Alpha and Omega Club
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It was hard beating the swarm of Alpha Shades but they did it Xi, Humphrey, Lilly, Kate, Garth, Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ryan, Ghastly, Fletcher, Tanith, China, Pedro, Nico, Blu, Jewel, Blade and Water had done it and at that same moment Fire and the Doctor came out of the cave “Right Fire has the power in him now so he now have a chance against Alpha and Artimus” said the Doctor, Xi smiled and said “Good now we can put phase two of my plan” Humphrey then raised his eyebrow “What’s phase two?” he asked.
Alpha was furious when he got the report that his death squad was defeated by simple mortals but they had his brother with them so he knew that none of the squad would come back he also knew Xi’s greatest weakness Xi had a secret that if let out would drive Xi to suicide so Alpha began to hatch a plan to get the secret out.
Xi, Fire, Humphrey, the Doctor and Fletcher where all standing in a line arm in arm with each other “You sure that this plan will work?” asked Blade to Xi who replied “Almost theoretical it will work it’s never been done before though so I’m not sure what the results will be” the rest of the team wished them good luck and then they teleported to the TARDIS and walked towards it when a group of Alpha Shades led by the Wolf Ninja appeared in front of them “Not so fast Alpha and the dark lord don’t want you doing that so we have to kill you” he said and then thirty more Alpha Shades surrounded Xi, Fire, the Doctor, Humphrey and Fletcher.
Back at Jasper
Kate looked out to the sky hoping that they’d come back safely but now she knew nowhere on Earth is safe then Garth and Lilly walked up to her “They’ll be ok sis you’ll see” said Lilly putting her paw on Kate’s shoulder then Kate turned to her and smiled to her. Tanith walked up to Skulduggery and Valkyrie “You know that Xi got that Remnant out of me” she said, Skulduggery turned to her “No, Ghastly only said that the Shadow Sorcerers- South America Squad (SS-RS) got it out of you” he said then Valkyrie turned to him “the Shadow Sorcerers?” she said the Blu flew in “Yes that’s our team the Shadow Sorcerers are a group of people with magic that hide the evidence of your existence Xi is the main leader and the wolves here are the Canada Squad” he said then they all looked at each other then Tanith said “I don’t think they know that yet” the China walked in followed by Ghastly and Ryan “well then we need to tell them” said China then they all nodded and walked off.
Back at the TARDIS
Xi, Humphrey, Fire, Fletcher and the Doctor were surrounded by Alpha Shades all lead by the Wolf Ninja but Xi is not the one to give up his eyes glowed green and he charged and at that moment Marcel and Paddy flew in armed with golf clubs and followed by two dogs with their help the Alpha Shades were no match “Balto?” said Xi looking at the grey dog “And Jenna, now you come” the Balto looked at him “Sorry time portal refused to work and we got attacked by Alpha Shades lead by Steele” he said then Marcel walked in front of Balto to Xi “Right yes but if you have a plan to stop Alpha Xi you need to do it now” he said “yes very good sir” said Paddy walking beside him “Ah yes um, Fire I need to wire you up to the TARDIS” he said then the Doctor walked up to him “That’s crazy that will blow a hole in the Vortex who knows what will happen” he said “I’ll do anything to kill Artimus” said Fire “Son it’s too dangerous you’re the only biological member of my family I have left” said Humphrey fear in his eye “Come on Dad it’s me or the universe” Fire replied then Humphrey nodded and they walked in.
There was a noise of troops marching towards the waterfall and Garth ran through it to where the team was hiding “Alpha *gasp* Shades *gasp” he said then Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ghastly and Ryan click their fingers and flame came over them “Wait your all element masters” said Water raising an eyebrow “No we’re elementals, we control four elements, element masters control six” said Ryan as they all ran out of the waterfall, leaving Lilly, Garth, Water, China, Blade, Blu, Jewel, Nico and Pedro in the cave.
“Right so I give out a burst of energy into the vortex and that will reverse Artimus destroying the world?” asked Fire, wires around his body linking him to the TARDIS “Yey that what were hoping what we need you to do is think about the last two months” said Xi moving his phone away from his hand “what are you doing?” asked Fletcher “Well I placing an order for some protective clothing from Elder Bespoke, I’ll need it in the future” Xi replied putting his phone away “Right here we go, guys if we fail and blow up the TARDIS I would like to say it’s been a privilege to work with you” said Humphrey and Xi smiled and pulled a leaver and the TARDIS dematerialised, in the Vortex Xi put his hands to the side of Fire’s head helping him through with work.
Back at Jasper
The rest of the team had been reunited as they were being surrounded by Alpha Shades and Hosts and Lilly saw Winston, Tony, Eve, Mooch, Salty and Shakey eyes as black as the night sky and it made a tear run down her check “Guys there’s something you need to know” said Tanith to the wolves “You guys are the Shadow Sorcerers- Canada Squad” then Lilly, Garth, Water and Blade looked up at her mouths open “Xi leads a number of teams called the Shadow Sorcerers and you are the Canada Squad” said Jewel “Like we are the Rio Squad” then Artimus walking in his wolf form followed by Alpha and the Wolf Ninja “NOW YOU WILL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO FRIENDS OF XI OMEGA” said Artimus giving out an evil lifting his paw as lightning formed around it.
Xi opened the doors and Fire stood just on the edge and gathered up his power his eyes glowing gold and at the far end of the Vortex Alpha Shades were approaching “FIRE IF YOU WANT TO DO IT YOU NEED TO DO IT NOW!” shouted Jenna and Fire nodded and he gave out a blast of energy and then the Vortex began to spin. At Jasper the effects were worse wind and lighting was swirling around making a portal back to the Dark Dimension that would suck up the Alpha Shades and Artimus then everyone held on to each other as Blade made a black Time Shield that blocked the effects of reversing time and in no time at all two whole months had been reversed and all that remained in the area was all the wolves that had been freed from the Alpha Shades, the team and Alpha.
Later on
The Tardis landed and Xi, Humphrey, Fire, Marcel, Paddy, Fletcher and the Doctor came out “Good idea to send Balto and Jenna home to 1925 why did you though?” asked Humphrey “Well I’m not sure they had a life to live and I would just stop that from happening” said Xi as the rest of the team ran up to them and given them hugs and kisses and to Fletcher surprise Valkyrie kissed him on the lips she had broken up with him some time ago and after that they didn’t talk to each other much now they were back together then Xi noticed something Artimus was defeated but Alpha was still here so he ran to the waterfall “DOCTOR GET EVERYONE HOME!” he shouted as he ran off.
Alpha got up, as an ex-Time Knight reversing time had no effect on him so he remembered and then Xi ran to him and knocked him off his feet and when they got up a big fight between them came they threw their Time Knight power at each other “ARTIMUS WOULD OF DESTROYED YOU FOR HELPING THE ANCIENTS INPRISON HIM AND HE WILL ONCE AGAIN WHEN I RELEASE ONCE AGAIN” said Alpha giving out a telepathic blast of energy sending himself and Xi in separate directions.
UNIT base
“Well how is Xi?” asked Humphrey to Doctor Arthur Connell “Not good all his bones are shattered and his organs except his brain and heart are damaged he is also in some sort of hibernation to repair himself, it will be a while before he awakes you are all given access to see him whenever you want” he said looking at his clip board “Right thanks” said Fire and Humphrey, Fire, Lilly, Kate, Garth and Water left the base.
At train line
Blade and Humphrey were waiting for the train “So bro you sure you won’t stay?” said Humphrey “I have to keep moving looking for more like me with the power to control the darkness but help Xi” replied “So is everyone home yet?” asked Blade “Um yey and the Doctor has gone saying that his time is coming, so when will I see you again?” replied Humphrey “I don’t know but soon bro, soon” said Blade as the train came and he jumped on and disappeared
Next story- The tales of Alpha and Omega- series 2- the return
The air was becoming thick with moisture as the earth cooled with the coming of the night. The moon, climbing in the sky slowly, steadily.
The stoic situation Eight found himself in currently had quite a tension in it. These wolves didn't seem to want him here, and who could blame them, a trespasser is a trespasser, didn't matter the reason.
Eight's muscles tensed, his fur stood just a bit, his ears layed down just slightly and his eyes darted back and forth between the two as they took their starting positions on either side. He thought to try to explain himself but decided against it, remembering...
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As Eight stood there, paws frozen to the ground, prepared to face what was sure to be the fight of his life, and the last one at that, he struggled to keep his thoughts in check and his breathing in pace.
This cat was no joke, she'd rend him from on end to the other and this was not a happy thought. Most normal issues, even dire ones, Eight would easily find himself fighting his fear with a conversation, garnished lightly with jokes and as much light heartedness as he thought he could get away with. Sometimes it alleviated the issues, diffused a problem or took a friend or loved one's mind...
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The morning and Mid-day seemed to slip by as quickly as it had arrived before Eight as his trek across the country side had shown no signs of slowing.
Since he had gorged himself on chicken the night before, he had plenty of energy and by this time, still a relative grasp on his hunger - or rather, the lack thereof.
The day was spectacular so far. He had a few lucky breaks in the last week that would put even the most heavy-hearted individual in a fantastic mood. The weather was prime for a half paced gallop across the almost flat and empty land before him. It was practically an isle, his...
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 6

A while passed. Throughout all the scenery, and the constant chatter between Kelly and Ashley, Seth's new found friends, Seth completely ignored Kate. She walked behind, periodically looking up at Seth, hoping something would change. Nothing did. The sky began to darken. Seth stopped and sniffed the air. He trailed off to the side. Ashley and Kelly knew what he was doing. They didn't ask any questions. Kelly yawned. Ashley said a few words in bear speak. Finally, Seth reached a clearing. Kate smiled and nodded at him but Seth just stared back coldly. Kate stifled a tear. Ashley found...
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posted by ThatDarnHippo
Well, I saw the movie. It was accidental. Me and my friends were going to see that owl movie, but we went into the wrong room. It wasn't our fault, though, the titles were wrong. Well, we decided to just stay there because we were wondering what this movie was like.
It got a lot of laughs from the toddler sitting a few seats down. Other then that, the theater was oddly quiet. The adults had a few laughs here and there, was it was nothing like other comedies I've seen. It was way too quiet. But the movie, Alpha and Omega, didn't deserve noisy laughter anyway.
It was far too predictable. You...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
Sorry for the late update on this, sometimes I go into a hiatus with my writing. Hope you like it.

New Arrival

Lina ended up getting off work early so Humphrey didn't have to hang around long.
“So you've never been to the city?” Lina shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat as she lead Humphrey downtown.
“There's a first time for everything.” Humphrey, trying to look at everything, nearly walked into a lamp post. Lina hid a laugh and came to a stop in front of a run down building that was once a clean apartment building. The roof was caved in on one side, windows were broken, the path...
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posted by Marc0201
Kate, Humphrey, Garth and Lilly notice that Butch growling at them (if I get the name wrong, don't blame me ok?).
"What should we do?" Kate asked.
"Run." Humphrey answered.
"O.K." they all said and started running through the woods. They didn't notice that Butch wasn't chasing them but they kept on running. Kate was looking behind her to see if he was chasing them, but then ran into something.
"Kate!" Humphrey yelled. They stopped running because they knew that butch wasn't chacing them anymore, but to help Kate.
"Hey! Watch where your goin'!" the man said.
"Sorry but were running from someone,"...
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posted by Marc0201
One day, Kate and Lilly were walking through the forest when they spotted a temple with the doors open showing a crystal. Couriously, they entered the temple.
"Wow!" they both said in excitment.
"What is this?" Kate asked Lilly.
"I don't know, but i think Garth knows, wait here."
"Wait What!" Kate yelled to Lilly, but Lilly was too far for her to listen, so Kate stayed there. Then Kate got Curious and touched the crystal, but it yanked her onto the crystal! Then the crystal started glowing and pushed her at the wall. She then fell unconscious.
Later she slowly woke up to someone saying "Mam? Mam?"...
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The next morning in the town of Osoyoos where they stayed in a Wall-mart which was filled with food and supplies. Hutch was talking with Cando and Kate Hutch:" we should stay here until we run out of stuff again" Kate:" yeah I think the pups would be happy here and not on some road that they don't know", Cando:" and this is a good spot for us because since with that lake over there in that park we won't run low on water" Kate:" yeah but It's not going to be much when winter gets here, and it's already getting cold out here" everybody kept quiet when a cold breeze ran through their fur. Hutch:"...
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posted by Metallica1147
Based off the sceen from the TV show from Adult Swim, Metalocalypse. Enjoy.(Viewer Discretion is advice)

Humphrey, Garth, Hutch, Candu, and Salty (Who are in anthro form) are at a grocery store for the first time doing their own shopping.

Humphrey: *Gasps* What's this place called?

Hutch: I is, I believe called, "Food Library." Food, Food, Library.

Humphrey: Foooood Liiiibr-

Salty: Its called a grocery store, you DOUCHEBAGS! I'm sorry about Douchebags, they got...cut low blood sugar.

Garth: Alright, here's the deal. We have to do our own shopping so we can make our own dinner like regular jack offs...
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Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust. Kate is LIFE.
Kate is love. Kate is lust....
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added by SentinelPrime89
Source: Jett_Backwolf
(Be warned this is not part of UNSC Love and has a completely different protagonist)(Halo 4 spoiler alert)

For us, the storm has passed, the war is over, but let us never for get those who journeyed into the howling dark... and did not return, This hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen.-Lord ackerson hood

John held the note between his index and forefinger it was his master chief insignia.

"Cortana, how long am I supposed to stay on earth?"

John forgot cortana was long gone he looked at the destroyed housing for the A.I.

"I remember how Halsey told me how you came to existence,...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
Alright, so this is my first time writing an A&O story so I apologize in advance. I want to thank link for helping me with the idea and for pushing me through my procrastination. So I hope you like it, it takes place after the first movie (since I have yet to see the second, I know how shameful of me).

Once In A Full Moon:

Humphrey finally felt like he belonged. Yes he was an Omega but now it wasn't just the other Omegas who knew him, the Alphas did too. It probably had something to do with being the mate of Eve and Winston's daughter but even then he felt like one of the luckiest wolves...
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the five armored men
the five armored men
The five men strode torwards hutch and cando and reznov the front man was wearing the anarchist brotherhood armor his emblem of a broken heart he wielded a combat knife the two men next to him wielding mini guns and tanks as emblems the final two to the left one bearing an targeting reticle as an emblem on his chest plate and a patch saying "first recon sharp shooters the last thing you never see" in bold print the final soldier with a fake arm and a lipstick kiss mark on his chest plate holding a satchel as he flung three tomahawks up and the sunlight gleamed off of them

"We saved your ass"...
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posted by humphrey21
Chapter 1.

Lily: the new year is coming. Just one more day until it will be the start of a new year. There's 365 days in a year and each and every one of those days I'm going to try and succeed in to making Humphrey fall in love with me. But one problem I have to leave Garth...

Humphrey: blackness. Comfort. The wind touching my fur. This is the life. I open my eyes and the brightness of the sun shoots at my pupils. Ow! The sunlight burns! My ear shoots up from the sound of laughter. I turn and see Kate smiling bright tail wagging fast as she laughs at me.

Kate: ohh Humphrey ur so adorable

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posted by TimberHumphrey
Winston: Kate! It's time to go.
Kate: Oh, i'm coming dad!
Humphrey: What? Where ya going?
Kate: Alpha school. It goes till spring.
Humphrey: Spring? But that's the whole winter away.
Winston: (to Humphrey) I know you're Kate's friend, Humphrey. But by next spring, she'll be a trained Alpha and the future leader of the pack. (chuckles) And no doubt, you'll be a clever Omega. Mind to keep the peace.
(Humphrey watches Kate leave)
Winston: And Humphrey, remind us all to have fun.
Humphrey: But... but...
Winston: Alphas and Omegas can't ma.... ummm, well how do they say it? Ummm...
(Humphrey smiles cutely)...
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added by KingSimba4Ever9
posted by OmegaLeader
please excuse the weird format, once I get my computer I will fix it
I remember, 5 months ago I barely joined fanpop after watching Alpha and Omega. I was new didn't know what to do until I posted my first picture. A lot of people commented and enjoyed it. It seemed like everyone had something to say and it really made my day. After awhile a lot people introduced me and we got to be really close friends because we had one "main" thing in common, we love this club and we wanted to see it prosper.
I joined one my other favorite movie's club. I felt left in conversations, no really got close,...
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posted by jason74633
Wolf: Wait!
Me: What?
Wolf: Look they're wolves that are dangerous Trust me it's not safe
Me: Who are you?
Wolf: It's Sophie.
Me: Beautiful name.
Sophie: Thanks.
Me: mine is Jason.
Then Shade and Rose which are my mom and dad come in while Sophie is sleeping
Shade: Hey son How the den.
Me: It's Alright A female is sleeping.
Rose: is she your age what's her name
Me: could be a year younger but she's pup like me mom. Her name is Sophie.
Shade: Does she mind ?
Me: She's kind and doesn't mind
Rose: Okay