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So far the due dates had been false and Kate herself was honestly growing really impatient with people prodding at her and asking her a bunch of technical questions about when she would give birth to her and her mate Jon's son. Finally she gently told Jon one night riding back to the campus in his truck from the grocery store that she had enough of it and would not go in and have them do anything like that again to her or her son. Jon agreed indefinately, he was sick of them also but was too kind to admit it. He just wanted the best for her. The same thing had happened to Katie also and she too was fed up, aside from her kind hearted nature.
When Jon neatly backed his pickup into his favorite and isolated parking spot near the gym and art gallery building, he got out and opened Kate's door to let her and Katie climb out. Kate got out carefully, fully aware of the life she carried inside her. Her paws touched the pavement and the pads adjusted to the coolness of it. The cold autumn air bit at her nose and face. They had been enduring a recent cold spell and Kate was slowly adjusting to it. Jon was thrilled about it, he could not wait for snow! Even though it had snowed a bit the previous day which was Saturday and now it was Sunday, but it was only a "dusting" as he called it and was nothing to be impressed about. Kate agreed, born and raised in Canada she had seen her fair share of snow in her lifetime.
They made their way across the dark parking lot and onto the sidewalk that lead to Cody hall where their tiny room awaited them. Kate welcomed it though, she could not wait to jump on the cozy bed and rest. She grew tired quicker than ever now. The same was for Katie too, she took it very well it seemed, although Kate was not used to stuff like this yet.
Once inside the main door, Jon fumbled with his keys before finding the one that allowed the door to open and grant them access into the warm building. A group of kids sat on the sofas in the lounge by the office, all them quit chattering and stared at her and the other two as they made their way in. Upon a stern look from Jon they all turned away and continued with their conversation. The kids on campus learned to respect him quickly, he could leave a "don't fuck with me" impression on anyone just by giving them a glare of a certain kind. Kate did not know how he did it, when she asked he would just tell her, "it is the world I grew up in." Then that would be the end of it. Jon rarely talked about his childhood much, Kate knew not to ask either unless he brought it up.

After climbing two flights of stairs and going down a couple hallways, she reached the door to the room and waited for Jon to unlock it. Once he did she immidiately jumped on the bed and lay down near the pillow, Katie did the same and settled down near the foot of the bed in her spot. Both were really tired. Jon wasn't though yet and decided to read his book for awhile. He turned the light on at his desk behind the pillows and lay down next to her, and folded one of the pillows in half to support his head higher, he then cracked open the book and began reading. Kate watched him for awhile, his mouth moved silently with the words he was reading. Eventaully though she kept dozing and then rested her head between her forepaws and fell into a light slumber.
Around 45 minutes later she guessed, Kate felt the bed moving and Jon had closed his book, and gotten up and shut off the desk light, then stretched.
"Well girls I am going to head off to the computers downstairs and check up on things on Fanpop, I will be back in an hour or so."
"Okay honey I love you," Kate said. Jon then bent down and gave her and Katie a kiss and then left, before closing the door he shut off the main light and quietly locked the door. Kate listened as his footsteps grew quieter as he walked down the hall.
Kate then rested her head between her forepaws yet again and went back to sleep, listening to the small refridgerator humming near the wardrobe, working hard to keep all of their beverages cold.

When Jon returned a few hours later; Kate knew it was early in the morning, she pretened to be asleep though, she figured Katie was doing the same. Jon muttered a few things quietly under his breath, Kate could make one out clearly, "fucking trolls!" That explained why he had been gone so long, a troll had invaded the club and he along with all the others had been working hard to fight him off and get him banned.
Kate worried about him, he spent too much time on there some nights. Mostly it was to visit with all his friends, but still Kate just wished he was here more often. Normally they would be with him but he insisted that they stay rested since they would need it for going into labor.
Kate cracked her eyes open slightly and watched him strip down to his underwear and pull out his Jeff Gordon pajama bottoms from under the pillows and pull them on. He then gently lay down next to her and put his left arm around her body. That made her feel good, knowing that he was here and nothing bad could go wrong. Jon would protect them from anything; even if it meant giving up his life for them, he would do it without question.
Kate felt his warm lips gently kiss her mouth, then she heard him say quietly, "I love you two!" She smiled, she was so happy. Everything had been going her way since the previous January when she met Jon for the first time, and now she was going to be a mom! What more could she want? Absolutely nothing; she had it all, more than she could have ever dreamed of when she lived in Jasper.
With all these merry thoughts spinning in her head, Kate finally drifted off into a deep and restful sleep.

Only a few hours later Kate jerked awake, something had just kicked her in the stomach.
"Ouch!" She exclaimed, it had done it again. Kate then realized that her puppy was kicking around inside her, she also felt strange sensations around her crotch area. Kate glanced between her legs and saw that there was some blood down there, she was about to give birth!
It was then she noticed Katie was awake too and seemed to be experiancing similar symptoms.
"I think they are ready to come out!" Katie exclaimed quietly.
"I do too!" Kate responded.
They both jumped out of bed and onto the bed across the room where Jon had specifically made their bed for having puppies on, it was made up of old towels and newspapers. Jon had explained to them that it would probably be pretty messy. Kate wondered if she should wake him? Knowing he was deeply asleep and it would take a lot of effort she decided not to, he would wake up in time she was certain about that.

Painful throbs began to tingle in her region, Kate yelped quietly and began to lick herself feverishly to soothe it. Katie was doing the same. Kate felt bad for her in severaly ways, she was younger than Kate and had never felt things like this before, but she seemed to be taking it well.
Contractions down there began to shake her body, they hurt and Kate could not help but let out wimpers here and there. Knowing she was going to be a mom soon, Kate was happy this was happening to her. Then she felt something move toward the opening of her vagina suddently, stretching it further than anything she had ever had inside her.
"Ahhh! Oh my!"
This pain was excruciating, the sensations of it drew tears to her eyes, but when she looked down she was delighted with what she saw. Half of the pup's head and upper body had emerged, surrounded by the delicate afterbirth. Kate's instincts were telling her what to do now, and she nudged forwared and began to lick the pup to clean it of afterbirth.
Now the pain did not bother her anymore, she was overyjoyed with delight at what she was seeing! The pup squeaked now and then, signifying that he was healthy. One more push and he was all the way out, the pain finally subsiding in her vagina.
Kate worked hard, licking him clean as she could, his fur was dark and she did not know his color, but knew it would take time to tell.
While all this had been happing, Katie too was doing the same, except her pup was not all the way out yet. She was licking it's head and upper body at the moment.

Finally when Katie's pup was out too, they both looked at each other with excitement, wagging their tails. They were moms now! Jon was a dad who did not even know it yet! Kate hopped off the bed and strolled across the room to his bed, and nudged Jon's face with her pointy nose.
"Wake up sleepy head!" Kate said softly, nudging him harder, it typically took a lot to wake him up sometimes. Eventually his eyes fluttered opened, he looked at her lazily.
"Guess what? Your a dad!" Kate exclaimed.
It took Jon awhile to register the words in his sleepy head, but soon his expression brightened and a huge grin touched his lips. He got out of bed and scooped Kate up into his arms.
"I knew it Kate! I can't believe this day has come already! I don't think I have ever been happier!"
"Oh Jon me too!" Kate said nudging the top of his head. When Jon let her down again, she jumped back on the bed, he knelt down beside them.
"What shall we name them?" Jon asked them both.
"I want to name him after you Jon," Kate explained. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me and he deserves to have such a noble and handsome name!"
"Okay so Jon Jr. it is then! What about you Katie? What shall we name our daughter?"
Katie shook her head, "I really don't know she said, you come up with something and see if I like it."
Jon pondered for a few minutes before an idea came to him.
"How about LaDonna?" He asked Katie.
"Why I think it is a fine name!" Katie exlaimed.
"Yep it sure is! That was what my mom's name was!"
With that Kate and Katie both began nursing their young, Jon Jr. suckled gently on one of Kate's teats. Kate smiled and watched him, so delicate and so beautiful. When he finished he let out a small yawn and balled up against her warm stomach. Kate curled up around him and tucked her nose beneath her tail, keeping him insulated and protected from anything. The motherly instinct had alrady kicked in and she had grown very protective of him. Kate's eyes shot across the room to Jon who had climbed back into bed and fallen back to sleep again. Kate closed her eyes with a smile on her face, her dreams were filled of nothing but happiness and joy that night, knowing that she had brought in a new life to this world.
So, here it goes.

1. The idea of them moving was just... dumb to me. They are wolves, the PREDATORS, not the prey. Tough it out. There are rogues, yes. But they are worries about the pups getting hurt or stolen again. THEY SHOULDN'T BE PUPS ANYMORE!!! The average wolf is fully mature within 8-14 months, NOT 4-5 years!

2. The fact that the wolves have a understanding of most things human is creepy... they can drive, know what tech is, they know how to drive, they know what 'cola' is... what??? Just... no. They shouldn't even know what tech IS. Even if they did, they should have their own word...
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posted by AlphawolfAlisha
October. 6, 2010

Kashuru was going through the whole day off and on her own. It was great to see she has been in a pack of the alpha and omega. So she continued on walking to the waterfall and goes in and paws first in the water. Then settled in and relax and enjoy the weather as the warm sun sets on her beautiful golden brown fur.

Kashuru: ahh yea that feels good to me

soon as the hour has passed she finally got out and dries off on a rock * lays down with belly facing the sun and then flip to her back to the sky *

Kashuru: mmmm that is what I like to do in a time like this.

However Humphrey...
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posted by runt-the-omega
Hey im runt, Humphreys pup, im good at climbing trees and i saved daria. i got into trouble once with the rouges. thats all i can think of. well and the fact im 2 minutes younger, heh. also, i wasn't afraid of that ghost because, im the king of the forest. just hope daria is fine. im also the runt of the litter (well you can tell). (IS THIS MAKING ME WRITE A ESAY?) sorry. i have a bro called stinky and a sis called claudette. stinky is... well.... idk but claudette is the best runner, we wouldn't of won the great wolf games without her.
posted by TonyxWinston
Hi I'm new to Fanpop and this is my first Fanfiction on here. So here it goes.

Winston POV

"The nerve of that Bitch!" I yelled walking in the woods.

Eve thinks I can't do anything and butts into my private business. Eve is always giving me commands and always taking over when I've the situation under control. And Thing I hate the most is when she threatens everyone.
You don't need to threaten everyone to make sure the pack is safe.
I hate Eve, I never loved her. I only married Eve so I can get my family off my back. I don't even like girls like that, I like boys. I like Tony.
I loved Tony ever...
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added by bossyalpha
added by HUMPHRY
Source: who ever drew it
added by HUMPHRY
Source: Who ever made it
Shadow Of A Past
Chapter 4
Troubles a brewing

It is now early fall, And Shadow has been going back to train with Nonvul Grohiik. His aunt and cousin both Know of his Training. He Is still Try to hang with Sarah. But sapphire has proven him self to be a nuisance, constantly Bullying Shadow. Shadow is about 19 now, which is preteen Now.

My Pov:
"Shadow come here!" Yelled Aunt Faith. "Yes ma'am?" I answered. "I need to tell you about your Mom and sister." I knew that I was close to the age to be told. At least thats what I thought.
"Ok! Tell me everything. Don't give me No censored crap I want...
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posted by shadow-omega
It was morning in Jasper but all the wolfs were asleep except for two. Kate and Kyle had woken up early for their journey to start. They had said goodbye to their friends if they didn't come back and also to say goodbye to their parent. After they did all that they met up at Kyle's den.

Kate walked in seeing Kyle waiting ready to go. "So are you ready to go Kyle?" Kate asked

Kyle then turned around and walked up to her. "Yes sweet heart I am ready" Kyle said giving Kate a kiss on the lips. "So where are we going to start"

"I say we take the train and stay there for awhile" Kate said with a smile....
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added by JennaStone22
added by katewolf22158
added by katewolf22158
added by katewolf22158
added by HUMPHRY
added by bossyalpha
posted by Rockowolf123
WARNING: Rocko gets a little drunk and alcohol is bad if your under age 21 MEANS 21

Rocko climbed the mountain and looked for princess
Hay baby '' he said a little tippsey
As they started Rocko thought ''I have not howled in years''
But Princess was stund by his talented voice
After the howl Rocko took princess somewhere quiet
I love you Rocko i still cant believe you recignized me its been years sence alpha school'' princess said
I know'' Rocko said
You don't look to different except for that scar on your eye'' princess said
Let me take your body to paridice'' Rocko whispered
Sir we captured an enemy soldier'' Hutch said as he brought in the Russian
Th3y al1 m0st d1e 100934501610
You I know you ... Vorkuta'' the Russian said
Rocko punched him
Don't remind me of Vorkuta'' Rocko said
I brainwashed y...ou'' was the Russian's final word
Oh no'' Rocko said
I had the idea of this in mind for sometime and I'm nearly done with this now. I spent the time watching A&O2 to collect all the quotes, then I turned it into a fanfiction as we never got an official novelization of A&O2 (unlike the original).

I will note that it isn't just what happened in the movie. I also added things I'd expected to happen when heard about a sequel or wanted to happen after I watched it a second time. And some of the events of the story were added just so it would seem like a prequel to my version of "The Great Wolf Games" (that shows, obviously somewhat, what I...
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added by SiberianWolf
posted by Rockowolf123
It was a butieful day in jasper but runt was upset''why are you so down buddy'' said Garth ''I miss uncle Rocko he has been gone for weeks'' Garth understood that that were very close ''he should be here tomorrow'' said Garth ''and he's going to rest at grandpa Winston's den'' runt knew Rocko's den was to far out by the lake half a mile away''maby you can ask to stay the night'' Garth said''ok I'll see you later uncle Garth'' said runt running home
Back with Kate
''Hay mom can I stay at grandpa's tonight'' exclaimed runt ''sure Rocko will be there I'm sure you want to see him after his big hunting...
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Hutch, Kate, the pups, Cando, Lee, Daryl, and Humphrey are the only few surviving, but might also lose Humphrey with possibly a infected bit ankle, Hutch and the rest were walking with three different wolves heading to where the wolves came from.
Hutch was in front of the group talking to the leader or in this case the higher rank of the group, the pups were lying on Kate's back still scared and sad from what happened back at the Wall-Mart and Kate was walking right behind Hutch, the rest were talking to the other two wolves who was carrying Humphrey who couldn't walk from the pain from his...
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