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The day's classes have finally come to a conclusion after a eventful day in drawing, now it is time for the fun to begin!

After my drawing professor John dismissed us from the two and a half hour drawing class, I hastily packed away the still life I was working on in my drawer, along with the giant portfolio size paper it is being drawn on. I then returned to the room, and grabbed my binder that heald my sketchbook and drawing supplies, then knelt down to bid goodbye to Sarge whom was John's big German Shepherd that he brought to his lessons each day. Sarge was an older dog; 8 years, but he was as gentle as any well trained dog should be. Very misunderstood breeds German Shepherds are, along with many others.
I have always told people that their personality is always determined by the way they are raised, and there is no such thing as alleged "bad dogs", but too many people are too ignorant to understand which is a shame.
I left the room after I finished massaging Sarge's ears and gently scratching his belly and making his right hind leg kick in the air.

Leaving the building a coolness from the late autumn air surrounded me. It was not crisp and comfortable as it used to be, there was a tint of bitterness to it. I knew soon that winter would be bullying its way in and then things would turn really cold and fridgid. I did not mind though, this year was different since I had Kate and my clone Katie to keep me warm at night!
I smiled intently as I strode across the parking lot, which had patches of slick ice from the previous snowstorm that had dropped a whopping 1 and a half inches!
Finally I was on the sidewalk; and since the campus maintnence crew worked hard to make sure the sidewalks stayed clear, it was dry, snow and ice free.

During the long stroll to the residance hall doors, I could not help but remember the surprise Kate had given me that morning. Kate had aroused me from bed early, before the sky was even showing dawn; took me to the men's shower room which was also the bathroom, and had given me a thorough cleaning. I did not remember it all well since I had fallen into a light slumber when she was scrubbing my head with shampoo!
The parts I did remember most was the brief moment when Kate's crotch had rubbed against my private region and I did not get a erection from it, then the part after she had cleaned me up when she performed brief oral sex. Nearly bringing me to a orgasm, but stopping in the nick of time and telling me; "I think we should save the best for tonight!"
I could not agree more! I knew what she meant, and was certain she had been working hard all day while I was in class to prepare the room for the incoming night.

When I reached the room, badged with the number "220" I jammed the brass key into the keyhole and unlocked it, and swung the door inward.
I gasped, everything was spotless and the only items visible on the ground were my shower shoes, my old DC skate shoes, and a large suitcase. Normally the room was cluttered with my dirty laundry (among other things), and the desk behind the bed was a jumble of papers and books from my classes. None of this was present however.
"Well hello there birthday boy!" Came a soft voice from the direction of the bed, which was also made very neatly and the pillows were propped up nicely.
Kate was laying there curled up in a ball, apparantly catching up on some rest after working so hard, I gaped at her.
"Kate...Why this is spectacular! It must have taken hours!" I exclaimed. The latter shook her head, her eyes glinting with glee.
"Actually it was not bad at all! Jenna helped me, while Katie took the kids to the park by the daycare for the afternoon!" Kate explained.
"Yeah Jon, it was fairly easy I thought," came Jenna's kind voice from my right. I looked over, Jenna was laying in her usual spot on my roommate's old bed on her blanket.
"Well, you both did a very splendid job with everything! Why don't we go eat and then head to the hotel?"
I had reserved a room at one of the local hotels that had a swimming pool and spa, since Thanksgiving had ended, (and since I had complained about not getting a Black Friday deal) the clerk at the desk had given me a nice discount on a room there for one night. It was to be for Jenna, Jon Jr, LaDonna, and Katie to spend the night in and have a good time! I had also set up a tap so they could eat and drink an unlimited amout of food like pizza and softdrinks! Not to mention, a full run of movies they could all enjoy as long as nothing was rated over PG-13, since the kids were still a little young yet.
Kate and Jenna scrambled off their beds, and I grabbed my checkbook from the shelf above the desk, hoping I would not have to break out the debit card on dinner. I then grabbed the keys to my Toyota Tacoma, and then together, me, Kate and Jenna headed out.

After warming the truck up; and getting the back seat organized so everyone could fit, we drove off and headed to the playground where Katie and the kids were all romping about, playing tag in the football field.
Once their eyes caught a glimpse of the silver pickup with a large dent in the right side of the box (courtesy of one of my friends back home) all three of them came bounding toward us.
"Daddy daddy daddy!" It was LaDonna, she was really excited to see me as always! "Where are you taking us for dinner?"
"Oh you will see sweetheart!" I said, ruffling up her hair and helping her into the truck. Junior was next, he seemed a little disappointed about something.
"What's wrong champ?"
He drooped his head a little, "LaDonna always beats me at tag..." He muttered silently.
"Ah really? Well son look at the bright side, tonight you got a nice comfy room with unlimited movies, food, and softdrinks! Not to mention a swimming pool and spa to relax in!"
His blue eyes seemed to brighten instantly, and his ears popped up.
"Really?" He asked in anticipation, his tail starting to wag.
I smiled, "oh yes, you are going to have a blast!" I laughed, scooping him up and placing him on his folding seat behind the front passenger seat and belting him in, the same as I had done to LaDonna too.
Kate, Katie, and Jenna managed to cram on to the front passenger seat. The small truck was a inconveniance at times like this; but it was all I had, I was not sure the old yellow Bronco back home could ever make the 220 mile journey to college. It had bad vibrations in the front end, and I feared a tie-rod may break loose on the highway at 70mph, that would not be good at all.

Now that everyone was in except me, I closed the small rear suicide door, and then the actual passenger door itself. This was a key safety feature of these types of trucks. Only way the suicide door could ever be opened is when the front passenger door was opened. As a dad, I obviously loved this feature!
I got in the truck, and drove it to a small, short order sports bar that served delicious snack foods like chicken tenders, wings, and drumsticks, all in less than 15 minutes. Not to mention all the crystal clear plasma TVs to watch games or game highlights on. Unlike most bars, this one was kid friendly, and allowed them in until 8 PM when the bar started to serve alcoholic beverages. Even being 19 now, I was still considered a "minor" by law since I was not 21, so even I could not be in there past 8 o'clock.
After getting everyone out of the truck and in order; I walked up to the doors of the sports bar, and held them open so everyone could file in. We then took our places on the stools of a high table, and waited to have our orders taken. I knew what I wanted, but Kate and everyone else studied the menus intently.
I could only hope they ordered something like fillets or nuggets that did not have bone in them, or I would have to sit there and cut all the meat from the bone before they could eat it.
Thankfully they did and since Root Beer was not an option, I vouched for a large pitcher of Pepsi-Cola. After I poured the fizzy soda into everyone's glasses; we sat and waited, talking about the day's events and about my birthday.
Both Jon Jr. and LaDonna both were anxiously trying to learn what type of gift Kate was going to give me for my birthday. Kate and I both exchanged brief glances and told them things like, "it's a surprise! We won't really know for sure until the gift is beared!"
They were too young to know now, so this obviously kept them guessing and whispering ideas in each other ears so we could not hear them. It made me smile, I remembered as a kid how my parents had used cover-ups to hide secrets of what they did on certain nights when I was sent to my Aunt's house without warning. I went with spend-the-night supplies such as pajamas, toothbrush and my favorite toys like Hot Wheels cars and stuffed animals.
Now as a adult, I knew and understood all this completely. Deep down though, I missed the adolecant guessing games I would indulge in to try and figure it all out as a young boy!

About 45 minutes later; we were finishing up our quick meal, and draining the last of the Pepsi in the large pitcher. The hostess brought our order ticket, I was overly relieved to see the grand total come out to only $24.63. After paying for everything at the hotel, I was not looking forward to spending too much more money on anything if I could help it!
I got up and went to the counter; that happened to be the end of the bar, and paid for everything and also tipped the hostess. She was a young; part time college girl I guessed, very pretty and was really charming to me and the family. I just dearly hoped that the tip money did not go help to pay for alcohol or drugs, but from what I observed, I doubted it would.
I returned to the table and pulled on my coat, by this time everyone was off their chairs and waiting on me.
"C'mon everyone!" I said turning around and heading for the door.
I could not help but feel several curious eyes following us, but I bit my lip and did not say anything. After all it must be highly unusual to see a family as extroidinary as I had in your local sports bar on any given day!

I unlocked the Tacoma, and did the whole loading procedure before heading off to the hotel. It was a small hotel on the outside, but inside it was a different story. The place was very western toned since Wyoming was just like Montana in the cowboy aspect, if not more.
I checked in Katie, Jenna, and the kids before the hotel clerk at the desk handed me 4 brass keys. This was an older hotel and the type of keys that you scan through a slot in the door were obsolete here.
I lead everyone around and showed them where everything was. I admit I was quite surprised how nice the rooms were! The beds were king sized mattresses which were very soft, and the pillows were like laying on a cloud. I honestly felt a little envious that Kate and I would not be spending our night in one of these lofty beds! The bathroom had a large shower/bath too that was all very clean and well kept.
Once Katie, Jenna, and the kids were all settled in and ready to have a fun night to themselves, Kate and I bid our goodbyes. It was a shame Katie could not spend the night with us; but LaDonna had not quite grown out of the need for her mommy stage yet, and would likely have nightmares if she could not cuddle up to her mother before falling asleep.
Kate and I left the room, and shut the door silently. Our time had finally come at last! She grinned slyly at me as she led the way from the hotel, across the parking lot and to my truck. Her tail was switching melodically back and forth like a pendalum, and her rear was swinging side to side and exposing some of her love region!
As I got into the truck with Kate, I could feel the sensation in my private area of arousal. Hoping it would not get too hard just yet, I started the truck and hurried back to the parking lot behind the residence hall. All the while listening to Kate moan now and then, obviously getting herself "ready" and making it so I could smell her scent without having to try very hard.
I parked the truck, in an instant, both Kate and I were out and heading toward the hall at a speedwalk close to a all out run. She was obviously in front of me, her whole body wriggling with anticipation! We hadn't had a night to ourselves in over a week now, it was about time!

WARNING! Strong sexual content ahead! You are warned!

Finally after what seemed like ages, we were at the door to our room. My hands shook as I fumbled with the set of keys, trying to locate the one to this particular door. Finally I found it and jammed it forcefully into the keyhole and unlocked it swiftly, swinging the door open wide. Kate scampered inside and jumped into the bed; I shut the door quickly, and set the deadbolt and returned the keys to my pocket. I stode across the room, snatched the curtains, and swiftly drew them shut. That way nobody from the rooms next door could peer from their windows; into ours, and possibly see us in the act!

"Oh don't you look like a stud tonight!" Kate complimented, once again in that deep, romantic tone of hers.
I grinned at her, "I don't have to try Kate!"
Kate laughed at this, before moving her paw toward her region and began to toy with her spot, moaning quietly.
The next instant flashed before me, and I was no longer in garments, and was climbing into position on top of my beautiful mate. I positioned my elbows on the mattress beside her shoulders, and used my hands to caress her face, and rub her ears. I kissed her on the lips briefly, before making my way down to her throat area.
"You get your way tonight baby!" Kate said softly, nudging my head with her nose.
I sniffed her neck, it smelled so nice, I began to kiss and lick her here. It was quite ticklish to Kate and I felt her giggling and squirming around with joy. I then placed my lips on her neck, and blew hot air. I knew this trick for quite some time now! Kate went crazy for it!
"Ohh Jon! I knew this was coming! Oh my!"
Then I felt the all-too familiar feeling of her beginning to lick the top of my head feverishly and lovingly.

Even though I was fully aroused by now, and my member rubbed against her love spot, I was still enjoying the foreplay a whole lot. Still I continued to repeatedly blow hot air onto various spots on her neck. This was really fun! The more I did it the quicker she licked my head and the louder she moaned!
This continued for about 15 to 30 minutes, when I finally decided to change to something else. Kate pretended to be overly relieved that I had quit blowing hot air on her neck by panting heavily and wagging her tail.
"What now sweetheart?"
"Oh you will see!" I exclaimed, switching ends so that my hips were above her head, and so my head was directly in line with her girl parts! I could smell her tempting, wonderful smells, my mouth watered.
"Okay Kate, you know what to do!" I exclaimed before going down on her and licking around her region. I felt Kate doing the same to me, before taking me full inside her mouth and grabbing hold of my thighs and working me in and out of her wet mouth slowly. It felt so good! The 69 position was one of my all time favorite "erotic play" positions and it was even better when I got to be on top which rarely ever happened!
As gently as I could manage, I thrusted in and out of her mouth so she would not have to keep using her own forelegs to do so. This felt really nice, I could feel the deep-throat sensation as her lips came into contact with my sack before going up again. Erotic slop sounds escaped her mouth and she moaned with each time I would insert my tongue into her and move it around, and toy with her clit, tasting her sweet and sour juices. I then felt Kate pushing me up and out of her mouth.
"Hey could you go a little faster pretty please?" She asked innoccently.
"Oh yeah Kate you know it! Hehe!"
Kate wagged her tail and without another word, pulled my member back into her mouth, and I began to take faster strokes. Feeling her tongue working, and rapidly licking the tip each time it went in along with the shaft too.
Realizing that I was not returning the favor to Kate, I dove down onto her region and began to pleasure her to the point where I could feel her claws begin to grip my things a little painfully. I knew she would soon be orgasming in my face. I also knew that the same thing would be happening to me eventually. I could feel the sensations building within my testicles.

Thankfully now; I had trained myself to be able to ejaculate up to 3 times in one session so I did not worry of losing stamina, and contiuned to move at a steady pace in and out of Kate's mouth.
After about 10 more minutes, I could feel that same sensation rising to it's climax. Kate was doing the same, she now gripped my thighs hard enough to draw blood, but I had trimmed her claws only a few days before so none of that would happen.
I heard a muffled moan behind me; and a explosion of Kate's wet, warm, and sticky cum hit my face like a firehose. Without even thinking it was going to happen just then, my climax came and could feel it spurting into Kate's mouth.
"Oh baby! Oh Kate that feels so nice! Yeah!" I exlaimed as she continued to suck it up, she pulled me down so that the only things not all the way inside her mouth was my testicles. I could feel her tongue continue to stimulate the tip of my member as cum shot out of it still.
I went down on Kate again, and licked all the cum from her region, savoring the sweet taste! I knew my face, and decent portion of my hair was drenched in it, but all I could reach was around my lips. Kate would lick the rest off though, she loved her own taste!
I was no longer ejaculating as hard now, but still it came now and then in smaller quantaties than before. Kate was moaning with joy; not just from me stimulating her region, but from the simple pleasure of enjoying her favorite thing to eat!
I then felt her swallow, a big gulp indeed. Kate must have managed to hold her breath, and store up a big portion of cum at the same time! Once again, I felt her gently push my thighs up, and release me from her mouth. Kate panted and trembled with excitement.
"That was yummy!" She exclaimed, "what did you think?"
I quit eating her out and said, "it felt wonderful you sexy Alpha! You tasted great too!"
I pointed at my hair, and Kate noticed the mess she had made of my face and wagged her tail.
"Ohh! More yummy cum of mine as a dessert!" She exlaimed.

Then with a little effort, we got out of the 69 position, and this time I lay on my back. Kate clambored on top of me, and began to clean my face off. I could feel her wet love spot pushing against my shaft and my desire to be inside her doubled, but I would wait until she was done cleaning me up first.
It was not much longer and she was done, she had made sure not to miss any of it either!
"Okay stud! What do you have for me now?" Kate said sexily.
I grinned mischieviously at her and was silent. I reached down and grabbed my throbbing member with my left hand, and gently eased Kate up with my right before inserting myself into her. She gently slid down so it was all the way inside her, her face twisted in pleasure and soft moans escaping her.
"Oh hell yeah!" Kate moaned.
"You got that right!" I exclaimed, grabbing hold of her rear assets, and slowly motioning her up and down. The wet, tight feeling surged through my body and into my heart. This was an amazing feeling, words could not describe it really.
Kate's tongue lolled out the side of her mouth as I made her go faster, louder moans escaped her.
"Oh yeah Kate! So tight baby! Ohhh!"
"Ah! Uh! Uh! Uh! Fuck yes Jon this is fucking great! Owwwoooooohhhh!" Kate howled in exquisite pleasure as she bounced up and down on top of me.
Loud gasps and groans were all that could esacpe me now, my body was hot and starting to sweat like a fountain. The bed bounced and shook all over, creaking loudly. I would be amazed if someone could not hear us right now.
Still I held Kate by the rear and rode her on me harder. Her fur atop her head was bouncing wildly, her tail swung about madly, hitting the wall and mattress from time to time.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! Jon I am CUMMING!" Kate squealed out.
"Oh baby, cum for me! Make this bad boy even badder! Oh Kate!"
I felt the hot squirting sensations and Kate howled once more, cum exploded all over myself and the mattress.
Then without warning, another explosive orgasm struck me too. I jammed my feet hard against the bed's frame at the end of my feet, as I filled Kate up with cum as she still continued to do the same.
"Oh baby!" I exclaimed; moving my arms from her rear, and around her shoulders, and pulling myself up into a sitting position with her held tightly to my torso.

Kate moaned, and panted hard, I did the same, the back of my throat felt like sandpaper now. We looked deep into each others' eyes as the climax's continued.
We moved closer and our noses rubbed before we kissed passionately and waited for time to lapse. I rubbed her back and massaged her neck while we kissed, saliva flowing through our mouths bringing back the much needed moisture. I felt our chests rubbing, being this close was such a treat, nothing could compare to it ever.
I moved my hands away from her neack, and held her face, stroking the tender areas below her closed eyes.
We were connceted in a fasion that I like to refer to as "The Intimate Tie", our bodies were connected and it seemed like nothing would ever separate them, and we romantically kissed and consoled each other in such a way that was undescribeable. If it was possible, I would have stayed like this with her for eternity if I could. I knew she was feeling the same, when we romanced we became one and nothing else mattered anymore. Not the next day's classes, or the homework assignments that would rack my brain, these among other things too many to list.
Kate kissed me back in a soft, but wanton manner still. I returned the favor and we stayed together with our lips locked, and our love regions interlocked for probably at least a half hour.

Then just like that, the special moment ended as they always had in the past. The kiss finally broke, and reality came back to us. My member was going soft, and Kate's inner muscles were relaxing back to their normal state. I looked into her brown eyes, and smiled with satisfaction. "Thank you Kate for the best birhtday I have ever had!"
"Oh you are so very welcome sweetheart!" Kate exlaimed, licking me gently.
"I am tired now!" I laughed; pulling out of her slowly, and laying Kate down on the mattress, where she began the clean up process on herself. I sat next to her and watched curiously as she worked her tongue around and cleaned.
In no time at all she finished and then cleaned me up also.
After this was all done, I got ready for bed and lay down next to Kate on top of the covers. I was still too hot to go beneath them yet.

That night we talked ourselves to sleep finally at around 5 in the morning. Luckily for me, my first class was not until 10:15 AM. I woke in a groggy state obviously, but felt great as ever! Even the note taped to my dorm room door explaining about the several noise complaints the front desk had gotten from the previous night could not alter my mood one bit! It was just a warning and no fine would be issued this time!
I was grinning from ear to ear as I walked into my Reading II class that day, some of my classmates tried to ask why, but I could not tell them. Instead I just lied and said I had woke up in an unusually happy mood and really did not know how to explain it!
added by katewolf68
added by hank666
Source: Google Images, i edited the pic
added by hank666
Source: Google Images, i edited the pic
added by katewolf68
added by katewolf68
added by omegawolf
added by centurion64
added by EightySix
added by katewolf68
added by SentinelPrime89
added by JennaStone22
added by LoneOmega
Source: jeromerocks37 on deviantart
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9