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amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
I missed y'all Bamily! Tumblr has me freaking out!!! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Missed you too! Tumblr is fantastic.. the love of bamily is beautiful beyond words! over a year ago
PrueFever gave me props for my images
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and comment and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Oh my gawd!!!! Awesome news. Season 8 has been renewed!!!????link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
AWESOME!!! Kat and Ian, especially for most of the fandom, have been the redeeming quality. Season 8, Bamon! over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
^^^Totally! So worried because there was speculation that this was the last season but thank goodness no;) Bamon lives on!!! over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Bonnie's reaction to Enzo's hands all over?!? Priceless!!!! Hahaha;) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. ikr? She doesnt flinch when Damon grabs her, but enzo goes in all gentle and worried, and she's "Nope!" The question is, phoenixRayna gonna have a target for our girl, or is her body and mind reset new? over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Is Nora the only person on the show to call Bonnie beautiful?!! This can't be right. Can it? Posted over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
I know. Thé way the writers treat Bonnie is revolting!!. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Ikr? Bonnie/Kat is a sexy, stunningly beautiful and intelligent young woman. She's compassionate, loyal, trustworthy and wickedly wise. The writers are trying to sell us, that not one of the male population doesn't crave her? lol. Bs writing right there. At least we got Brian Young on our side. xoxo :) over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Blowout fight between BB and Damon...maybe it'll lead to some steamy scenes?!?
link Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Just has to share this Bamony goodness!!! 😋
link Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
I have got butterflies in my stomach already! I can't wait to see the two loves of our BB;) Yay!!!! Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Oh my GAWD!!! YES!!! That kiss was everything;) over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Bonnie and Damon need to have their own comic book. They are total freaking heros!!!! Did you see the teamwork in this episode?! I mean they always "do their thing" as Stefan once said about them but this was just yessss! Gawd!!! Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 said about Damon & Bonnie
Ok so VD season 6 is finally on Netflix and I'm like how can you not see how much Damon wants his BonBon?!? Case in point - (ignore the whole "for Elena" description) This scene is everything!!!!
link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Love you amber!! Yeh, everyone ignores that bit, 'cause he's frontin' that's why. He loves and respects her, that cannot be erased or denied. The excitement just grows for 7!!! over a year ago