Alpha and Omega Club
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The day of the festival had finally loomed over the valley and heavy metal was in the air. lots of wolves all over the place were making last ditch attempts to get some practise in, nerves reaped at their souls but none so much so as Humphrey. Although he knew of his good vocal chords he was afraid of the outcome if the words didn't come out or he forgot them. He was afraid he would be left cold and alone, embarrassed on a stage in front of a lot of wolves, their eyes burning scars into his skin. Kate could sense this and knew she had to do something.

Kate: Everything O.K Humphrey?

Humphrey: AHH! Kate (heavy exhale) it's you, you startled me.

Kate: you seem unresponsive today.

Humphrey: it's just nerves, what if i mess up or forget the words?

Kate: Look, no matter what happens- regardless of success, messing up the songs accidentally will not diminish the love i have for you, no matter what,

Kate gently gave Humphrey a kiss on the lips. For those few seconds the nerves seemed to flow out of humphrey and courage had replace what was once there.

Humphrey: you always know how to diffuse the tension brilliantly don't you?

Kate: (laughing comfortingly) i thought that was an omega's job?
you will be fine trust me.

Humphrey for the majority of that morning wondered and pondered a variety of questions such as "would he really be O.K" or "would the nerves finally break his spirit awarded to him by Kate", either way he now had the knowledge that know matter what happened Kate would be by Humphrey's side though thick and thin.

Kate: Humphrey? would you help me get this skin tight wolf suit on (like a cat suit but for wolves), it's so difficult fitting in to it.

Humphrey: Sure! Anything you want! Is it partly see through?

Kate: Yeah! (sexily turning and giggling slightly)

Humphrey: (wolf whistle)
Lets just see how difficult it is to fit your pretty frame into this big bad suit huh! Bring it on!!

Costumes and special effects where under Humphrey and Kate's control and the other jobs where given to other capable couples.

Lily and garth were in charge of the stage itself. This job was a hell of a lot easier than special effects so they were both kind of taking it easy. Lily was on the stage checking things over like a snow white roadie and Garth was down below with a checklist calling out the testing phase of the stage workings.

Garth: Speakers!

Lily: (booming the first set of speakers) Check!

Garth: Speaker set 2!

Lily: (booming second set of speakers) Check!

Garth: mic's 1,2 and 3!

Lily: Check! (she says beautifully singing into the mic)
"Every one dies
once in their lives
waiting for the second coming again"

Garth: (stunned)-(then) thick white stuff from centre tube!

Lily: ooh! feeling like that again are we huh!

Garth: no! i mean the fog from the centre pot!
so are you nervous or worried at all?

Lily: no, why would i be when i am singing with a hunk like you behind my back?

Garth: i dont know, i am pretty nervous!

Lily: why? it's not that bad.

Lily jumped down from the stage to a worried looking garth curious as to this un-Garth phenomenon.

Garth: last time i hosted and competed in something like this was the eastern massacre. eastern wolves mysteriously died from non stop bleeding orifices and vomiting. most survived but there were a lot who died.

Lily: orifices?

Garth: holes in the body like your mouth, or ears.

Garth: It was the eastern metal festival of 2008. Wolves from the eastern pack competed against each other on stage, song for song for a years rights to first pick of the caribou each hunt.

I was to appear on stage as a member of Metallica, you know i had the black shirt and the leather jeans that chaff's to this day.
First up was my dad tony, he was going for one of those old time heavy classics from sabbath called heaven and hell, he sang well but he was no dio. Everything went great- the crowd were cheering and i remember my dad being very pleased. My mum and most of the alphas were doing there songs well and then it was my turn.

i started to sing "Cyanide" by Metallica
i had noticed some yellow dust in the speakers and some capsules broken up next to it. I thought nothing of it- you know, sex, drugs and rock and roll right, i thought it was just a mixture of wolf ecstasy and cum.
I sang my heart out, i was only young and i did well for my age, yellow dust every where by the time i came off stage and i thought that the speakers had blown the horrid mixture out over every one until i saw what the capsules contained.
The label read CYANIDE! STAY CLEAR! property of the western union, the anti eastern alliance. The feeling of irony was enveloping me.

The cyanide had people bleeding from every where you could stick your paw into, vomit and blood every where. Some survived as i said and i was on stage on the opposite end of the audience so i was unaffected. Times where even more rough for everybody else when they found out that i or the cyanide boy had won the tournament and i got caribou rights rather than the wolves that needed it.

Lily: thats terrible! its a frightening flashback but why are you worried? the packs are united via you and me so the anti-eastern and anti-western alliances are gone now! there is no one to kill anyone else any more.

Garth: i know but there are some wolves that still believe that we should have stuck to our separate sides of the valley, the eastern alliance was seen yesterday and the western alliance are starting up again as well, there is no stopping them.

Lily: i will tell dad and every one else to be on guard.

Garth: i'll come with you then because we are the only things keeping the packs together and i hear that we are prime assassination targets, without us the packs will go to war again and are deaths would have been the end of both packs. NO ONE WILL TOUCH YOU WHILE I AM AROUND !!!
It was at that moment that Lily remembered why she married garth, it was because of his big brawny size, his awesome new howl and his caring loving nature.

Although the packs are now on high alert Garth still wondered how the dark back stabbing alliances where going to ruin this memorable event
Chapter 11: The Four Sons of War

Though both sides had taken significant losses, the battle still raged strong with neither side showing any sign of exhaustion. Kate and Kenya were fighting together, now that Humphrey seemed to have disappeared.

"Where's Humphrey?" Kate asked. "We could really use him right now."

"I don't know," Kenya replied.

Then, as they continued to fight, Kenya looked up behind her and saw Humphrey at the top of a hill.

"Kate, look," she said.

Humphrey stood at the top of the hill, along with Garth, Adam, and Kyle. And soon they were all sliding down the hill towards the raging...
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Chapter 8: Humphrey's Rally

It wasn't long after the sound of the trucks started echoing throughout the valley that all hostilities were forgotten and every wolf, Rouge or not, evacuated. What was once a clamor of the sounds of battle was now quieter than a graveyard.

After the humans were driven off after Humphrey was shot, they returned to the town and explained the whole situation to the local police. The town eventually decided to track down these obviously dangerous wolves and get rid of them.

The population of the entire town set out, armed with guns and tracking dogs, a total force of...
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(Special thanks are at the end to prevent spoilers)

Chapter 5: Family Matters

Humphrey woke to the bright sunlight streaming in through the entrance of the den. He opened his eyes, but squinted as the sun was in the line of his sight. Humphrey yawned and slowly got up and stretched. A shadow passed over the cave as something blocked out the light of the sun.

Owen entered the cave and approached Humphrey.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"I've had better nights," Humphrey replied.

"Come to me once everyone else is up." After saying this, Owen turned and left the cave.

Not too long after, Kate began to wake...
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added by AlphaGirl55
added by AlphaGirl55
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added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker