Alpha and Omega Club
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Explore Fanpop
(warning: this chapter has strong connotational meaning and has subjects in its structure natural to the world and the way it is today)
(Warning: this chapter contains flashbacks, epileptic people shouldn't worry because there are no visual flashes any way, enjoy)

Fanpop; a website i check on every single day, thousands of loyal fans and lots of awesome people to meet and friends to make, it is no secret that i have gathered my own little wolf pack on this site of whom i care for a lot, they are my pack and i care for them dearly. Such people include:
Alphawolfcurt, Alue26, humphreywolf11, metallica1147, Katealphawolf, lady foxes,Transformer101, hank666, red_pyramid206, humphreyalpha, the alphaboyz, lillylover62,, arcticwolf07, Garth217, FURRY, Lagtr77, Sebator, blackwolf250, Alphaman, alphaandomega24, candoalpha, sweetsomega, wolfman32, alphakate21, jennawolf48, jhoman12, garth115, uriahA, salmiddle, omegawolf, katelover812, ignas357, anubis210, jbiehl, wolf feeling and wolf of wisdom. All are part of my pack and all are cared for.

it was a hot and humid summer night and the stars were twinkling vividly in the pitch black sky, planes over head heard clearly through the slightly opened windows polluting
the air with the fumes of soot and disgust (but that is britain for you). My parents and my little brother were at some party
and so i was alone with crystal. i was on fanpop chatting with
alphawolfcurt, katealphawolf and anubis210 all at the same
time like i usually do, trying to catch up with the pack, how
they are, how it is like in america; those sort of questions.

Crystal was lying, half a sleep and half awake on the expertly
trimmed fine leather sofa; both eyes on the T.V (one foot in
the grave), i couldn't help but look round, to stare in awe at
her face, her shell like ears, that slender neck, her lovely body
curves and lastly but never the least her lovely turquoise
eyes. It took me back to the day i met her.

It was a calm and sunny trip to Woburn national safari park. As always the bright gleaming sun was over lapsed by the strong rain clouds, the torrential rain thick in the air and pelting the windows of the car making it impossible to catch a glimpse of the slightest wolf fanny (English meaning).
The clouds didn't move along and it seemed like the clouds were clinging to the ground even though they were very high up; the rain let up later so at least we could see. The wolf enclosure was in plain sight now, the hills and dens writhe with vegetation drenched in the dew of the rainy aftermath. For some strange reason I felt my eyes being constantly drawn to the one hill in the middle, a powerful energy emanated from it.
All of a sudden like a flash of lightning and out of nowhere a beautiful grey figure lept up and over the hill and across the car her tail mere blur behind her; all sorts of thoughts crossed my mind as I watched a very sexy looking but scared wolf spring across the scenery trying to escape from something that was still chasing it. Also as quick as a flash another wolf came running after this graceful figure, this attacker was not the same though: it had a stronger build a rotting dental structure and a scar across one eye as far as I could tell from the momentary glimps.
The graceful figure ran to the gates of the enclosure and jumped onto the rings of the gate, her claws digging into the metal with a scraping noise that rung in my ears, the graceful figure was trying desperately to escape the attacker. Just as she was about to get over the gate and to freedom the attacker jumped ferociously onto her and clawed into her back and slung her to the ground, her head hitting the ground with a thud. The attacker then jumped back to the ground, the graceful figure motionless on the ground but still alive because i could see her breathing. the attacker showed a gleam in his good eye and smiled evilly and then started to try and mount the graceful injured figure. I could not stand by and let this evil bastard rape a beautiful thing like it was about to.
i lept out of the car and into the enclosure like a thing possessed. the smell of dew on the grass destroying my nasal senses, the only thing to be heard was the faint whimpering of the graceful figure being raped by the evil one. I ran around the corner to the rape sight as quickly as i can, the shocking sight i just caught a glimpse of plaguing my mind, i saw him, incising her, killing her hope in the world and i would be the one to relight her hope in humanity.

"OI!!!!!" i shouted at the evil wolf
"get the hell off of her before i shove your head up your arse and you spend the rest of your life looking for a life switch".

I ran up to it and kicked it in the groin, his balls flying 2 feet in the air and a sharp whimper attacking the evil wolf's senses. he took his penis out of the graceful figure and backed away, looking at me with a look that says "you will die in hell" and then he ran off, his tail between his legs and his eyes filled with tears of pain.
I looked behind me to the poor lovely looking creature, abused, broken, beat and scarred on the ground still whimpering as she lay shocked on the floor. I knelt down to her and put my arm around her shoulders, i struggled to speak because of the feeling i felt at that moment although i did manage to blurt out a few words "are you O.K" i managed to say. She didn't speak, instead she looked up at me, tears running down her face, eyes wide and scared, bottom lip trembling. she started to try and stand, shaking in front of me as her legs struggled to support her. "do you want me to carry you" i said caringly; for the first time in my life i heard her smooth sexy, beautiful voice in my blessed ears

beautiful figure: "who are you"? she said wiping the tears away.

Metalwolf: "I am Daniel, what is your name"?

Beautiful figure: "my name is Crystal, are you here in the safari park for a visit?

Metalwolf: "yes i am Crystal, who was that arse hole"?

Crystal: " I am sorry you had to see that incident-he is the pack leader, i do not love him and yet he would force his feelings upon me, his has tried to do this sort of thing before, he was never as successful as he was just then. You saved my life-no human had ever helped me like you have"

After she said that i saw a smile that i would never forget, a beautiful smile, one like a ray of sunshine on my soul.

Metalwolf: "what are you gonna do now? you cannot think about going back to your pack after what he has just done!"

Crystal: "i have no reason to stay, i have no mates, no pups and no parents! but where am i going to go?"

Metalwolf: "you are so beautiful, i was just wondering, if you cant go back then do you want to come with me? out of this hell hole, away from them, to my family, to life and to freedom! please!"

Crystal gave me a sexy little smile as if to say yeah why not.

Crystal: " O.K, i will, it sounds good" she said whilst perking up.

Metalwolf: "i can see that you are pretty shocked, do you want me to carry you"?

she agreed and i picked her up and ran quickly to the car before the evil wolf came back.

it was too late that i realised that she was staring back at me too wondering why i was looking at her in the way i did, following me with her eyes, not letting me escape from her gaze no matter which way i turned.

Crystal: "Why are you staring at me like that lover"?

me and crystal had been together now for about 2 months and we have just started to sleep in the same bed, nothing sexual but it could grow into what i have always wanted our relationship to blossom into, something we could be passionate about.

metal wolf or myself: "sorry crystal, i just cant take my eyes off of your beautiful self baby."

Crystal: "oh you are sweet sometimes"

Metal wolf: "i do try haha!"

she just kept looking at me getting sexier by the second, every breath, every movement of her breasts made me hornier and more excited by the second until i found a bulge in my trousers.
Crystal looked at me with a surprised expression on her face which quickly turned into a sexy little smile. she jumped off of the leather sofa very slowly and walked seductively over to me, each well filed claw in front of the other, mane blowing in the
cool air of the fan right next to my head.

Crystal: "that little lump on your trousers is just what i have been waiting for"! she said seductively

She put her paw, claws sheathed onto the lump adorning my trousers and she pressed down hard until it hurt.

Crystal: "i know that you have been wanting me for about a month now, you have given me the signs. I didn't want to just walk up to and say give it to me, i didn't want to seem like a slut, we have only been going 2 months and that isn't enough for me to just do that. So this is my chance."

Crystal grabbed my hand and drew it toward her breast and the feeling of her six barren nipples on my sweaty palms was amazing.

crystal: "say good bye to everyone on fanpop and allow me to whisk you away to paradise. Its bedtime" she said with a smile

that one sentence made the most difference that day as i felt myself working my way up to the computer mouse to say goodbye to my online pack.

after saying goodbye and turning off the apple i-mac crystal took my hand and dragged me away from the computer. she led me up the stairs, the bulge in my trousers still hard and firm in her other paw. she then took me into my bedroom and pushed me by the pelvis down unto my bed. she then jumped up by my feet onto the bed and crept up my body to my face until our lips were almost touching and she said...

Crystal: "i am going to take you to the peek of ecstasy and then drop you down to hell, the pain will be exquisite, she said with a low sexy wisp to her voice."

she then snuck (backside first) down my body and then with one claw pulled down the pyjama trousers that contained my rampant desire beating away inside, the only thing containing it now was a metallica-ride the lightning t-shirt-and a pair of loose boxers wrapped around my groin and with another claw started to take off my top slowly and caressingly against my chest.

My desire now doubled in size and was almost outgrowing the foreskin and after chucking my shirt across the room she sexily unsheathed the rest of her claws smiled seductively and gently but at the same rather forcefully started to scratch from my neck down my chest, seductively massaging my throbbing dagger with the other paw, the pain making me wince in a good, pleasurable way as her claw came ever closer to the waist line of my boxers. in what seemed like forever she clawed my boxers until they slid off, nice and easy. the smile on her face widened until it showed all of her spectacular white gleaming teeth when she saw my throbbing rod.

she started licking the tip of penis with the tip of her tongue, looking at me so sexily it almost made my heart beat out of my chest. slowly her mouth inched towards my penis and eventually it was enveloped by her long, wet mouth, teeth digging in but not so much that she physically hurt me but just enough to pleasure me. Her hot, wet, slippery tongue wrapped around me and she slowly and carefully started pumping her head up and down massaging my dagger, sweat dripping from her forehead and onto my groin making the scenario even wetter.

I could feel the pleasure erupting from my balls into my spine, she slipped her mouth away and kept licking it and then enveloping it again in a truly pleasurable cycle. after bout 10 times doing this she stopped doing this and started to creep up my body to my face and just as we started to kiss she rubbed her crotch against mine, catching the tip of my penis in her flaps and just as i thought it couldn't get any better she sat up and pushed my penis inside of her vagina, it felt so wet, so warm and so snug, and as her muscles constricted around mine it felt so comfortable and right.

she went from a sitting position to a lying position on top of me, her chest and nipple tips digging into my abs, she then started to kiss and lick my chest, her wet tongue against my soft skin and with both of her paws on my shoulders she started to move up and down, sliding my hardened penis in and out of her vagina, massaging the for skin as she went whilst still licking and kissing my chest. she started slowly, making sure the feeling lasted, up and down, in and out and when she had done this for a few seconds she started to speed up more and more, faster, fiery and more ferociously. she started to moan and scream and shout pleasurably just as much as i was.

finishing was cuming fast and i couldn't give up this great feeling so easily and so i grabbed crystal and turned her over so i was on top, she laughed as though it was an amusement ride as we twisted and turned inside each other until she was on her back and i was on top. to keep the feeling alive i decided to pump away at a steady pace, the moans and groans the crystal gave out made the moment all more worth while. The faster i got the more it built up and the more i would like finish inside her, on and on and stopping and on and eventually i did cum inside her like an atomic explosion crossing in between her and me. the fluids passing in and out of her, some spilling onto the sheets, the feeling of pleasure and pain was exquisite.

we laid there for ages afterwards, motionless in exhaustion but that didn't stop us from doing it more. 4 times in all. First time was what you had just read and the second time was anal, loob, a tail in the air tickling my chin. the third time was double oral, my cock in her mouth while i was licking her at the other end and lastly another time in her vagina. I was nackered by the end of the night, my penis throbbing and sore. i exited her and lay there with her, cradling her, cuddling her while at the same time feeling very exhausted.

Crystal: "that was good Metal, better than i have ever had"

Metalwolf: "that was brilliant, i have never felt like that before"!

as the spunk dripped on the sheets from us both all we could do was stop caring about the mess we had made. Crystal gave me a big wet kiss on the lips and gave me a sweet "good night" and turned over to fetch a well deserved kip. I said the same and reached over to kiss her on the cheek and turned to face her and i grabbed her, hugged her tight and fell into a deep sleep. what a night it had been and now it was time for some well deserved rest. Before falling asleep my last thought was of what the next day would bring and what the next thing me and crystal would share in the near future......only time will tell and i looked forward to every minuet of it.


added by LIL-Humphrey
Source: LIL-Humphrey
added by hank666
Source: A&O, red_pyramid , i edited the pic
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added by KingSimba4Ever9
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added by katealphawolf
Source: Disney screens
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