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A week or so had gone by since that wonderful night Kate and I had shared on my birthday not long ago. I now realized it would be time to teach Katie how to drive soon, and not just "drive" as in getting in a car, starting it up, putting the automatic transmission selector into "D" and going. I was going to teach her the way my dad taught me, and the way I taught Kate. The true "art" of piloting an automobile started with 3 pedals, and a gearshift.
My silver Toyota Tacoma was the truck for that job. When I finally found this truck, me and my dad had searched all over the upper west, and parts of the southern reaches stretching down to Phoenix Arizona. I finally located what I wanted in Pocatello Idaho, a small lightweight pickup, with a low output 4 cylinder engine for decent mileage, and a 5 speed manual transmission. Now I know many of you are thinking, "okay Mr. Gear Head, how hard can finding a truck with a 5 speed be?"
Truthfully, 20 years ago I could have gone to my local dealer, and picked one up and never would have had to search. But America has changed, we have gotten lazy, and ignorant, or think that driving a stick is simply too complicated so we never try. I am here to tell you that that is bullcrap! Unless you have a left leg imparity that will not permit you to press in the clutch pedal, you are perfectly capable of driving a stick shift! I would be willing to teach you if I could, on behalf if you ended up burning my clutch out that you pay for it. That is not easy to do though, and with me, even the most novice driver would not stall the vehicle on the 3rd attempt.
So there you have it, I had gotten further permission from a local farmer to use one of his stubble fields since the ground was frozen and my truck with it's ballsy 4 cylinder would not dig any massive trenches or tear it up too bad! (Pun intended, haha!) Now all I had to do was take Katie out on a Saturday and show her how it was done. It would only be me and her, learning to drive a stick needs to only involve the new driver, and the person instructing them. No other distractions whatsoever.

One particularly chilly Saturday morning I woke up early as always. Even if I stay up really late on a Friday, I tend to wake up earlier than I want more often than not!
Quietly I got out of bed, trying not to wake Kate, Phil's Jenna, or my two kids, LaDonna and Jon Jr. I bent over Katie who was curled up in a ball at the foot of the bed, and gently patted her on the head and stroked her. She woke nearly on instant and batted her dark purple eyes awake and yawned deeply, smacking her lips back together when she finished.
"Good morning Jon, did you sleep well?" She asked quietly.
I nodded my answer with a smile on my face.
"So are you ready?" I whispered.
"Oh yes!" She exclaimed quietly.
We had already planned this all out the night before, and Kate had even obliged to letting Katie borrow her anthro armor Chris had given her. Since Kate and Katie were the same size, it fit Katie perfectly, not to mention she looked really sexy with it on!
I lifted Katie out of bed, and set her on the floor where she stretched out and yawned once again, before grabbing the armor out of the wardrobe opposite the door that led from the dormitory room we lived in. I then threw my coat on over my shoulders as quietly as I could manage, and opened the door and let Katie out before allowing myself through and locking it again behind us with my key.

The bright light from the long flourecent light tubes that illuminated the hall was blinding to us. For the first few minutes we stood there just adjusting to the sudden burst of light into our pupils. When our pupils finally acclimated, we continued on our way down the long hallway in silence. It was early, 6 AM I guessed since the picture window at the end of the hall showed pink on the horizon. Once we passed that window I looked out and saw how frosty the patches of grass were that were not covered by snow. I know I would be scraping the windows of the truck while I let it warm up.
When we finally made it out to the truck, and after Katie had made sure to urinate as well as defecate near the baskeball court, I unlocked the door and got in the cab. Placing Kate's anthro armor behind the passenger seat. The inside of the truck was even colder than the outside temperature, the seats were not nearly as pliant as they normally were. I put the key in the ignition, pushed the clutch pedal to the floor, pulled the gearshift down into neutral from 1st gear, then started the engine. It cranked 5 times before firing up because of the cold, it normally took 3 cranks if it was not below 15 degrees out. I then gave the gearshift a shake to the left and right, making sure it was in neutral before letting the clutch out and setting the parking brake. I grabbed my ice scraper that sat on the floorboard of the passenger seat, and got back out to scrape the windows of frost.
While I did this, Katie walked around the truck, surveying it closely and with unique intrest. I am a car guy, and know that when a girl does this to a automobile it means she wants to know more about them and how they work. Katie would probably be easy to teach for that reason, she wanted to learn about vehicles, and was serious about it. Then Katie spoke up. "It is such a fine looking pickup, except for that big dent in the back over here..."
I knew what she was talking about, my friend had been backing up in his pickup, and was not using his mirrors and had crushed the panel on the right side of the box just behind the rear passenger suicide door. In a way he was lucky, the box panel was just a easy, empty panel to replace. Had he hit the rear suicide door, it would have been a very expensive deal indeed since it has many brace supports, and even curtain airbags inside it to protect occupants in the event of a collision.
Finally I finished with the windshield, and then quickly did the windows on the doors, they were always the easist since frost builds up most on more level surfaces like the hood, and windshield.
"Come on Katie, it's time to go!" I exclaimed, opening her passenger door, thowing the ice scraper back where it belongs on the floorboard, and letting her jump in. I closed her door and went back around to the driver's side and got in. The truck had warmed up enough that the heater was starting to warm things up in there, I turned it up full blast to help defog the inner windsheild. Katie sat in her seat, full of excitement and anticipation, her tail wagged and her body quivered. I knew that feeling, I clearly remembered when I was about 8 years old and dad had been teaching me and my brother the exact same thing! It tugged at my emotions thinking about this; it seemed only mere months ago when I learned to drive, and now here I was teaching Katie to drive, soon it would be our own kids!
I reached down and released the parking brake, put the truck in gear and we headed out in the direction of the rolling farm fields.

Along the way, I explained to Katie a few of the principles on driving a manual transmission like shifting between gears so that nobody else in the vehicle could feel it, taking off from a stop sign without them feeling it also. She listened to it very carefully, her ears perked, and her eyes watching me, only blinking occasionally.
"It's all about feeling the way the vehicle responds to the clutch and shifting movements, lucky for you this truck is new and is tight and easy to drive. I learned in a 1968 Ford Bronco with a 3 speed on the column, where you obviously have a shift lever on the column, three driving gears and one reverse gear, it was loose and sloppy, not to mention no power steering!" I explained to her, people take advantage of power steering, most could not even drive a vehicle without it.
"I really can't tell you everything Katie and for you to be able to understand without trying it, we are almost there though so be patient."
Katie straightened up in her seat and looked eagerly out the window.
I was navigating the truck down a narrow dirt road with fields to the left and right of it so big, no buildings could be seen. The farmer had instructed me to look for a massive red barn, and several outbuildings, and that the first gate to the right would be the field we were to practice in.
We went around a sharp corner and decended down a slight incline, and it was then I spotted the rounded roof of a classic American red barn, probably older than any of the buildings that surrounded it, that were all positioned to the left of it, a small farmhouse and several outbuildings, and a few old broken down, rusty cars and pickups. As we got nearer the whole barn came into site, the farmer was not lying! The thing was massive! Katie oggled at the scene with amazement, before we reached the gate that the farmer had specified. There was even a piece of cardboard tacked onto the gate with large letters written in permanant black ink. "This is the field you may use, just do not tear it up too much!" Followed by the farmer's initials which I had forgotten his full name. I put the truck in neutral, set the brake, and got out to open the barbed-wire gate. After doing this, I drove the truck in for the last time, Katie would be driving it next!

In about the dead center of the field, I brought the truck to a halt and shut it off and prepared to get out.
"Remember the starting procedure Katie..." I showed it to her one more time, putting heavy emphasis on keeping the clutch pedal in until I was certain the transmission was in neutral. I shut off the truck again and handed Katie Kate's anthro armor.
By the time I had gotten around the passenger side, there stood Katie in complete anthro form. Long, tall, curvy figure, and swaying thighs of the perfect measure. She was naked obviously, but she was not used to wearing clothes since she never did anyway.
"What are you looking at?" Katie asked softly, catching me off guard.
"Oh um...Nothing!" I laughed.
We walked past each other, our shoulders lightly brushed and Katie's tail gently whipped my lower left knee as she passed. I got into the passenger seat and sat down, looking at the plain dashboard. I was so used to seeing the steering wheel and instrument cluster that it almost seemed I was in a different vehicle! Katie hesitated a little, as she slid into the driver's seat and grasped the steering wheel, closing the door, and peering at the guages in the instrument cluster with a curious look.
"What are these for?"
I couldn't believe I had not explained that to her just yet! So I did, I told her what the speedometer, tachometer, odometer, and fuel, and engine temperature guages all did. Now she was ready, and seemed confident, but not overly.

Katie reached her long left leg forward, felt the small, square clutch pedal, and pushed it all the way to the floor.
"Very good Katie, nice and easy."
She then took hold of the ignition key with her right hand, grasped the wheel with her left and started the engine. A perfect 3 cranks and the little 4 cylinder hummed quietly. Katie then took the shifter in her right hand, and pulled it down into neutral, before slowly releasing the clutch pedal completely.
"Now, do you remember the next step?" I asked patiently.
Katie nodded without a word, and repeated pushing the clutch down once again, and this time putting the gearshift in first gear. Her right foot, moved off the brake, and toward the gas pedal.
"Smooth pressure on the accelorator, and gently let out the clutch, when you feel the engine grab first gear you can let it out all the way, remember to let it out slowly and evenly." I reminded her.
Katie nodded without breaking her concentration. I heard the RPMs in the engine go up, slightly, she began to let out the clutch pedal...She let it out too quick. The Tacoma lurched forward a few feet and stalled, Katie gasped a little, obviously embarassed.
"Don't worry Katie! I did the same thing too! You will get it eventually, but nobody ever gets it on the first try! Try again."
Katie repeated the starting procedure, and this time without even putting the transmission into neutral, it stayed in first gear. I could read the lines of relaxed, but confident determination on her face.
This time Katie managed to get the truck rolling jerkily, but did not keep even pressure on the gas pedal, and the truck came lurching to a halt once more. I then reminded her of keeping even, steady pressure on the accelorator before she tried again.

Katie restarted the truck for the 3rd time, this was it, I could feel it.
The RPMs ascended, and a much smoother letting the clutch out halfway, and...The truck jerked just slightly before Katie slowly let the clutch out the rest of the way and the truck rolled forward without lurching and stalling.
"Good job Katie!" I exclaimed, patting her on the arm gently.
A big smile spread over Katie's beautiful face, her purple eyes twinkled, "I did it!"
"Yes you did sweetheart! Now just practice driving around in this field in first gear and get a feel for it before we move into second."
Katie obeyed, and drove in circles, figure eights, and even more circles! It was a large field and was the ideal place for teaching a new driver to drive, especially a stick shift! The only thing that could be driven into was the outskirting barbed-wire fence, but we were a long ways from it and from what I could tell Katie did not want to get near it. After about 15 minutes of Katie practicing driving circles and figure eights, I felt she was ready to take it up to second gear!
"Okay Katie you feeling pretty confident with first gear now? How about popping her into second?"
"I think, well I know I am ready!" She answered glaring at me in a way that was quite sexy.
I smiled, "okay, so it is basically the same as taking off in first gear, except you are moving. Keep the accelerator movement steady, and ease up on that clutch pedal when you get it in gear. Second is directly below first." I said, indicating the H-style gear pattern engraved on top of the shift knob.
Katie then took hold of the gearshift with her right hand, still maintaining a firm grip on the wheel with her left. I nodded my approval silently as she eased up the gas, pressed the clutch pedal in, and dropped the gearshift down into second gear. Then without further hesitation, Katie eased up on the clutch pedal slowly, all the while applying steady pressure to the gas pedal.
The truck barely bumped at all when the clutch pedal was fully released, and the truck rolled slightly faster in second gear. That was one of the best shifts I had ever witnessed a new stick shift driver perform! I was overly impressed.
"Excellent Katie excellent!" I complimented her.
"Hehe! I am better than you thought I would be!" Katie exclaimed happily, still keeping her concentration on the task of driving.

The second gear driving process was the same as it was in first, Katie practiced driving circles and figure eights. Only this time, taking wider turns to compensate for the faster speed. I glanced over at the farm periodically to see if I could catch a glimpse of the farmer, but no vehicles aside from the old rusty ones were parked on the place. He was probably in town getting supplies or something was all I could guess, farmers did not really have much to do now that the growing season was over.
When Katie was sure she was ready to take it out of second gear and into third gear, it was basically a carbon copy of switching from first into second, only faster. Katie managed to ace this process well, aside from nearly putting the truck in fifth gear almost. Once she was safely in third gear, she did the same old driving around in circles and figure eights for about 20 minutes. I realized we had better be getting back to the dorm soon.
"Well Katie I think that is enough for today's lesson." I said half-heartedly, knowing she would want to keep on driving.
"Okay okay, can I try fourth gear yet?" She asked hopefully. I shook my head though, "that's getting pretty fast for your experiance level Katie, if something went wrong you may not be able to control the truck and possibly get us into a crash...You are off to a good start, but not quite ready for higher speeds just yet. We will get to practice more though, I promise!"
Katie hung her head a little, but smiled anyway, "that sounds good!"

After that, Katie did a decent downshift from third gear and into second, before putting the transmission into neutral, and using the brakes to finish stopping all the way.
We then traded seats, and Katie took the anthro armor back off and stowed it behind her seat.
"What do you say we stop at that sportsbar on the way in, grab a bite to eat and then get a take out order for everyone else at home? I am starving!"
"Oh that sounds good Katie! We will do that, chicken sounds really yummy right now!" I exlaimed, feeling a rumble of hunger in my stomcah just then.
I proceeded to start the truck by putting the clutch in and turning the ignition...but somewhere along the lines whenever Katie and I had gotten out to trade positions, I had picked up some snow on the bottom of my shoes, my foot slipped off the clutch pedal and I stalled the truck! Both Katie and I shared a good laugh and kissed briefly before heading out of the field and me closing the gate behind us. Even the drivers that drove stick shift all their lives sometimes stalled when they least expected it!
After the gate was closed, I drove Katie and myself into town to the small sportsbar downtown to have a quick lunch, after that we ordered a take out box full of chicken tenders for everyone back at the dorm before going there.
The gearshift in my truck, and ice-scraper laying on the passenger floorboards! XD
The gearshift in my truck, and ice-scraper laying on the passenger floorboards! XD
posted by SentinelPrime89
It's time for the A&O Maniacs!
And we're zany to the max!
So just sit back and relax.
You'll laugh 'til you collapse.
We're the A&O Maniacs!

Come join the Splash Brothers...
And the Splash Sister, Claudette!
Just for fun we run
Around the Splash movie lot.
They lock us in the tower
Whenever we get caught.
But we break loose
And then vamoose
And now you know the plot.

We're the A&O Maniacs!
Claudette is cute and Stinky yaks,
Runt packs away the snacks
While Keith Richards plays the sax.
We're the A&O Maniacs!

Meet Lilly and Garth
Who want to rule the universe.
Duck and goose flock together,
Princess whacks them with her purse.
Kate chases Daria,
While Humphrey sings a verse.
The writers flipped,
We have no script!
Why bother to rehearse?

We're the A&O Maniacs!
We have pay-or-play contracts!
We're zany to the max!
There's baloney in our slacks!
We're the A&O Mani-
Totally insane-y!
We’re the A&O Maniacs!!!!
Those are the facts!
added by SentinelPrime89
added by FunLovinTucker
added by FunLovinTucker
added by Alphawolfben
added by katewolf22158
added by bossyalpha
added by bossyalpha
Source: The Wolf Romeo Picture taken by Bossyalpha
added by SentinelPrime89
alpha and omega
added by TimberHumphrey
added by katewolf22158
added by SentinelPrime89
added by SentinelPrime89
posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 2

*The Tokyo Airport*

Nick Wolfe: *Comes out of the door* We're here! Now I've got to get Kate, Humphrey, Garth, and Lilly *Goes to the Pet Pick-Up*

*Pet Pick-Up*

Kate: *Sleeping in a crate*

Garth: *Shaking his crate* I can't believe that they're treating us like dogs!

Humphrey: Technically...we are dogs...

Lilly: He's got a point.

Nick Wolfe: *Enters and sees them* Guys! Let's get out of here!

Garth: Finally...

Nick Wolfe: *Starts to open the crates, and runs out with them*

*Meanwhile, the Darkness Kingdom*

Duke Nero: *Walks into the Feast Room, carrying an unconscious Eve and Winston*

continue reading...
added by SentinelPrime89
added by OnlyKate
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate