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???: "NO! of course not you imbecile! i only wish! one of the wolves that escaped with him! say to crystal.......kevin and she will know what you mean! watch your back! cause it will be bleeding before you know it............(static)"

i put the phone down with a hard thud and looked round to all in the room with utter dread on my face that had turned white as a sheet. my empty feeling was eating me up inside. i rushed hurredly to the window from which i believed him to be outside. crystal worried, in tears behind me wondering what the hesitant worried hurry was.

crystal: "Daniel?! DANIEL!! whats going on?"

i turned around from the window and its unclear vision that also somehow symbolised my own unclear mind and i reluctantly looked into crystals eyes trying to calm her down. i was so afraid to tell her, sweat balling from my forhead down my face like tears from my brain.

me: "crystal? you must promise not to panic ok!"

crystal nodded her head still in tears and as i wiped them gently away from the bottom of her eyelids i spoke, as to how loud i was, or how clear my words were: i couldnt care. i just spoke.

me: " of them has found us"

johannes: "what?!"

Candy: "im scared johannes! hold me!"

i could see johannes and candy out of the corner of my eye in terror, holding each other as if it was the end of the world. crystal grabbed me tight and for a log while woulnt let go. we unlocked from the tight comforting embrace.

me: "crystal....there is something else i need to tell must answer this question to the best of your ability ok!?"

crystal nodded with yet more tears dropping to the ground from her cheek, i wiped the tears away form her face once more and asked her the question, holding her face gently as i asked.

Me: "crystal, the wolf on the was one of the wolves that escaped with the scar wolf. tell me if you remember this name ok, the name is KEVIN"

crystal wimpered as if in pain as the flash backs plagued her mind, i could see it in her eyes as they shut tight and she fell to the floor as if in a fit. quick as a flash they stopped and she lay there motionless and still as if half dead.

me: "crystal, CRYSTAL!!! DARLING!! PLEASE! ARE U OK! say something!lover?!"

crystal's eyes flickered as if a sign of her life stiff hanging in the balance.

crystal: "daniel? i saw him, he was there during the..... he chased me down and.....the first time i was.....before you came and......(cry)....he was the first one to ever rape me. he was so nice at first, like a friend....then he changed and he....."

me: "he was the first one many times did they rape you before i rescued you?"

crystal: "i cant remember exactly but...i remember vicious gang rapes, i can still feel the pain and the horror! they raped me about 29 times!"

i looked into her eyes when she said 29 times, the pain eminating from those windows to the soul was intense, i felt everything. it was then i decided i wasnt going to wait around for them to find us. my anger grew inside me like a raging inferno ready to burn all who stand in its way.
i had an army of loyal friends...not even, they were family to me and they would stick by my side through thick and thin.

me: "johannes? did you bring any of that special weapon armoury you were tlling me about a couple of months back?"

johannes: "i brough over my SVD dragunov with about 30 rounds"

me:" perfect haha!"

the phone rang another time, the same dreaded ring tone as before, this time though....i was ready! i picked up the phone and greeted the other end. the voice replied as i expected.

Kevin:"awwww...what happened! did the little bitch die before i could get to her? dont worry, ill find a good use for her dead body...MY CUM BAG!"

Me: "she isnt dead! she is very much alive and you wont be VERY SHORTLY!"

kevin: "oh really well lets just see, i am kevin and im watching you from your street!"

we looked out the window to the street to see absolutly nothing.

kevin: "i am kevin, im watching you from inside your house!"

my shocked expression told all.

me: "hes inside the house everyone, close living room door and gate and bolt it and johannes, ready the SVD!"

i listened in again to the phone speaker.

kevin:"that wont save you! cause im already in the room! i am kevin the ghost wolf and im standing right next to you!"

the shocked expresions on everyones faces meant only one thing, he really was standing right next to me. i slowly looked round to see his bloodied grin and a sharp row of teeth aiming for my neck. i swung my arm up infron of my face to black the bite. the bite grabbed my arm instead, the sharp teeth ripping at my skin, the blood seeping out of his mouth and the flesh being torn away from my arm bone. i fell to the floor in agony.

me: "SHOOT HIM!"

the SVD shots flew right past kevin shaving the fur off his back, quick as a flash he lunged for johannes.candy lloked on in horror and out of nowhere jumped to save her beloved.

candy: "NOOOOO!!!" she shouted as she jumped in the way of kevins lunge, kevins teeth biting into her chest.

candy fell to the floor in a bloodied heap and was quyickly dragged away by crystal to a safe spot.

johannes: "CANDY NOOOO!!" he looked at her bleeding body for a split second; for him must have taken hours because the shock of seeing her lying there in agony took on his barely coping soul. i could see in his eyes that he was raging up inside and with one swell swoop of the gun up from his side to the scope, he aimed down towards kevins ugly mug and fired.the bullet seemed to go slow-mo as the bullet flew through the air splintering kevins head in two, blood eminated from the hole that the bullet left and as he fell to the ground; the blood pouring onto the carpet with candy bleeding in the corner he ran to Candies side.

me: "oh GOD!"

crystal: "CANDY!"

johannes: "candy! candy! speak to me! r u ok?!"

candy: "(cough, cough!) johannes?! whats going on?"

johannes: "youll be ok, he's dead now, kevins dead! i need to get you to a hospital ok?!"

candy: "ok, be quick, i still want to spend more of my life with you!i dont wanna die now!"

30 mins later

the ambulance came along with the death of a long hated enemy i didnt even know about until this morning. johannes and candy (with the last of her strength) waved good bye as the ambulance took them away. we went back inside the house to clean up the blood and found the SVD that killed kevin with a note on it from johannes. it read....

johannes: "dear metal wolf and crystal, this SVD is your probably need it more than i do...ive got way more of those things back home anyway lol. see ya some other time when candy is better and i pray for your safety.
your loyal comrade johannes and candy.

me and crystal looked at each other in amazement. we cleared up the blood and picked a place for the dragunov to hang and we sat down for a well deserved rest, cadling in each others arms.

kevin might have been dead but this was not enough to ensure our lives were in no kind of harm. this truly was the end of the our safety and more worryingly....the end of crystals.
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added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
Source: omegawolf
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9