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(this takes place directly after chapter 1)

The night i had spent with crystal before was like heaven in a bed and as i caught my relaxing sleep right next to her; the misty dreams started pouring their thoughts into my head which made my eyelids go hazy.

as i drifted in to a deep sleep, these thoughts started to create visions behind my eyelids, these visions were becoming clearer, making images in my head and i found myself in a place of no recognition to my life, questions popped into my sleeping head "have i been here before" and "why here" and "why now"? The vision became very clear now as the detail rushed into the almost water colour painted picture in my mind. It was a field, a beautiful field adorned with golden straw blowing gently in the warm summer breeze. The frame of the picture had disappeared now and it was as if i was really there, I jumped through the picture and landed face first onto the ground of my dream world but somehow the ground sought not to hurt me but to cushion my fall as I hit the mud.

I got up and started to look around, eagerly wanting to explore this new world that had materialised in my head and in the distance grew a large green forest, the forest opened

up before me to a clearing as I walked ever closer. Blurry in the distance was the image of Kate and Jon (katealphawolf) in a large green bronco sitting right in the centre of the hay filled clearing. the laughing and giggling pointed to one activity they probably couldn't get enough of so I didn't intrude and chose only to sneak back to the first field. There seemed to be no one else about as I trod slowly through the straw field.

"Daniel" a voice called from a distance away rang in my ears and was relentless and would not stop until I looked round.
There standing in the field, fur blowing in the wind was crystal-the love of my life standing so far away. Her glowing eyes and blowing fur took my breath away as I started to move closer to her in the hope of embracing her and holding her close to my heart. Like in any dream paralysis set in slowly as the dream went on as i started to run. slower and slower i got as the field seemed to grow larger and wider.
crystal seemed to be getting further away and more beautiful as i got closer. I managed to get to crystal through great time and effort; sweat pouring off of my head and onto the ground. i pounced on crystal and grabbed her in a hard and long embrace and we fell to the ground. I looked at her, sweet and longing-fully and i turned round to lay her back on the soft
soil and i bowed my head to kiss her gently on the lips.

As our lips touched; the ground broke away to reveal a deep dark abyss, swallowing us like a gate way to hell; the fire licking up at us as we fell down into the darkness.

The next thing I knew crystal was gone, disappeared, vanished into thin air. The darkness had gone away now but it was still horrible enough for me to realise where this dream had taken me; I was in hell. The worst place for any one to be. In my head this he'll was surprisingly collet than what I had imagined when I was awake. Still the screams of torured souls pierced the fires that licked up around me destroying my senses. But this was of course the least of my worries, despite wanting to wake up now I still had to find crystal before she is taken by the fires.....or worse. Looking around I found the fires start to die down to reveal a large grey canyon writhe with lava falls and a massive lava lake burning below. The grey rock icy cold in contrast with the searing lava below.

"Where are you my love" I kept saying and as I started
walking I saw a faint movement out of the corner of my eye; a furry tail that was grey in colour slithering around a corner of a cave cut into the rock, "crystal" I thought and I immediatly started to make a run for the cave where I saw her go into.

The mountain like rocky terrain was difficult to traverse, the fragile rock meant that one wrong step could break loose a rock and send me hurtling toward the lava below. The craggy sharp edges made it even harder to grip the rock as I held on to it for my life whilst cutting my hands to shreds, blood pouring from my hands had no impact on what I felt I had to do to save my beloved.

As I entered the cave the dream world must have given me a mental map of the hellish cave as I knew every twist and turn in this place. As I walked in the smell of burning flesh attacked my nostrils and as I got further through the cave the smell became thicker and mustier. Each turn made me feel more claustrophobic as the cave got thinner and thinner and darker and deeper. The cave looked pretty much the same all the way through, rocks and more rocks and some sand and some more sand and OH! Look.... Another rock until I came to a strange door that seemed towering the nearer i got to it; emblazoned with the symbol of a metallic wolf peering over the cave. Opening the door was a feat if great strength but I managed to pry it open by rolling a large boulder into it. Pouring out of the broken door was a firey light and q blazing heat like when I first came here; I didn't want to walk over there but I felt I had to if I stood any chance if dragging crystal out of hell. I entered the door, heat burning up my face and my sight blurry because of the intense heat. Moving closer my eyes became clearer until my full view was restored and what I saw snapped my heart in two; what I saw in that hellish nightmare would haunt me for months. I saw crystal bloodied and beaten, her body motionless on the floor her vagina penetrated and cummed in. The only part of her still alive was her eyes that were wide awake, staring me down like her corpse knew I should have done more to
protect her. Standing behind her, one paw on crystals dead chest was him.... The wolf with the scar from the day I had rescued crystal, that monster was in my head and turned my dream into a heartless nightmare. The bright fires in the background where hopelessly dark in contrast with his one glowing eye that seemed to mock my very presence. As I dropped to my knees in defeat I looked up at her dead motionless face once again only to see him unshearh his claws and pounce for me; jaw wide open showing his teeth ready to go for the throat.

I screamed crystals name once which did nothing and the last thing I saw was his teeth around my neck, blood pouring out my arteries.

I woke finally, in a cold sweat screaming crystals name. I looked around my bedroom happy to be back in reality. The swear pouring off my face and lying next to me bewildered As to why I was like this was crystal, like medicine for my weary eyes, I almoat cried tears of joy when I looked at her again. Happy that the nightmare was over I looked at crystal once more and rested my head back on my plexi foam pillow. Questions were popping into my confused head: why did such a nice dream turn into disaster? It had been two months since I rescued crystal from that monster of a wolf so why did I dream about him now? All fitting questions I thought. As I treid to get back to sleep my thoughts kept reverting back to that one part in the dream, crystal lying there bloodied, raped and dead; a chill echoed through my spine as I nodded difficultly back off to sleep; hoping for better dreams to come


Lonely im Mr. Lonely,
I have nobody,
For my owwnnn
Im so Lonely, im Mr. Lonely
I have nobody,
for my owwnnn
Im so Lonely,

Yo, this one here goes out to all my players out there man.
ya kno that got that one good girl dog thats always been
there man like took all the bullshit then one day she cant
take it no more and decides to leave

yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night,
And I noticed my girl wasn't by my side,
Coulda sworn I was dreamin,
For her I was feinin,
So I had ta take a little ride,
Back tracking on these few years,
Tryna figure out wat I do to make it go bad,
Cuz ever since my girl left me,
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Life With Scar is, for now, on a temporary hold. I will continue to write the stories out, but they won't be posted for quite a while. I wish I could, but circumstances in my life are preventing me from doing so. My apologies to those that like reading them, but it's gonna have to wait a little.

The good news is that Chapter 27 has been completed and is now awaiting a rewriting before I move on to Chapter 28. I will say that it has a hell of a cliffhanger, but that's the most I will spoil...

Be patient. I'll be back in due time.
posted by Red_Pyramid206
Well, I was on my way to work this morning and
I decided to take a shortcut through the forest. I
know my way around there ever since my dad took me
to hunt when I was a kid. Katie was at home watching TV, I went and bought her Family Guy DVDs so that should keep her occupied. As I walked, I heard a cry of pain. It sounded like a hurt wolf. I immediately followed the cries and found a wolf that looked like Humphrey in a rusted bear trap. He looked at me, crying. The blood dripped down his leg. "Please help. I can't move." he whimpered. "Shhh. its ok boy. Here." I said. "Y-You can understand...
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I woke laying next to Kelly,she was so beautiful sleeping. She soon woke up and went for a hunt, she soon came back with a big caribou. We ate and then cuddled.After an hour or so Winston came in,
"David! I need you to-Oh sorry your leg's broke...uh could Kelly go on some alpha duty for awhile?"
"Well that's up to her."I said looking at her
"I will if it's alright with you."
"Go Kelly I'll be waiting right here."I smiled.She then walked out.I waited hours,but she never came back. I awoke to Winston standing over me.
"Wow!What do you want?"
"I'm sorry to say but Kelly has gone missing."
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(Lyrics created by Metal wolf and his song writing skills, copyright is punishable by law and any violation of this song will result in the death of yourself and all you hold dear, copy at your own risk!!!)

Stand and be counted: by METALWOLF116

Waiting for death
but already dead in side
so much so
you'd swear you died

get pulled out
from your lonely cell
only to be told
from heavens grace you fell

Stand and be counted
for your life is half as short
Just stand and be counted (everyone)


a cold steel bullet
flies across your face
but hands together praying to god
for this death is just incase

A pain, a call
taken from the world
into heavens net you fall
now be counted


Stand and be counted
for your life is half as short
Just stand and be counted (everyone)

For your life is just as short
your killer takes the sport
seconds count to naught
stand and be counted
Kate, Humphrey, and Lilly all Woke Up From The Darts. "Where Are we?" said Kate. "And Why Are We In These Orange Suits?", added Lilly. They Were In A Dark box with Air Holes on Each Side "Uh... I Think You Should See This." Humphrey Annouced. They Both Looked Out The Air Holes and They saw a rocket And a Count Down That Said: "3 Days, 21 Hours, 10 Minutes, and 02 Seconds to the moon". "This is Not Good, Not Good At All" said Kate. "Well, At least we get to see if the moon is made Of Cheese." Said Lilly. "Pardon?", Said Humphrey and Kate, Confused. Lilly said, "I Should Stop Talking Now, Right?" "Yeah, You Should.", Said Kate "Where Is This Going Any Way?" "I Don't Know." Said Humphrey.

To Be Continued!

I want to speak about characters персанажей animated Membranula А&О. In this part 1 (mum Kate).This will pay attention on Eve, a she-wolf have for certain drawn attention of many spectators.
In a film it show as very good mother who is ready to intercede for the child. I wouldn't tell that in it bad character, is not, it simply differs from others. This character is very interesting by behavior in various situations. For example, when her daughter Kate, it disappears, it is ready зделать all to find it. But when Kate (alpha) declares that (omega) that Eve has fallen in love in Hamfri faints.
Sense of all this useless history in that, it is not necessary to judge people on one act!
It had been about 3 days that I had lived in the eastern pack and I met kalipso. She was a wonderfully beautiful good spirited young wolf. I was officially I beta now and k had to make a speech on how I would help food troubles in the pack. Then lily walked in and Kalipso dosent like Loly at all.

Lily: "Garth tomorrow will be the day u make the speech"
Kalipso: "why are u talking to my husband u dirty wolf"
Lily: "Me dirty yea right"
Me: "Lily just leave u know what u did to Kalipso was wrong now leave are den u got that"

Lily was fighting Kalipso and Lily scratch Kalipso's eye so she has a scar on her eye. Now back to what's happening. I'm on the verge of going crazy I haven't had to do a speech I. A while so I'm a little rusty

Kalipso: "Garth hun it's 2:30 in the morning can u please come to bed.
Me:"coming dear"

So me and Kalipso fell asleep that night before I got one word done on my speech
Humphrey's POV

Kate and I were walking back to our den which used to belong to her parents before we became leaders of the Western pack. We walked into our den and rested on the ground and watched the sunset behind the mountains in the distance.

"It sure is pretty here in Jasper" I said to Kate

"Yeah that why I like it here so much" She said

"Yeah same here" I said, there was a short pause

"So do you think we can trust Dustin with these shape shifting powers?" She asked

"Well I'm not too sure, I mean he did cheat on the competition by shifting into that cat looking thing." I said

"Well what if he...
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posted by REDWolfleader
"Son of a bitch! Always! Wherever I go! I'm the one that get's left out! That's going to change,TODAY!"
I walked over to Kate and she saw me,
"Red, uh..."
"NO! You tore MY heart out! And to that I say..." With tears in my eyes,"Goodbye!" I then shook my head, and raised my voice to a roar,"All of you now starring at me... I''m leaving and starting a new pack. Any-one who wants to come, step forward now!" I then turned and walked away. I noticed eight wolves were following me.We soon came across another pack that let us pass peacefully.I noticed a very beautiful, Snow-white she-wolf was coming...
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Walther P99
Walther P99
(March 30, 2011)
(this is what happened an hour after the end of part 9)

About an hour and a half after I had seen my love Scar in the arms of that Milly, the doctor came out to speak with me. He was a thin, tall, balding man of about 45.
"Colby?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," I said, standing and extending my hand.
He shook and introduced himself.
"How is she, doc?" I asked, scared shitless.
"She's refusing to be treated. I've tried explaining to her that she could die, but she refuses to allow it," he said.
"Why won't she?" I asked.
"She said that she wanted you in there with her, but I can't allow that,"...
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posted by REDWolfleader
I laid in my den for an hour or two... then I heard Kaila calling to me. I ran to her parents den and went inside...
"Surprise!" all of the wolves said scaring the hell out of me."Happy birthday, Elijah!" They all said.I looked at Kaila,
"H-How did you know?"
"Well..."Kaila started to say,shifting her light body from side to side,"I saw you weren't as happy today and wondered why... so I asked around."
"Thank you very much!" I said looking at my paws,"No-one's ever thrown me a Birth-day Party."
"Hey Elijah?"
"The moonlight howl is tonight... and I was wondering if you'd like to be my howl partner."...
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posted by kates-mate101
Devil's roar part 1: Conspiracy

"The Cobalts are enroaching ever close to our encampment..." Came a deep and gruff voice beside me. It was Thorne; The commander of this team. "We're going to need to assemble a team, that will be able to destroy their encampment once and for all. "Seth, Liam, Dylan-" Thorne stopped, at some falling pebbles. He looked up to a huge rock, to our left. Standing there, were three wolves. One of which, a golden wolf, was my mate. She hopped down. "Hey Carly-" I started, but I stopped, when I saw a huge gash on her golden cheek. "The Cobalts attacked us... We lost a...
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posted by REDWolfleader
Warning sexual content!!!

As I accepted my new look,I headed to the same spot as always.
"Are you a new recruit?" Simmons asked.
"No. I'm Red. I had an incident."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." we trained for awhile and then I went back to the den.Kate and Kelley were feeling horny so we had k watch the Ryan and Emily.I stuck my penis in her and started going then a minute later I cummed and did the same to Kelly. They loved my new look. How I was mostly black with white on my stomach. I went to the forest and found a spot that made me feel... happy,and relaxed. I sat there forever just looking up at the sky. It's blue went to orange then purple and finally black. I couldn't leave that spot for some reason.But I finally force myself to go back to the den. When I got there I passed out.
posted by REDWolfleader
I got up at four and headed to the spot I showed the recruits.I reached my destination and found them sitting there.
"We all here? Good. Lets do some training! I will show you how to; manipulate your enemy, detect your enemy, hide from your enemy, paralyze him, and so on so fourth.Lets go find an enemy." We wondered for a while then I heard something,
"Stay here." I whispered quietly, I moved ahead and crouched so I was almost hugging the soil. I saw a wolf that was snooping around,
"Perfect." I jumped at him and jabbed his left leg, then his right.
"What pack are you from?"
"Not one anywhere near...
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posted by REDWolfleader
I went to the forest and wondered a bit. Then I found another valley,
"Well... Lets see if anyone here wants to join." I said to myself as I walked into the valley. I saw a male walk by,
"Excuse me, Can you point me were you leader's den is?"
"Yeah, it's right up that slope." I walked up the slope he pointed to and met the leader.
"Hello, I haven't seen you around here before."
"Hi. I was wondering if I could gather some soldiers for an army I'm building."
"Really? Well go ahead and ask around." So I went around and asked everyone I saw, but, only three people volunteered, Caboose, Church, Simmons,and...
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I walked to the office all depressed when i bumpede into this wolf and said 'oh sorry' scrambling to help pick up her books i made eye contact with her as we got up and I was smashed so violently against a locker i almost lost conenceness and i heard 'Don't ever bump into my girlfriend like that again and now you apoligize to her!' snarled a big male wolf who had pinned me to the locker by my neck and i choked out 'I'm sorry' but he said 'I'm sorry miz'kate!' I choked out 'I'm sorry miz'Kate' and the guy relieased me and i ran off frightened and i got to the office and sat down. THen i was...
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posted by REDWolfleader
After I put the monopoly game away, We watched TV.
And then my dad came home. Me and my dad played playstation. A few hours later,
"Ok buddy it's 2100 hours...let's go to bed."
"But dad..."
"No buts I have to wake up early in the morning for school."
"Goodnight kiddo."
"Goodnight dad."
"Goodnight Kate."My dad pated her back
"Goodnight Mr. Boyd!" Me and Kate went to our room and I closed my door so we could watch TV and fall asleep. And Kate slept beside me. She fell asleep after a minute... And I stayed up for a while and watched TV. After an hour or so I fell asleep.
posted by kates-mate101
Seth was thrown in the middle of the camp. Winston, whom appeared to be one devious bastard to Seth right now, Stepped up to an overlooking rock. “Let the tests begin.” “What? What fucking tests...” Seth growled. Winston once again ignored Seth. “Lexine, Northrend, Can-do and Isaiah. Batter our new comer. We shall see if he is worthy of the Western pack.” Winston continued. “What! What kind of wolf are you, battering a new comer!” “You have battered our wolves so we will batter you....” Winston finished. “Then you have sent your wolves to their deaths.” Seth snarled....
continue reading...
posted by Darkarticwolf10
Don't hate me if you don't like the story i will continue to make stories and i will make them better and improve them more and more eachtime and also just to note that Miranda is from wolfquest and this story was made in association with kates-mate101 :)

The way i saw my mate get out of the water with her black and grey fur glistening from the water on her and the golden sunlight.I am ofcourse talking about Miranda, the love of my life that took more than my heart....she also took my commitment to be faithful to her and also to father her pups. She is more than just a girl to me,let me explain...
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