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"Robin? Robin!" Kaldur hissed, looking around the darkened room the team were currently hiding in.

"He's gone isn't he?" Wally asked quietly, glancing up from the computer.

"Yep." The Atlantean nodded, exasperated.

"Figures." Artemis groaned softly. "M'gann, can you…"

She was interrupted by gunfire from the next floor up in the skyscraper and a familiar cackle.

"Oh. There he is." Kid Flash mused, before racing up the stairs.


"Seriously dude, you've gotta stop doing that." Wally grimaced as the team were assembled back in the cave.

"Stop doing what?" Robin glanced at the speedster in confusion.

"Stop running off in the middle of a mission." Kaldur elaborated.

Robin blinked. "I did…? oh, right." He winced. "Sorry…"

"Just be more careful next time." Artemis told him.

Robin nodded obediently, smiling. "Yes, ma'am!"

"You said that last time. And the time before…" Conner pointed out.

Robin shrugged, a red tint colouring his cheeks a little. "I don't do it on purpose… it's just habit…"

"Then break it." Artemis folded her arms.

Robin shrugged. "I'll try…" The Boy Wonder told her.

He placed a hand to his ear, listening to something in his comm. link. "Yeah? I'm on my way." He decided.

He glanced up at his friends. "Sorry guys. Arkham break-out."

The black-haired boy walked to the zeta-tube. "Recognised. Robin, B01." The computer announced as he vanished.

"Well, actually I'd better run too." Wally said. "Really gotta study for a test tomorrow. See you all later."

He vanished in a blur.

As he ran, he kept thinking. Robin running off could seriously endanger someone – Rob himself most likely, but it could also be whoever he was supposed to be watching out for. And what if he actually got captured and everyone assumed he had just gone on patrol?

There had to be a way to…

Kid Flash stopped in his tracks, an idea blossoming in his mind. Perfect.

Two weeks later, they were on another typical mission – an 'observe only' that had rapidly turned into a battle.

"Robin's gone." Conner hissed as they all crouched behind a tipped over table, trying to hide themselves from the bullets raining against it.

"Great." Artemis rolled her eyes, nocking an arrow as she pressed her back against the table.

Suddenly they heard a familiar cackle and a shout of "Bird-boy!"

The bullets stopped hitting their makeshift shield and the team felt it safe to look up over the table.

Instead the gunmen were firing at a shadow on the ceiling. Robin laughed, jumping down. He landed on a first man, knocking him to the ground and twisted around, punching a second.

He didn't notice the gun that was trained on his back until suddenly an arrow hit the Kevlar vest, knocking the third gunman backwards.

"Thanks Artemis!" Robin grinned, throwing the forth and final gunman aside into a wall. The man stared up dazedly.

"Robin…" Kaldur said warningly.

"I know, I know." Robin shrugged his shoulders slightly. "No running off by myself. I get it Kaldur."

"That was irresponsible and you could have been seriously hurt…" Aqualad began.

Robin shrugged. "That table would have lasted another ten seconds max."

Wally reached into his sleeve he'd sown onto his outer-wrist for just this occasion. He pulled out a spray bottle filled with water and raced up to his friend.

"Bad ninja! Bad ninja!" He sprayed him twice.

"Yah!" Robin jumped backwards, his arm raised in a block. He grabbed his cape and pulled it up as a shield. After a second it became apparent that Kid Flash had stopped spraying him.

"KF, what the hell?" Robin dropped his cape and stared at his best friend. "Seriously, what was that about?"

"Bad ninja." Wally said, spraying him in the face once more.

Robin yelped again and wiped his face with his sleeve. "What the heck?"

"No running off in a mission, Robin." Kid Flash folded his arms, still holding the sprayer.

"No spraying me with water then!"

"I won't spray you if you don't run off."

"Yeesh, fine KF." Robin rolled his eyes, exaggerating the movement so his team-mates could see it behind his mask.

"Good." Kid Flash smiled. He glanced at the gunmen and nudged the closest with his foot. "Let's get these guys tied up."


"Robin, you promised not to do this any more…" Kaldur grimaced.

"He broke his promise." Conner shrugged.

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" Robin folded his arms and glared at his team-mates, his foot resting on the tied up villain.

"Barely." M'gann said. "Robin, you could become hurt if you…"

"Bad Ninja!" Wally interrupted her, spraying Robin. "Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja! Baaaad Niiinnjaaaa!" He gave a long spray for the last one.

Robin wiped his face. "You have serious problems, you know that right?" He glanced around at his team-mates. "Does anyone else think that this is nuts?"

Artemis touched him on the shoulder.

He spun around to face her, and got a faceful of water.

"Bad Ninja!"

Robin took a step backwards automatically, moving a hand up to defend himself. After a second he realised what she had done and stared at her. "Artemis? Really?"

"Really. Bad Ninja!" She sprayed him again.

"Why the heck are you copying Wally?"

"Because it's fun." Artemis shrugged. "And he was the only one who came up with a good idea for how to get you to stop running off. Bad Ninja!" She sprayed him once more.

Robin stared at them, wiping his wet hair from his face and then looked at the other three members of the team. "Seriously guys?"

"Well, don't run off I guess." Kaldur shrugged, biting back a smile.

"Asterous." Robin muttered, pushing his now wet hair out of his face again.


"And I win!" Robin cackled, poking Wally from behind with the speedster's wristband in hand.

"No fair! You cheated!"

"Did not! The point of the exercise was to be the last one with their wristband. I'm the only one left." Robin smirked, tapping his own wristband.

"But you went all ninja on us…" Artemis complained.

"Yep. It's what I do." Robin shrugged, then he took a step back and raised his hands defensively. "And it was a training exercise so don't you dare…" He gave a yelp as both Artemis and Wally pulled out their spray bottles and sprayed him.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Not fair!" Robin snapped, holding his hands up as a shield. "I'm supposed to do that here!"

"He's right." Kaldur agreed. "Wally, Artemis, put the water sprays down."

Reluctantly the speedster and the archer followed the orders.

"You two have serious mental problems." Robin scowled. "And I should know. I fight nutsos every day of the week."

"Now you're on a team with them." Wally grinned, tapping the Boy Wonder lightly on the nose.

Robin decided this was a good time to demonstrate that his mentor wasn't the only one who could do an impressive Bat-Glare.


"Robin!" M'gann sighed in relief, flying forwards. Then she paused, fear clouding her eyes.

In a second Kid Flash was kneeling by his best friend's side. The Boy Wonder was lying on the ground, washed up onto the shore of the lake.

The speedster placed his fingers on his neck. "He's alive…" Wally whispered in relief as everyone else crowded around.

Right on cue, Robin coughed and sat up to see his team looking at him in worry. "Are you okay?" M'gann asked.

"I'm asterous…" Robin said, sitting up and coughing. "Just a bit waterlogged."

"Robin, you could have drowned!" Artemis said, relief making her angry. "You couldn't have waited so we could tell if it was dangerous?"

"I'm fine…"

"Bad Ninja!" Artemis decided, spraying him.

"Hey!" Robin raised one hand up, supporting himself with the other. "Seriously, where do you even keep that thing?"

"In my quiver. Bad Ninja!"

"Bad Ninja!" Kid Flash agreed, spraying him as well.

"Guys! Almost drowned here! Don't need any more water!"

Robin crab-walked backwards and glowered at his two friends. "Seriously guys, that's just insane."

Kaldur paused. Well, they are teaching him not to disappear… He mused to himself.

The hydrokinetic jerked a hand. A bubble of water raised from the lake. The rest of the team saw it but Robin still had his back to the lake as he clambered to his feet.

Suddenly the water fell down, pouring over him.

Robin's jaw dropped as the cold water soaked him. He stayed stunned for a second before turning around to glower at Kaldur.

"What was that for?" He shouted, pushing a sopping wet lock of hair out his face.

Kaldur gave a small smile. "Bad Ninja."

"Urgh!" Robin threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. He turned off and began to walk off. "Did we beat the bad-guys yet?"

"Yep." Conner nodded, trying to hide a smile.

"Good. I'll be back in Gotham then." Robin scowled, walking off. His feet made squishing noise as they were filled with water.

Behind him he could hear his friends cracking up.

"So not feeling the aster…" He muttered, getting onto his motorcycle.


"Robin?" Artemis looked around. "Robin?" She hissed.

"I really hate it when he does that." Kid Flash groaned.

M'gann placed a hand on her head and the team all heard her voice in their heads. Robin, where are you?

Busy. Was the acrobat's sharp reply.

There was a crackle of gunfire to the side.

Kid Flash ran forwards as fast as he could and threw the guy to the ground, grabbing the gun.

Artemis was right behind him, arrow shooting off to the other gunman.

Kaldur pulled out his water into a mace, clanging it into the third gunman.

The other three were already taken down, most likely due to Robin.

"None for us?" Conner smirked as M'gann floated next to him. Kaldur changed the mace back into regular water and dropped it back into his sheathes.

"Sorry. I'll try to save some for you next time." Robin grinned.

The other members of the team all paused, and than in unison pulled out identical spray-bottles and aimed them at Robin.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally announced as they all pressed the trigger together.

"Bad Ninja!" Artemis agreed.

Robin spluttered, wiping his face. "Is this a conspiracy or something?"

"Yes." Kaldur nodded. "Bad Ninja." They all sprayed again.


"You'd've thought he'd've stopped by now." Artemis mused as they all ran into the room.

Robin was busy tying up the unconscious second rate villain. "Hey guys." He grinned, looking up.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally shot forwards with the sprayer ready.

Robin's hand shot to his utility belt. In a second he had aimed his taser straight at the speedster. "Don't." He warned.

Wally paused and stared at his friend. He looked at his sprayer. Than he looked back at the taser, then at his sprayer, then the taser and then his spray bottle again.

"Bad Ninja!" He sprayed him.

Robin pulled the trigger and then tasered his friend.

He'd already changed the settings it so that it wasn't in lethal mode, but Kid Flash still dropped to the ground jerking.

The rest of the team paused and Robin took his taser back and slid it into his utility belt.

Artemis touched Kaldur on the shoulder and began to whisper in his ear. Kaldur nodded with a slight smile.

There was a rushing noise, and suddenly the pipes snapped. Water sprayed out, thundering into Robin.

For a second the Boy Wonder was choking, trying to ride the wave of water the fell through the room. Then it petered out and Robin was left gasping on the ground in front of the team.

Kaldur smirked. "Very Bad Ninja."

Robin sat up and glowered. "I hate you all." He gasped out. "With a vengeance."

"Okay then." M'gann shrugged, knowing that he didn't mean it.

She flew over him and whipped out her own sprayer. Aiming it straight at the lying down Boy Wonder's face, she smiled. "Bad Ninja."


The team snuck into a warehouse.

"Robin, where is it… Robin?" Kaldur looked around.

"Oh, great." Kid Flash grimaced. "Not again."

There was a swish of a cape and suddenly Robin was behind him. "I can go off to get the blue-prints, I'll just have to go to the control room." He told them.

The team all glanced at him. "Back soon." The acrobat added, vanishing.

"Did he really just tell us before running off?" Artemis asked.

"I guess it worked, then." Wally shrugged, tapping the sprayer attached to his wrist.

Half an hour later, the team finished their mission. "Let's see, not that big a mess by our standards." Robin glanced around the warehouse. "The building's even standing."

"And you didn't run off." Kaldur smiled slightly. "Well, you told us before disappearing."

Robin flushed. "Yeah."

"So the Bad Ninja thing worked?" Artemis smirked.

"Actually, no. I was considering doing it on purpose just to spite you all, but then I figured your arguments were pretty good. Not the spraying thing." Robin answered.

Despite being trained by Batman, each member of the team knew the lie for what it was. The water spray was what had made him tell them.

Kid Flash zoomed up behind Robin.

Before the Boy Wonder could react, Wally patted him on the head. "Good Ninja. Good Ninja. Good – hey!"

Robin's hand had shot out and caught Wally's wrist. Bending it back, he forced Wally into a kneeling position with Robin still holding his wrist hostage.

"Don't." He warned.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally pulled out his sprayer with his free hand and sprayed Robin in the face while kneeling.

Robin pulled his wrist back further, not quite breaking his wrist but putting pressure on it. Kid Flash gave a soft, involuntary wimper.

The Boy Wonder released the Fastest Boy Alive. "Don't try that again." He advised him.

"Bad Ninja!" Kid Flash sprayed him again. "Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

Robin threw his hands up in exasperation as Wally kept spraying him. "I'm going back to Gotham where it's sane."

"Gotham villains are saner than Wally?" M'gann asked, glancing at Robin as the Boy Wonder walked out, Kid Flash on his heels.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Not really, but at least I'm allowed to attack them. See you guys." He left.

Wally stayed right behind him, still pulling the trigger on the spray bottle repeatedly.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Shut up!"

"Bad Ninja!"

"Leave me alone, KF!"

"Bad Niiiinnnjaaaaaaaa!"
posted by robinfanforever
Normal POV

A week after the dreaded mission to save Joseph Billing and the Immobilizer, Robin sat on the couch updating the security codes for his glove computer. He felt a lot better with himself after the several missions with the team afterwards, or at least he felt more useful with the team.

Things were still strained back at Wayne Manor between Bruce and him though. Neither one of them were talking with each other, which was making Robin feel like Bruce didn’t want anything to do with him.

He had been spending the last few days at the mountain so he wouldn’t have to hear the silence that...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" father" paced infront of Willow saying " I know you know where the secret headquaters are....", Willow looked down and was silent, " well do you!" he shouted making Willow stumble back with tears in her eyes, " N-no.. " Willow stumbled in her words with tears in her eyes, " Liar!" he shouted and slapped her across the face and grabbed her arms and lifted her up, Willow grunted in pain " Y-your hurting me..." Willow said trying to hold back her tears of pain from the slap. " Tell me! where they are!" he shouted tightning his grip around her arms, " Ow stop!! let me go i d-dont know!" Willow...
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posted by 66Dragons
The highly anticipated sequel! XD!

It didn't take long for Becca to recognize the teenager. And he was the last person she wanted to have to deal with while trying to have a peaceful date with Robin.

She knew they had been spotted when the guy slid on his hat and glasses.

"How about we go in here?" she asked, tugging Robin inside a store, the boy followed.

"What are we running from?" Robin asked, fishing out his sunglasses.

"Specifically, who." Becca replied, trying to lose the guy hot on their heels.

"Who then?" Robin asked, slipping on his glasses.

"Someone I don't exactly find nice."

"What is Revenge...
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posted by Robin_Love
Fang (wings folded behind him)
Fang (wings folded behind him)
The mountain shook as an explosion sounded. Megan lowered her shield. Ash and dust fell around them and the team looked around. Becca stood up, stretching her neck.
“Damn villains!” she muttered.
“Don't complain. We're alive.”
“I know that!”
Becca shook her head, shooting wally a glare. Robin took her hand, giving it a squeeze. They looked at each other and smiled. Artemis groaned.Both blushed, turning their attention back to the villains at hand. Cheshire and her crew. Becca groaned. Then smirked.
“I call Cheshire!” she shouted.
“What? You can't call people! You're not on this...
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A dream or Predition ???
A dream or Predition ???
Eclipse turned around to find Logan or Wolverine walk in with 6 other heroes. “Umm Logan mind telling me want just happened” Eclipse crossed her arms. “You were put through a test to see how far you would go with your emotions and you have passed!” Aqua lad stated. As he talked she put her hand behind her back and pulled out a Silver Knife with swirls and spirals engraved into in as well as a silver gun with the same patterns. She clicked the bullet cartage into place before pointing it then ‘BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG’. She poisoned the gun at Aqua lads head “Vorple bullets they...
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posted by Robin_Love
Recognized: Shade B0-15
“Hey guys! Guess what?!” Becca asked running in.
“What?” Robin asked, giving her a quick kiss.
Becca blocked a punch meant for Robin, who had been training with Artemis before Becca entered. The two girls looked at Robin, who bowed playfully before stepping out of the way. Artemis gave another punch, which Becca dodged.
“What's got you in a ball of excitement?” Wally asked.
“You aren't going to believe this,” Becca said, still fighting as she talked. “But I was able to convince Batman to let a very old friend of mine join the team!”
“How many of these...
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posted by Robin_Love
The four sat under the shade of a tree, the sound of water not far off. Willow and Becca had both packed a lunch of as many sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, and drinks as they could. Both knew Wally's appetite and neither were too keen to have the older boy complain. So they had stocked up with a bunch of food that would, hopefully, keep Wally full until they got back to the castle. As well as the healthy food, they had brought a special treat. Willow had packed a velvet red cake to share with Wally while Becca had brought a smaller devil's food cake to share with Robin. Since they were outside...
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posted by Robin_Love
The thunder outside rumbled and the lightning cracked. It was one of the fiercest storms Luna had ever seen. One of the strongest she had ever felt. And one of the weakest moments of her life. Sitting in the room Becca was sleeping in, Luna prayed it would fall fast away. Without the moon beams, Luna was feeling weaker than ever. To keep her strength up, Luna popped one of her special candies in her mouth. The candy melted instantly, sliding down her throat with a cold wave. Her strength came back to her and Luna was able to feel the small beams of the moon through the storm. The quiet was...
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posted by Robin_Love
“You're mother?!”
“And one of my sisters. I can't go home. Not now.”
“But Becca...”
“Will you really deny me the chance to see my family?”
Robin hesitated. He didn't want to hurt her but he definitely wasn't going anywhere without her. Becca waited for an answer. When she didn't get one, she sighed.
“I see. Well then I guess you need some time alone. Or at least with someone who won't refuses to do as you say for once.”
“I'm sorry.”
Becca looked away, shame and fear written on her face.
“What's wrong?” Robin whispered.
“I need time to think. I want to spend...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The rain poured down hard on Wally as he kept running, he didnt stop, he never would not until he found her, it finally began to thunder, and lightning lightened up parts of the sky that had been struck by it, then they disappeared. Wally was distracted by something then he slipped and fell, he finally stopped infront of some woods. He felt Willow coming from in there but he wasnt completely sure, " Wallllllllyyyyyy....." the voice said, " Willow!" Wally screamed and ran in to find her.


Robin sat in the cave and heard the thunder and lightning...
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posted by justjill
Gotham City,
12 January, 12.04am

I woke up with a start. How long? I'm not sure. I'm covered in bruises and cuts. I started to stand up but suddenly I felt a painful sensation shoot through my chest.Ouch. there's a cut right in the middle of my chest. Where am I anyway? I limped out of the dark alley. Suddenly a sign catches my attention. "Gotham City." Gotham City?! Why the heck am I in the middle of Gotham City? I tried to recall something but I only remembered one thing, Amnesia. Damn. I suddenly heard something tinkled around my neck. Its a locket, it had a Ying-Yang sign on the front. I...
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posted by KatRox1
*Sorry, but i have been really busy the past few days, and was unable to write, so here is what i could squeeze out...*

“Hey, Babe? Let’s forget the little boo-boo and work this out? Ok?” Blade asked, looking at me. I didn’t know how to reply. “Um, I’m just going to-“ I stopped myself and sighed. “Can I have my friends back?” I asked in a much more calm manner than before. “Hold, on.” Cheshire said suspiciously. “Take off the gear.” She ordered. Carefully, I took a step back and shook my head ever so slightly. Cheshire let out a growl and motioned her hand. Chameleon...
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What happens now changes everything.
This is the Epic Beginning of the End

Chapter Fourteen-

Sam's leg was in a temporary cast as he pulled his mask off and shoved it in his backpack to take home.

He was just about to limp off when the theatre glowed. He looked up to see Holly storming out.

"Whoah!" he said, catching her arm. "Where've you been?"

"Germany." Holly spat.

"What happened?" Sam asked, ignoring the place she had been.

"Those no good, low pieces of scum sent me over there to 'kill Luthor' but rigged it so I couldn't. The test was to see if I would actually kill or not. And get this:" she...
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posted by Robin_Love
The silver haired warrior took care of the girl in her arms. Her blue eyes roamed over the girl, searching for the mark. When Becca moved her head, Luna saw the lightning shaped birthmark on Becca's neck. Luna stood still for a minute, getting over the small dizzy spell she had received. She walked into the force field, happy to leave the deserted mountain plains and enter the lush kingdom hidden from any eyes. Luna walked into the castle at the far edge of the kingdom. Her ability to teleport made the trip faster. When she entered the golden gates, a murmur went through all who saw the girl...
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posted by Robin_Love
A smile lit her face as Robin came towards her. Becca had purposefully stopped in Happy Harbor, choosing to visit Mt. Justice. Being with a team of her own was fun, but Becca had missed Young Justice more than anything.
“Robin,” she said happily as he wrapped his arms around her.
“How are things?”
“Challenging. Being a leader is difficult work. Which can be fun.”
“How many bruises on your last mission?” Robin teased.
“Only ten! I'm improving.”
“If that's even possible.”
Becca stuck her tongue out at him but a blush was evident on her cheeks. She exited from his...
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Chapter Twelve-

Reaper was walking slowly through the apartment like he owned the place. He didn't spot Revenge until the Black Hero had rammed him into the wall.

"I think I'll cancel your contract with the Soviets and Stalin." Revenge said. "And Draxx already has your transport to Arkham ready to go." 

"Good offer," Reaper cackled. "But I think I'll pass."

Reaper kicked Revenge in the stomach, causing him to stumble back. At that moment, Sam's mom walked out of the bedroom putting an earring on.

"Down!" Revenge yelled, tackling his mother as Reaper's scythe flew past and embedded itself in the...
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posted by YJTTFAN
Jenny stood on top of Mt Justice twirling a crystal needle she stole from Data’s lab, could she go through with this? She straightened. Yes for Robin, she thought
“Couldn’t sleep?” A soft voice came from behind her.
“Robin?” she said as she spun around seeing Boy Wonder behind her.
“Who where you expecting? The Injustice League?” Yes a part of her wanted to say
“Are you ok?” Robin asked concerned, Jenny hugged her shoulders but that was to cover up her hiding the needle-like weapon up her short sleeves. Robin bought it.
“Just thinking,” She replied Robin stepped up next...
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It was an average evening at Mount Justice. Megan was baking, Artemis and Wally arguing, Super Boy watching static, Scatty and Aqualad talking about warrior methods and how they have changed over time (ugh, boring) while me and Robin played a game of War.
“One…two…three…flip!” I said, flipping over my card. We both had kings. We set up three cards, leaving the two kings in the middle. I looked at the card I was facing with. A 3 of diamonds.
“One…two…three…flip!” Robin called. Just before we flipped our cards, the power went out. I smirked and switched my card, taking a King....
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Eclipse stared into X-23's eyes, anger flow through her in waves. "X-23 why?" but talking wasn't what she was there for, she striked at eclipse. Elie ducked and rolled to the wall before 2 silver claws where stabbed inches away from her face. Elie grabbed her arm and threw
X-23 across the room, she landed with a thud.
"Laura I don't want to hurt you, what do you want from me?" Laura got of the floor and started to run towards Elie and tryed to punch her, BLOCK! She tryed again, BLOCK yet again laura was no match for elie. But a swif kick to the lungs and elie was down and started to choke......
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posted by KatRox1
We quickly grabbed our stuff, which was just sitting on one of the tables, and quickly ran out of the room into a never-ending hallway. But then the reality hit me, “Oh my God!” I shouted, still in full pursuit of the door at the end. “What?” Roy said, suddenly alerted. “I just punched my boyfriend!” I said panicked. “I. Punched. My. Boyfriend.” I slowly repeated, stopping in the middle of the hallway. Red Arrow kept running, until he realized what I had done. “Why did you stop?” He asked, with a hit of frustration in his voice. “I-I punched Blade! In the face!” I was...
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