Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by PrinceRhaegar
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next."
I completed the prayer and opened my eyes to stare at Cassandra.
She sneered at me,"I cant believe that you still continue to practice my father's faith. There is no need now, he is dead."
"I practice the faith because I believe that the power we hold and the belief in a higher power are one in the same."
Her eyes flashed and she darted toward me in a speed that was very impressive.
I snached her paw out of the air as she went for my throat. I smiled and easily held her away.
I blocked the flow of energy to her arm and threw her at a near by boulder, shattering it as she smashed into at great force.
Her body hit the ground and skidded aways after she hit the boulder.
She stood slowly, blood slowly trickling down from the cut above her forehead. Her radiant white fur now covered in dust and dirt.
She glared at me, "Dont toy with me, I know you could have killed me there. I made a mistake in my arrogance, but you, you did as well. You see now," she said touching her arm and releasing the flow of energy, "you are going to die."
A gust of wind hit me in the side and slammed me into a stoney hillock that jutted out of the ground. She pinned my arm to my sides and advanced slowly towards me.
I smiled calmly at her as she approached, but inside I was despretely trying to find away to extract myself from the flowing air that pinned my to the hillock.
She reached me and put her paw to my chest. She smiled at me and kissed me as she dug her claws into my chest, going for my heart.
"I could have been yours in every way if you had just loved me the way I loved you,"she whispered into my ear.
I gasped in pain as I felt her claw pierce my heart. My paw touched the rock and I felt the energy flow through it. I excited the energy, making it flow faster. The rock shattered and I fell to the ground and rolling. With all the strength I had left I leaped for her throat.
I grabbed hard and dug in my claws, and in that last moment I stared into her eyes. I saw regret, surprise, admiration, and I saw obsession.
I tore her her throat out and watched as she collapsed. Her beautiful fur now stained crimson. I watched her life blood seep into the ground and couldnt bring myself to feel for her the way she wanted me too.
Her eyes glazed over and only then did I allow myself to fall next to her. I watched my own blood seep out from where her claws had dug in. I coughed and there was more blood.
I laughed to myself, "looks like I never found that peace that you wanted me to, Dev, but now I will be with you shortly brother."
My friends all came running towards me, calling my name. My final thought before I went unconcious was of how in the middle of explaining to them everything that had happened in the two years that I was gone, I was happy,
Maybe I had found peace.
added by GBlover6
posted by alphawolf13
Chapter 2: The return

A winter later humphrey patrolled the tranning grounds , His fur rippled with new powerful muscles , his face a darker , more confident look with powerful eyes. Over the time he spent traning with Winston he had learned to kill with scary efficency . He could track deer from a mile away. He could Almost become invisible to anything unsuspecting. He leapt from rock to rock till he stood on the cliffs peak. He laughed to himself he recalled when it had took him half a day to traverse it now a matter of seconds . That was just part of his traning . He had to hunt with his...
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Alpha and Omega: Debt paid with Blood

Alright first story Plz use creative critisizm

The Wind Crackled as it Passed throught the trees, Sending warm air into the undergrowth and into the bushes. A lone bull grazed below, it chewed on the wild grass it's long legs like stone pillars his antlers covered in velvet and the scratches of old fights lay visible.

The wind shifted , as the Old bull cocked his head releasing a loud snort. Admist the bush a pair of Glowing eyes focused on the moose, to the eyes their was nothing else just it's prey. the eyes took note of every breath , every movement, every...
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posted by PrinceRhaegar
I took Humphrey deep into the mountains and found the most quiet, yet beautiful place to grace Jasper. We sat atop an large cliff overlooking the rest of the park, all the mountains, all the little creeks. Meadows filled with the melting snow, small flowers beginning to peak up, despretely seeking the sun. We marveled at the conifer trees as well, a shining pillar of strength that refused to bow, even to the might of winter.
We just sat there, at this moment there was no need for words, we let the scenery around us speak.
"All matter is just a form of energy condensed into a slow vibration and...
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Kate got to the den where Humphrey was just laying on the ground.
“Umm,” Kate said.
“When’s my trial?” Humphrey asked.
Humphrey sighed, “I need a lawyer.”
“I got Hutch for you.”
“Thanks,” Humphrey got up approached the rock, “Maybe playing with the Omegas will help me forget this.”
Humphrey left and went to Mooch’s den, which was the closest.
“Hey, Mooch, I nearly killed Cando and I’m going to trial tomorrow. I just hope playing will help me forget about all this.”
“You almost killed a wolf?” Mooch asked in panic.
“Yup, trial is tomorrow....
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posted by xscash23
Demon Lilly apocalypse part 2
     Garth thinks that it crazy that Lilly robbed a store but he reported her behind her back and the cops showed up and took her to the police department big mistake she turned into the demon and killed every body in the police department and then ran home and she kicked the door down and slaughtered garth after mating one last time then turned back to normal and sobbed about garth she could not show her face again she ran ways away and hid then Humphrey came and found her ballling and said “C’mon Lilly come back the pack is in danger and...
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 5
“That, was awesome.” Seth stated. “I know! Right!?” Kate said smiling. Seth and Kate passed over an arched bridge. The water lapped the bottom of the bridge. “We’re almost there aren’t we...” Seth asked. Kate turned away from him and looked out the train car. She looked at the mountain. She paused for a moment scanning the area. “We’re about two hours away...” “Okay, er...” Seth took a deep breath. “You can sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there...” “W-wait, why?” “You saved me... If you hadn’t hit Hunter before... I... Would of been killed......
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 2
“Right this way!” Sam said as he flew overhead. The wind buffeted Kate’s head and her fur ruffled and felt like it was going to fly off, but as an Alpha, she couldn’t let small things like that bug her. Rain pelted her and it felt like she was being hit with stones. “Where are we heading?” demanded Seth. There are mountains ahead! If we can pass them, we can reach the rock flow below! That will take you directly towards the pack’s territory!” “But won’t the rain make the rockslide a mudslide? A mudslide could kill us!” “I know! But if we hurry, we can get to...
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posted by katealphawolf
*Rated T for all the usual reasons, you have been warned!*

"Humphrey wake up! Wake up man we got another lesson today!" Humphrey's eyes opened a little, he saw the lean, powerful figure of Garth standing over him. "Um wait, whoa, what?" "Its almost noon Humphrey get your scrawny butt up!" Humphrey finally came around and opened his eyes all the way and looked around. The cave was brilliantly lit with warm autumn sun, Kate still sound asleep snored softly. Humphrey remembered what he and Kate did the previous night and how tiring it was.

"Last night was amazing Garth you should have seen me!"...
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posted by UriahA
Humphrey, Star, and Kaltag go to school again.

Kaltag, Star and Humphrey got up and remembered they need to go to school.
“Crap, we didn’t go to school yesterday!” Star said.
“We had driving school,” Kaltag replied.
“Do you think they’ll excuse us?”
“Probably, we’ll have to bring our slips.”
“Wait, but Humphrey doesn’t have one.”
“We got to make sure he could be excused.”
They got to school. When they got to school, they went to the office.
“Here’s our slips for driving school.”
“Alright you two are excused.”
“He was with us and we took him and…”...
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"No, no, no, NOO! You can't die! I love you," wailed Humphrey as he wept over Kate's body.

Winston padded up to him, "Humphrey, she's dead, there's nothing we can do."

Humphrey looked at his pack leader, only to see his own sadness reflected in Winston's eyes.

"No, she can't be dead, she can't be dead, no," he cried. Humphrey then looked over at Tony, "This is your fault! If you weren't so greedy, Kate would still be alive! You old fool, Kate gave her life to save yours, and you don't even have the respect to mourn her."

Tony flinched away from the cold fire in Humphrey's gaze. "Tony, I think you...
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added by Metallica1147
Source: I took from my webcam :p
posted by kates-mate101
I am Alpha… Restart…
From ashes to ashes, from life to death, from hate to love. The world is all about balance. There will always be times when you feel bad and upset like the whole world is against you, but others when the world is all for you. My name is Seth, and from this point on, I will be telling you my story. From the beginning I met her, I had known, that she was going to be the Alpha leader of the pack. I don’t really have an interest in mating favors in her, however she is a good friend to me. Being the third strongest Alpha, means responsibilities… And the worst punishment...
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posted by kates-mate101
Seth sat on the bench. White seagulls flew above him near the Canada flag. He sat in his black jacket… His black shirt… With his bone necklace jingling in the wind. His ruffled his black hair leisurely as if waiting for something exciting to happen. He got up and started walking aimlessly down the street. He had nowhere to go, nothing to do… Well, he did have somewhere to go but he didn’t want to. His house was a hellhole now that his parents were gone. As he walked by a huge puddle on the street, a car whizzed by and soaked his hair. “Fuck… Just what I needed…” Seth...
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posted by kates-mate101
This new series was created on the account of me canceling I AM ALPHA and holding the next parts of Civil war. Enjoy. -Kates-mate101

Winter.... The coldest the wolves of Jasper ever knew. The wolves persevered through the winter, knowing Spring was down the line. They were a peaceful sort, rarely fought, and when disputes happened, the two leaders, Winston and Tony, they got together and sorted things out. However both packs were fairly small, considering how many casualties had arisen... Humphrey... even Eve, had died from the cold. Frostbite. After that, Kate, Humphrey’s mate, had never...
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 21
It was time to get up again, however Seth was a little late to wake up. He was woken up by the gentle licking on his cheeks by Kate and Destiny. “Huh? Haha... Hey! Stop!” He started, shielding his face with his paws. “Then wake up!” Urged Destiny, playfully. Seth slowly got up. “That was a nice wake up!” he smiled, stretching. Kate and Destiny exchanged looks before looking back. “Well get used to it!” They smiled. “I will...” Seth smiled, tackling Kate playfully. They rolled before Kate pushed him off and Destiny and Kate both tackled Seth. When Kate and Destiny...
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posted by kates-mate101
Warning: The following chapter is Seth mating with Destiny and Kate. Nothing else. it may be a bit graphic so don't slam me cause I'm writing about this. Or I will "tump" You. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! -Kate's-mate101

Seth, Destiny and Kate made their way back to the den. Seth lay down on one side. Kate lay on his left, pushing ever closer to him, smiling, and Destiny on his right doing the same. Seth sighed. "How is this going to work..." He shook his head. "Well, we could each have a turn?" Kate suggested. "DIBS ON FIRST!" Destiny exclaimed. Kate grumbled and got up and lay down on Seth's rock....
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 15
Destiny lowered her head and sniffed the ground. Many scents. She would have loved to sort them all out but she decided otherwise. Her pack-mates were counting on her. The grass went from luscious and plentiful, to random stray clumps. Why would the caribou stay here? The sky was beginning to dim... She approached the herd. The sky was red.. Almost pink. The clouds were orange from the withering sun. Keep it together Alpha... Destiny thought. Your pack is counting on you... She picked up her pace. The trotted along, quickly, trying not to use up too much energy. Her grey tail waved...
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 14
The birds were singing. The trees were swaying. The grass waved about in unison with the wind. Liam, Griffin and their mates led the group towards the training camp. Kate strided alongside her "Mate" Michael. He pressed his white flank against Kate's. She sighed. Seth caught up to the two along with Destiny. “Do you know how much longer it will take?” Michael asked. Seth shook his head. “I think about 10 minutes more…” Destiny replied. The group continued onwards. Kate turned back to Seth. He scowled and Kate felt her heart sink a bit more. As the grass swished around Seth’s...
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The air was becoming thick with moisture as the earth cooled with the coming of the night. The moon, climbing in the sky slowly, steadily.
The stoic situation Eight found himself in currently had quite a tension in it. These wolves didn't seem to want him here, and who could blame them, a trespasser is a trespasser, didn't matter the reason.
Eight's muscles tensed, his fur stood just a bit, his ears layed down just slightly and his eyes darted back and forth between the two as they took their starting positions on either side. He thought to try to explain himself but decided against it, remembering...
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