came out as a bullet. It trailed red and that soon became the only color Fin could see-- red. The red of her own blood seeping down the the front of her dress. The red that stained the snow below her feet, that coated the ground, that she was laying in a puddle of. The rest was black and white, pure Himalayan snow, dark figures thudding onto the ground. One figure was more prominent than the rest. Tall, a deep black, except for the spots of him that weren’t. He threw a single punch towards the last figure, who had a deep red smile painted, then rushed over to the girl, whose blood was spilling quicker than possible.
The world was eternally slow, she noticed. What was seconds in real time was hours to her, this poor girl who was dying for the second time in her life... Who knew if the phoenix would work for her this time around? Kyra chuckled softly as Bruce ran over to his daughter, who he hadn’t watched die before, but this time was 10 times worse because he was here. His 15 year old daughter... she’d grown so much, and he’d known her for a mere 2 years. “Kyra...”
She smiled up at him, tears still stinging at her eyes. “Bruce,” she managed, giving him a slight nod, then coughing violently, blood beginning to trickle from the corner of her mouth. He pressed down on her wound, using his own cape as a wrap. “We’ll get you out of this, I swear.”
“You always were making promises you couldn’t keep, Bruce...”
“Talia, I’ll ask Talia to--”
“Absolutely not!” The dying teen said this with such force, that Bruce stared down at her in shock. She winced slightly as the pressure on the wound tightened, and looked up at his frozen face. “Don’t act stupid. You know that as soon as they have me, they’ll keep me from you. They want me as much as you.”
Bruce smiled sadly at her when he realized she was right. “You stupid girl, what have you gotten yourself into?”
She pushed at him playfully. “Same situation as you, Bruce-y.” The coughing ensued, and she laid down in his arms even further, her eyes getting glassy.
He knew it was soon, he couldn’t stop it, so he whispered to her. “What do you see?”
“It’s beautiful, Bruce, just... spotless. Alfred’s family really does live here.” she giggled at her own joke, then gave a small gasp. “Oh, Bruce...”
He smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. “What now?”
“Your parents are beautiful... and... oh!” She giggled. “Mom... Dad...”
He smiled and kissed her forehead, knowing she only had seconds left. “Tell... tell them I’m sorry.”
“I will.”
“I love you, Tati.”
He froze for a split second as the word left her mouth, but hugged her closer as her breathing began to slow and the heartbeat fainted.
“I love you too.”
“Will.. will you say it?”
“Tati, please...”
He smiled and said it just as the only things keeping her alive dissapeared.
“I’ll love you forever, always, and infinity.”

posted by FangYJ
Brendan leapt out of the submarine and stepped on the dock, his sniper threw over his shoulder. He started at the baseball stadium in front of him, then glanced at parking garages directly across from it and took off running. 

"You've got to be kidding."
"I'm serious Lexi." Jaime stared at Conway who was around five-hundred feet from him. Jaime answered the phone that was vibrating in his pocket. 
"Take him out in to the street." Brendan's voice was quiet and rough, 
"But if I do, he'll kill me!"
"He'll definitely kill you, if you stay there. Now move!" 
"Fine." Jaime took off running....
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posted by The_Writer
New York
January 17, 02:34 EST


Red Revenge balanced carefully on the beam. Any movement or noise would reveal his location and ruin what he was working on.

"Positions?" he asked quietly.

"Emerald, here."

"Nightress, here."


The Black Hero continued to perch as the drug lords filed in from below him. Then in came the assassin. Red Revenge couldn't see his face or any feature of him.

The assassin was dressed in sandy robes and a turban. Medical bandages covered his face leaving a slit for his eyes. Two scythes were on the man's back and Revenge noted several...
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posted by KatRox1
"How in hell is it back?!"

"The more important question- how did it find us?"

"Well, it doesn't seem like we have much of a choice... but we have to get the team back together."


"We were the only ones able to stop it the first time, and we're the only ones able to stop it now."

There was a sigh, and a turn of the head to the third person in the room.

"You sent out the birds, right?"

"Everyone should be here in at least 24 hours."

"Not enough time..."

"When is there ever?"

"Don't know, but I'm sure we're going to need the entire team to make this happen."

The second person finally chimed back in, "You do know that I told all my Leauger friends that Maura killed you guys, right?"

"You what?"

"I don't know! It was a 'spur-of-the-moment' kind of thing!"

((Yep! Thats all I wanna share! If you guys really do want more just say so! But this is all I'm gonna give you for now, even though I have tons more! WHEEEEE! Love ya guys!))
" girls get in here!! " Black Canary shouted typing on the haulographic map of the world beside an upset Artemis, SilverWings, Willow, Becca, Devin, and Phoebe ran in, " whats wrong " Silver said. Black Canary turned to the girls " there has been a pattern of all the boys disappearing and it's not just a coincidence... " she said lookign at the girls, Artemis and Phoebes eyes widened and they looked at eachother " Flynn!!! ", " Jason!! " both shouted and ran to their rooms to find them gone, Willow and Becca looked at eachother and back at Black Canary " welll do you know where they are? or...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Sophia Morrows ( Sophie)

Hero Name: none ( not really part of team yet )

Age: 17

Appearance: she has light pale blonde long hair and sky blue eyes with pale skin. ( she has it becuase of her drug addiction)

Personality: she is very shy and quiet around people and very sensitive about her past

Powers: they really arent much of powers but she can see the dead and communicate with others loved ones that have passed. ( for example she could talk to Lukes mom if she wanted to)

Relationship: none

Past: she has been a prostitue and drug addict since she was 13 years old, she was always never good...
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posted by MeridianYJ

My eyes are cast as a clear Silver. It helps pull the information from my target. And when my eyes glow, it only glows brighter, no need to change color. At one point my eye color showed dominance. Nothing got passed me. I saw it all.
But after i was over throw i was looked down upon. Like i was nothing. I felt hurt. Then my eyes glowed. Like a cursed child, my body levitated from the ground and i gained many gasps. And curses. I destroyed my tribe. The nation i once protected, now needed protection. And worse, from me.
I can never look into a mirror now, those eyes that pierce themselves into my soul. That make me feel my own inflicted pain. I cannot look into someones eyes and hear them say i am beautiful. Because i wont believe it.
posted by BloodyMascara_
Middle of nowhere
Finally you can breathe
Nobody knows your name
It's easier

Mel heard the school bell ring, her stomach turned as she stood up, grabbig her backpack and speed walking toward the door. She rushed, trying to get to the exit, or a closet, or anything to escape.
"Hey! You!" She heard. Her heart dropped to the rock bottom. She stopped in her tracks.
"Yeah you!" She heard from behind her. She knew what would happen.
"Hey shorty!" She heard as her nose was flicked. She wrenched for eyes shut as a fist was planted in her stomach. Her arms were grabbed and feld in place. She didnt fight...
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posted by ReneYJ
“Rene, wake up,” Rosie said, “wake up.”
    “Mm, do I have to?”
    “Yes, it’s 7am, and you’ve been sleeping in the infirmary for a week!” I was so tired; I didn’t want to leave Kent. Kent had been in a coma for 3 weeks, and I couldn’t leave him, not yet.
    “I brought you a juice box,” Rosie said, “and its fruit punch.” I took the juice box and put it on the side table. I went to the bathroom and changed out of my nyan cat pajamas. I put on a green long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and my black-gray combat...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
The winds off of Fangs wings blew the sand around, erasing the remainders of where he once stood.
“Stay here. I’m going after him” Max unfolded her wings and followed Fang, she could see the black speck in front of her, Max picked up speed, following close on Fang’s trail.
“Fang, slow down!” Max screamed to the top of her lungs, while Fang ignored her distant screams, he spaced himself out of reality, ignoring the fact he was flying at a top speed of 800 MPH, and Max was struggling to keep up with his pace,
“Fang!” Max let out a ear piercing scream. Fang suddenly came back to reality...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
What he looks like in shadows....
What he looks like in shadows....
Ok.... just something new and temporary.....I need to teach myself to let a character be what I write, and not twist them up in come crazy conspiracy and totally destroy the main idea.....

Hero Name: The Reaper.....

Real Name: Eli Crippler....

Occupation: Hero.

Appearance: Usually in the shadows. So all you can see are, dark, deep, red eyes. If he ever does come out though.... Tall, 6'2, black hair that falls in place perfectly, scrawny build, and deep, glowing red eyes.....

Personality: No emotion what-so-ever. Untill someone brings out the light in him. Or puts him on valium XP. So if he falls...
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These arguments are really stupid. That's the point blank message here. I could leave it at that, but I'm still pissed, so Im gonna go on, and you're gonna read it all.

Let's get this straight, Beloved_Robin posted an article yesterday with his rant about shippings--

Hold it! Stop right there! That's the problem here! Rants! Now, yes, at the current moment I'm being a hypocrit, but this has to end. These rants are the problem. Yes, I understand we all have an opinion and as human beings (pan/homo-sexual, transgender, whatever) we have a right t express it. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness....
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Boooop This is for Fin and Adrian! This the first one I am doing.. and I need to know if it's good So please leave a comment

It was a cold night, the snow tumbled into the fire-caster's jet-black hair.
She sat in the snow, relaxing. Tears streamed down her rosey cheeks as memories haunted her. She kept her eyes shut as the snow around her melted into a puddle of water. She let out muffled cries.
"Fin?" His voice was soft and quiet. She cried harder.
"Fin!!" His tone raised a bit as he ran up next to her in the white, blanket setting. He set his hand on her shoulder. She cried more. Her...
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Harley was laid in Skylar’s room after the operation, where Martian Man Hunter had managed to get the chip out of her system. Without her dying. They had all waited holding their breath, waiting for Harley to make any signs that she was still alive. Just days ago, Harley had done the same for them when they blew up CADMUS.
Moments later Harley’s eyes fluttered open. Gaining her a loud round of sighs of relief. Harley tried to get up, but Silver pushed her down again, “No you don’t…you need to recover.” Harley tried again, ignoring her friends. This time Silver didn’t try to stop...
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posted by Robin_Love
NOW it get's fun! >:)

He stood in the shadows. Things were too calm.
“It's starting.”
A raspy whisper answered.
“Yesss. You know what you must do.”
“Destroy them.”
“The fools let it happen.”
“Unfortunately. But remember, they are only human.”
“Of course. What else?”
“Remember, nothing that will happen has been foreseen. Nothing could be changed.”
“How do you think they'll take it when they find out?”
“Harshly. No one will hear from them for weeks.”
“They'll go into hiding?”
“What will happen?”
“It will be like they were never here.”...
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posted by Connor_Veritas
I gew up in Ireland. Growing up was hard. Taught ta fight n' shoot guns at a young age was fun but it kinda scared people away. Never even get ta make any friends. Then there's learnin' up ta seven languages. My mother insisten on it. I learned them all, but whats te point if I never even had the chance te live like a normal kid.

I was raised te believe in god. Religion and belifs was all my ma and pa taught me. That's how it all started with te whole 'killing the eveil te send them ta hell' family business. But of course te rule is we don't kill women and children.

I have a fraternal twin, Murphy....
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posted by Robin_Love
Just a fun little one-shot on the Outsiders team *insert maniacal laughter* XD

“What goes on kitty Cat?”
She jumped at the voice, startled. She looked over to find Trevor sitting next to her. Zero was fiddling around on one of his gadgets and Zeth was...being Zeth.
“I thought I was alone.”
“Until three minutes ago you were,” Zeth said.
Cat rolled her eyes at him and Zeth smirked. His eyes glowed and a string appeared in front of her. Both Trevor and Zeth laughed almost evilly as Cat's eyes followed the string and her hands moved up to get it. A hand snatched the string away, releasing...
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posted by Robin_Love
He leaned against the wall, dressed in his usual attire of jeans, tank top, and trench coat. The ivy along the wall stretched around him as he watched her. His charge had been outside with the others, playing. He came out of the shadows, his favorite place to hide. She saw him and ran over.
He squatted down in front of her so they were eye-level, a smile playing at his lips. Her smile was wide as she hugged him and pulled away.
“Hey Liz. What are you doing?”
“I was on the swings!”
“Cool. How are those nightmares?”
He already knew the answer. He'd been in her room, watching...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Scott Clancy, or “Scotty”
Alias: White Lightning
Occupation: Hero
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: righteous hero with a strong willpower. Having a strong sense of right and wrong, Scott is guided by his own conscience rather than the general rules that most of the Heroes follow. One of his most notable traits is his refusal to admit defeat even in the darkest of situations, Despite his virtues, Scott is also reckless and arrogant. More than once he has left his emotions cloud his better judgment.
Powers/skills: Can control weather and especially lightning, acrobatics, hand to hand combat,...
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posted by Robin_Love
If you haven't read my newest one-shots (Blades, Haunting, Trust No One) or my Threats article, you won't understand this. So read those first! Enjoy!!! :D

The knock that sounded at her door wasn't unexpected. She opened it, ushering the girl inside.
“Sit down. You want something to drink?”
“Something to calm my nerves, please.”
She nodded and went to her cabinet of herbs, remedies, and potions, all homemade.
“Why so nervous? You never are?”
“I know. But I had to get out.”
“You avoided the question.”
The two looked at each other. The older sighed.
“I'll get us refreshments, then...
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"And what exactly are these 'heroes' giving us nthing but destruction for property damage!" the news reported yelled at the camera. Caleb looked at the TV to his sister sitting on their couch then the Tv and his sister. She had a placid face while she ate her cereal. "Day why are you watching the news?" he asked her. "I hate this guy" she answered still watching him. "Then why are you listening to him?" Caleb shook his head.

"i don't know but he pisses me off" she glared. Sitting down with his toast he grabbed the remote. "okay let's watch some cartoons!" he flipped through channels. "see lets...
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